_ Jot^’. Chris'JBM ired4ini-s , !m thsUiif' Mk# jlHdrsd Bl|#i it =»_ jM.Hj^ »Hd t^Roh^ Ww*«lJ^pn*r*i ^ Js^ 1^ Wilkeabo. Stiontrjr ^lety M »t the ch«rch on Rr^Tenlntg. The Ingram ^wne giTen by meoUtem of Mrs. Blmer Lowe’s circle with Miss Habel Hendren as the leader. SeTeral of the members took part In presenting the topic “An Ur gent Qospel-3oni of Angel, the Hope of the WerW”, In a beau- Ofnl Christmas setting wl’h man ger and babe. and-Ughted Christ mas tree. Throughout the pro- grom Mrs. John Cashlon, accom panied at the piano by Miss Irene PhlHips, sang Christmas carols. Mrs., George W. Johnson, the president, occupied the chair tor the bnelnees session. »r, whldi whh ptrtetnh WintoliboTOV'ltttlf&d ■ [!fchhiiKy ttbratal «t :^idberS'iUUI tjjidng “irttilpl- isL * th»-bi*BiaWR Mrs PWrtter «ih#e« ft- %9t iriiaK^'li^-iSn^fitogm Lde#' 1 Flefisant Home W.M. U. Holds Monthly Meeting^ 13ifc December meeting of the "W.M.U. of Plesiiant Home B«p- ttst church met Sunday evening, ■cember 21 at the church. The program was in charge of iss Minnie McNeil. She was as- ^sisted by Misses Cora McNeil. .iiilan Kilby and Grace Whitting ton, Mesdames C. 0. Lovette, Cla'e Bun;sarner, Gilbert Foster and Ray Bumgarner. The president. Mrs. G. G. Fo.s. ter, presided during the Imsinesa meeting. Committee for the 1942 office was appoin ed and several other .business matters were attended to. Let the advectwine columns ot this paper be your shopping guide ilrtlrs WwMihiiV Club MmiMy 'Meeting An latoraa'lng program wi# gttrea at th» dMUithly neeting. , the WUkeaboro Reator Woman^ elub which wae hold at ‘hO hpAp of ilta. O. T. MHhhell wttii^Jll# B. N. PhlUlph Mrs. JooFe^ eon as co-hoateoooa. Mrs. J,,B. Henderson, chairman of .^Qie American Home department, waa In charge of the program which featured National Defense and home decnr'tlons.. Mrs. U. 1 Dula gave a papOr on DefenjK and Home Makui, and dlstkbuted leaflets on Civil ian Defense, after which club members signed the Consumers pledge. In keeping with the Christmas season Mrs. ‘ J. B. Henderson gave the origin of a Christmas :ree In other coun’rles and Mrs. 0. T. Mitchell sang "A Christmas Tree". A number of Christmas Carols were .mng by the group and gifts were exchanged. Mrs. Phillips, the presiden*, presided for the business part of the meeting. A large number of the members were present and during 'he social hour refresh ments were served. NAirPA^ ■tomber I*, .. tof ittPCT.’aki WMl RoT^ Iwrii DOcemb (fDocom^ “ti.i 61, yeaii,. >% UO ^ut union 8atnve|j^ L. J« ' dea£ »y, BaSHit -(*on ^^ tho iBr^ Jenantaga .,>iKiiA , Jitilnft. Ha Iran , , II,. aga. te^: >nr days.-,. .td tJord IBIu ISSiu Tci'WU ahiiA»|MH : 8., lyad Bhta ipd 'htni T SMr ^HI^KiiEraraf ...._ nprigfat hu ’ .'huHH^ above wroaaht ifft tha rij^j^-dad .iCTy f' jStft .ha^WB - IhiP tn^r Hlaae .^ho wha'knaw h^, wti^a dapitaiidiiea ■M'.lilf' 11 1 Obtdya na»»andeC|MJ»h^ /^iHonry uii. JtliMnr« teheoirthM *f*^ 'wilk ON HOLIDAY TRIPS ride a CITY CAB Phone 176 Day or Night Service North Wilkesboro, N. C. 0th St.—Next to Bus Station Look for Black and White Taxis I4A*> ” . '■* - - • ,• ,'r ■. ' cbefnA kipM "ak tka aoMiink. wwa weiar p^dd Mrs. Parit^plWed mnlM no^ ;yOf ‘'l4ab*MW'’ by £is|rt, •^enot^soba’a nsad^w the'r^^to^' The hilda for. •becomingly attired Jp it-dayilmff dress of Ice bine' et*fa wRb whicn she used 'brovin aocwo- rles. • Hef aboutder cofaaife.