S' ‘ ^ r 1— '^.':*» •%.' V.*.- ■■* • 'j -^^-W/l ,v'-£i'^- -■- H:i^BEAZEPfl1«E ... ■.AI.-44. '*• ■ -L^_. ,Li!'-....‘^. ‘M ' ?: fi^O V 41. Gennam Capture % Ito4*»i^ 4 B«rHB—Tk« Q«na«a , mand dabuad today thi lt«y raQvay ceater b«t%f)>n Kbarkor aad Oral." ba« l»«n cap- (ared aito’that the SoTlet d«ten- dera of fMtoaa !»▼« l>e«n sbat- t«r«d iBto two jfTonpa. each try ing to flee the penlnaala nnder the pounding 'blows of the luft- ’Wafte. An armada of ships, collected by the Russians for the evacua tion of their forces from Crimea, has been heajrlly attacked by air, the high command said in a apeclFl communique and 24 have been sunk or damaged. One group of Soviet troops, aaid the communique, ia trying ^■do get away via Sevastopol, the * Mg Black Sea naval base. The second group has withdrawn east to Kerch and is seeking to cross the four-mile Kerchenski straits to the Georgian mainland. The high command indicated that the Russians are giving up the defense of Crimea and are bending all efforts to evacuate their troops from the isolated peninsula. sifcijiiih lTL*0/P»OGS^IN the"st^E bP-"WHkE8” for bVERl 64 '• khiiwii'gstir* —“ m %*h r^'in|itiial a^« ftottf Iwying'lii J ' ro, tJi«j ' and Thuwdlfys ""UIIJ njiUM ail'. F^KteBOBjp.^N. c: .~|2.00pi^ofi^. ~ * V.. . ^ -I •'.Ovr. L. Bumgarner Is Claimed By Death Funeral Sunday For Prominent WilkesboroMan Leader Passes' Japan Is Expected To Act Cautiously ' Tokyo—Signs multiplied today Japan would refrain from that . . any hasty action as a result oi charge that she had hv the United Germany’s ■ been attacked States. The opinion prevailed never theless that Japan would be mere likely to accept the German rath er than the American version of incidents involving warships o those two powers in the AUilntic^ Informed quarters held the view that C,ermany would not ask Japan at this time to Invoke the axis pact. Hope Ebbs For Missinsr Sailors Washington. — Hope ebbed slowly for the nnreported crew members of the U. S. S. Reuben James, some 70 or more men- potentially the greatest lost by a regular naval ship Ihroug^ belligerent action smee the tU 18§'S« ** Throngh(;^t the long week-end ‘ the word from the naval commu nications ijerve center here was. .‘No news ... no news.’ and of ficers patiently any further tidings would be re leased iiamsdiately to anxiety.of naval wives and fami lies thiyughout the country. Order,[of O.P.M. V# J^ohibits'Certain Uses Electricity Effective today here as well as all parts of North Carolina and other southeastern states, the use L of electricity Is prohibited for ‘ certain purposes called non-es sential. Restrictions are for saving elec- to be trasmitted Book^ Wee^ -iTd Be Celebrated Here Hi- iwd. ■X Was Former Clerk of Court, Representative and Mem ber Of State Senate I Funeral and burial services for Lilnville Bumgarner, one of Wilkes county’s leaders for many years, were held yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the Wllkesboro Bap tist church. Mr. Bumgarner died Saturday morning at The Wilkes hospital following attack of apop lexy. He had been in feeble health for more than a year. The services attended by one of the largest crowds of people to assemble for a funeral service in Wllkesboro In many years, was conducted by the pastor of the deceased. Rev. Sloan Guy, assist ed by Rev J. L. A. Bumgarner, and Judge Johnson J. Hayes. Special music wes rendered by the quartet composed of J. B, Henderson, Dewey Minton. W. A. Stroud, and R. R. Church. Mrs. R. B. Prevette was accompanist. Judge Hayes paid a beautiful tribute to the life of Mr. Bum- ; garner, and read the following obituary: I “Linville Bumgarner was born nerr Millers Creek, Wilkes coun ty, July 7th, 1867, and died in the Wilkes Hospital the morning of j November 1st, 1941, at the age of Meeting Called For 7:30 P-|74 years^ 3 months, and 24 days. M. At City JHWLF6T AH f He was the son ^ late Rev. 