VOL. XXXIV, No. 68 > \\ Thirty-Three Notitied Of ArmylnductionDate26lh U. S. Captures Nazi Cargo Ship Washington.—An axis - owned i |^£j^ pQR NEXT DRAFT CALL— merchant ship, aalling under the — — colors of the American flag, was captured by a U. S. Naral cruis er on November 6 in the Sbuth Atlantic after two explosions had been touched off on the cratt. the Navy department an- nonnced last night. Navy officials withheld much perUnent data concerning the in cident. They would not divulge the name of the cruiser nor would they identify the merch antman or its owners beyond saying that she was owned by ‘‘subjects of one of the axis pow ers.” They withheld information about the scene of the capture and also about the port to which the vessel is being taken for re pairs. The fate of the crew of the merchantman was not revealed, hut it was presumed they were sale since members of the cruis er’s crew are bringing the ship to port. As soon as It arrives it will be iH^for ^Justice de- ^ 26 to go from here to Fort Bragg marshal and held induction as selectees. partment action under charges of sailing according including Clay David Brook- The mere an ™ ^ shire, whose name was transfer- to the navy was flyine another county board colors and fad the U. b- nag ^ others are: painted on both sides of her hull r and on her deck. Philadelphia ■ .I,-. PubliSWd Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C.. MONDAY, 'NOV. 17, 1941 »i.60T#,^ feite — 12,00 Out ■mm' ' — ^ Night Atiack in Mediterranean ' expect armored ^lods- ^ Board Number 1 Will Send 17 and Number 2 Sixteer Will Be Second Call In No vember For Wilke* Coun ty’s Two Draft Boards Thirty-three Wilkes men have been notified by the two Wilke' boards to report on November Thursday, Friday School Holidays York Eugene Dyer, Joe Callo- I way .Ashley, Vaughn Jefferson I Walker, Roy Patterson Pennell, I William Troy Bumgarner, Dew ard Sherman Mash. Newel Her man Mash. Richard Eugene Yates. James Walter Holcomb, Clarence Soots. Bill Church, Ar nold Robert Wilson, James Rus- ^ sell Brook.s. Ray Wilson Moore, along the whole Russian i™"'- Charlie Ashley and Augustus as the Moscow radio reported tor Robbins, the first time the finding of Ger-, man soldiers frozen to death. Even the usually balmy Crim- -- where Hitler's armies were was shown as her home port. Winter Paralyzing Hitler’s Invaders Snow and ‘’Napoleon weather balked the Germans ’ yesterday wtiolp Russian front. battling for bitterly defended key points in the Russian outer de fenses of the vital Caucasian supplies, was blanketed with hea vy snow. Stockholm dispatches said the temperatuie in the Crimea had dropped to five de grees above zero Fahrenheit. Ev en if the snow turned to slush. British war experts thought it would slow nazl tank operations on the peninsula. The northern reaches of the front the setting in of winter made fighting next to impossible although a Finnish coramumaue said that about 100 fortified Russian positions on the Eastern front had been destroyed tnd re ported artillery dueling in vario us sectors. British dispatches from Stockholm, however said the Finnish Karelion offensive had been stopped. For Wilke.s board numlier 2 tho.se notified were as follows: Clyde McKinley Key. Quinton Os borne. Dewey Edward Holloway, Roy Clifford Duncan, Bradie Hil- ery Cothren. James Hillery Bur- ; chette, Glenn Jackson Adams. Edward Forester Taylor. Norce Brooks, James Eller, William James Higgins. Oliver Houston Absher, Everett Edmond Johns ton, I>avid Monroe Hall and Ranzie M. Harrold. * Wilkes boards sent 2 3 to Fort Bragg Wednesday of last week in the first of two caUs for Nm Vember. Five of those sent by Wilkes board number one re turned because of failure to pass the physical examination. They were Hansford Lee Bentley, James Franklin Church Swan Odum Hayes. William Jackson Massagee and Rol,lo Asbury Queen. —JOIN THE RED CROSS— Captive Coal Talk.s Are Off; Up To F. D. R. Washington.—I'nion and man agement conferee- on the captive coai mine dispute broke off ne gotiations yesterday, still dead locked on the union shop issue, and John L. ijowis. standing firm ly on his order for a work stop- „.