"^Killed By M r^'^iiiri'ifr- - J- i do your buj^ r Published Mondays and Thursdays NOBT^-WILKESBORO. N. C.. MONDAY, DEC. 8th, 1941 81.60 In the SUte — $2.00 Out of^ta!^ j I ■ I ■■.-f,..|M..p.--^.,, - .-. ...I- I — ———■ , Wiudsbdro/t trading c^iti. . western Nordl VOL. XXXIV, No. 74 w : ■ ■ .-. >1 i. II ■■.... .^- I . -v-v ■ .’* ■ '”-■ •*■ Jap Bombs Japs Make DaiStardly A^ck On U. S. Possessions Jap Parachute Troops Landed In The Philippines Washington.—Casualties on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu in yes terday’s Japanese air attack ■will ^amount to about 3,000 including about 1,600 fatalities, the White euuse announced today. The White House confirmed the loss In Pearl Harbbor ot "one old battleship” and a destroyer, which was blown up. Imperial Tokyo headquarters declared today that two Ameri can battleships had been sank, four others damaged and four heavy cruisers damagtd at Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, and Japanese parachute troops were reported to have landed in the _Phillppines as the two-day-old battle of ihe Pacific flamed over a vast area. Great Britain formally declar ed war on Japan, allying herself with the United States. Simultaneously, Australia de cided to declare war as Japanese forces attacked the tiny British- mandated Island of Nauru An Italian broadcast 'A. BILLIE CHURCH DRIVER Ronda Citizen Is Killed By Auto At Ronda On Sunday America United To Do A J^pb Harvey Roberta Dies In Elkin Hospital From Injuries Received Last Night Harvey Roberts, age 26, citizen of the Ronda conjiriunity; died at 12:30 a. m. today in Elkin hospi tal of injuries received Sunday night when he was hit by a car on highway 258 at Ronda. I According to incomplete reports I of the accident received here, the I car which hit Roberts was driven An iLaiiaii quoted , by Billie Church, of Roaring River. Domei as listing 33.100-ton U.S. [Church did not see Roberts, who S Pennsvlvania and the Okla-, was walking, because he was blind- homa as'the American battle-jed by lights of an approaching ships sunk. Two United State.s car _ , r, k t destroyers and two oil tankers were also reported Ion. Tuesday. 2 30 p. m., The Tokyo announcement as- Ut Ronda Baptist church, sorted that there were no .laps-) He is survived by his widow, nese losses in striking the heavy ; Mrs Edith Scott Roberts, and one blows agaimst the Untied States I child. He was a son, of the late fleet at Honolulu. . Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts, of While Americans waited for , Ronda. some word from Washing’on ot I H "’^s not learned here whether United States counter blows, the Japane.se reported that -iO or 60 U. S. planes had been shot down in air combats over Clark Field, In the Philippines, and anoiher 40 over Iba, 80 miles north of Manila. Oul.r I wo Japanau piano.s were acknowledged lost. or not any charges have been made against Church. I an Thailand tor transit of .Tapanese troops through Thailand- preEU. mably for an attack on British Malaya, site of Bri ain’s gieat Far Bast ^6rtres.s of Singapov.s, or British Burma. Both adjoin Thai land. Japanese troops were reported AIRPORT CLOSED— Defense Council Here Busy With War Regi The dastardly attack by Japanese military for ces on United States possessions and troops in the Hawaiian islands, Guam and the Phillipines causes The United States and allied interests to unite as never before in a common cause. Now there is a definite objective to which all can strive unitedly for victory—^that is the defeat of Japan. The United States was on Sunday insulted as never before in the history of this great republic. Even while a special “peace” envoy was in Wash ington supposedly trying to iron out difficulties and preserve peace, Japan’s despicable ihilitary forces were getting into position to kill. Such action can be compared to keeping a person busy in his office while having someone to set fire to his home. Japan’s big mistake was in going to war with the United States and the way she entered the war is mi.stake number 2. Such treachery served to arouse and incite America to unprecedented action. The immediate task for America is to defeat Japan. All other objectives now are secondary. It may take time, more timei than some who do not know the situation would expect. But Japan will be ingloriously defeated and will never again be a world power. No one can attack Uncle Sam and exist. Regardless of former opinions on foreign poli cy of this government, the people now stand as.,, one, solidly determined to defeat Japan