^ wai of Gardenias; y ' ‘ ; • Mrs. Damschrodof; ' daughter of Mr J, T. Irvin of WUkeaboro. and the late Mrs. Irvin, 1. a grad^ uate of the Hlddenlte high school and attended Mitchell Colteke in Statesville. She holds a* position in the Home Demons*ration,office of WUliea county.' Mr. Damschroder, son ox Mr. and Mrs. R- K. Damschr^er. of Toledo. Ohio, graduated from r.he Toledo, high school, then went to Prince'on Unive?slty for three years. Following the cere mony Mr. and Mr?. Damschroder left for their wedding trip .o Toledo. Ohio, and upon their re turn will be at home in Wilkes boro where Mr. Damschroder is connected in business wl'h the Tuxedo Hatchery. After the rehearsal Wednes day evening. Mrs. Frank McNinch Jr., of rharlolte. and a sister cff he bride, entertained at an in formal open house at the Irvin home honoring the bridal couple Ices in wedding bells were served diirin,g the evening. Cards were issued making for mal announcemfent of the mar riage. T.ovette-Pi-uitt Vows also’ ■ H. C. Pu.': Brjenif «rt.' wik€ He _ lb eariy llite^ Baptist churoli the Church Wllkeaboro, a member unt He recall servioed' _ , i'ftH , Ihoada,: Olay and Mag iUuda«.' of contribiiMQna- oute^^fe; , hls Ilpga werh McOr^.,TS^ of ''yern|ial*r, R( ^prMf3Ph hegUt^g M I* jile ■ or ^the- .ehsrcltf tthV 4a«J» XST^Kt.* ieHowahip ^ti»e refiigllmMti‘wffl'.w au*TM. ters^’Mfii. ■H: jl. all of Nbrth Mple T Bki body chftfch SB'■a»Jhe'’ |td fef-if|illt. 44^the a; hope In Christ ,ifd Joined 'Oenter later Uniting' with jt~ ddd of North I0f6 ’ & yremalped [l death. his education In the public schools , of - Wilkes county and after finishing his schooling he taught school for several years, then going Into public ■'works at Flint, Michigan. eemeterfl^(h|ttib.dtedt . ^tg ' to do Radio Cb '■■At'® * ’Radio’s, (gihoin stw^’Ray Hall, with' his Bltm^Rld^-entertainers will he at the couirthoUa^ Friday night, January 2, at 7; 80 o’ clock. • Bveryhody ’ylU have, a goM: time and. see a new show, ■‘im Ghost Walktj In.’’ ^ ^t tk „^odlld: r^ningi ■a# fMlO at Jjiiat fljt Ma.viWHii-ah-i iriidttoi^am : eloalnff : j&d fronr. IB itoMtr m tot tm' elaimii ssi^ aiwn^'to m w #1^ adioMii ^ Rofftd, 4aly, aw, tenoff^? N. O-r.--., . on or before the iBt ®y at - - bett' 194i, «r thig notice Wfll , plead in m of their right to^dlM cover. '^AUy persons te(jebted‘'-’’S(H said ehtete win please make I'mnu^ diato settlement. , This Ist'day of December, 194^. MBS. L. C. HOETONr- Administrator of the estate of W: J. Horton, dec’d. l-5-6t (m)^ WillkuDa Motor Company T. H. WILLIAMS, Mgr. BEAR FRAME SERVICE jood Used Cat s, Trucks and Tractors • EASY TERMS • tVill Pay Cash for Late Model Wrecked Cars and Trucks Tomplete Body Rebuilding Electric and Acetylene Welding 'PHONE 334-J Methodist Young People Sing Cnristmas Carols The Young People of the North W’llkesboro Methodist church, accompanied by Rev. A. C. M’ag- goner, pastor of the church. Mrs. W. D. Ha’.facre., their Coumsellor, and Mr. and Mrs. Oti.s Keeliing. went to a number of places in the city to sing Christmas Carols to the idck people and shut-ins on Wednesday evening. At the