®Pvim43'TAtB OVa 8*S£g^ - mrr Publ lii tens Itb^ JPlpatt M.W Legion ^11 .Meet On Friday Night itest A( »../,Na»»>v:ap'«‘--t'Kr. «i I Hi ' ' I I»JI «-i i^ONDAY. DEC. «9th, 1941 Red Crop" ^fuBd. HoIrA who are P^doa>>^ ’s Sea Power iLMIiittid E9|pa*iMl|i«iin kte — S2.00 Otiji: of Statt -i*l mu EARLY ACnOliif IS ASIUbM^ AU FMp iota |d fire stelle ere on ^ h« \(te rp and Gn-»| Iruck driver who r Nan 'Wingler and ATi-.^ Blankennhip, daughter of FBlankensh.p, -were injured ' ^Blankensh'p told while *9way to tie hospital thrrl jed gasoline ‘o kindle a fire. Wilkes poet of the American Legion ■will meet Kriday night ‘ seven o’clock, at the showroom of Yadkin Valley Motor compa ny on Ninth street. Brery mem- WhA '■her Is asked to attend. , \> i_ GOOD PROGRAM— Kiwainans Hear Churchill Speak ^ |n The Capitol Club \ r Here Is Ad- dress^f PrJnne Minister By * r Qrl Scouts Made ^ Red Cross Ai^cles 1 : ■ On Wedbeeday, December 17« Girl Scouts of Troop 7 held (yen the Bed Cross sewing rooaa and made p. namber ef artlMee^f the Red Cross. A box of toys were also made op by the troop and turned over to the cKy welfare department for distribution to needy families at Christmas time. \ V lie proIiabU . Init WinstJ it to be kerosene. Pro-jiMid's Primei Ho On Friday -d a l ar^ lurmiiietAa„ y Friday ship ed and ospltal a can of ga.soline had aced near where r?he kept e and she got hold of the iContainer. IBIankenship ran from the land crossed 'he street. Cothren, who was most all over, was I Pon. The ;1 to the hosptial. I the addree, ^nijhip died at five p. “*1 12:30 w> and Cothren died senate and ;he house of repre- Thursday night. sentatives joint session in |ler suffered burns on j Washing'on. , ds and legs and is Hi.s address was received with enthiir-ia.sm b,y the club. He pointed out in tjjs dynamic speech w-a.s hrp» (least throughout thaf^t may take un- ilio North W Club Frid.iy at! Rev. Watt charse of tlio p'aeeil the 1 met for it ■adio of ‘ten idn’t know about Churchill. Eng- nister, addressed , esboro Kiwanis 1 oon. I ooper was in I ogram and he j on the .s age at where the club noon lunch-! was tuned in on 'he British ruler he addres.sed the ^ ‘ -“■Sx, ,, ' 1 I Above you see a "mosquito boat” of the U. S. navy zipping across the bows of a freighter in New York harbor during a test run. Officially designated as “P-T” boats, these little craft Cairy torpedo tubes and ma chine guns in turrets and have terrific speed. Inset: Slipping into the waters of Los Angeles harbor is the 10,0#0-ton John Paul Jones, its name reminiscent of an earlier American ship. The cost was $1,650,000. condition. Misis B'i.in was la.'s seriously injiir- was released from the after the burns on her which the world nds and arms were ‘reated. j til 1943 for th»'anies to win the Firemen put out the flames, I war. He said thu w-ar produc tion is very hlgjfi^ji England and throughouj^^'flie British Empire now is gaining daily in the States. —• -.. ridiculed Japan for "enter- J. N. Shockey Taken By Death t I J. N. Shockey, age 7.S, who for many years he'd an executive po- j sition with the International Shoe , company plant here, died this af ternoon. lie had been in ill health for several months. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Ella Turner Shockey, and one daughter. Miss Maiy Shockey. Funeral arrangements had not been made late today. Tire Rationing Boards Are Named For Wilkes I Members to form two tire rationing boards for Wilkes county have been recommended to Governor J. M. Broughton for appointment, it was learned 'o day from W. ft. McElwee, chair man of the Civilian Defense council for Wilkes. ton Friday: The regulations provide that purchase certificates for new tires may not be issued unless an pplicant certifies that the tires or ships will begin on Friday, Jan- COUNTY AND CITY— Tax Listing Will Begin January 1st; Ask Early Listing All Persons Urged To See Posted Notices For Ap pointments Listers Tax listing time for Wilkes county will arrilve this week an list takers in !he various town ships begin their