Mn. Tlito. Blente,v4m* iMaMtoiy^ tb.t Pvt. and Mrs. Sam Pierce Visits Relatives Prt. Ssm Pierce, of Camp Lee, and his wife, who-makes her hom«' In Charlotte, spent the ▼•ek-end with Mrs. Pierce’s mother. Mrs. J. F. Ellis, at Pur- Isar snd with othet relstlTea IM Set. McNeil Promoted /" 8ft. Cecil D. (Dlck)i. McN^, son of Mr. snd Mrs. Iredel^ Mell, of Millers Creek, has Ip been promoted to his present' rsnk. He entered the semioft In September, 1942, and wafi,^^s-i -fsrred last week from ,cithhlihr| Field, SsTannah, Ga., ttfll^ntW Beach, 8. C. He It a mecnanlc. lb the army air corps there. CpI. Richard F. Johnpon In California Cpl. Richard F. Johnson ha4 re turned to . Camp Cooke, Oellfor- nia, after spending a few days with hla parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Johnson, of North Wllkes- boro route *hree. He recently ▼isited his brother, Pfc. Carl D. Johnson at San Diego, Oallf. Ml IM IM Pfc. Carl D. Johnson Gets Promotion Pfc. Carl D. Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Johnson, of North Wllkeshoro route three, has recently been promoted to his present rating. He entered the service in December, 1942, end is now stationed at San Diego, Calif. Pvt. Conrad R(seTlM Viaita Homo. ; ' '• » Pvt. Conrad Reeves, o^‘ Cdmp White, Oregon, spent a . JS-dsy fnrlongh with Ms wife, the fbi*- msr Miss Leila Shumate, and daughter, Julene, on ' 'North Wllkesboro route one. Pvt. Reeves wan Inducted In the army OctbliPr 17, 1942. He left Monday to .‘er turn to his post. This was Ptt!. Beeves’ first visit home in eight months to see his five-months-old daughter. Pwt. James A. Minton Returns To Camp Pvt. James Arlyss Minton baa returned to Camp Rucker, Ala., after spending a fifteen day fur lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Minton, of Congo. St. Sft. Richard C. Jarvis In North Africa I St. Sgt. Richard C. Jarvis will celebrate his 22nd birthday Jane 26 in North Africa. He has been in Africa since November. His wife and baby live at Roaring River. M Ik Charles Leckie At New port News, Va. Charles Leckie. navy veteran who has been stationed at Ber muda, is now at Newport News, Va. ■Pfc. James A. Culler Visits In Wllkesboro Pfc. James A, Culler passed through the Wilkesboros Tuesday enroute to Camp Forrest, Tenn., after a visit with relatives in Winston-Salem. Pfc. Culler is the son of Mr. Jim Culler, former res- lldent of Wilkesboro. Spread-eagled on the forest floor is this yoangster of eight, paying for his “mistake” in being caught, tnthb war gamea of yoet^ It’s one of the shock scenes of RKO Radio’s “Hitler’s ChiMren’*,' based on the best-selling ‘Education for Death.” Tim Holt, s yosng Gestapo leader, is dragging BoniU Granville sway from the Isd, ts her horror. “Hitler’s Children’’ pulls no pundiesl Showing Mon- dsy snd Tuesday at the Allen Theatre. NEW SHIPMENT!! BEAUTIFUL mr^RSHARP ’ REPEATING PENCILS- CM OB MMMAar* Mefk •#snr-BMfob o Aatp peW As MM yea aood Si I Mm a ysac iwf• oA Bo/rt graad Carter-Hubbard Publishing Co. Ninth Street Telephone 70 pvt. Edison Norman Hoiiia For Week-End Pvt. Edison Norman, stationed at the army basic training center at Greensboro, spent the week end in Wilkesboro with Mrs. Nor man and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cul ler. um im IM PvL T. R. Grayson Home .Short >^ile Pvt. T. R. Grayson, who is sta tioned at Camp Lee, Ve„ spent a short while in the city with Mrs. Gyayson the past week-end. Prior to induction into the army Pvt. Grayson was a member of the of fice personnel of the Wilkes Ho siery Mills. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Grayson. Capt. Huffman Transferred Captain Domer J. Huffman has been transferred from Camp White, Oregon, to'Greenville, Pa., according to information received by relatives here. Capt. Huffman entered service with the National Guard company here In 1940. )Sk Mi Pvt. Tracy Huffman Home During Week-End Pvt. Tracy P. Huffman, of Fort Belvoir, Va., spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Josie Huffman, of Buck. ’ V Aihliversary Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Cashion Mr. end Mrs. A. A. Cashion cel ebrated their 34th wedding anni versary with a dinner at Hotel Wilkes Tuesday evening, June 15 All the’children were present for the occasion: John Cashion, of Asheville; Mrs. James Robinson, of Granite Falls; Staff Sgt. Roy Cashion, of Ft. Sill, Okla.; Paul, Ray and Neil Cashion, o f this city. you CAN STILL GET AN UNLIMITED AMOUNT OF TI \!l No Restrictions Have Been Plac-; ed on This ^deal Material By The Government.. > . Bathroom and Kitchen Sitok Tile of all Kinds and All Cojors. Tile for Your Fireplace In All Colors. Asphalt Tile for Kitchen or Recreation Room Floors In The Basement—In All Colors. JOEL MILLER ’.C - TILE CONTRACTOR Pboi^T068-L i Hickory, N. C: ‘ On U. S. Highway 70 • With 1rhe • CHURCHES “Fruit Of The Spirit" To Be First Baptist Subject Dr. JOWN W. KINCHELOE, Jr. Pastor At the 11:00 a. m. worship service in the