ffy [tig A to. . , t^ the, ti#*ediie«‘ 10 chttttm •- FOR SALE r*Wl SAUS—Black, Female Plck- anene- dog, house traiited. Mrs. R. C. Dancy. ' i-21-2t TOn SAIaE—Or Trade for Cattle, one mule colt, two years old; ■well broken to work single or double.—See or write S. M. Shumate, Hays, N. 0. Itp FOR SAIiE—No. 52 Delco, 4-Cy- linder light plant in No. 1 con dition. A. H. Rpbdrts, Roaring Rlrer route 2. l-18-4tp • FOR RENT FOB BKXT—One Store BuUdiiig on B Street adjoining or be tween the Allen Theatre and Ira D. Payne’s store; one of the best locations in town. See E. M. Blackburn. It FOR RENT—Eight Room HoiLse In Wllkesboro —reasonable- price. See or write B. J. Ken nedy, Wilkesboro, N. C. 1-lS-tf I'. Mr. W. A, Struud, who » the diiiKh treeaurer, bnmed the note end mort- are^e beiFore the menlm- sbip of the church, steting that every dtdler had been paid tor the construction of the new- wing'to the church. Following the. burning of the cancelled papers, Ex-Sheriff J. H. Johnson offered a prryer of Thanksgiving. , Sometinnaago, Ae mem bership of the First Bap tist church of this city, al so celebrated the burning of the mortgage against their church. V ^ J One Lady Brings In A Sack FuU Of Ditearded Hosiery Mrs. J. M. German Brings In 35 Pounds; Collection Place Penney’s Store FOR RENT—h'npni.shod .H-Kooiii apartment, steam heat.; garage, close in, suitable for couple. Available Feb. 1st. Telephone 252. It FOR^RENT Brick Store Building, corner 10th and C Street. For merly used by . Champion Feed Co. - ' a a Three Chair Barber Shop— Furnished, in. basement 10th and C Street. a a Two Offices in Wilkes Drug Sttwe Basement. Corner 9th and B Street. a a One 4-Room Dwelling on Hinshaw Street. Floyd C. Forester North Wilkesboro, N. C. WANTED WANTED — WHITE hou.sckwp- er; family of five—father and four children. $7.50 a week and board. Permanent if sat isfactory. — Thomas B. Smith. Box 325, North. Wilkesboro. N. C., or Journul-Patriot. It-p WANTED—(Jood Man, with Small family, for farm work. Will furnish house, tools, and stock. See or write I. J. I.ovette. Mor avian Falls, N. C. Itp To Mrs. J. M. German, of Boomer, goes the honor -of bring ing in the most old silk and nylon hose to date. Discarded silk and nylon hose are being collected locally by R. E. Gibbs, manager of J. C. Penney company store, who has placed a large box at the front of. the store to receive the old hose. The hose are sent to the De fense Supplies Corporation in New York City and are hping us ed for the making of gunpowder bags for the fighting forces. More than 200 pounds have been deposited in the box al^ Pen ney’s but a total of 2,000 pounds is asked from this territory. 