task, C. G. Poindexter, county tax supervi sor and accountan', said today. Tax listing, city and county, will begin for North Wilkesboro town and township at the city hall on Thursday, January 1, while many of the rural town- tubes sought “will be mounted” on: 1. Vebicl'.;3 used ty phvsiciaus. snrgeoi B, visiting nurses, or vet- /hich spread rapidly in the build ftig after the explosion. ,vjrune;-al service was held for 1 Taylor? Biiel. of Id 'bo \V N d.rjsb ("an |bo s'.ir re sb andler. Harold Jr., of be (nl sters— 'rline rlckl Carr npt nville '.on Salem ipti r.ville Franv Odell Kno Kk, ir.f the war against the United States and predicted ultimate and complete defeat for the land of the rising sun. The speaker vas Introduced In Washington Lines Holding As Japs Build With the U. S. Forces on the Southeastern Front, Dec. 29.— The famous Philippines scouts and 'V vice President Henry A. Wal-, United States army regulars to- ijcg ! night blasted back Japanese forces Guests at the Kiwanis meet-1 attempting to break into Batangas ng were as follows: Capt. E. P.,province from Tayabas province kobinson with f. H. Rector; S. j about 50 airline miles southeast of Mitchell with J. R. Finley; : Manila, lames Robertson of Valdese. with I Manila—United States and Phil- A. Caahlon; Ward Eshelman, ippines forces, facing constantly Ir., with his father; Jack Quinn increasing Japanese invasion ar- 1 For tire rationing the county | efinarlans, principally for profes- j will be divided in'o two sections j sional services, identical with the division for! 2. Ambulances. selec ive service. For district number one those recommended Ato. C. H. Cowles, of -federal codr*; lrfJc1^M6ore';'"‘a fari&eFS and C. B. Eller, county superin tendent of schools. For district ^flumber two those recommended are J. ith A. F. Kilby. N THIS COUNTY— First 1942 Baby _ Prizes Several Firms To Give Gifts To First White Baby In County In 1942 j mies, held lines on rivers north [and south of Manila today, await- B. Carter, ja manufac'urer and now prr,d- dient of the Kiwanis club; C. P. Walter, .former superintendent i of international Shoe company ^ plant here; W. W. Harris, Roar ing River merehan*.. Mr. McElwee said It was ex pected that the men would re ceive their official appointmen's. The civilian defense chairman ur.ged all persons to conserve to ing fresh enemy attacks in a drive j tires in every way possible,, on the capital. 1 refrain from unneco^sary use uary 2. Property must be listed as' of January 1, 1942, and all persons of poll *'ax age must list for pay ment of poll taxes, county and city if they live in town. Early listing is urged in order that the task may be completed on schedule and early listing will forcement.-of. specific laws nff^W for..tho’ej^f), 7ng''^Pitflft'health‘and safety, “gw- wish to avoid thie rush during 3. Vehicles used “exculslvely” for fire fighting services, neces sary public police services, en- bage removal or other sanitation service, or mail delivery. 4. Vehicles with a capacity of ten or more passengers operated “exclusively” to carry passen gers as part of “services render ed to the public by a regular transportation system,” as school busses, or to carry employes to and from any industrial or min ing establishment or construe tlon project “except when public buses are already available.’ B. Trucks used "exclusively” tor ice and fuel delivery, trans portation of materials for con- Optimistic newspaper reports of ^"‘““obiles, to drive at of I struction and maintenance of moder- public road* public atlli'ies or . u .u r. 'a'e rates and to do everything production facilities, defense Victories on both northern and , ' u i ^ »na * un v southern fronts were not borne possible to make their present | housing, and military establish- out either in communiques by the , tires last as long as possible be Philippines command or by^ dis-^c^use chances of the average mo-^ patches from United Press corres-j Iforist ge'tlng a new^t!