'Appointed Worker ! James U. Bumgarner, Methodist 1—. |H mm 'HHm — BBjUII 1^919 L. Bumgarner, for nuuiy derades prominent In public life In WUke^, died Satnnlay morning. He wa.s a former clerk of Wilkes court, repre sentative, .'date senator, and deputy clerk of federal i-ourU Workers For Red; Cross Roll Call Toi Meet on Thursday! Meeting of all Red Cross work ers for the annual roll call in Wilkes has been called to be held Thursday evening, 7:30 o’clock, -t the city hall here, Dr. John M', Kincheloe, Jr., roll call chairman, said today. All who were appointed to have any part in the canvass, town or rural, including schools, are asked to pttend the meeting and anyone else interested will: be welcome, Dr. Kincheloe said. • Workers hare been named by' Hincher James U. Bumgarner, minister, and Phoebe Bumgarner. “He joined the church in his early youth and became one of the stalwart sons of the South In the midst of its reconstruction from a devasting Civil War by using every opportunity and all his strength In his own promo tion to a high and intelligent Christian life, which he main tained faithfully until disease struck him down. “He was educated in the pub lic schools of Wilkes county. Book Week Bek: Observed In City Artistic Displays In City Schools In Observance Of Book Week Here The most elaborate celebration of N.-tional Book Week in North Wllkesboro school’s history got underway as winners in the Pos ter Contest were named. A com mittee of judges consisting of Mrs. W'att Cooper, Mrs. C. G. Day, and Ray Erwin announced winners as follows: Primary— Neal Key. Ray Ashley, Fred Ashley, and Z. W. Wiles; Junior High* school—Travis Lee Hutch inson and Eddie Shook: High school—David Weiborn% B. J. Robinson and Mildred Stafford. Two special assemblies will be held on Tuesday and Thursday. All departments and grades are featuring exhibits and dis- pfaysr Special mention is made of an English village consisting of Shakespeare’s home and a model of a Shakespearan Theatre on (continued on page four) ir-PId Boy Is B^I^Priyi^e’s In Accident Here Stepped Into Side Of Car Driven By Edison Bur gess Friday Evening To Conduct Schoed Rrlph Privette, ten-year-old sou of Carl and Mattie Wood Privette. of this city, was instant ly killed at 6 o’clock Friday even ing when he stepped into the side of an automobile going north oq highway IS just out of the city limits. Coroner I. M. Myers, who in vestigated the death and held that Edison Burgess, driver of the car, 'was blameless, said wit nesses told him that the boy stepped from behind a parked truck into the side of the car. The car door handle split his head and he died Instantly. With two other boys he started to cross the highway but paused temporarily to light a cigarette snd the other two crossed safely before the car driven by Burgess came along. A charge of failure to have drivers license was placed against' Burgess but he was absolved of any manslaughter charge. The accident victim Is survived by his father and mother and the following brothers and sisters: Billy, Grade, Dewey, Betty Ann and Recell Privette, all of this city. J Funeral service was held at Elkin Valley church near State Road Sunday, two o’clock, with Rev. D. A. Adams in charge. Miss Kathleen Crow, noted home economist^ will otmdurt 'The .Toni-naJ-Patriot cooking school Thursday and Friday af- temoons, Xovember 6 and 7, at the Nortli Wllkesboro Wo- nian^e Club hou.-« on TrofMon street. Sesmns Win Be HeldThorsday and Friday, 3 O’CIock Mias Kathleen Crow, Master Of Colinary Art, Will Lectnre At Sessioas Bookmobile Will Tour Tbe County Nov. 3 to Nov, 13 Libra^ On Wheels To Make Mray.^ops Rural Communities The W. Burial tery. was in Hollywood ceme- 32 Wilkes Men Notified To Report November 12 Board Number 1 triclty to areas southesst for defense in There is *^0 shortage in served by Duke Power ^nd omgmental flood Jt r dustrles. tbe area ‘^‘’ThrOffice of Production Man agement has outlined the follow ing rses for which electricity may not be used during the emergen 'll. Sngn lighting. 2. Show window lighting 3, Outline > lighting. 4 Ontdoor lighting lighting, all field lighting for smusemenU or sports. ... 