„page of .63.000 miners, checked the next action up to President Roosevelt—and maybe Congress. With this development it was apparent that government- labor relations in the light of the de fense program had reached a crisis, for Mr. Roosevelt had de clared only Friday that produc tion from the coal mines—own ed by steel compiuile.- busy with armament orders-must continue without delay. Highly volatile elements in the explosive situation were the hanging threat, of an industry wide strike in the soft coal fields and the possibility of an open break between the government and the C. I- O. Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, and Friday, November 20 and 21, will be school holidays. Schools will adjourn Wednesday until Monday. C. B. Eller, county su perintendent, said today. —JOIN THE RED CROSS- HAVE YOU JOINED?— Red Cross Drive Well Under Way All Over County Several Business Houses and One Industrial Plant Hundred Per Cent Army Men ‘Mine 3 Yadkin Bridges m As reports continued to arrive today it was evident at Wilkes Red Cross headquarters that the an nual roll call is progressing splendidly. Several business houses and one industrial plant, the International Shoe company branch here, have enrolled 100 per cent and other good reports are expected when pay day arrives at other industrial plants. Meanwhile, the house to house Cjanva&s of residential districts here is going forward under direc tion of Mrs. Gordon Finley and is well under way in several leading rural communities. Dr. John W. Kincheloe, Jr., roll call chairman, said the complete reports are expected by the end of this w'eek on the roll call. The goal for Wilkes this year is 2,100 members, a larger amount than previously because of Inwease;! iRed Cross needs ih national crisis. This photograph, one of the most striking of Its kind ever taken,, show! a battleship of the British Mediterranean fleet in action as an Axis aii attack Is repefled. Tremendous flashes from anti-slroraft guns flrini simnitaneously to port and starboard ratline the superstructure of thi battleship in lurid flame. AT LADIES NIGHT— —JOIN THE RED CROSS NOVEMBER TERM— Federal Court Now In Session Grayson Nominated District Attorney J. Luke Grayson was renominated for dis trict attorney of the extreme eas tern Tennessee district in the i primary Saturday. He has held the office for eight years and re- election is expected in the pre- dominanlly Republican district. He is a brother of Mr. J. C. Grayson, of V.Blkesboro, who, with his son. Jay. spent from Thursday until Sunday witli Dis trict -Attorney Grayson. Ho car ried three of the four counties and won the nomination l>y a big majority. —JOIN THE RED CROSS— Revival To Begin At Mt. Pleasant Court Convenes In Wilkes- boro With Judge Jdinson J. Hayes On Bench Japan Warns Her Patience Near End Japan pushed the Pacific crisis toward the noint of peace or war today (Monday). Tokio warned the United States that her patience was nearing an end and laid down terms for keeping the war out of the Pa cific. They were that the economic blockade must be lifted; that the (military encirclement) of Japan through agreements of America, Britain, China and The Nether- Uuida, be abolished; that normal trade relations be restored. These points were pronuonced by Premler'^Hldeki Tojo. who de clared to the diet that the United StatesrBritish economic freezing measures were only a ‘‘little less ■I jVtflf' ****“ carrying on armed 'warfare.” WOIN THE RED CROSS- Revival services will begin at Mount Pleasant Baptist church on Sundav, November 23, and con tinue for one week with services taeh evening at seven o’clock. Xovcml)er term of federal court began in Wilkesboro today with Judge Johnson J. Hayes presiding. After an instructive charge to the grand jury by Judge Hayes the court began work on a leng thy docket of criminal oases which may take the greater part of the two weeks term. .A big majority of the eases on the docket are for violal on of the federal liquor laws, there t>e- ing few cases in which other counts are charged. Sentences were meted out liy .liidge llayos today to tlie follow ing for liquor t 'X law violatitins: George Lowe. 16 mouth.