-:U has THB^ IK THE "*STATE OF WtElEa” FOH OVEB^J Bate* Major TargeU ^ Of Brititli London. '— The "Hoynl Air Fotm aeA grant firae in ^.e dock and town area of H&mbnfg in the third night rnnnlttg of the big British air offensire against Oer- mtsy, the Air Ministry said to day. The ministry said the R. A. P. concentrated on North Oerman ports in an attack carried out, by starlight with a force estima ted at more than 100 planes. "After concentrated bombing,” ministry said, "large fires were left burning In the docks town of Hamburg." londary raids were directed ,, Bt Cuxhaven and Emden, sites of Important German naval ^drks and industries while small er forces bombed I>jnkirk and Olmsted. •«s:. 1^ - -S*' ^ For iir ] ffi thtoing cetitor of. - , ' wodtern Nor& CarottML VOL. XXXIV,vK6-66 Pubi NOBTH WILKESBOI^O, K. C.. MOJ^AY, NOV^lo^,a94l RED CROSS ROLL AD h “ Soviet dst To Begin The Red Cross Drive lltb Headquarters Will Be Main tained In Lobby Of Ho tel Wilkes Here Moscow, Leningrad, ( Battles Rage On Despite Blizzards i I.ondon.—British authoritaUve sources reported today that new / and heavy fighting Is in progress I FOOD FOP DEFENSE on the t«ningrad and Moscow Dr. John W. Kincheloe. Jr., pastor of the First Baptist church here and chairman of the Red Cross roll call In Wilkes, said today that everything is in readiness for the beginning of the roll call Tuesday. The roll call orgoniiadon cov ers all major communities in the county and an effort will be made to reach everybody in order that the county’s goal of 2,100 members may be attained. At a meeting of workers held (Continued on page foiir ) In Odell Hemric And Blanche Johnson Die After Crash Dumber Waktt liiqu^ Term To .Biagia. Oa' 0oeember 8 \Dltibt. J||idt* '.Hoyle Sink f^rwsktfaLf This photograph shews three young workers of a Leningrad miml- tions factory who have miroUed witb the popular volunteer ferce to pro tect their city. With many others^ they are lined up for instruction to bayonet fighting against the Mail toe. fronts despite blizzards, sleet and ’ I mud which had immobilized the German forces on many sectors. These sources said It was still an open question whether new offensive against Moscow -under the winter conditions or whether the bulk of their forces will be sent southward or to win ter quarters. According to British reports, both the Germans and the Russi ans are making attacks at vari ous points on the Leningrad and Moscow fronts. Thus far, experts said, most seem to be of local nature. Russian lines are holding b well. It was reported. Wilkes Farmers Will Exceed Food Objectives I * Lehigh’s Skipper Doughton Has 78th Birthday Capitol Colleagues and His Friends Throughont Na tion Honor N. C. Solon Washington. Nov, 7.—Repre- seitative Robert L. Doughton of the Ninth North Carolina d!§- > trict, received congratulations today on his 78th birthday from his colleagues on Capitol Hill and bins friends throughout the coun try. While Mr. Doughton was in clined to treat the event as com monplace. his friends decided otherwise. There were gifts Of flowers and candy and messages of congratulations in abundance for Doughton. When asked how he had been "Tell ■been working as usual and I have nev- ! Fanners Pledge ' Increased Food, Feed Production Canvassers Find More Than Willing To Produce Defense Food Accident Happens When Speeding Car Leaves High way 421^ Miles East, A young mwind a young wo man met tragic'death Sunday af ternoon in an automobile accident 16 miles west of /Wilkesboro on highway 421 near the Yadkin courtty line. Odell Hemric, 19, driver of the car, was killed instantly, and his companion, Miss Blanche Johnson, died at the Wilkes hospltei at nine o’clock today of numerous injuries received in the accident. Coroner I. M; Myers visited the scene of the accident and reported that the car was traveling east-j ward at a high rate of speed when' it ran off the pavement