'The sack full of old hosiery brought in by Mrs. German had been collected by her from ladles of the Boomer community. Ladies in other communities are asked to collect old hose from their homes and their neighbors and bring them in at the earliest possible date, in order that they may be forwarded and used to hasten vic tory. Birthday Balls Are Planned For Polio Fund Here Adult Ball On January 29th and Junior Ball On 30th At Legion Clubhouse Two president’s birthday balls are planned here to raise infan tile paraly.sis funds. W. F. Absher and Phillip Brvime. co-chairmen for Wilkes, have announced. The adult , ball will be at tin Legion and .Auxiliary clubhouse on Friday night. January 29, and the junior ball will be «.t the same pl.ace on the following night, January SO. Tickets for the adult dance will go on sale soon at $1.00 each and admission to the junior ball wdll he 50 cents e«ch. Meanwhile, plans are under way for a canva.ss of individuals and firnvs here for contributions to the fund. T. D. (Bud) Harris (Claimed By Death Talmadge D. fRudl Harris. 71. who until a few' week.s ago made his home at Moravian Falls, died ^ this morning et the home of a WANT TO BIT—Electric Wash- daughter, Mrs. L. R. Smithey. in Jng machine, new or used. See Columbia. S. C. -or write Clark Mayberry at Reins-Sturdlvant, North V/ilk- fiftboro. 0 Miscellaneous ^^OgT—Zgaturday Night Ip lounge of Allen Theatre, Wilk- Mboro high school ring, ini tials “L. M. B.”; also birthstone ring Liberal reward for re turn’ to pains of Stomach ITcers, DaSlgestlon, Heartburn, Belch- ' tag. Bloating, Nausea, Gas PMM, set tree sapiple. Udga, - WB BDT Yowp Bo^ F^- ^ GOODWHA STORE, North WPkWfcoro. N. C- 1-17-4tp North WUkesboro 8at- wday. hromi, blU fold ini two cheeks and sum of Liberia reward tor re- to JountfileFatriot ipffice, ' Mm- Bradley Brown. ST to MSf Home—*' dogs Owner can SdL W. C. lear route one, ho* ' ‘Z--: ■ . J-Sl-MS, Itp Mr. Harris was a well known resident Of the Moravian Falls community, where he operated a blacksmith shop for many years. The funenal service will he held at Moravian Falls Baptist church, where Mr. Harris was a member, sometime Tuesday afternoon and burial will be in the Moravten Falls cemetery. Surviving Mr. Harris are the widow and the following sons and daughters': Mrs. Smithey; Mrs. Gay Iddlngs, of High Point; Mrs. Howard Hendren, of High Point; Ray Harris, of Spencer; and Pvt. Lee Harris, of Camp White, Ore gon. V Wilkes Hatchery Expandin^r Output Of Baby Chicks The Wilkes Hatchery, the old est hatchery’ In the county, haa^ Just installed a new incubator which increases its capacity ter 100,009 ithlcks. The hatchery'I|f operated here by Mr. and Mrs. ft C. GamWU, and the new'equip-; ment was made naceesary to take care of the^ hatchery's rapidly In- ctaa^nF «atroaase. , " ■7- •, , . ■ v' • ■ ..f . ,V i \ •?- V/.. f l.’ 4>; ' :/> All property on hand January ly either real or personal, 1$ subject to taxation and must be lisU^. You must include in your return sdl real estate, building, and improvement, machinery, fixtures, rherch^dise in stock, goods in process of manufacture. ’ - Include also such items as farm machineryy household furniture, office furniture, office equipment, jewel ry automobile and livestock. You are required to list all dogs for special as well as ad valorem taxation.' ' Ail H>1F.msnilSBEITON 21 MIDaiYEAliSOl.bmKrmfORI'OLL Note: Farmers, Come Prepared to Give Your Farm Report LIST TAKERS WILL SIT AT THE PLACES AT TIME LISTED BELOW: Antioch Township A. F. SALE, List Taker Will Burehette residence Oak Forest Church (Dellaplane) - Tom Mathis’ Service Station R. C. Segraves’ Service Station — A. F. Sale’s residence Jan. 23 Jan. 26 .... Jan. 26 Jan. 27 Jan. 28 Beaver Creek Township FRED WALSH, List Taker Beaver Creek Service Station Jan. 23 W. G. Walsh’s Store Ja”. 