; |6Qntiii««ii from ^ge boe) ^IW'won lokown 16cAl rendmlt > want hi* naiw* utodr r«nrfva4 «p in liif' nail || oopjr of tha "Industrial Wi^dcer’*, the fttonmunlit luferty Sman pnhlUhed in Chica^’ which jfW JMts -€aw ' Tttltina Hr hddtntini;BeaV Caledoma PrtMm Fatan, Haltfaz» '.■^ li. iiaol convicted for labor disorder at Gastonia Ind %Hf;^^pay^i^nd by Governor Broughhm. Qinte un- to reach the North Wilkesboro Nathatk Ford, operators of a cafe for colored, report thai'^^jji^ji^^^se of a number of small pullet eggs, most oi ^v^^ltU^-two or more yolks in them. Unusual for eggs so rlUe. B>, se - - „ Mfs. J. C. McNeil. Mrs, Motw h U»e tonner Mis* Opal McNeil Guests ln '‘kB •! Bill* orlir the weeh-ctadm*, eluded PTt. Sam Plerw of Lee. Ve^, Mrs. Plercp ind .. MISJ FottoiU' Bills of Charlotte.- ^ Sunday, school, was well attend-, ed at Mt Pleasant Sunday Inolnd- In* many rlsltors from^ different,, sections of the county. * ' - .y, Mrs. Rex West and The vlK^^ hpeping apples on cold storage was recent ly provpa here when.Perry Lowe, one of thrf county’s en- terprbN^'orchardists, sold Staymens that have been in storage at the aspeiiment station since last fall. It goes to show that wh^ it comes to preserving apples for a long period of time, Research Specialist VanDeman kifbws his stuff. Ward Eshelman is another one of our good citizens that is planning to aid [the ‘home front’ war effort by producing more food for the home. . He has a Victory Garden and is now having a new chicken house constructed to provide, as the Methodists say, the "gospel fowl’’ for his table. "The first qualification of a good fisherman is to be a good liar’’ so says C. G. Plexico, our local shoe repair man who likes to cast for ’em himself. While having high re gard for a number of local fishermen, he think* Jim Reins is just about "tops" when it cemes to having all the qual ifications of a good fisherman. Which reminds us that some of the followers of Isaac Walton have been having some fair luck this season. C. M. Brown, Jr., a valued employe down at Pat Eller’s place,' was among those leaving last week to join Uncle Sam’s fight for freedom. C. M., known and admired by nu merous friends made since he came to Wilkes to teach in the Mt. Pleasant high school, says he’s certainly coming back to Wilkes after it’* all ever. Mrs. Brown, the form er Miss Ruth Huffman, will remain for awhile at least, to help Otto Minton run his big chicken farm at Champion. North Wilkesboro and Wilkes county people are going to miss Harvel’t Studio, closing this week because its own er, Paul Harvei, has just been accepted a* an aviation ca det. Paul is. a first-rate fellow and turned out first-class norite "•'►T - —BUY WAR BONDS— I Want Ads I Stove Rationing Expected Soon Rates: Ic A Word Each Insertion: Minimum 25c WANTED —Couple Iwiier for threshing machine. . ard Templeton, Union N. C. fwders —I.rf;on- Grove, It-p Rjcitioning of all types of cook ing and heating stoves is expect ed soon, according to information received by local furniture deal ers. Conditions of the rationing are not known at present, nor the time the rationing program will be instituted. However, it is gen erally known that stoves for heat ing and for cooking will come un der rationing within the next few weeks. WANTED—To Pay Ton Cash prices for all your old watches and clocks,' regardless of condi tion. C. T. BURKE, Ninth St., North Wilkesboro. 6-24-3t FOR SALE FOR SALErrirTable Electric Sew ing machine. — Price right. Payne Clothing Co., North Wilkesboro, N. C. 6-28-3t GOOD REBUILT Used Upright Pianos.