>»» .before pondents on both fronts. Uho end of the war A communique of the command^j The following ol (Continued on Page Sight) aj ^ r 1 JIIIU lAVw- — |:v chnrdi with be confirmed cha^' • • • — A— Nine business firms in North Wilkesboro w^ill give gifts to the first ■white baby bom in Wilkes county in 1942. The Journal-Patriot has an- ' nounced the awards and the rules Cotren. will govern who gets the tbrnr of gjfts. Briefly, the rules are: Vaifbn jjjother and father must be white 'residents of Wilkes county; birth .•was held 3at-. certificate will be proof of birth ■ i'flJFee /)’(|ock. | j kour, minute and date of birth ■ '• " by attending physician: written confirmation must be notorized; entries must be turned in at The Journal-Patriot office by six p. m. on Saturday. January 3. f Xhe list of firm’s participating and their gifts are as follows: Tomlinson’s Department Store, a I beautiful sweater: G-P Store, as sortment of CJlapp’s baby foods; Emily’s Beauty Salon,, shampoo, get, facial and manicure to moth er; Bhodes-Day Furniture Com pany. baby jumper swing; Carl W. Steele, solid gold ring; Bare’s Fair atore> blanket; Good'will Store blanket; Brame’s Drug Store, Men nen's Baby Gift Set, Duke Power company, electrical appliance val ue $2.95 to first baby bom in ' Power com ments; I roofing. trucks used by essential plumbing, hea'ing, and ire very flllm. and scrap dealeni; by any com- Icial informa-1 mon carriers; and for transport- tlon was released j&om Washing-' (Continued on Page Eight) Iker oiists here viola- lea gov- tbecoi , and de- lund on nntows An KBUOBfUf m favor trb etmrun mj cRrnasH arc suocesnoiv conaainn n snmci Class OF Sbrvks Thif It • filknic Tclcznin M Cible. erem unlcM Its tU- fcrrfcd chariccer is iiv* 4icatcd by a suitaMe sign above or preced' log the addieaa. Western NION NL* NighcUner LCO - DefcmdCebU NLT • OiU* Um VLT-W«diFCklLMMr Thiaiij^uciaaathoiiaaitadw Received at J. e wiLLCvea naavv g^uiunlir 111^ ***** "^'^ ii^ti L to SCAttQAAA XiML 5CF 6 166 fD WUX ALEXANDRIA VIR DEC 28 1941 J. H. WHITER, CHAIRMAN WILKES COUNTY CHAPTER ARC. BING OF PEARL HARBOR, HONOLULU, MANILA, THE OF THE PHILIPfflNES, SUBMARINE.ATTACKS IN THE AND PACIFIC HAVE DRAMATICALLY BROUGHT Po US THE CRUE2L,TIES OF THIS WAR. WHEUffiVER OUR SOLDIEIRS, SAILORS AND AIRMEN ABE SO VALIANTLY IDING OUR SOIL THERE YOU WILL ALSO FIND THE RED FLAG UNFURLED ALONGSIDE THE STARS AND STRIPES. CROSS MEN ARE ON EVERY FRONT. FUNDS ARB URGBNT- liY NEEDED TO KEEP INTACT THESE FRONT LINES OF MERCY. "THE ENEMY RESPECTS NEITHER HOLIDAYS NOR WE^KEITOS. THE RED CROSS WAR FUND SHOULD DE PUSHED TO FAJHD OVER SUBSCRIPTION. GIVE ALL THE PEOPLE AI^PPORTUOT- TY TO PARTICIPATE. THE CROSS IS A PEOPIES PARTNER SHIP IN TIME OP NEED. IT IS PATItlO'nSM IN ACTION TO GIVE TO THE RED CROSS. MISERIES OP WAR CANNOT BE MEASUR ED BY QUOTAS AND MATHEMATICAI#^ABDSTICKS ITOR PE^ SONAL CONVENIENCES. > the ^E ^EWC^ /PEOPLE AND OUR MGRTING MEN I^BCT MWH OFGS. AN )avALANCHE of GIVKJG now WILIiSELP the red CROSS TO DELIVER THE GOODS, r , - % L ■„ > vfSl . NbRMAN H. DAVBr-CH^iEAJAN *,.. 81 2A /k- Modi Work SI RemainslbCoiUi^ h War FiBui Drisa AU Who Worked In Roto Call Asked To Canvaaa Their Communities the la'ter days of the tax listing period. ' Persons required to list are asked to watch for posted notic es of appoin'ments of tax listen? at various points in th(B respec tive townships. Appointments have been made to be In reach of every person and all are asked to list at the earlie-t convenient appointmen'. E. M. Blackburn is county lis' taker for North Wilkeeboro town ship and W. P. Kelly is city list laker. They will work Joint-] Valley^Motor ly at the city hall, which will be convenient to those who list taxes In that they will not have to make two trips. All Red Cross 'workers 'wlk* served in any capacity dorlng the recent roll call are urged t* work In their respective commo- nities to aelp in raiding tha county’s quota of $4,000 for th* Red Cross War Relief fund, A. F. Kilby, chairman of the War Relief Fund drive for th* ■V^ilkea chapter, said today. He said much' progress has been made in the drive bnt much work yet