on the; right, struck a post and overturned, several times down an embank-1 ment. Both occupants were thrown j from the demolished coupe. bJo hope were ever held for recovery! of the girl, who was carried by ambulance to the hospital here. Hemric was a son of Mr. and ■ Mrs. L. C. Hemric, of Cycle. Sur- Farmers members of his family are his parents, and six brothers and sisters: Paul, CTayburn. Carl, Coy. Kathleen and R. J. Hemric, all of Cycle. Miss .lohnson was a daughter of Wilkes county board of com- mlMpners In Novemebr MMlm drew jurors for the Decemkoff eoMldn of Wilkes court which will convene In W3|lkeabo«> o*, Monday, December 8. ..-i - Jvd|o Bo]^ Btak, od kprot w4U prasMe^ so«v-l>e which wfll be for ’ trial of etfS and criminal casee. Dates of Wilkes courts was changed by the last legislstura. . Jurors drawn for the Decem ber term were as follows: First Week ’Thomas Triplett, Elk; W. M. Hendren, North Wllkcsborp; B4 Billings, Mulberry; Wesley Jo>- nes, Traphlll; C. P. OgHvla, Wllkesboro; C. 0. Sebastian, North Wllkesboro: Spurgeon Billings, Walnut GGrove; Arthur Clerk, Reddles River; Ned Gen- I try (colored) Antioch; Win j Henderson Antioch; Carl Ban- guess, North Wllkesboro; C. H. 'Alley, Moravian Falls; M. V. Se bastian, Rock Creek; Roger Dim. mette, Edwards; R. L. Walsh, Lewis Fork: J. W. Church, John niiaesDoro as a sufmihuic iui ^ — , been used prior to the “blackout” of signs and other noneMential lighting to save power. The theatre lanterns, lonesomeloohing street lights and lights from passing automobile do all the illi^ minating on streets of North Wllkesboro, where there been IM per cent comidiani;e with the order of the Office of Prodnction Management prohibiting use of electricity for j ing. 1 Triple A canvassers have Ur. task or calling on the farmers Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Johnson, of for greater production of food | Ronda. Her parents and the fol FINALLY DECIDED— Rulii^s Given On Bus Routes In Wilkes County iiKtjS, LUua,.T. — ; ^ •n i. i. iJ ^ The canvass Is being made j two accident victims will be held Hsmila . Wodnedav 11 n. m.. at Pleasant L-Onumioaion Routea Tl^ia .Tev^dir and teed well under way and some of their first reports have been tabulated, Lawrence Mil ler, secretary of the Triple A in Wilkes, said today lowing brothers and sisters sur vive: Edith, Nellie Sue, Frances, R. C„ Jr., Frank D., Mary and Joy ’Turner Johnson. A double funeral service for the Capt. Vincent F. Arfclns, com mander of the torpedoed V, S. freighter Lehigh, who gave an ac count of sinking upon his arrival at Freetown, South Africa. When asked how he naa di Jjfcelebrating the day, he said, “1 iny friends that' I have h LARGELY ATTENDED— Journal-Patriot Cooking School Very Successful er felt better in my life.” ^ . 1.1 Mr Doughton was the guest of The best cooking school ever Representative John H. Folger held in North Wllkesboro w^ the of the Fifth district at a birth- expression used by imny to de day luncheon at the Capitol. iscribe the sessions of The Journal- this month in order to ascertain how..inno)r farmers can and will increase production of milk, poultry and eggs, hogs, soybeans,, garden vegetables and hay crops next year. The first reports are very en. ocuraging and the canvassers say that the farmers are giving the call for greater food and feed production enthusiastic re sponse. Reports Indicate that the In crease In Wilkes in each division will be much greater than the average asked by Secretary of Agriculture Wlckard. A survey of the first farms visited indicates that milk pro- d-Uctlon will be stepped up as fast as herds can he built up In a practical manner. production Wednesday, 11 a. m., at PlMuwnt [ Greve- B^tiai man. v' Down . V f-anirni lijv*vuc .... A big incrcEse in , of Representatives Patriot cooking school held Thurs-] of poultry and eggs is in pros- was informed of the