25 Gaither Walsh’s Store Jh"- 26 Fred Walsh’s residence — Jan. 2( Boomer Township TOM GREER, List Taker Tom Greer’s Store Jan. 23 and 25 Cub Walsh’s Store - Jan. 26 and 27 Ruth Holleman’s J.an- 28 Jarvis Walsh’s Tom Law’s, half day Jan- JO Deal Steele’s, half day .... Tom Greer’s Store * Lewis Fork Township J. M. SHEPHERD, List Taker Mrs. Zora Eller's Store (Ready Branch —Jan. 23 Ed. Foster’s Store Jan. 26 Taft Foster’s Store (Mt. Pleasant) — Jan. 26 Boiling Springs Church —Jan. 27 W. A. Triplett’s Store (Boone Trail Hwy.)..Jan. 28 Wint Blackburn’s Ser\'ice Station Jan. 29 J. M. Shepherd's residence — Jan." 30 Lovelace Township R. F. JOHNSON, List Taker Mount Sinai Jan. 23 Lewis School House ' Jan. 25 Spurgeon School House Jan. 26 E. P. Inscore’s Store — Jan. 27 R. F. Johnson’s residence Jan. 28 Somers Township SANFORD PREVETTE, Ust Taker Gus Myers’ Store Jan. 23 S. L. Sparks’ Store Jan. 26 J. N. Souther’s residence Jan. 26 R. C. Jarvis’ Store -Jan. 27 Rufus Johnson’s Store Jan. 28 W. H. McCarter’s residence Jan. 29 Sanford Prevette’s residence Jan. 30 Brushy Mountain Township J. M. COSTNER, List Taker K. E. Moore’s residence Jan. ^ M. L. Hendren’s Store Jan- 25 W. H. Tevepaugh’s residence Jan. 25 Odell Moore’s residence Jan. 27 J. M. Costner’s residence Jan. Jo Moravian Falls Township MRS. B. p. PEARSON, List Taker Adley Methodist Church — Jan. 23 Mt. Carmel (Kiurch Jan. 25 Joe Brock’s residence Jan. 26 Pores Knob Postoffice — Jan. 27 Grover Hix’s Stervice Station Jan. 28 and 29 Edwards No. 1 Township ELMER ANTHONY, List Taker Casli Hard'ware (Ronda) Jan. 23 and, 25 Macedonia Church Jan. Jo Hollaway’s Store Jan. J/ Lomax Postoffice Jan- Jo Edwards No. 2 Township FINNIS ANTHONY, List Taker J. A. Longbottom’s Store Jan. 29 White Plains Church — Jan- JO Poplar Springs Church (Colored) Feb. 1 E. J. Durham’s residence T-7,”"7 -7,®r o Sliepherd Cross Roads (J. 'W. Cheek Storc)_Feb. 3 Herman Holloway Store -Feb. 4 Finr.is Anthony’s ’’ Edward* No. 3 Township , DALLAS CARTER, List Taker Benham School House Feb. 6 Pleasant Ridge School House beb. 8 Rex Wilson’s Store Pleasant Hill School House Feb. 10-11-12 Mulberry No. 1 Township MRS. OPAL DANCY, List Taker W. M. Osborne’s Store Jab- 29 Halls Mills Postoffice ~ Jan- 30 Jim Bumgarner’s Store : 1 Ben Hayes’ Store Feb. 2 C. M. Dancy’s residence Feb. 3 Mulberry No. 2 Township WILL WATSON, List Taker A. R. Myers’ Store Jan. 23 Hardin Rhodes’ residence Jan. 25 Church'.s Store ' Jan- 26 H. E. Harrold’s Store Jan. 27 Will Watson’s residence Jan- 28 Newcastle Township G. C. GREEN. List Taker Dennyville School House Jan. 23 Gilliam’s Store ^5 P. L. Day’s Store Jan- 26 R. D. Mathis’ Store -Jan- 27 . G. C. Green’s Store Jan. 2^ and 29 G. C. Greene’s residence Jan. 30 Stanton Township VERNON ELLER, List Taker White Oak