f :■ fa frafl life Jfaat fa »K‘. ■ ‘ ■' ' '« *.—j 'V ■■■■ ■ . . w WasUlMtaBt^It W83, the dawn the second lifel^t landed January of Decembeaidd. IMV Nukuanu Is- ~ , '111'"^* 4.- if- land, one of the British mandated Pewl ^laibor.was oountmg its “**“• " ^ It had crossed some'2,500 miles The United States^ was at war with Japan. | After a brief rest, the fourth of- Slicing through the white-caps fjcer proceeded to nearby Beniin 100 miles off.Hondiilu the Ameri- island where he was presumed to can freighter PruSa shuddered have made contact with the British from the impact of-a torpedo. communications system. Thmi began a thrilling; saga of There is one unwritten page in the sea unfolded yesterday by the the drama; no word has been rc- navy. . ceived whether all were alive when R goes like this: • >; I the captain’s boat landed. Sight crewsaan wpne killed out right by the torpedo blast. The ra dio operator disappeared. Two lifeboats were' launched. The captain took 12 men in one and the chief mate a dozen in the other. The officers course for the Marshal Islands. Shortly afterward a plane was sighted flying at high altitude. It passed on, however-, • apparently not seeing the pinpoints below. For six days the little boats) * ,, , j meeting held Thursday at Mora were side by side and then they* . " , , / ... I , vian Palls drifted apart. HfiREON ,K*T ^^ytoBeiiin Moscow.—^Russlaq troops wore r^rted^ .. pushing' wlth^inch strength toward the west y^or- Coiliflb A 'WPA athdaory fohjied In a'- meeting hold Tu day in t ho’Wilkes county pubi llbrarv. C. B.' Bller, county si dent of^hools, was ^day that the Germans were be ginning the conatmetion of de-. man; Dr. J. C. Stokes, tense lines-which reach alette the Wilkesboro Methodht way back, to Berlin. ' Profegepy Mihail Qavriloigj Gommnni4 party spokesmah^id at Kuibyshev that the Germans FOR THIS YEAR— Friiit Growers Name Officers Ray Hendren, of Oilreath, was elected president of the Brushy Mountain Priiit Growers AssocI- j a'ion in the annual organization j Other officers elected Ro.scoe Lowe. Pores Knob two. (Alexander county). were route vice Eight days after their ship had been shot form beneath them, the ’ first nmte and his passengers were ^ rescued by a coast guard cutter secretary, and taken to Hono ulm I ^„e pre.se,i' Silence shroutletl tho captains ... . . , • for the morning session, onrinff a or a mon * fmnJ interesting pic ■u; irmessage crac e ^ shown. Technical prob- Wellington, New Zealand. It said j u . k ^ • lems were disciissedj by horticiil- , tiiristi^ and specialists of !he ex- FOR RENT FOR REM’: .'i-pooin hoii-e with garage in WilkQshoro. Apply to Link Spainhour, N'oitli Wilke.s- boro. 2-2-21 FOR RENT in North Wilkesboro: Attractive 4-r»oiii furnished ap artment, all new -fnmiture. Close in. rent reasonahie. Phone :18-'>. Itp FOR ItK.N'T: 4 pooiii apai-tin.in, close in. Apply at 1104 F Street. l-29-2t-pd. FOR RENT — 4 nice rooms luid ha*h on “D” Street. Close to school house. See Clearance Davis. l-6-4t-pd. FOR RENT; Tljixio-rooiii a|>;ii-t- ment wi h private 'bath, sle.nm heat and water furnished. R. T. McNiel. Phone 32, 1-10-tf tension service in the afternoon FOR SALE FOR SALE: Ift-TH Stjindard Ford ^ tiidor. new tire.s, A-1 condition; also 1931 Clievrolet coach, new tires, A-1 condition. C. R. Church, -Wilbar. l-29-2t-pd. FOR S.\I,E or Trade steam heating plant with 123 sections radiation, only $200. Cxilbert Foster at Gaddy Motor Co. 2-5-4t. FOR SAl.E: Pair of mules, well broken; old horse, good worker; one 6-year-old brood mare, good worker; pair 6-ye.ar-old mares, •extra good. Paul Vestal. Mora vian Falls. 