5 Interior or exterior lighting for decorative of advertising pur- The foregoing prohibited uses do not Include: (a) Ordinary street or lighting. (b) Signal or other by pollM, «r. public safety departments. (c) Ughtlng tor ' property protection as by defense regulations. '‘’^Robert S. Gibbs. Jr., manager of Duke Power compsny. did not rlceive the order as stated above Si after five o’clock this even ing and as many customers as i^hla were notified immediate- bi. >b- tbit burden ol entotc- ing the order rests with federal authorities. The'^ode^^hattleshlp of the H S Navy comperes in slse and urte Hottd. »» wnnld top the talloet sicy- to ai«»««>. PM»a4u!phia, pttUbnrg, Cincinnati ailtlmOrut the roll call organisation for ^ finishing with three years in Mo- business districts in North Wil-' ravian Falls Academy in the hey- keaboro and Wllkesboro, residen-' day of that institution under Dr. tial parts 6f the two towns, in- George W. Greene, dustrles. schools of the county, j “After finishing his education and on January 20th. 1889, he was married at Millers Creek to and for buai- Wilkes high- rural communities ness houses along ways. Plans are almost complete for the roll call, which is expected to be the most successful ever held in Wilkes. The goal is 2,100 members for the county, a much higher figure than formerly. Mrs. Ralph Bowman is a pati ent at the Wilkes Hospital where she underwent a minor operation Saturday. Miss Bessie R. McNeil, who pre ceded him in death on November 27th, 1938, at Wllkesboro. “As a part of his public acti vities and tor his betterment, and as a duty to his country, he he gan as a public school teacher: then clerk in a store; Clerk of Superior Court of Wilkes county' for four years: farmer: book- (Continued on page five ) Crest Store. Has A Good Opening %50O At Formal Opening and 7,135 At Opening Day Sale On Friday Crest 5-10-25C Store had its formal opening in its new rnd beautiful store on the corner of Ma n and Tenth street Friday night with a crowd of 3.500 gp- ing through the store in the two- hour reception. On opening sale day Friday the count of visitors was 7.135 and nMnued on page four ) America Strengthens Sea and Air Arm traffic lighting defense required i Detroit 4 Pletvred at left is a view of the ReeS toying for the nmiit W,ao*-toa ermser, WMkto«*rre, -at ttie re-epened century-old Cramps shipyards, near Phitodelidito.f Upper riglit: Widely Iwralded nhw Hytog fsrtt^. vrerid’s rtoailHrnt Instonment sf destraetkm, emerges ftom the Boelsg pdud to Seatoe for Bras test iMfitt- Lower rlidits The U. 8. cmlser Sjsn Joan, after 'betof toanched.gt the Fore Elver yard sf toe EethiUiem , Steel com|WB7, Qntocy, Msw, To Induct 15 and No. 2 To Send 17 Twenty-Six More Wilkes Men Will Be Inducted On November 26th j Wilkes county’s two draft boards will send 32 men to Fort . Bragg for induction into the army on November 12.’ I Draft board officials tod^y re leased lists of men who have been notified to report here to leave for Fort Bragg on that date. Board number I will send 15 and board number two will send 17, two of whom, will be in ducted for other boards. For board numoer one the list of men notified is as follows: 1 Rollo Asbury Queen, Archie ' William Moore. Honda Woodrow Russell, Virgil Jopes Cocherham, Janes Franklin Church, Dewey At'.veil Lowe, Swan Odom Hayes, William, Brice Hayes, Luther Alexander Nichols, William John- ' son Messagee, Wayne Fprrest Church, Edgar Jones Mastin, Ar nold Raby Shell. Elmer EJsworth Rouzer and Fred. Triplett Mtch- ael. For board number two the no tified men were * as follows: Charles Dwight Horton, John Franklin Adams, J. P. Sebastian, Clyde McKinley Key, WlHle’Da vid McGuire, Arnold Glenn Wag oner, Brady Blackburn, Dewey Bdwrrd Holloway, Fred Clarence Billings, John Quincy Adams, Robert Arnle Walls. William Lon nie Roberts, Dewle Clyde Be- shears. Mont Jones Livingston will be Inducted for Henry, coun ty board in Virginia and Albert James Harrold wUl go in for Wayne county board pdmbor one. On Noyember 26 'board number one will send 11 and board num- bar two will send iBf all to Fort Bragp.-^; , •' P. A. Bookmobile will return to Wilkes county for the third visit, starting Monday, No vember 3rd. and continuing through that week and the week following. The demonstration, sponsored by the Wilkes County Board of Education and the Li brary Board, has aroused a good j deal of interest. It is hoped that 1 the people of the county will be I eager for a continuation of this J type of library service, j A few changes from the origin al schedule have been necessary because of the size of the county and the difficulty of reaching all schools before their closing time. It Is impossible to estimate ex actly the time of arrival at each stop, but each morning the Book mobile will leave the Wilkes County Library at 8:00 A. M. The revised schedule