—Garwood Plano Co.' Wilkesboro, N. C. 5-3-tf DONl' LET Tour Chicks Die With Coccodlosls, get Wllco. Man ufactured and sold by Wllkea Hatchery, C. C. Oatnblll, prop.. 10th Street, North Wilkesboro. N. C. Phone 458 4-26-tf FOR SALE — Rawlelgh’e Insect Dust, Pyrethro Fly Kfller, Ideal Fly Repellent, Dip and Dlsen- fectant. Iodised Poultry Pow der, Iodised Stock Tonic. W. W. Kyle, North Wilkesboro Ront One. Phone S6F02, Fair- plains Road. 4-lJ'-tf FOR RENT won BENT — Oauvenlontly Ar ranged modem apartment with three rooms and hath. Call 40# or 426, 6-10-tf Miscellaaeoiu liOOT — Black of Wilkesboro. ootNy Enoch East nder please Staley, North *. ,||T2frfti; Charlie Dancy Is Making a Special “V” Type Sandal -Mr. Charlie Dancy, manager of 0. K, Shoe Shop on Tenth street, lias been making a nove' and at- t.-aetive “Victory'' sandal this yaar. On a solid leather sole Mr. UMiicy attached strips In red, white and blue, colors, and on one part of the sandal top is a large engraved “V”. Mr. Dancy said today that he could sell 1,000 pairs of "Victory” sandals if he could make them and is now far behind with or ders. MATERNITY BENEFITS ARE PROVIDED HERE (Continued from page one) pass on the application and if ap proved the applicant will be' en titled to receive all the benefits of the program. The maternity program, which is being inaugurated in a number of the counties in the state. Is un der the super'.Ision of the director of the division of health service of the Child Bureau, U. S. De partment of Labor. The Wilkes hospital, due to the fact that I It is on the approved list of the American College of Surgeons, -was accepted without being personally Inspected, as is done In non-approved institutions. The berdetits do not apply to wires of commissioned officers, or enllMed men whpse pay exceeds |78 per'iiionth. Attention is called to the fact that the wife of a aarvice mait- shonld tnake aj>pllcatlon well in advance of tha.'expecM child de- 5»c! — Do toi.do, ab- rrMttbd by iHvery date and applications made after delivery cannot be honored ^ Preaent collections of "vute Mr. and children,' Jimmy, Jerry and Fran ces Ann of North Wilkesboro route one, visited relatives fin this- community Sunday Including Mr, and Mrs. Avery Chunch ?nd Mr W^’s grandmother, Mr#; Raalt* el West,. Mrs. AfvII Foster visited her-; husband Pvt.' Arvll Foster of Chorlestoa, S. C., a few days last week. Mrs. Foster and little son Douglas, are making- their home with Mrs. Foster’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Com Walsh while Mr. Foster serves Uncle Sam. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Foster and children Tommy end Ma(ry Ellen were guests in the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Crate Laws of Congo Sunday. Their daughter. Miss Colleen, who had been spending sometime with Mrs. Laws and other relatives, returned home with them. Mr, C. M. Brown was Inducted into the army Tuesday. He will be greatly missed In church and Sunday school as he very Inter estingly taught the young men’s Bible class. Master Ralph Church Is spend ing some time with his grandpar ents, Mr. end Mrs. P. 0. Church. Mr. and Mrs. Vclta Harris and children visited In the home of Mr. and Mrs. EJverette Huffman Sunday. Mrs. A. L. Barnette has return ed home after spending a month with relatives in Maryland. The committee of Mt. Pleas ant high school have elected the principal and most of the faculty, whose names will be announced later, and hope to have everything in readiness for opening of school August 16tb. Miss Evelyn McGee spent some time Sunday with her grand father, Mr. J. A. Fairchild. rssulittioB*, A dealer or 'otfMlTtimnifprse-of a vehicle. i» 4 Is r^rted thi^-ptodBi'ol , most T rationed f togetbw with pfrimpfietlre prodwpticm, ablt will tie ade««a^^ to atalni- talsf the preaent lev(d of deaasrap- tlon untA the, end of the' year. . SIMONE SIMON Currently appearing in “Tahiti Honey”, RepuMc’s new. muskaL Rosemary La Planche. who was crowned ‘Miss America 1941' plays the leading femme role op posite Jimmy Rogers, Noah Bee-' ry, Jr,, dnd Marjorie Woodworth In the neiw-'Hal er, “Praliio Chlckeni^j packed;- wyh V'ipirttoJ'|' and romance, and '« local