- iii .At lanta prison: Kl'iert Wiles, year and a day in ('liillicothe. Ohio, re- Charlie Saiimel John- Kiwanians Honor Ladies With Excellent Program Furr TeUsClub Struggle Now Is Fight To Finish Thursday, Nov. 20, Thanksgfivingr Day Just in case you hadn’t noticed it, Thursday, November 20, will be Thanksgiving in North Caro lina. Goverr.or J. M. Broughton followed PreMdent Roosevelt in proclaiming the third Thursday in November for Thanksgiving. Following the usual custom, it is expected that business hous es and offices here will be closed Thanksgiving Day. —JOIN THE BED CROSS— THURSDAY, NOV 20— Special Services For Thanksgiving Are Planned Here Churches Invite All To Thanksgiving Services; Orphanage Offerings Guards Placed At Three Bridges On Yadkin River Here Blue Forces Trying To Keep Reds Mechanized Divi sions Out Of Areas Gentry Recovers From Hurt In Game Wayne Gentry, North Wilkes- boro fullback who played well ngain.st Wilkesboro Friday, has been released from the Wilkes Hospital, where he was a patient for injuries received in the game. Gentry play throughout the game but part .of his playing was ... aftej- j|^9 had- hiqfip .tesoqk^ a iaasitf‘'efni*MUj»n amt tle of what was going on. His in jury was described as a slight con cussion but he has recovered. Gentry played well during the game, even after he was hurt. ^OIN THE BED CROSS-h MANY ACRES BURNED— Big Forest Fire Rages In Eastern Part Of Watauga Mountains Between Upper E!k and Stony Fork Creeks Burned A big forest fire was raging Bridges on the Yadkin river here are in possesion of the Blue Forces and have been ‘‘mined’’, presumably to retard progress of two “blitz” divisions expected to proceed from the northwest to ward the Carolinas’ maneuver area. A small force of the 38 th En gineers from Fort Jackson, S. C., came into the Wilkesboros Sunday morning and “took possession” of military objectives. While a machine gun crew on an armored truck manned their guns and gave the men “protection”, the engineers placed “mines” un der the big Yadkin bridge between Churches of North Wilkesboro _ have planned special services for the W.lkesboros the old and n^ Thanksgiving How®*- Yadkin bridges at the east i SrSa ctarch will not , . have prayer service on Wednes- ^ About 10:30 a. m. Lieut A. L day night but will have a special S]>uP>nK. the Salisbury company ThLiksgiving service at the church of 105th ^pneers. Fort J^kson, on Thursday morning from nine ^he proceedings, m- nntil ten o’clock. The pastor, Rey.jspocted the Parsed it and re- A. C. Waggoner, will be in charge, j the bndge.s mined about At the First Baptist church thejl®-^® a. m. S“"day. Thanksgiving service will be held A one-man guard with rifle, -iTT-j J • 1.4. of'pack and all necessary supplies on Wednesday night, beginning at 7:30. Special music will be under'placed on each bridge. The^ direction of Mrs. A F. Kilby and duty is to report any appearand the pastor. Dr. John W. Kincheloe, I ‘he ®f'®"'y-, ^®d armor^ Jr., will s^eak on “Americans and,forces, and to bloV the bridge Thknksgiving.” |*f "®®®"^''y The North Wilkesboro Presby- . , terian church will have its annual Jhe work here was described by Thanksgiving day service. on ofLcers as a pr^utionary Thursdiy morning, ten' o’cToai, while^ with the pastor. Rev. Watt M. “"d scout mrs s^ned the hi^- aI .Cooper, in charge. It will be a ways of all northwestern No^ 'regular worship service with em-j Carolina for any ap^arance of the phlsis on Thanksgiving and the r;®"®'"y’ '=^®y '^^‘d they dM not Thanksgiving oaring ^for^Barmm untH TevCTar^al churches in Wilkes ^ow long the go^ds would stay on plan special Thanksgiving services, “uty at the bridges here. ^OIN THE RED CROSS- PREACHERS CONFER— Baptist Pastors Meeting Is Held Kiwanis Official Deplores Lack Of Unity and Mo rale In The Nation - Ray Furr, of Rock Hill, S; C district goteVhbr of the CaroH- nas district of Kiwanis, told a Ladies night crowd at the meet ing of the North Wilkesboro club Friday evening that the present international struggle is a fight to the finish for the democratic way of government. Ladies night was held at Hotel Wilkes with a total attendance of 164, including 45 club