*■ •. r.*-# .- .# > -* ' /^’"* ''■‘''i '-C^^H r-r*. /'f^^,;; -X!^ "P'- ' ' ■ ;f... '-• - V^if O GIVE THANKS UNTO THE LORD-PmJim"10S:1 Again we reach the ohe day set aside for Thanksgiving. -It is a holiday of Ameri can origin, established by the early settlers as an Occasion to give thanks for the blessings of a kind providence. Throughout the years it has been observed. Truly it is a happy day, and especially for America. On this grand old.holiday it is fitting to extend sincere greetings of the season. «tV THE JOURNAL-PATRIOT HAS BLAZED THE TRAIL OF PROGRESS IN THE “STATE OF WILKES” FOR OVER THIRTY-THREE YEARS IN WILKES COUNTY— Farmers To Exceed All Food Goals Wilkes county farmers will more than double the requested Increase In certain foods and feeds in the interest of national defense next year. This information was contained in a release of percentage Hgures I 3 For mutual advantage do your buying in North WHkesboro. the growing trading" center of North* western North Carolina. VOL. XXXIV, No. 69 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKB6BORO. K. C.. THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1941^ ■MUM—*—. s—I $1.50 In the State — $2.00 Out of State AT FIRST BAPTIST— Associational . B.T.U. To Meet Here Tuesday from reports of 1,826 farms i which have been visited by Trip-1 Officers Conference At 6.30 A committeemen to ascertain | and General Meeting at le what increases the farmers plan iu production of milk, poultry, eggs, soybeans for harvest, hogs and beef cattle The number of reports tabu lated represents only approxi mately one-fourth of tlie total number of farms in the county, but are indicative of the total. Lawrence Miller. Triple secre tary, said today. Tliese reports indica'te that the production of soybeans for har vest will be increased almost by 500 per cent, that the number of milk cows will increase 29 per cent, milk production will be up ped 19.6 per cent, there will be 22 per cent more hogs produced, egg production will be up 22 per cent and beef cattle for market will be increased 10 per cent ov er this year. It is evident from the partial I'SEort WHkea 00,^1^ J»rm- ers will respond to the call for increased food production in a big way and that a record pro duction of the desired food pro ductions will be brought about if present plans and intentions materialize. The canvass of farms in the county is nearing completion and a complete tabulation of the county reports will be made at the end of the month. 7:30 P. M. Tuesday Baptist Training Union of the Biushy Mountain association will meet at the First Baptist church in North Wilkesboro on Tuesday evening, according to announce ment by Rev. T. Sloan, Guy, Jr.', associational B. T. U. director. At 6:30 o’clock will be the offi cers’ conference and at seven o’clock will be the general confer ence of all B. T. U. leaders, pas tors and others who will attend. Associational goals for the year will be made and after a worship .service the associational organiza tion will be completed. The group conferences will be adult, young people, intermediate, junior and story hour leaders. Workers who will conduct the conferences will include:' Miss Charlotte • Tedder, of Nashville, Tenn.; O. Lpng, Abbe; 1 ville7~Si*Cl’. ' T. Sloan Guy, Jr. Efforts are being made to se cure the attendance of all B. T. U. officers, leaders, pastors and other church leaders from the churches of the Brushy Mountain Baptist asosciation. TAKE MILITARY OBJECTIVES— YADKIN BRIDGE IS “MINED Pfc. R. S. Carpenter, of Fort Jackson, S. C., stands guard at the. Yadkin Bridge between the Wilkesboros, which has been mined, by tbe Blues^in the battle t^jG^aj^ linas wer ganaes to Ih^nred forces of the Reds. Tlf^ bridge'was taken ^ver by me Blues Sunday and the guai'ds will remain on duty until all ‘‘danger” of an “enemy” crossing has passed. (Photo by Dwight Nichols). HELP FOR NEEDY— $8,799.69 Pmd Out In The County For Public Assistance l',050 Persons Helped Di rectly By Grants During Month Of November -4most $8,800 was distributed from the Wilkes county, welfare office tht? month in public assis tance grants and other relief ex penditures for needy people, ac cording to Information contained on the monthly statistical report released today. Of that amount $6,893.50 went to 700 needy aged; $2,1J5.50 went to 156 families with 304 dependent children and $582 was in grants to needy blind. In addition to the pubic assis tance grants totaling $8,591, 19 ca.ses received hospitalization and medical care in the amount of $192 and 26 cases received 188.69 in general relief ex)?endi- tures. . BHie Circle iSatidwich Shop Opened Here FOR VIOLATION LIQUOR TAX LAWS— rVPI% ▼ ivrtsi-b * Thirty Sentenced To Prison Terms 7 Marriage License A record number of marriage license—=- seven—jwas issued dur ing the past week by C. C. Bidden Wilkes register of deeds. The couples were: Frank Staf ford and Lilyan Miller, both of North Wilkesboro: Mack Taylor, North Wilkesboro, and