First Baptist church this Sunday the pastor will speak on "The Fruit Of The Spirit.” Sundky'school esembles at 9:45 a. m. and the Training Union meets at 7:00 p. m. ‘‘Take Heed” will be the ser mon topic of the pastor at the 8:00 p. m. worship service. The public is extended a friend ly invitation to e’.tend the ser vices. Wilkesboro Methodist Rev, FRED H. SHINN, Paetor The pastor will preach at the worship services to be held at 11 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. The pub lic has a cordial invitation to all services. Presbyterian Church SroNEY D. CRANE, Pastor “A Real Fight” will be the sub ject of .the message at thp morn ing service. fEt.lltOe„'o’eloek, at; the North Wilkesboro Presby terian church, ; and the last of three sermons • delivered by the pastor, Sidney D. Crane, from the letters to the Ephesians. Those are especially invited who want to know how to overcome in struggles they are facing, but a cordial welcome is extended to the public in general, and even those who may not be thinking that life is a struggle at all! The evening service, from 7:15 to 8:00 o’clock, will be for the adults, one of worship end fel lowship through sacred music. All who love to slug are invited. The juniors and the young people will meet at the same time for their regular programs. Your young people of the church will attend the annuel se nior Young People’s Conference at Glade Valley high school next week, Monday noon through Sat urday morniBg, June 28 to July 3. They are Mary Elmore Finley, Sue Lendon, Tom Nelson, and Don Coffey. Going as represen tatives of the local young peo ple’s group, they will bring back j a report to the latter on the val ues of the conference. feel r. e; • .■ Jlerttf. A’fri^., —■ NTeWTlvstrla). -baeklwe Olrsad‘|M* Dfr . r, , Norik jriilckeij^pg fpg Alroflam edfiviiy. , jRev^ Ottis Cook To Preach At Tent On Saturday Night Evangelist Harvey Phtilips, who is conducting a revival In a tent located near Forester Avenue In this city, today announced that Rev: Ottto Cook, of Hickory, will preach at the tent on Saturday night, June 26. Rev. Mr. Phillips said the re vival is progressing fine and that ;'aonla,are being saved and back- allders reinstaf^”.' Services are held at the tent each evening at 8:30 o’clock. Neza cripple clinic., 'the Wllkea hospital will be on .Thurs day, July 8,'at which time an or- thOpedfe spedaHst'will make-free exaujlnattoB Of all crippled and deformed people preaent. V- The Agricnltnral. Approprfa^ tion Bill for 1944, pasted by the Senate on Inne 11, increased the Federal Office item by 150,000 for improving cotton quality through improved handling and ginning, , ", Pvi .'l&lkrl'xindi&W^m-j hank AO'Camp aSlir apf^p.'a^ [‘‘tiay . terlongli 'e^\ilf;the ’ .i|Or»er-; V1m^ ArUa rBlOrliv, and hla father, Mr. David (MndlH. ^ MIA Thelma Blevins visited MIm Rnby Blevins Tneaday aven- ittg. ■' Mra. Clyde Han^ and little son, La'rry, visted her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' W. M.' Pnltt, Sunday. Miss Giy, Bell apent. ftttnrday ni^ht with Miaa Thelma Blevins. Mrs. A. A. CandiU had a birth day dinner Saturday. Sha was 61 years of age. Friends hope her many more birthdays. • 'fm Mr. and Mra. Sherman BlevlM,«A visited her parents, Mr. and Mn. G. B. Blerins, Monday night. 'The crops of Springfield com munity are looking tine this year. V It la annonneed that the loan First Methodist Church Rev. A. 0. WAGGONER, Pastor 9:45—Church school, W. H. Duhling, superintendent. 11:00 —.‘‘Christ Loved the Church,” the pastor. Organ Prelude—Landes Domi ni—Wilson. Offertory—Prayer—Schubert. Postlude—Three Fold Amen. 7:15—Youth Fellowship. 8:00 — Worship theme — Pos sessing One’s Self—the pastor. Organ Prelude — Pastorate — Pangborn. Offertory—Offertory-^Peele. The Board of Stewards will, meet Tuesday evening, June 29, with Mr. J. R.^ Hix, at seven o'clock. The Woman’s Bible Class will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3:30, with Mrs. loss Reeves. Union Revival Is Now In Pri^ess Revival services are in pro gress this week at Union Metho dist church three miles west of this city. ' ~ The pastor, Rev. Fred H. Shinn, is doing the preaching and W, A. Dunnagan, of Winston-Salem, is directing the music. - JThe . services, which are held each evening *at 8:30,.’are being well attended and much interiMf.l te being shown. ■ All are invited, to. the remaining aervicea’in .th^, rtvtval. BUY MORE WAR BONDS ratea on wheat in North Caroliim will be 11.46 per buahel for No. 2 soft red wtaeeL The natlongl loan rate is fl.22. « OUR BUYER' ■' r Has Just Retiiraed From New York Where New Ladies’ and Children’! Ready-to- Wear Was Purchased In Substantial Quantities. Some of the New Dresses are arriving daily. Come in and choose yours now. The Goodwill Store “The Place for Bargains” Tenth Street North Wilkesboro, N. C. 4 Girls Age 16 Years to ^ Years Apply At ii: Wiis Hifigiinf Mills Co. ■ A V-4. ^ JB M w ■ , ^ ^ ' XM"niod a.'m! ■vv. '-SsT ■ fl,