mem bers. 105 ladles and 11 men guests. Eleven 1941 members and lady guests were intro duced by Secretary T. E. Story. Dr. John W. Kincheloe, Jr., welcomed the guests and re sponse was by Mrs. Edd F. Gardner. Music for the program was -I L,ig 0---0 furnished by Mias Iconise Younce, today in^ the mountains of the eas- j music teacher in North Wilkesbo. tern part of Watauga county be- ro schools, and the high school tween Elk and Stony Fork Creeks.' girls chorus, which rendered two I The fire, which started early delightful numbers. Paul Cra- Sund"- near the headwa‘«(is of gan introduced the speaker. E)k Creek .spread rapidly toward District Governor Furr said Stmiv Fork before a driving wind ‘‘wo have two jobs to do, dispel mimsieia aii,ciiuiiifi .j-.u., .. Carpenter. He is a member of and l.urned over several hundred the threat which is being made on respective c _ ' 28th Engineers at Fort Jack- acres. No information was im- our American way; and. take a Zshv Mo^ son, S. C. He i.s a selectee and oie lintely ava'lable as to the ori- leading part in rebuilding the tois rom ’ g j: , g_ his home is in Drayden, N. Y. gin of the fire. world after the conflagration is and Stone ,Iou a ^Sebastian' —JOINTHEREDCROSS— Citizens of tho Stony Fork com-: over” ciations., Rev. G. W. Sebastian. The first guards placed remain ed on duty 24 hours without re lief. due to the fact that the bridge mining force did not have any ex tra men to place as relief for the guards. 'The guards had canned .food an 1 drinks in their packs but they sincorely appreciated some I gifts of hot food and drink carried Met Today In This City; Re- them last night. ports of Baptist State It was the first work of any _ u J forces on maneuvers in this ter- Convention Heard jritory and excited much interest Wilkes coilmy “Baptist Pastors among local people. Now they ex- Conference in session today at Press the hope that the armored Reins-Stunlivant chapel in this ims>ons, or some part of them city heard reports from ministers th..s way so they can get who attended the Baptist State ‘f ®.®™® A,merica s convention last week in Asheville latest aimed might, and individual reports from the Stationed ^ tne Yadkin bridge ministers attending relative to between the Wilkesboros is Pfc. B. conducted the devotional. Those who gave reports on the , nuinitv expressed grave concern' He descrihed the world strng- ilv.ut tho progress of the flames' gic as a fight to the finish be- - - 'r, r v w in heir direction and said they tween England, America, China state convention were feared that some mountain homes land smaller republics against Kincheloe, Jr., pastor of the First 1941 TAXES ARE DUE— Rev. Grady Hamby, pastor who (.Qtjjg; Fred Statey. year iu Lewis- has resigned, effective December burg, suspended. 21. will conduct the services and all are invited to attend. -.JOIN THE RED CROSS— Mountain Lions County Champs In a game which reached its climax in the last three minu- ‘es. North Wilkesboro won over Wilkesboro 6-0 here Friday af ternoon before a throng of fren zied supporters of both teams. It was the running and de ’ens2 work of Joe Hunt, North Wilkesboro’s brilliant quarter back. which won and saved the game for the Mountain Lions in the waning minutes. During the first half both teams put up a stiff defense and neithei- team made any serious threat to score. But it was evi dent that before the end of the game somebody would get going In the third period Wflkes- boro got a break which looked like a scoring opportunity when Hunt punted from North Wllkes- boro’s 17 to the 45 and the ball took a crazy rebound back to the 23 yapd line, making the net carry of the punt only six yards. But North Wilkesboro defense was airtight and after three plays Day intercepted a pas.s on the 27. In the final period with less than four minutes to play things began to happen fast. Linney liai* punted from his own 46 and tiie high, end-over-end boot landed crazily and rebounded back to ward the kicker, where it was killed on the 48 for a net gain of only two yards. After an ex change of punts, Hunt gathered in a Wilkeaboro punt on his own forty and made the most spectac ular run on the game