remains to be done and. he urged that every worker set aside a day or wha'ever period is necesi;ary to canvass the homes and business places of their re spective sections of the county and complete the work as early as possible. He said that with early find concerted action on the part of 'he workers that the drive can he rapidly and successfully com pleted. In making this appeal, be thanked all the many people who have contributed to the fund so far, saying response had been excellen' and that many had giv en liberally. He stressed the im portance of every pemon having an opportunity tp contribute and ■ have a part in this patriotic drive to aid the armed forces who are fighting ruthless enemies of ■ America and our allies. Mr. Kilhy said today that ei- a.ctr:-8tuieB»et,iftCjd3T5"'ng;^ -.'tok' tributed to date could no be made until all reports are gathered, but he did say that splendid, progresii had been made and that the quota can be reached with contributions from many in the county who have not been con tacted. He urged that those who are not visited by workers send or mail a centritution to W. Blair Gwyn, chap'er treasurer, at the Bank of North WtlkaP' boro, or to A. P. Kilby, war re lief fund chairman, at Yadkin company. North Wilkesboro. AT ARBOR GROVE— Air Crash Victim Funeral on Sunday Body of Carl Willard Pierce, Navy Flier, Found Near I Halifax, N. S. Filipinos Demand Air Raid Reprisals Funeral service was held Sun day afternoon at the Arbor Grove Methodist church near Millers Creek for Carl Willard Pierce, 23, Wilkes’ first casualty In 'he armed forces since the outbreak of the war. Pierce, a machinist-pilot in ■he U., 9. Navy, was killed In a plane cra-sh near Nova Scotia on December 7. HI? body was found a week later near Halifax, N.C., and 'was sent home for burial. T'hree others were killed and one was Injured In the crash but few details were learned here. He enlls'ed In the navy at the age of 17 and had advanced rapidly. He was a son of the late Ran som Pierce and Mrs. Bertha Pierce, of ^Wlkesboro route one. Surviving are his mother and several brothers and sisters. A memorial service for Pierce and the others killed In the crash' was held at Quonset Point, Rhode Island, on December 27. Manila.—Japanese air squadroaa lost a number of planes in a two- hour bombing attack on the for tress of Corregidor, guardion of Manila Bay, today but avoided any new daylight attacks on the unde fended city of Manila. Demands for retaliatory bomb ing of Japanese cities swept tha capital’s population tonjght after the first bombless day since Christmas Eve. The Japanese apparently were concentrating their air attack on the fortress—known as the Gibral tar of the Philippines—that lies about 30 miles from Manila in the. center of the wide entrance to the I bay. (There was no indication as I to whether the attack was prepar- 'atory to an attempted invasion by sea of the Manila area.) “Corregidor was raided by Jap anese planes today for two houra,** the communique issued by United States headquarters said. "A num ber of Japanese planes were shot down. There is no material change on any part of the two fronU( on land) today.” Leonard Sprinkle Stricken On Sunday Funeral service wac held today at Charl'y church for Leonard Sprinkle, age 52, 'wbo died sud denly Sunday at his home near Benham. Rev. Grant Cothren conducted the service. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Oma Sprinkle, and threa ILk^ORO BAPTIST chllciren. . t .| Coroner I. M. HS-jen, who In- AH are invited lo a watch n^ht yestlga'^ the. death, said that service Wednesday nighL beginn- Sprinkle h^ heen'^ in declining . ing at tO:S0, at Wilkeslmro he^th. for some time. ' He waa church.^f,. 4 tjlstrlcl^'while seated in a ehair First will be a review of tihe at home Sunday morning. DenUt work'of the.j^t year, followed by waa atfithuted to n hehtt attnefc^ a’social tianjr when refreshineirfsi ^ brief aeiVic^l 4 )S«ml, Jr,., uiil WATCH NIGHT SERVICE wi oat Bill Bulbs 4«ikre tarinw»i -i4tot0l» I ^ ..to Whi8ton4Ulem todi^r^