congress- day and Friday afternoons at the pect. Wilkes is already one of rtr rai..u i largest poultry poN^ducing was inioruieu vi — - z-vi l i_ man's birthday by Representative Woman s Club house. Allen T. Treadway of Massachus- Ladies who attended the school counties in the south and expan etts. Republican fa and Means Committee, which Doughton Is chairman. y of Massachus- counues i-i member of the ^ere enthusiastic in their praise gjou of the poultry industry will . mortwAw in MtOQ » a *rav*«r /4IlPPi^1lW tASlr. Musical To Be of of the manner in which Miss Kath- I leen Crow, noted home economistt, | ! conducted the school with her lec tures and demonstrations. She was sent here to conduct The Joumal- OFFICIAL IS COMING— Kiwanians Here Plan Ladies’ Nudit On November 14th District Governor Ray Farr Will Be Feature Speaks Ladies’ Night Meeting Given On Sunday At not renresent a very diffieuli task- Production of .soybeans for heana will be increased .several times and farmers in each com- teacher. Mrs. L. M. Nelson munity where a combine is avail- have charge of decorations Ray Furr, of Rock Hill, S. C., governor of the Carollnas’ Kiwa- nis district, will address the La dles’ Night meeting of the North Wllkesboro KJwanls club to be held on November 14, seven p. m. at Hotel Wilkes. He will be accompanied to this city by his wife. Other features of the program will include music under the di; rection of Mist- Louise Younce, North Wllkesboro schools’ music will and Wllkesboro Church The first session, held onThurs- day, was well attended and at the final session a capacity crowd en- The public is invited to attend . a musical which will be given by joyed the sch^. , . the choir of the Damascus color-1 The Journal-Patriot desires to ad church at the Wllkesboro express sincere appreciataon to ^1 M=u.od« able nave agreed to go into soy- arrangements, bean production. Many have j -phe program at the club meet- promised to produce more hogs Friday noon featured a pic- than formerly and hay crops ture, “Variety Vacation land.’’ will be increased far beyond the was presented by Paul S. requested figure. Cragan and showed scenes in Raleigh, Nov. 8.— The State Utilities commission Issued three orders and approved a contract today in settllag disputes be tween firms wishing to render bus service in Wilkes county. The commission approved a contract between E. O. Woodie and the Atantlc Greyhound lines which would permit Woodie to operate buses on a Greyhound franchise between Ronda and Maple Springs by the way of North Wilkesboro. Orders were Issued as follows: Denying an application of the Wilkes Transportation company to operate between Fair Plains and Mulberry high school. Granting an application of the Wilkes Transportation to oper ate within Wllkesboro and Oak- wood. , Denying an application of the TO RAISE FUNDS— Lions Collected 61 Bal^s Paper, Report Reveals Interested Meeting Of Club H. Lnffman, Traphlll; W. F. Lowe, Moravian Falls: J. C. Par sons, Boomer: N. N. Long, North Wllkesboro: H. P. Swalm, Ed wards; Frank Craven and Frank Rowe, North Wllkesboro; J. Frank Johnson, Traphill; O. M. Poster, Lewis Fork; John Sebas tian, Mulberry; J. P. Pardue,, Rock Creek; H. C. Pruitt, Trap- hill; Roy H. Bumgamer, Red dies River; F. W. McNtel, Elk; W. L. Combs, North Wilkesboro: L. C. Carter, Edwards; W. C. Beshears, Jobs Cabin; C. E. Hall, Mulberry; Walter West, Edwards K. M. Allen, North Wllkesboro; Beshears, Stanton; R. O. Lions Club here has baled K1 bales of scrap paper and has col- ,^lm Blevins, North Wllkeo- boro; Hiram Wells, Newcastle; John M. Childress, Edwards; Jno. lected a much greater amount in Spears, Reddies River; No^ lectea a muen grea Griffin, Union: S. M. Adams, Red- its campaign to collect scrap paper - - dies River; Elbert Cleary, Union and raise funds to carry on the j jj Hayes, North Wilkesboro; club's activities. Edd Templeton and Charles