hack to Wllkesboro’s 30 without any blocking and through five Wil- keeboro players. An off-side pen alty on the next play placed the (Continued on page ei^ht) 1-etween Stony Fork and Elk icrcek.s were 'n danger, i Prolonged drought has made the woods, dry as tinder and recent frost killed the leaves on the for ests. Heavily wooded sections of the fire area late Sunday after noon was a blazing inferno. Some Stony Fork residents said Ciat as far as they knew Sunday fternoon, there was no organized effort to fight the fire. Watauga county has no forest fire organiza tion, they said, but hoped that the CCC members might come to help because the fire was in a few miles of government lands acquired for narkway use. Some of the land burned over Sunday was heavily timbered, they said. Late Sunday afternoon the fire had passed the top of Osborne Mountain and was progressing down the east slope of Lihu Knob about two miles west of Deep Gap. Flames and great pilows of smoke were plainly visible from highway 421 a short distance east of Deep Gap. -^OEN THE RED CROSS— Women Of Moose To Meet jWomen of Moose will meet on Wednesday evening, November 19, 7:30 at the lot^. hall. Miss Goldie Dean, of ' Charlotte, will be a specif gnest a large atten dance is askedi'i.-. - • Li-'N Germany, Italy and Japan repre- church here; Rev 'T. .^enting the uatlonalfstic ideaol- Sloan Guy, Jr pastor of ^ dkes- ogy. He said that oceans three to ■ Baptist church, amd A. five thousands of miles in width W. EUler pastor of New Hope are no certain bulwarks and ‘hat ^ Baptis^^u^^. the nazls have an attack in espi onage and other secret form.? just as dangerous as armed forces to I -JOIN THE RED CROSS- FALLS IN HOT WATER— our way of living, “and this is the attack we must be prepared to meet”, he said. In speaking of the lack of unity and morale he cited the tact that there are now more than 50 strikes in progress in the nation at a time when produc tion should not have any obstac les. He said, however, that mor- Campbell Child Is Badly Burned Notices Of City Taxes Are Sent North Wilkesboro City Tax Notices Are Mailed; Pay ment Now Is Urged Notices of taxes for 1941 have been mailed to North Wilkesboro taxpayers, W. P. Kelly, town clerk and treasurer, said today. Taxes for this year may now be Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. paid at the exact amount on the Campbell In Critical Con- notices. However, penalties 1- • u •«. 1 I will be added later according to dition At The Hospital i^jp^y^rs are urged les. oe Joe Campbell, small son of Mr.jt® 9“^ and by so doing do ale cannot be manufactured and'a^d Mrs. A.M. Campbell, of North " • 4 ‘fvifAV>_ ’ t* X X. — that it comes with unity of inter est. He urged the establishment of international morale with unity of interest after the war. Every feature of the program was well received by the large as sembly and the o|dnion was fre quently expresed that the meeting was one of tw»st successful and enjoyable in the history of the club. .^OIN THE RED CROSS— From planting of 60 pounds each,,the new Irish potato varie ty developed by N. O- State Col lege, Sequois, on^ietdod Green Monntein 1,0S9 penSdl- to 859 ’ XyilkefflSoro route two, was criti cally burned today in some water which had been heated for wash ing in the yard of the home. The child was carried to the Wilkes hospital for treatment and little hope is held for his recovery. -^OIN THE RED CROSS-- Bethany Revival Revival services will begin at Bethany church on Sunday, No vember 23. Rev. Jimmie Bryant, pastor, as sisted by other ministen, 'will con duct the revival, which wfll con- tihoe for a vmk or longer, and all are invited to attend- themselves and the town a favor. ^Om THE RED CROSS— Forrest Church With I. S. & C. Forrest Church, •who is well and /avorably known in Wilkes, has accepted a position with Insur ance Service and Credit Corpo^ tion here and began his duties there today. ' Mr. Church is a well experienc ed automobile man, having been' connected 'with TadUn Valley Mo tor company^ for some tiiM ‘ Ivrith (Commercial Gndit, eon^wnir [for the past year.' •' • ^ ‘fed.: ■

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