and t6 high the honor of America. There is no about the outcome Congress In Session Today Makes Formal Declaration State Ot War WAR NEWS HERE— Wilkes People Unitedin Stand gainst Japs —♦ All Favor War and Ultimate Defeat of Japan; No Division Here ■5'i- Wilkes county people today, whose forefathers were' outatand- Ing in the fight for freedom and whose more immediate ancestors fought valiantly in every conflie* to defend liberty, are united against Japan. Conversation everywhere was on the same topic—war with .la. I pan—and nowhere today was there a dissenter from the coii- ensus of opinion — that Japan should be thoroughly defeated as early as practical. No doubts about the outcome of the war were voiced anywhere anc there .traa the generally expressed Wnglit that th war will be car- to a successful conclusion or-cotft. First Wilkes Casualty County Chairman McElwee MEET HELD HERE FRIDAY— Gets Instructions and Calls Meeting Of The Council Wilkes County Defense Coun- to have landed at two points on | j oil today under instructions f.oni „ - c- ~ fo.. >he 'I'heodo'-e S. Johnson, of Ralegih. the Gulf ot Siam, far dot! n ne ....... . vioiov.-, director of civilian defense in ’^’'An"Xi"rVritish'announce-U'orth Carolina, began taking the Plan Expansion Of-Boy Scouting In Northwest ment at Singapore said Japanese war craft which landed troops at two places in BrltUh Malaya, near the Thailand frontier had been Put to flflight. reports E.\ULY today [cording to necessary stops to carry out i‘s its dntic, under war conditions. Attorney W. H. McElwee., chairtnaii of the Wilkes defense counsel, today ordered 'he X'oilli Wilkesboro airport closed, ac- Outstanding in.strnctinns tht, fi'ora the stale director. Japan waged war against , , u • linked S ate,^ with concerted at-j cd tha' any person hearma "i lacks upon Hawaii, Guam, and seeing planes report to No.th lU Bhikppines in an effort to . Wilkesboro police. Aircraft oH- Leaden nerve centers of .\nieri can defense in the Pacific. Wilkesboro servers at various points w dered to lemain on alert. or- The United States fleet and i The following telegram was McElwee 1 „„„ in he'received liy Chairman aenres of warplanes nasea in .in . scoris oi ‘ ... ),y Director Johnson. Pacific joined ha tie i-- , p AT ONCE TO attackers. COMPLETE COUNTY DEFhLV.SE Heavy damage ' | COUNCIL ORGANIZATION. AK- of life in Hawaii EOIl MEETING LOCAL by Washington DEFENSE COUNCIL LATTEl! ! President Roosevelt had snolten telephone with Governor by seph B. Poindexter of Jo- Hawi'ii. PART THIS WEEK BULI.ETIN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS NO • u -nrhito H.mise ' REACH YOU TOMORROW, who talked wfh the ^ | tify AIRCRAFT OBSERVERS "WHY© Ot JQ.pjl.iPSv* I ^ as a second dive bombers, torpedo planes and pursuit ships .swarmed in from the sea over Pearl Harbor and the city of Honolulu. TTie army estimated on a pre liminary basis that 104 soldiers had been killed and more tnan 300 wounded at Oahu. H. was emphasized that these were mil itary casualties and gave no in dication of the extent ot civilian dead and wounded. Foot Nippon Subs .Sunk Six Japanese planee and four submarines were reported to have been des'royed in the initial sta- of the Hawaiian fighting. Canada immediately declared on Japan and Britain sped swiftly through formal prepara tions last night to Join her do minion and the United States in the defense of the Western Hem isphere. Costa Rica with Canada were the first to announce an of- declaratioo of war on Nip- TO REMAIN j\LERT PENDING INSTRUCTIONS FROM ARMY. CONTACT A L L .AIRFIELDS YOUR COITiITA' AND ARRANGE LOCAL POLICE PRPOTECTION TO ENFORCE REGULATIONS." Chairman McElwee .said a meet ing of the Council will be held tonight at his office. .\ileghany Wilkes Compose 1 of 4 Districts called “Isolationists” or ‘aon-interventlonlstfl” today were just as firmly denouncing Japan as those who had for for months favored war against Germany and Paly. At Mountain View school today the student body went to the audi torium to hear the address of President Roose/elt, after which they sainted the flag and gave the pledfe of allegiance. Wilkes draft board 1 li.ad one volunteer today. He was in such a hurry that the lady clerk did not get his name. He asked to volunteer and when he was in formed that ‘he next call was on January 16 (unless the date is changed) he said he couldn’t - *neodore Ohukiftv, of Mr. and Mrs. William I,. (Aiurcli, of Purlear, was ttie first WUkes casualty in tin- armed defense forces, (qiiiirli. a marine, wa.s killed in a .Va\y