S. Report on the project was given!Watts, Rock Creek; M. V. Rob in the club meeting Friday even- ertaon. Brushy Mountain; T. B. ing by Paul Cashion. secretary. Richardson. Mulberry; E. F. Ed- ’The club is collecting scrap and minson. Roomer; Cecil Davis, waste paper from many business North Wilkesboro; M. R. Billings, firms and homes here and the pa- Rock Creek; T. C. Tevepaugh. per is being baled and sold. 1 Brushy Mountain; James Ashley. Don Wadsley and Phillip Brame Wilkesboro: Will Ladd, Antioch; were in charge of the program S. Baker, North Wilkesboro: D. Friday evening. Paul S. Cragan, H. Holloway, Traphlll; R. ^ city school superintendent, show-, Parker, Wllkesboro; Chorlla ed a beautiful moving picture in technicolor, which portrayed North Carolina from the coast to the mountains as a variety vacation land. T’le picture -was produced by Richard J. Reynolds and pre sented to the North Carolina De- Wilkes Transportation to oper- ' partment of Conservation and de- ate between North Wilkesboro velopment. and Ronda. Phillips, Reddies Ekl wards: River. Otto Miller, Miss Miller Resigns; Miss Lauder Hired and underweight Mr. Ch-agan took opportunity to express appreciation to the club for a substantial contribution to the milk fund for underprivileged children in the city schools. Guests at th« meeting Friday IN SCHOOL HERE— Education Week Being Observed sicat numbers on the program. No admission will be charged, hut an offffering will be taken during the program. Armistice Day Dance Nov. 11th Announcement has been made of an Armistice night dance on November 11, nine until 12, at the American Legion and Auxi liary clubhouse. A seven-piece round dance or chestra has been secured and an enjoyable occasion Is assured all who will attend. Scrip will be J1 with ladles free. Bottling company for serving Co ca-Colas and for free distribution of a beautiful flower arrange ment books, to Miss Evelyn Sharpe and members of her home econo mist classes of the city schools for their assistance, Carlton's Hard ware for distribution of a beauti ful color scheme folder, toDuke power company for use of an electric range and Kelvinator, and to all local firms who exten ded their cooperation. Mins TJlvan Miller, head of the ^ m I 1 nf North cveHuig were Dr. A. C. Waggoner, quested ngure. t;ragan aim siioweu atc.ico ,chool for the To™ Story, Shoun Kerbaugh and Increase in the production of Carolina from the ocean Wilk^boro high sc pani s Cragan. the foods and feeds in demand the Smoky Mountains nation- past four years. ^ • - may be as high as 25 per cent L, The picture was prepared ^ " |„, tl,. .,ar.8. or W1U» „„„ DM E.y..ld., of I cording to first reports of the gton-Salem. '“j scMois s ^ At the meetign Friday noon today. Miss Miller ^n will weo Dr. M. G. Edwards was inducted Prank Stafford, of tbi^s cW. into membership in the club ana Public Programs Feature Ob servance In North Wilkes boro Scho«>Is P.-T. A. Will Meet SINGERS INVITED— Stone Mountain Singing Nov. 30 J 0.1 C Next sesion of Stone Mountain On Thursday, .J:lo Banks In City To Be Closed Tuesday Both 'The Bank of North North Wilkewboro and the Northwnaern Bonk wlU be closed tomorrow in ohoervance of Armiistlc© Day whlrti is a, It^pd holiday. .^.nnouncement was nuide In Thursday's Jonrnal - Patrtot, that the hanks would bo doe- od on November 11th, and this Itc-m Is b^ng carried again in today’s isaue so that parties not be Inconvenienced by mak ing a trip to the etty to trans act bonking buslneas txpnor- - L'lr'on Singing association vrill be North Wilkesboro Parent-Teach- F^irplains church on Sun- *11 A • •i.T 1 T A aasociation will meet on Thurs-November 20, J. A. Gilliam, Employment Office Re Closefl Tneadav North Wllkesboro branch of .lOlJRNAL-PATRIOT— Mtor Placed On was presented the Kiwanis button by A. H. Casey, past lieutenant governor. Dr. Kincheloe To Address Meeting Miss Kathleen Lauder, of