close of their singing ‘he group went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Rein.s, where hot chocolate cookie.s were served by Mrs. Reins. The refreshments were provided by the young people. [ - _ ADMINISTRATOR’S NO'TICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Odie T. Gil bert, late of Wilkes county, N^C., ‘oo^Anummeed this is to notify all persons hav- December 22 Announcea ing claims against said estate to j Lovette announces present them to the unders^n^, marriage of her dangh'er. whose address ts Boonmr, N. C., William J. Pruitt, tiulv verified, on or before tnejrAy. - 1st^day of December. 1942, or this j on Monday. December 2-, notice will be plead in bar of their j York, S. C. right to recover. All persons in-1 ^ —— rj debted to said estate will please Oulgou-Gwyn , . make immediate settlement. , 3ccn AntlOUnCCd ' — This 1st day of December, 1941i t p Oiilfirou of MRS. ODIE T. GILBERT, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ih Gulgou. oi Administrator or the estate Valdese. have announced ‘*i®J;" of Odie T. Gilbert, dec’d. gagement of tbeir daughter, Miss l-5-6t (ra) I pioi-puce Oiiigou. to Mr. WIlHani *^i7;;iiN:r5TRATRIX'S NOTICF :,lxot .he &t.;.,»fJohn Andrew , „,„ion With the home office of ’he Northwestern Bank in North Wilkesboro. Mr. Gwyn, a son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Gwyn. is an assistant cashier of the Bank of Norh Wilkesboro. Gala Preview Sbo the Old, Swing In New Years Eve Midnight Shpw... New... With ^BK^snMfGTNTDMitil^iaMu of *uJ Nhw 1942 brings you their most sdnS^ional A dazzling eyeful! A lilting eorfol! HappKSss is headed your v mtsm w»kFoy BAINTSR • Virginia WEIDLER • Ray MeDOIMiD Richard QUINE • Donald MEEK • Alexand^ WOOILCC Semn Pl«y by (US«Y BIltKElEY • PrySouS hv ARTHUR I Preview Showing Before'Regular Showing New Year’s Eve i . . Doors Open, 11 ^ LIBERTY THEATRE Tickets On Sale Now AH Seats Make’ I Harris, late of Wilkes County, I State of North Carolina, this is to } NOTIFY all persons having claims . .igainst said estate to present them lb the undersigned on or before the 8th day of December, 1942, or this notice will be plead in bar of heir, right to recover. .All persons indebted to the said itate will please make immediate ■ctlement. This the 8th day of December, . D., 1941. BESSIE HARRIS, Administratrix A. H. CASEY, .Atty. i-l2-6t (m) riACMs . The War Department has sent .1 memorandum to comraaritding generals regarding settlement of claims resulting to farms and crops nasulting from recent euvers. e Full V reminders The inventive genius of man as iw®dg it possible for me of bouse- srform oH tasks as well os i» otions. te iob in the home a good light at Aot. i,y I da all tarts of lobo- reWgofHi your your floor*, wash •** ^ etethet, keep V** ■* “■* •mt - ...H-r »>-««” r.'rT; \iuAUfyKtm4at. hair, - . , • »«* •* ' -> ’’ t_ ^ |^.-A I eon litoiafly toyt VoIP* StfVWtr ^ ' ‘ Ribddy Kfowatt I We muBlrj Lyour chat acks. Our policy, not to carry over merchant : savings. Dl at Vrice ir trimmed and uni- r led in all thi Price All this season’s sty les and ^^rials in junior, wo- en. Come ea^ for best selertion. I • ^ .a,--.'---' '77'f f '■,7- ■ •v\: One special group of dres^sl formerly sold up to CO $8.9§-^noW:—