Stella Ed wards, Whitehead; Clyde 'Watt and Josie Church, both of North Wilke.sboro: Ernest Miller and Florence Laws, both of Millers Creek; C. G, Marlow, Traphlll, and Eddie Caudill, Joynes; J. C. Wood and Susie Bauguess, both of Wilkesboro: L. G, Goforth, Jr., and Martha Crutchfield, both of Statesville. Federal Court Makes Headway Into B^ Docket Many Cases Are Tried and, 30 Sentenced During The Past Two Days ANOTHER NOVERBER Local Resident 'Thirty defendants were given prison sentences in federal court in Wilkesboro ’Tuesday and Wed nesday by Judge Hayes, who is presiding over the November term which opened Monday. With but few exceptions, the 'cases called to date were for al- 9fi leged violations of the liquor tax laws. Court adjourned this after- 'noon until Friday for Thanksgiv ing. Sentences of defendants , 'Tues-, Auto Fatalities In Wilkes County Increase In 1941 HALL IN WILKESBORO— Solicitor Studies Docket for Court Eleven In Ten Months Com pared to Seven in 1940 Pe riod; Increase In State Raleigh. — With North Caro lina countie,? reporting for Octo ber the greatest number of mo tor vehicle traffic fatalitie.s ever recorded in a single month. 111. the yearly total deaths skyrocket ed to 1.001 for the period frrn January through October, 1941. according to figurc-s released by the Highway Safety Division. During the ten months period Wilkes county reported 11 fatal ities as compared to seven dur ing the .same period of 1940. The three types of accidents In which the greatest number of persons have been killed this y»r are pedestrians with 288 dead, colUsion of two motor ve- hlclea with 251 dead and ran off roadway with 244 deaths. Bicycle deaths for the ten months totaled 39 against 14 for the same period last year, an in- treaee of 25 fatalities for a per. centage increase of 17 8. Collision deaths 111 right of way disputes between automobiles and railroad trains have reached 39 for this year, for an Increase of 38.4 per cent over the same period of la.st year. North Carolina’s 1,001 deaths this year compare with 738 for 1940. an Increase of .263 dead for a percentage increase of 36.6 compared with a national in crease in deaths of approximate ly 16 per cent. The ten leading counties ■with the number of fatalities in each county follow: Mecklenburg. 44; Onmherland, 41; Wake, 41, Guilford. 37; Robeson, 32; Bun combe. 27? Columbus, 26: Gas ton, 25; Harnett, 24; and David son, 23. Avalon E. Hall, of Yadkinville, solicitor of the 17th judicial dis trict, was in Wilkesboro today re viewing the docket of criminal cases pending in (Wilkes court. This work was in preparation for making out the calendar for the December term of court to con vene in Wilkesboro on December 8^ I with Judge Hoyle Sink, of Greens- | I boro, presiding. ! ' Solicitor Hall said efforts would j 1 be made to clear' the docket of as j many cases as can be tried during; me term. I RED CROSS NEEDS ARE GREATER- Ridge Cafe Pupchased R. 8. liongmlre and H. P. Burton. Red Cross Roll Call Soon To Be Finished Workers Asked To Report On Residts By End Of Week\ SHORT ON NERVE ; The Blue Ridge Cafe, located j next door to Tomlfnson’s Depart ment Store, has been purchased I by Messrs. R. S, Longmire and H. P. Burton, and the name chan- I "Rd to the Blue Circle Sandwich j Shop. The new sandwich shop has -' been newly decorated and new I pouipment has been added to give the piitlic better service. The On Wednesday J. Johnson, fined $100; Albert Ce cil Clegg, Dante Lanzone and Frederick Smith Sipe (Moore county), two years in Chillicothe, Ohio, reformatory; Bemie Lang worthy and Frank William Mor gan (Richmond county), Lang- worthy two years in Chillicothe, Morgan two years in Lewisburg, ii. Pa., prison; Lloyd Graham Ander- Mrs. W. W. son. two years Lewisburg; Roy happy recipient of a Brannock (Alleghany county), year ciation Day” award Wednesday ^ Chillicothe; Grover Mrs. W. W. Pegram Was Eighth Name Selected for Goodwill Ambassador and a day in Chillicothe; Grover Lewis Dezern, year and a day in Chillicothe, Tom Brown, 18 months in Lewisburg; Alfred S. Frizzell _ (Moore county), three years in The crowd, which filled training school; Warner Benton afternoon. Mrs. Pegram lives at 613 F Street in this city. A record large crowd attended the weekly celebration at four o’clock. 'the put lie better service. in*- ociock. auc — training scnuoi, Yramti 1716 commanding officer of B' 3^,^ cirdc specializes in all'the vacant lot and sidewalk near- j^ghe county), 18 months in Chil- mr\XTivp ofATWko/^ inf/\ '-1C t^Tlf t:n 1 _ . • 1 -I- 1 cxi4 of ■mrtPA tllflU i__—i.1 Ciwirkc^n 151 ; I Blue Circle specializes lu ai D ^ A D U stepped into :'.is tent to,^ ^^^ .sandwiches, light lunch KCPOrt 'Un KCSUltS short-sheetmg his Lg and western steaks.- * — - I Messrs. Longmire and Burton Reports May Be Mailed To Headquarters Or Blair Gwyn At Bank by, was estimated at more than ],(.othe; CJernie Jes.se Simpson, 18 1,500. months in Chillicothe; James I ivie-srs c..