dive bomber cra -h at, San D>‘- go, Galifomia, Tliursdiiy. Senate Vote Is 82 To 0 On The War Resolution Today Many Lives Lost and Great Damage Done By Jap anese Attacks Sunday SEA, AIR, LAND- Several Wilkes Men At Scenes of Attacks By Jap? America’s answer to air and sea attacks by Japanese Sunday and today was a declaration of war by congress this afternooa. Already a state, of war had beem declared to be existing between Japan and the United States fol lowing the first of a series of at tacks on United States outposts In the Pacific which took hun dreds of lives of United States soldiers and civilians and did great damage. The house of representa'ivMi and senate met in Joint .seasion at 12:30 today. Present were th® members of the cabinet and ‘.h® supreme court as Presldenli Roosevelt advanced into th® chamber amid tumultuous ap. te” was presM^^F'^y Speaker Sara Rayburn. The President solemnly told of attacks liy the Japanese air and sea force.-! Sunday, oven while a Japanp-e envoy was in Washing- on on the pretense of proservlng peace in the I’acific On J,-,piin he clearly p!a.:ed tlie lilanie for the conflict and eaid that the T'nited States in righ*- POU.S might would win the victo ry. He doped liy ashi'ig for a ileclnration of war. !•'■.^ow■it‘t; the address of the chief execii'ive the houses met I separately to V/i!kes Well Represented In ^1' tioii declar.n.t act on var. wait. He announced his intee - budget of $15,000 Set Up for tion of going today to the re- llip resot li lt was I ho exef-ntion Army and Navy Forces At 'of snlistiin'ing .lenan for Ger many. of the declar.'ilion of Pacific Ocean Bases Program In Seven North western Counties erniting office in Wins'on-Salem to enlist and immt4iately left the draft office, pra'umably on hie way to enlist today. Wilkes draft borad number ■•nral Recently a survey of the Bov -eonf movement in Forsyth. Yad kin. Surry, Alleghany. Wilkes. received a call Friday for 1., Ashe, and Watauga countie,! was I January 16 and board made by a group of leading bust j number two 26 on the same ness and professional men. head- j ed by Judge Hastings of Winston-I Salem. This report recommends IN WILKES COURT— tha* all these counties have a i challenging opportunity to orga- I’llze on the Standard Scout Coun- ges war fleial pon. BANK PAYS IN FULL AND WITH INTEREST Ml.s.«i Bettye Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ihidley S. HJll, lia 1 iKH-n selected as tl»e out- stsind-'iig student In, tl»e North Wilkesboro senior class and is winner of the D. A. B. medal. Tlie award i* baaed on loyaIt.v, IKitriotlsm, >cholars(iip, leader- slilp and popularity. She will represent thia school in state competition. DENIES CHARGE— Beskears Resigns \s Superintendent Of Prison Camp, subject: “WHAT can we do to help AMERICA” cil basis and make Scouting and Cubbing available to at least ROO to 1,000 addl'ional hoys annu ally in this area. At a meeting on December 2, 1941, of the Winston - Salem and a number oL leading business men from Mt. Airy, Elkin, Nojtb Wilkesboro and Boone, plans were adopted 'o organize a Scout district committee for Surry county,, one for * Blkin-Yadkln. one for Alleghany-Wilkes, and one for Ashe-Watauga. In orga nizing these districts It will be Judge Sink Talks About Japanese The WilkasboroR and par',5 of Wilkes have many y.ini'g men in tlie army and navy at posts in the Pacifle. scenes of 'ii-i first enga.gements in the wiv with Japan, which started i^nn- day when Japane.se a'tackel the Hawaiian Islands. Philippine.! and Guam Island. Highest ranking officer from Wilkes is Lieiit.-Commander Er nest M. Eller, who .sailed a week ago from San Diego. Calif.ornia. presumably to join the Pacilic fleet at Hawaii. He sailed on the TT.S.S. Saratoga, aircraft carrier. He spent the spring and summer Expresses Complete Confi-'assistant trt fno 1 dence In Ultimate Victory for U. S. and Allies Judge Hoyle Sink, of Greens boro, In his charge to the grand jury in Wilkes court today, talk ed at length about Japan, ..'here he spent some time earlier Ic life. nizing these districts It will be expresse e p n- jj, Philippines. He 's dared war on Japan. Today Cn necessary for the citizens of these son of Rev. nad Mrs. J. L. A. ba was expected to take the sami p.|! four ) . of M.ll.r. Crook to the U. S. Naval attache, where he observed war conditions. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Eller, of North Wilkesboro Dr. John R. Bumgarner, who practiced medicine here before he was called Into service as a first lieutenant In the reserves about a year ago, is .serving in Sternberg General Hospital at war ‘ in 1917. I The senate voted S2 In I favor of the declaration of There .are 96 seii-atnrs but were no' preiseii' for the session. Ill the house of represcn'arivea tliere was one dis.seiiting vote to the declaration of war. She wan Mrs. Rankin, of Montana, who al.so voted again.-l the deciara- ‘ion of war in 1917, Isolationists, including Reitre- sentative Hamilton Fish, an ar my colonel in the reserves, and Senator Burton . K. Wheeler, were emphatic in their remark® favoring war as an answer 'o the dastardly attacks by Japanese forces. POE.S OF J.\P.\X INORE.ASB Earlier today Prime Minister MTnston Churchill, of the Brit ish Empire, told the House of Commons tha* war had beer, de clared On Japan. Because of dif ferences in time. England beat the United States to the declar ation by about four hours. Last night Costa Rica and Nic- srauga in Central America de- Say® He Is Absolutely Inno cent of Charge In Dis trict Federal Court r :'0 Jorporal Saylors Writes From Hawaii, Scene of Japanese Attacks On Sunday cautioned people against expect-i - staMoned at ing to defeat Ja^n in ,x few I days. However, he expressed comple*® confidence In an ulti mate and complete victory for the United States. Fort Huger, T. H. November 23, 1941 county Exlitor of The Journal-Patriot C. the islands where I am stationed.’ j Court opened a two-week? ses sion today and began work on a lengthy calendar of mor I hope you have enjoyed them as 200 criminal cases, much as I haV® writing them. ! The case of major In's-rest Edd H. Beshears Friday sub- mi’ted his resignation as super Intendent of the Wilkes prison camp. North WilkesDoro, N. Beshears said he was resigning pear Sir: becau.se a charge had been placed j First of all, I want to take this tnnt than these islands. That sub against him In federal court, al-1 to thank the editor “What Can We Do To 41.^..mV Vm 4Vinf Vft nroa it* _ than Is, Including the following whose names were immediately avail able today: Luther Saylors and Baxter Davis, Schofield Barracks; Llhu W. Gudger in the air corps at Wheeler Field; Arnold Win,!4- ler at Fort Rugeri E. -D Wat son of Summit, wl'h the U. S. 8. T ' the murder charge against Jesse This time, I want to write on a f„- inis tune L want Lo wiie on a Roaring River, for subject which is far more impor- Tir„L«»T, Mn Nov 21 ^When the aKamst nira in reaerai coun, ai-^ opportunity to thank cne editor je®!- ’ ,.’ piospH 'though he protested that he was^a^d his co-workers of this paper, HelP Far be it from me Watson Banking Lon*pany cioseu, charge. He was fo^ publishing these articles of to give advic®, bpt, in my own , - —..AWft they would I f ^ j S_ » . ^ - .. - enxr^ Tn-tr depositors were told they would i jn^jeted for perjury ■ In federal ive every cent due. They did. ] court In connection with testl- stockholders were promised inony In a commissioner’s hearing for' publishing these articles of to give advi^ bpt, in my _ mine. I realize of course that they hunible way, * ,®an give _my opini- are not written as they should be, but I have tried to give you a faint ,1’he govi Moravian Falls, on Main street here two weeks ago. Ward has own been held In iail without privi lege, of bond following the dea'h of Holder. ,x^ r — a/uw «. vvsvu w j vw *«*»*»• . ' j . ^ ..•nion^y In WihStoB-Salem relatlv® ;to;. the idea ot what .v^jiire^^ing add to *8 domg A 1 1-T-' (cdrftlnaM offr;pag®*^urt*.‘■■ ;i(fe8crtije>ti(ci^‘;l^|pil^|^„my ability -CooU It. in my opinion, “ ^ Job ot'l - - Wge tour) ^ ijTje battle ^betwejOT the Moni- Job of .hold- tor and the Merrtifiic was Match ' >, '1^2. Helena at Pearl Harber; Kerralt Felts, of Union post In Hawaii. Grove, at array GA).AL Vance coun*y has a 1 r e a d y reached the goals set up In the farm defense program tor 1942, with 14 per cent of the farm famillas still to be seen, reports Assistant Farm Agent J. T. RichardsMi. r ba was expected to take the same action. Canada ha^ already declared war on Japan, as have Au.stralia and the Dulch East Indies in th® Pacific. Japanese nationals are being held in custody throughout th® United States and In other coun tries which have declared war. Steps have been taken to pre vent sabotage of industries, util ities and commnnlcatious sys tems and In Pacific Coast slat®® air wardens have been ordereA to 24-hour duty. FRUITS Edgecombe county farmers are practicing better orchard manag^' ment so as to prodnee more fnitt for th® food'for-treedom cans- palgn, ‘ re^rts C. M. Jackson, ssaistaBt farm agent,: '