1-19-tf AIR RAID WARDENS WILKESBORO NAMED (Continued From Page One) tion. Wardens Charlie Ieckieaiid Elmer Lowe. Dis’tict No. 2 - From Midway Service Station on both sides of Main street and highway to Sniilhey’s Department stores. Wardens (ieorge Jolinson and Caswell Yates. nisirict No. d — From Smifh- ey's Stores on left side of Main street and highway to and in cluding street on west side of the sciiool tioiise. IVardens Troy Fos ter. Hill I’revefc and Fred Shoe maker. District No. 4 From Smi’b- ey's Store on rigiit side of Main street and highway to Baptist chinch. W’arden.s Zeb Davis and (Ieorge Parlier. District No. .3—From Baptis" chnrch to Cherry street. Rev. J. t' .Stokes and Everett Ferguson District No. G — From Main ,s reet going up street by Phil lips Mill. Warden Ray M'right. District No. 7 —Going up Main street from Pliillips’ Mill to city limits West Wilkeslioro. M'arden IVariier Miller District No. S Going up Cherry s'reel to city limits on Moravian Falls Road. Wardens ,'7- George Kennedv and .lohii Fos- Complete ter. District No. S— Going up old .IJoravian Falls road. Warden, .Archie Speaks. _, An .important mee'ing will be ;l-ymu-- old, held Friday night in the City one 4-year Hall in Wilkesboro to further organize the service and prepare for a blackout on Monday night. All wardens appoi ques ed to attend. Scores of ships In formation, headed across the Atlantic! What a convoy! In npper right Is part of the ring of the U. S. Atlantic air patrol plane, from which the photo was made. (Inset) A seaplane tender of the ny c “ Atlantic air patrol is shown with a number of patrol planes on her stem deck, and still apotber being j Photo approved by U. S. navy. { Vere .^for'lfylng the old 1939 Rusoian - Polish frontier, still some hundreds of miles behind the battle front, and were prepar- 1 ling defense lines along the Bug, j which separated Germany and I Russia in 1940, and along the I Oder, the natural frontier be- f tween Germany atjd Poland in ‘1939. -. Reiterating Soviet declarations brary. of their Intention of striking a dea'h blow at Hitler this year, [)i*,K.inchelo©’8 .Gavrilov said "we cannot post pone for two years the liquida tion of Hitler and Hitler Germa- vlce chairman; and B. G, G«at manager 'of the employment tn vice branch office here, secretaff Committee chairmen are as tolj lows: Miss Klizabe'b WllUai membership; Paul S. Cragai education; Mrs. T. W. Fergusoii library and lunchroom; Ray Ed win, publicity; Mrs. C. F. Bretl oil, extension; Dr. J. C. Stoke program; Dr. J. Eller, publi health; J. R. Edelln, director and survey. Next meeting will be at nlr a. m. on February 24 at the it Aunt Succumi a. s loisted aboard for an overhaul. FUNERAL TODAY— Mrs. Doughton’s . Mother Is Dead Win.ston-S.slem, .lari, 2,3.—M rs. Fannie Fcarington Turner of 643 Holly avenue, wife of W.H. Tur ner. died in a local hospital this morning after an illness of seve ral months'which became critical last .Sunday. She was born in Chatham coun ty January 1.3. 1.370, ‘he daugh ter of .Tolin J. and Elizabeth Me- baiie Fearington. She has lived in Winston Salein .= ince 1900. Slie was educated in the public school.s and at .Staunton College for Women ill Stalin'.%i.. Va. Her hiishand is a well known Itutal broker. The deceased was a charter member of the old We.st End I Justice Heriot iPeru,Ecuai&r . Clarbon Passes' Settle Dispute i The United* States and Great I Britain see a solution of their I problem in 1943. but ‘obviously ; the plan of doing away with the j aggressor in the Pacific in 1943 [is due to the special character of 1 the theatre of war in the Pacific.’' ' Ur. John W. Kincheloe. Jr., tor of the First Baptist churej here, left yesterday for Washing ton, D. C., to attend funeral sell vice for his aunt, Mrs. Rosa Si Clair, who died there Tuesday. Ads. (ret attention—and Associate Judge of N. C. Su preme Court Dies