Winston-Salem, has been employ ed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Miller and will begin her duties on Monday. , November 17- She will teach the school commercial classes a-no the vocational classes which are held In the afternoons. Miss Lauder Is a graduate of the Woman’s College of the Uni- Local Pastor To Address verslty of North Caroling Greens Pastors’ Confeemce At Pastors’ Conference At boro, ih the class of 19*8. For three years she taught In Win ston-Salem schools and for the past several months has teaching in a Winston-Salem Dr. John W. (Kancheloe, Jr- teaching m - pastor of the First Baptist church college. She la higbly .1,., Baptist I ^p^^ended as a commercial teacher. here, will address .lav .8-15 at the schooL The pro- chariman announced today. -—I ™ , .rain will be in charge of Mrs. -phe all-day program will get nu- D»e North Carols State Employ ^d Stout, Christmas seal sale jer way at 10:30 a. m. and . all ment service will be closed on .lisirman for Wilkse county. She gingers are asked to attend and Tuesday, November 11, which » moving picture entitl-.take part. *>« Armistice Day and Is a “to The S 'legal holiday. Claimants requlr- ipcv«re will show moderii ntei gi tuberculosis control and Bent is ike Onited Strtes. After the leaves have fallen, | ed to report on Tuesday will ra- J^ope month b aliout as good as port on''Wednesday, ” f another for prufilag grapevineB 12. the pastors’ conference In Asheville this afternoon, four o’clock, at, .-/irkta? TO The pastors’ conference wlH precede the state Baptist con ference, which will open ’Tuesday North Wilkesboro chapter of Women of the Moose wiU o« ' ifjmiPfii-V' ference, which will open Tuesuay-j wobumi —— 19 o-ao at and continue through Rev. T. Sloan Guy, pastor of the lodge hall. Fla ^ y will re- the Wllkesboro Baptist church. J®"" membera'are Norember will also attend the past^ attend. ^ . . . . - ference and the conveatlon. [urged to attend. Advisory Group Governor Names Dwight Nichols To Place On Un employment: Group Dwight Nichols, news editor of the Journal-Patriot, has been notified by Governor J. M Broughton of his appointment ar a member of the North Wllkes boro,advisory council of the North Carolina Unemployment commission. The commission has been direc ted" to establish in towns where It has a local office an advisory connell consisting of represen- tativee of employers', employees and the general public. Nichols will serve as representative American Education Week is be ing observed this week in Nortfc Wilkesboro schools. The obser vance will be featured by a nu^ ber of public programs to which the public is invited. On Tuesday, Armistice Day, there will be two programs. At 10:30 a. m. Miss Rebecca Mose leys room pupils will give a Junior Red Cross program that promises to be very interesting and instruc tive. At 12:50 p. m. Ira Lee Ba ker, faculty member, will direct a pageant by 40 eight grade pupils. “Light of Education’’ is the title of the pageant, which is deemed very appropriate for Education At 3:16 Thursday the Parent- Teacher association will meet. !■ addition to a picture depicting the fight on tubercttloais in the Unit ed States, the program will also have a play by tjie staff of the Lions Roar, student news maga zine which is published weekly. Brame Child Improvea Virginia, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brame, is much bet- - - - , - 'ter at the Wilkes hospltei. accord- the general public on the body. . ^ reports today. She ander- Governor Broughton said in operation Tuesday and on discussing the appointment that rj-bursday and Friday her comR- the position offers a great op- not so encooraghis, portnn:ty /T» service. Particular- friends of the family aiw v ly now wliSk satisfactory la^T ^ j,- reoover- relations are so vital to the de- n fense Industry- , ^ v

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