School Hou.se Jan. 23 G. C. Parson’s Store Jan. 25 J. I. McGlamery’s Jan. 26 Clark Roller Mills ^ Jan. 27 New Hope School House Jan. 28 Traphill No. 1 Township CHARLIE PRUITT, List Taker , H. H. Warren’s Store Jan. 23 J. V. Adams’ Store (Austin) ^ _Jan. 25., Mine Ridge School, half day, A. M;;t;’^.T“_lJah'. "25'^ J. H. Holbrook’s residence, half day, P. M—Jan. 26 C. D. Holbrook’s Store Jan. 27 Charlie Pruitt’s residence Jan. 28 Traphill No. 2 Township C. S‘. JOHNSO.N, Li.st Taker J. W. McBride’s Store Jan. 29 Joynes Postoffice Jan. 30 Mack Holbrook’s residence Feb. 1 C. S. Johnson’s residence ... Feb. 2 Union Township W. H. WHITTINGTON, I ist Taker Lester Yates’ Service Station Jan. 23 A. G. Shepherd’s Store Jan. 25 Walter ^Whittington’s Store — Jan. 26 Jessie Shepherd’s Store — Jan. 27 Reed Royal’s Store ~ Jan. 28 A. R. Miller’s Store Jan. 29 Ila Dancy’s Service Station Jan. 30 Piney Ridge School House Feb. 1 Oak Grove School House —Feb. 2 I. R. Vannoy’s Sei-vice Station Feb. 3 Wingler’s Store Feb. 4 Dewey Miller’s Store Feb. 5 Elk No. 1 Township P. H. BLANKENSHIP, List Taker' P H, B. C. Johnson’s Stoi'e Jan. 23 Delph’s Store (Adkins’ Shop) Jan. 25 G. W. Welborn’s residence (Mt. Zion) Jan. 26 p’ H. Blankenship’s residence __Jan. 27 North Wilkesboro Township J. B. McCOY, List Taker North (Wilkesboro Town Hall J»"- 23 Tlirough Walnut Grove No. 1 Township T. G. JOHNSON, List Taker Springfield Postoffioe Jan. 29 J. H. Alexander’s residenc-3 — Jan. 30 A. M. Holbrook’s Store Feb. 1 L. E. Sparks’ Store Feb. 2 W. W. Gambill’s Store Feb. 3 T. G. Johnson’s residence Feb. 4 Elk No. 2 Township CHELSIE McNEIL, List Taker Charlie McNeil’s Store Jan. 28 Wheeling’s Store Jan. 29 Denny Postoffice Jan. 30 Darby Postoffice Feb. 1 Fred McNeil’s residence —Feb. 2 Jobs Cabin Township D. F. BESHEARS, List Taker Walsh Postoffice Jan. 23 L. E. Woodie’s Store Jan. 26 Lee J. Church’s Store Jan. 26 D. F. Beshear’s residence Jan. 28 Virgil Church’s residence Jan. 29 Ben Whittington’s Service Station Jan. 80 Reddies River Townshfp T. A. ELLER, List Taker Noah Harris’ Store ^ Michael & Phillips f W. F. McNeil’s Store (Millers Creek) Jan. 26 A. T. Nichols’ Store Joe Hayes’ Store (Purlear) Jan. ^ Congo Postoffice J"*- " W. E. Parson’s Store (Buck) Jan- 30 W. F- McNeil’s Store (Millers Creek) Feb. 1 Rock Creek Township F. C. JOHNSON, List Taker ■ Templeton’s Store (Hayes) -i Jan. M WiU Elmore’s Store J“n- f B A. Day’s Service Station Jan. m Oscar Wiles’ residence ^ S. M. Byrd’s Store ^-Jan. 30 Walnut Grove No. 2 Township A. A. WYATT, List Takcr 0. C. Rhodes’ Store Jan. 23 H. F. Handy’s Store Jan. 25 McKinley Hank’s Store Jan. 26 W. E. Bell’s Store Jan. 27 A. A. Wyatt’s residence Jan. 28 Wilkesboro No. 1 Township MRS. WARNER MILLER, SR., List Taker Wilkes Court House Feb. 1 Through 6 Mont Jones’ Store (OakJwoods) Peb. 6 Wilkes Court House —.-J— Feb. 8 Wilkesboro No. 2 Township KATBRYN HOLLAND, last Taker 0 _ C. G. Glass’ Store Jan. 23, 26 and 26 Harvey Johnson’s Store — _...__Jan. 27 Henry Brooks’ tesideSce 1 Jan, 28 Arthur Foster’s Store ! Jan 29 Kathryn HoIUum’s residence __ '_Jan. 30 'i