At Home Of Son Charlotte. .Ian. 23. - Heriot Clarkson, 78, since 1923 an asso ciate justice of ‘he North Caroli na Supreme Court, died yester day afternoon at the home of hie son, Francis O, Clark.son. at 227 Cherokee road after a short ill ness tha' developed .since his ar rival here with Mrs. Clarkson Friday from their summer home at T.ittle Switzeraland. Heart trouble was the cause of death. He had declined a din ner invi'ation for Monday even- 111 Years Old Baker Can Hardl; Believe Qwn Mirror ing because he felt that he had member of the old West exerting himself somewhat Methodist church and moved herj,^^ strenuously during the las' membership to Centenary when | ^ the churches consolidated. She was active in church and Sunday chool work and in circle ac ivi ties. » Surviving in addition to 'he husband are one daughter, Mrs. Claude T. D o 11 g h t o n. of Wilkesboro; three sons, Mel.ane E.. pf Win.stoii-Salem. AV. H. Jr., of Martinsville, Va., and J. P. of Durham; nine grandchildren, one sister. Mrs. J. R. Milliken, of .Monroe. Funeral services will be held tlie home at 2 o’clock Thurs day afternoon with Dr. W. A. Stanbury officiating. Interment will follow in Salem cemetery. few days, but he had not consid ered himself ill nor had members of his family until yesterday ■morning. Retoiiga Again Proves Merit ^ By Bringing Prompt Re lief In Stubborn xCase. Hard To Realize She Once Suffered So Much. I I Special Meeting Of iWemen of the Moose Dio de Janiero.—Foreign Minis, j ter Oswaldo Aranha of Brazil an nounced formally last night to the Pan-American conference that an i agreement had been reached on' tho Peru-Elcuador border dispute. This 111-vear-old quarrel had held up conclusion of the confer ence and its recommendation that ■ .American nations sever diplomatic! relations with the axis. 1 I Brazil meanwhile became the Happ; end grateful over J'eurs | 18th of the 21 American republics of^distress^pr.impt>^ to complete severance of axis e Ashboro St., is among the | lations as th,x foreign office doliv- i forward with her 1 cred formal notification to the^pj.akse of Retonga. | German, Japanese and Italian cm- “Por four years I suffered so' bas.sies at about 6 pm. Suuch distress from nervous indi- This left Argenujia, Chile and gestion that I could eat onlv cer- Ecuador still to act. Despite injec-ltain foods,’’ declares Mi.«s Baker, tion of the border dispute into the'•'and even then ^ x.„fe,enc„ P..;« ..~dy ^ ‘“.r.iiSiorS'Sr xSl broken axis relations. ^ack ache and hurt I until I could hardly stand it. My C.VUSE FOR DIVORCE | complexion was sallow and I felt di- ’ ‘ r:i Aged Couple Seek Divorce In Court WANTED WILKES BOY SCOUT WANT13D—To Repair Your Radio —Best equipped Radio Shop in Wilkes County. 90 day guaran tee on all repairs. Reasonable eo.st. Parker-'Triplett Co., Wilkesboro, N. C A divorce case of unusual inter est, having many angles to it, ha.s '^‘"■'bee’n filed in Yadkin Superior nted will be re- Yadkinville. It is set for trial at the February 2nd term. Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Scott, 63, is a.sking absolute divorce from DISTRICT ORGANIZED Henry Houston Scott, 76, ^ on ((Continued from page one) 'grounds of two years separation. jThc complaint states they were northwestern Nor h Carolina married December 18. Icoiinticfi. [separated Dec. 29, 1939, h^ng Electric! Herbert Stucky. a regional lived together for 44 years. 