premiere Theatre o'^ Monday "Prairie ChickeM" was 'ij'rfMb- ed by Hal'Roach, J®.,/and''^wn turned from a scta^lil^r Arnold Belgard ^dll- Us fun-filled story' ' and around the scre^‘-/’’i^Vea- tures of the happy-go-lu'iclty'ybung cowboy pals, Jimmy Rogers and Noah Beery, Jf.;' who beconie mixed up with e' youn|i mlllIoi(*-’- aire, who Is going WesVrto Collect a ranch that he Inhertthd, \ ‘ Musical “Tahiti Honey”, one of the season's most entertainfhg mif[> slcal comedies, drHl'open a twii- day run Monday at' the. tlhertT Theatre. Simone Simon and Den nis O’Keefe are co-sUined In. this Republic picture. Michael Wtih- len, Lionel Stander,- Wally Vern on, Tom Seidel, Dan, Seymour, and Tommye Adams are featured. subject to penalties If he accepts transfer of a ration book from, the transferor of the vehiala”. . •- Ptor to Oloen Owt - Dealers in -rationed commodi ties who wish to close out or ICai transfer their stock of goods must do the following things: First, Mrs. Bentley 1$ Taken by Death Mrs. Josephine Brown Bentley, age 83, died early Wednesday at her home in the Pores Knob com munity. * Mrs. Bentley was a member of a well known Wilkes family and was held In high esteem by many* friends and acquaintances. Surviving are the following sons and daughters: L. P. Bent ley and J. M. Bentley, of Poros I Knob; Mrs. R. F. Campbell, of. Hickory; Mrs. W. S. Reavis, of iHld^enlte,' Mrs. J., .^'Part,Ifer. of Pores Knob; and Mto, -J, Haig-,, wood, of North Wilkesboro. ' Funeral serrlce Nwill.-hOi held Thursday, three p, m.,;^ Walnut Grove Baptist church. ‘ KeV. Rog ers Gwaltney will conduct the service, assisted hy'.'R^.Y.'B?-‘V. Bumgarner and Rb|i;Y4' 'C^V Hbl- land. "'.'/.'yA" with average yleldk,,the ,1948- 44 supply, and the -demand will be stronger, due to’Increased iiv- ;■ they must .make a complete-and itemize r^rt ofj all rationed commodiUes In ‘ stock, - and >011 coupons on hand or In the bank, as of the day the establishment Is closed or^ transferred to an other owner., This report must* reach the Rationing Board with in five days after the business is closed or transferied. In case EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified an exeriitrix oi :-3 thd last wm and testament of ^ Walter Jtduison, deceased, tUs is to advise all persona having dainu against his estate to present them to the undCTsi^)^ cMCufaix on - before the 2ard day of June, 19 or this notice will be plead in Iwr of their payment All perso deMed to smd estate -will Immediate payment to the signed. be'^de^ This 23rd day of June, J948. ;... ■ MRS, MAYS PHIPPS JOHN- SOlN', executrix of the last wiA -i and testament of J. Waltw Johnson, deceased. - 7-29-dtT Whicker & WTikker, Attys. In order to conserve food, I will pack BIACKBERRIES as usual this season. Prices Are Higher! If interested, see me at once and SECURE CONTRACT S. V. TOMLINSON kitchen fats are about 86 million pounds annually. - - A lO-oz. size Kellogg’s All Bran lOc KELLOGG’S—- 6-oz. pize Com Flakes....... 5c Giant Size 13c Get Your Caimmg Supplies Now JAR RINGS, dozen . 5c ATLAS SEAL-ALL LIDS, doz... 10c ATLAS SEAL-ALL CAPS, doz... 25c ATLAS ZINC CAPS, doz. _ . V. . 25c 8-03.* pkg. Post Bran Flakes .. 9c 12-oz. size— • Grape Nuts 14c • FruitJars • Pts. - 58c; Qts. _ 68c; 1-2 gal.95c GIANT SEEi- ’ Oxydol or Duz .... 63c SURE-JELL . ...2for25c • Full l.me l^h Fruits and Vcgetalilii ? # In Our Market BOILED HAM,Ib ...69c ARMOUR’S STAR— BACON, lb 42c ROLOGNA- SAUSAGE, lb. 25c PORK CHOPS, lb. . . .34c UVER MUSH, lb. . .18c ARMOUR’S— (half or whole) CURED HAMS, lb.. . 36c Fresh Fish this Week-End Latest News About Y|jir Ration Stamp • Blue Stamps, K, L, and M fEod until July 7th. N. P, and valid July >• ■’.> . - Red Stamp# J, K, t, M, andjfvalHi throufh Jm^.30. . Stifaiw^ Staaqt tS gei^ for through A|ig. —slamps IS and 16 each good ^ S pound# for

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