-/I m m THE jOUENAL-PATRlOT, NC«TH WILKBSI jilt's ■■ fere Md(^ Mere--Around The World dmera T^> Wind and Rain Divide ‘Honors’ in Southwest Chiefs Meet ‘Hornets’ for Uncle S^—and Hornet’s, Nest 4 A ?L- First m *ag of the U. S. and British commanders-in-cbicf in th« Far East. British Air Marshal Rob ert Brookc-Popham (left) flew to Manila, P. I., to discnss Far East ern questions with Lient. Gen. Done- las McArthur (right), IJ. S. chief in the Far East. r: An airview of the eastern part of Kansas City, showing damage *'ean'be seen Wreckage of the recenUy comp»e(id AfUngton Methodist church, ^th only Wight: Torrential rains flooded’ Ivers and creeks in Oklahoma, inundating thousand f Mi forcing people from their homes. Scene shows a farm near Pryor. OkU., much of it under water. I ! : I. ■ ’ 1J i i. ^ Scenes From Russo-German Front Warm October - - It*'* " --X .- ..yS - >1 A view of the V.S.b. Hornet, the navy’s newest aircraft carrier, is shown at left. The Hornet displace! 20,000 tons and has a speed in excess of 30 knots. Bight: . In the biggest single delivery of miUtary planes fai aviation history. 123 Vultee VaUants, basic training planes, roared over Los Angeles en route to army and navy training stations. Some of them are shown. Just before the takeoff at Downey, Calif. First Army Goes Into ‘Action’ in South Carolina ■'V y - 'f „ ■■ 'A. ^ r . tf The Nazis occupy a captured Russian trench (left). One of the soldiers is taking a nap on the cold grounc Of the bottom of the trench. The '‘goolness ’ of the Russlku terrain has had a delaying effect even on th. German war machine. From Berlin comes this picture (right) showing the Nazi’s own tanks with wheels en ■aeshed In huge gobs of mud. October has furnished some of the hottest days on record in the na tional capital. Cooling their tootsies in Capitol plaza bn one of these record-breaking October days, with the dome of the Capitol as a back drop, are these girls from Balti more. rrfd. For weeks to come, the country made famous by Stonewall Jackson will see thousands of troops engage! in simulated warfare, during maneuvers of the First army near Camden, S. C. At left, troops of the 13tl infantry charge over a haystack. Center: Planes of the “enemy” swoop down with machine guns widf •pea. Right: First assault boats arrive on "enemy” shore after crossing the Wateree river. ‘’Babv’ T.egislators Honored -a D War and Religion Harriman Reports to F.D.R,^ Congressional Leaders Confer With F.D.R. ' it» t %'!■ i A delegation from the I niied Youth for Defense organization pre sented Sen. Joseph Ball of .Minnesota and Rep. William Stratton of Illi aois, two of the youngest legislators in congress, U'ith medallions of thi •rganization. Photo shows No. 1 New York debutante. Miss Betty Gor don, pinning a medal on Senator Ball, who is 34. Representativi Stratton ishown) is 37. « • ; I/" .'M- W. Averill Ilarrin^n, upon his return from Moscow, where he had delegation from*Capitol Hill confers with President Roosevelt ofl Genera! Nogues, Frenc i re.sldenl heading the U. S. mission to Moscow, caUed at the White House to changes in the neutrality law. L. to R., back row: Sen. Tom CoimaUy commander of Morocco, shown dur- ^ further conference with the President. Photo shows him as he (lexas): Sen. Charles L. McNary (Oregon); and Rep. Luther A. Johnson ing a religious cciiference with na- >as talking with members of the press in the reception room In the (Xexas). Front row: Rep. Sol Bloom (N. Y.); chairman, foreign affairs tive tribesmen, including Mousses de Zaers, facing the general. entive offices of the White House. committee, and Rep. Charles Eaton (N. J.). At National Youth Day Rally^ Bulldog Queen xo Help Maintain ‘Freedom of Seas’ y t' i ,, Just Good ‘Clean’ Fun ptetared herei *■*«•**’ •*'* •*®®'P** of Minne •at*, •rte. Gen. Lewis B. Hersiey, Paul V. McNutt, federal seonrltj — and Donglas FairbudH |r. .as they attended dk n»y ntJlr New Turk. TBeji were the principal raBy.