'They Phone I Scout executive, explained the have nine children, The Women bf the Moose. North Wilkesboro Chapter No. 476, will hold a special meeting Friday night. January 30. at the lodge hall on C street. Program will begin at 7:30 o'clock. Tlip program for the even'iie is under the direction of Mr,s. Faye Hayes and an entertaining and interesting program is ex pected. Refreshments will be ,served at the close of the pro gram. This will he an open meeting I and everyone is invited to attend. All members are especially urged » ot be present. Ixiiwyer; “So you want a di-' so nervous and uncomfortable dorce? What’.s your complaint?” from indigestion that I seldom Dusky Client: “Dat woman she slept more three or four in«t tilk talk nie-ht an’ dav Ah' hours a night. It looked like I ju.st talk Ulk night an day. An, just cant get man rest an “Within two days after I started driving me crazy.” Lawyer; ‘‘And what does she talk about?” Client; “She dean say.” Reading th,. -.'is get you mor /ir IpRfl money: ctf $l. on Retonga I experienced such great relief that I slept the whole night through. The sluggish eli mination and pains were soon re- Miss Annis Baker I mination ana pains weic 4Wilkp«ib»ro at 'lieved, and I felt no more distress |and in -Milkesboio at from gas forming in my stomach.vDrug Store. My appetite is wonderful. M*' com plexion has improved so much tha) my friends niar'cl at it, and I cai hardly believe my own eyes wher I look in the mirror. Retonga ,i the grandest medicine I ever saw. Hundreds of your neighbors am) frfends are praising this famou gastric tonic and Vitamin ,B- medicine. Accept no substituw Retonga may be obtained in Nort Wilkesboro at Horton's Drug Store! ■ Newton .1 (Adv.f Old Residence Is Destroyed By Fire 22-w. l-22-tf oj*g^i)j7atioii of tlie council and The large frame residence oc cupied by Charlie Stone and fam ily in the Woodlawn ■part of North Wilkesboro burned early ney were . , la'oK anH Tuesday morning. iODo, ami piremen were handicapped by lack of water .in that part of the town and had to use 1.500 fee of hose to reach the nearest hy drant. However, this work resul- WANTED TO DLV; ‘4 or S stables of manure x\lso. Reo ear or truck motor Write or see John Jenkins. Pores Knob. N. C.. Rt. 1. 2t-pd a number of grandchildven. Both distric s and the proposed .Scout j reside near East Bend where they saving a number of near- expansion. W. E. Vaughn Lloyd, I are respected citizens and where ^ buildings. All the furnishings of the Stone family were do. rov 'executive of the Winston-Salem they have spent their lives, district, also s),oke briefly. Mr. Scott spent one day last The report of the nominating week in Yadkinville and retained 'committee, composed of J. B. Mc-^an attorney, not to contest the ed. The house, one of the first erected in that part of North Wilkesboro. was said to have be longed to the Teague estate. _. automobile ‘ires and need to make a change, here’s voiir opTiortunity. Old established company w-ith complete line of household and farm necessi ties will back you with no in vestment required. Write Wat kins, Box No. 5071, Richmond. Virginia, for further informa tion. 1-29-pd Questions Answered By State CoBege OPl’OBTUNITY — If Coy. chairiiiau. T. E. S'ory and [case, but merely to “protect hus v^Sve been selling electri-1 P. W. Eshel-nan. was adopted. In ' interests.” he^sUted^ He retained cal appliances, sewing machines' addition to nomination ot officers Atty. J. - the committee named the follow- Zachary represent Mrs. Scott, ling for committee appointmeiPs: | An amusing incident oceuwd I Oraganizatioii and extension, during Mr. Scott’s visit to l^Q- T 1! Carter and Perry I,owe. ■kinville. He was strolling along, I I^ademhip training — Robert,the street east of the court house -up’' her milk? S Gibbs Jr : course instructor, '•nd stormed at the entrance to the. AJ4SWER: Yes, a cow can ho |w D Haltacre; cubbing, Ivey law office of Hall and Zachary. „p her milk.says Prof. Fred M ! jjppre |He was observed reading their sign Haig of the SUte College Animal '■ Camping and activi'les—C, D. over the door and, talking to him-.industry Deparment, but she T- . otixt axxrvixxc 'self wWle lookuig at it, he ‘wbs|does not do so willingly. The se- QUESnON: Can a cow “hold Coffey. Jr.: activities and service Paul Osborne: Emergency ser vice, F. Kilby. Chairman of advancement—L. i M. Nelson: court of review. Edd T. Gardner: court of honor. Cy- rus McNeill. T. E. Story, J. B. get established in; a profitable j^cCoy and P. W. Eshelman. business where Rawleigh Pro-, phalrmati health and safety, ducts have been sold for many Justice, Jr.; vice chair- „ = T.