follows; Monday, November Urd Mt. View high school, Mt. View elementary school. Templeton’s store, Reynold’s service station, (continued on page four) Ladles of North Wilkesbor* and rural communities In Wllkas are looking forward to the two- day cooking school to be put oa by The Journal-Patriot at the Woman’s Club house on Trogdoa avenue Thursday and Friday af ternoons, November 6 and 7th, three o’clock. The cooking school will fea ture lectures and actnal demon strations by Miss Kathleen Crow, noted home economist and specia list of the Spry Research kitch. ens. The Journal-Patriot is glad of the opportunity Ito bring Miss Crow to North lyilkesboro to con duct the cooklnjF'school because she is really outstanding In that field of work and will conduct a most Interesting' and Instructive school. The school will be absolutely free and all are invited to attend. No admission ticket will be neces sary and all who attend will get full benefits of the demonstra tions to be conducted on actnal equipment in plain view of the audience. Recipes to be used at the school in the demonstrations will be distributed, making it possible for tuose attending te get equally good results In their own homes. Another interesting feature of the school will be the presenta tion of many prizes, at which those who attend will have equal opportunity pt winning. Tfcw prizes 'will include some of thw »K.'4,h«sL known mannfaflLwr)^ . itfOrV:' ducts'fbr kltchin use and In the prizes will be some baskets of high quality groceries. Any who fail to attend the school will be passing up a won derful opportunity for interest* ing. instructive and beneficial se.ssions. Many merchants and business firms. Including some whose ad- vertlsjments are contained in this newspaper, are cooperating with The Journal-Patriot in making the cooking school possible for North Wil'vpsboro. which is one of fp'v smell cities to have the privilege of obtaining the cook ing school with Miss Crow as in structor this year. Remember the dates. Thursday and Friday afternoons this week, three o’clock, at the Woman’s Club house. Still another pleasant feature for those who attend will be the gift to each of a flower arrange ment book from North Wllkee- boro Coco-Cola Bottling com- Welcome Sunday For New Pastor Capacity Congregatiqns At Methodist Church To I &.eet ParnttM* ^ Rev. A. C. Wtfggoner began hie j duties as pastor of North Wilkes- boro Methodist church Sunday and was greeted by capacity con gregations. • At the morning worship service when he made his first pulpit ap pearance the church building was filled and again at the evening service, when congregations of the First Baptist and Presby terian churches joined in the union service at the Methodist in welcoming the new Methodist pastor. At the e -enihg service Rev. Watt M. Cooper, Presbyterirn pastor, was in charge of the ser vice. Dr. .lohn W. Kincheloe pany. Since the book was issued it has been very much In de mand and is sure to be appre ciated. Those who attend the cooking school will receive one of these books free as a gift from the company. It is a very beau tiful publication and one whick will be of much value to all who use it. Half Holiday In Local School 7th Students Get Hxlf Day Off For Good Attendance; Football Game Friday North Wllkesboro schools will have a half holiday on Friday, November 7. The half holiday is given the student body as an award for better than 97 ‘per cent atten dance during the first slx-weoke period. Paul S. Cragan, supertu- tendent, said today. Many will take rdvantave of the half holiday to go to Elkin to see North Wllkesboro high school football team play Elkin, It to Jr.. First Baptist pastor, read also expected that many followe™ scripture and led in prayer and of the Moun^ n Rev. Mr. Waggoner delivered the the school will also attend the ga.ee The high school band will ae- the team to the game. thto wUeh sports event message. The new Methodiat pastor wasj assigned to North Wllkesboro by comiranv the recent rnnual conference in Coach S. H. Franklin to workb^. wLton-Salem. He came from, the boys four years at Cobem Memorial, week, for the Elkin gaiM, Methodist church in Salisbury is an srh«oI 5r«i. l. 011»..rtU, Wll»«b«ro la Onlllord county. jvember 14.

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