- , Names of seven persons were se- Howard Foster and Rasper Dowell. ‘‘I wa.sn’t going to leave it that ' whom are well known lo- lected for the award before one yg^r in Petersburg, Va., prison; \ .(ay. sir.” sai.-l the orderly. "I greatly appreciate the was found present. Any one of the Corbett Wiles,_ year and a day in [just wanted to see how it would ^j^onage of the public, and they following would have received a Chillicothe; Robert Staley, year look in case I had a littJe more pledged themselves to give cash award had they been pres- gnj ^ day in Petersburg; Conrad nerve.” ^heir patrons the very best ser- ent; C. H. Ross, Laurel Springs, ggn^ years in Atlanta; Dor- ... . _xi (continued on page four) wi#>n Cqh/HH in Join the Red Cross today. vice pOk^^sIble at all times. NEW TAGS DECEMBER 1 McDiarmid Gives Information About 1942 License Tags Join the American Red Crose. New Tags, Black On Yellow, May Be Purchased And Used After Dec. 1st J. C. McDiarmid, manager of the Carolina Motor Club here, said today that the 1942 license plates for motor vehicles will go on sale at hte office in the Poin dexter building (entrance on Gordon Avenue) on December 1 and may be used immediatcl,y. The new tags will be yellow on black. For the first time a “Farmer Truck” tag will be sold and the price of all such tags will he $19. The tags will be restricted to farmers who haul their own pro ducts. Office hours at the Carolina Motor Club branch this year will be nine a. m. until four p. m., lii- ,nead of five p. m., and these hours will be rigidly observed. Mr. McDiarmid said. As there are between 9,090 and 10,000 owners to be .served from the branch here, it is urged that applicants purchase plates early to avoid the rush during the latter days of the mont’o. Op erators who fall to display their (Continued On Page Three) Efforts are being made to com plete the Red Cross roll call in Wilkes county this week. Dr. John W. Kincheloe. Jr., roll call chairman, said today. Reports which have been re ceived by workers have been very encouraging and indicates excel lent response on the part of the people to Red Cross needs fo’ greater funds this year. Although all the reports have not been received, the reports thus far point to a successful roll call. Reports from industri al firms which have not reported are expected at the end of the current pay period. Mrs. Gordon Finley, bouse to house canvass chairman for North Wilkesboro, has asked all workers to complete their can vass and make their reports this week. The same request Is made of workers in rural communities. Reports may be mailed or carried to Red Cross headquarters in the Hotel Wilkes lobby or to . W. Blair Gwyn, chapter treasurer, at the Bank of North Wilkesboro. AFTER BURNING OVER BIG AREAS OF LAND— WATAUGA’S BIG FOREST FIRE UNDER CONTROL BE PUNCTUAL Fond Mother (writing to her soldier son): ‘‘Wess, son. I hope you have been punctual in rising every morning so that you haven’t kept the regiment waiting for you.” Mr. Effner Duncan and family are now occupying their new seven-room home which was built on the site of their former home destroyed by fire some time ago. Mr. Duncan and family reside Just south of Wilkesboro 'in the Oakwooda com'manity. man Abner Caudill, 18 months in Petersburg; Frank Harris (Yad kin), 18 months in Petersburg; Leff ' Alley (Alleghany county), year and a day in Chillicothe; Dd jWellbom, 15 months in Chillicothe suspended; Claude Pearson, viola tion raw materials regulations, $500 fine and probation two years; ■William Banks Davis, year and a day in Chillicothe: Woodrow Joines, 15 months in Chillicothe; John Arms, year and a day in Petersburg; ’ITieodore Arms, year and a day in Petersburg; Warren G. Combs, 15 months in L«wis- burg; Lonnie Combs, 16 months in Atlanta. The following defendants were placed on temporary and term probation: Walter Eldwards, Elmer James I^ortefp.Stoy Carpet Parks, James dsc'ar','Valentine, McKinley Stike- leather, James Arthur Moeie, Winfred Andrew Blackburn, Edd M. Jarrell, Omie Henry Pendef- grass, Carl Charles Bakfwsif Grover Cleveland Chnrch, Oli'vwr Franklin Davis, Edward Gwyn Staley, Benjamin Nicholson, Her man Britt, James* Ford Mastin, Clay Church. This picture, taken from Grand View e^*t of Boone S^day^er- noon, shows a big forest fire on the mount tm between Elk ^ ^ony Fork Cr«^s shortly after it got under w,y. The fire burned big did much damage to forests. Reports toUy J® ***** the fore is dy ing down and was under control. (PL-^ hf Owight NichoU). Jaycees Dance On T'hursdav Nirht North Wilkesboro Junior Chsm- ber of Commerce is sponsor of a Thanksgiving dance ’Thursday night at the Legion snd Anxiiisry clubhouse. Jack Yancey and his excellent orchestra, which made such a hit at the last Jaycaei:: dance here, will famish the ansie; A most pleasant oeeasien is sis-^.,^ sure., ail wno will attend. ItehMiil may be purchased from any Jayongj member here.

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