-xxa.„.tol ^ p Chairman of finance.' Wm. H. Duhling. Also on the district committee will be a representative of each troop and pack or sponsoring or ganization. Wilkes was formally adopted as the name for the district- and the district organization w^tl meet on the third ’Tuesday night in each month. ’The next meeting will be on February 17 at the Presbyterian church here. W'ANTED—Reliable Man with car to become Rawleigh Dealer in localities in Alleghany and Sur ry counties. • Experience not necessary. A fine .opportunity to 'itable Pro years. Big profits. Products | furnished on credit. See W. W. pj, Kyle, RFD 1. Box 46A. North ■Wilkesboro, N. C.' 2-2-6ti self while lookhig at it, he whs j qq0b nm uu ou --— -- heard to say, “Hall, Hall, yes that(gygjj„„ milk is an entirely in ’ ■' * voluntary process. ’This condition is the man who is suing me. f Then he walked slowly away. ■While he was talking to himself, Mr. Hall was standing nearby and heard what he said, but Mr. Scott did not know him and Mr. Hall did not speak. Answered B State Colleg MISCEUr^ NEOUS PALMBB is now with us eight hours a day, six cays a week for expert radio and re frigerator repair sendee, any make or modid., Telephone 630 for quick aerrice. Anderson Electric, Co., Wifkasboro. 1-22-tf JOE $6.00 REWARD for retoni of male, black and tan hound ml8sli« for ajMpt 39 days. C. R. Churtsh. Wlibar. l-39-2t-pd. Use the advertistnar e«fitaia» ot thia paper aa your ahoppiag fuida Questions is caused by some unrieital con ditiong around the barn, which cause the cow to become nervous Excessive noises, barking dogs, unkind treatment, and Irregular feeding are almost sufo to make a cow “hold up” her milk. Cows handled gently will seldom “hold up’ their milk. QUESTION: Will warm water help hens to lay more eggs during the winter months? ANSWER: When it is realized hat eggs are more than S5 per cent water, the necessity for plan- ty of water in the bird’s diet can be seen. When water freezes or becomes too cold for the hens to drink, egg production will faP off. Providing the hens with warm water during freezing days will encourage her to drink am ounts sufficient for good egg pro duction. Keep 'em Isylng! S'nCKLER OF FACTS V C , Lawyer: “Yon must be careful how yon answer. Don’t say any thing that is not true. You drive a delivery -wagon, don’t you?” Witness: “No. sir.” La-wycr; "But 1 thought you did. -What do you do for a living, then?” 'Witness: “I drive the horse that pulls the delivery wagon, sir.” Bnnifiig On frt fM ■ for Ifai. wmwv tv it .'V-a,. .1 during the month of FEBRUARY we will allow special ■discounts (whether you pay cash or use our convenient payment plan) on every arti cle of furniture in our stock. We operate on a system of low overhead expenses and our prices are always low. But in order to make room for new shipments of furniture we are giving discounts during Febru ary ranging from . . • “J 15t«50^ Trade with us during our special February Clearance. You’ll not on ly save money but you will be sure to get some items that will not be ob-** tainable later in the year. V ' ' f-; V Opposite CoiirilMWse WiUradboro, N. C-i

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