Hubbaxd : —‘^iebrftt^ Birthday Hobbud, Toone wn of Ifr. ttia Mm. F. C. Hubbard, Jr., MuMftiud iiJB fifth birthday re- ««ntl3^ at an«. J. L. Clemenfs kthdergarton class. The children i»)W* directed In sCme games and at the close were senred Ice cream- aijd oakf by Mrs. Hubbard and Mrs. R. O. Finley. The children were presented ‘ with favors and Rick received' lots of flfts. We Now Have the Agency For;' CNEN-YU Nail Polith and Lipstick Brame Drug Co. Telephone 10 North Wilkesboro, N. C. First Baptist W.M.S Met On Tuesday . “Our Crown Jewels" was the theme tor a most interestlnc In gram given at the January n>6«t* Ing of the First Baptist Woman’s Missionary Society held at the home of Mrs. R. T. McNlel Tucs day afternoon, having sixteen present. The meeting oi>enod with the group singing the hymn for the year, “The Morning Light Is Broking,” followed by prayer by Mrs. J. F. Fletcher. Mrs. C-. B. Jenkins, the president, anas In charge of the usual business ses sion. Mrs. John W. Kincheloe, Jr., was In charge of the program which was given by members of Circle No. 1 and presented as fol lows: Hymn, “Take Time to be Holy,”: scripture, Mrs. J. G. Chip- man; citizens of the Kingdom. Mrs. Kincheloe; opals, Mrs. Ira Payne; diamonds, Mrs. L. A. Hauser; agate, Mrs. R. T. McNlel; pearls, Mrs. Tal Barnes: amethyst, Mrs. C. S. Sink; ruby, Mrs. J. T. Kerbaugh; and sapphire, Mrs. Bruce Waugh. it Monday Th» Jnftdfcry mooting of th®, gloh AuxUlnry was bihld oh Mon day evening at 'tho home of Hm. Jultaia A. Eonsseon with Mm. W. R. Aboher and Mm. G. O. Poin dexter as associate boejSessos. MUe Toby Turner, the preeldent»,''WMt In charge of the bnslnees semion during I whliA time the usual re ports were made and some jilans nsade for the work. It wns jh- nonnced that the Auxiliary had reached Its memberahlp qi(ota of seventy-two members. The host esses served refreshments at the close of the evening. Mrs. John Wall received an award for per fect attendance during the year of 1948. rhego. niieit Halni^ atMilQooB >t ftvs o’clock, at die home of Mr. J. W. Robbins, s Justice of the Peace In Somem TXiwnaUp, when Miss RaehM Shstley became the bride Of Frank HiteheU, with Mr. Rob bins offlclatlng. Mm. Mltchel Is a daughter of Mr. and Mm. Isom Sbatley. of Cycle. Mr. Mitchell Is a son of Mr. end Mrs. John Mitchell, also of Cycle. Mr. and Mm. Mitchell will be at home to their many friends in the Cycle community. REPORT OF CONDITION OF The Northwestern Bank Of North Wllkeeboro, in the State of North Carelina, at the Close of Business December 31, 1943 ASSETS Loans and discounts (Including NONE overdrafte) $ 3,784,120.94 United States Government obligations, direct and guar- anteed 4,218,08d.66 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 1,9^,596.69 Other bonds, notes, and debentures ——r-rr^—■; 169,303.20 Corporate stocks (including NONE stock of Federal Reserve bank) — 4,700.00 Cash, balances with other banks, mcludmg reserve bal- „qqq ances, and cash items in process of collection 3,y9o,493.u Bank premises owned $72,783.86, furniture and onoiAn fixtures $18,026.26 —90,810.11 (Bank premises owned are subject to NONE liens not assumed by bank) Real estate owned other than ba:^ premises 4,320.04 Investments and other assets indirectly repxesentmg bank premises or other real estate munni Customers’ liability to this bank on acceptances out- tip standing ,, Other assets 4L061^ TOTAL ASSETS $14,207,554.89 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor- porations , 6 6,714,237.98 rime deposfts of individuals, partnerships, and corpor- ^ ations ——-p —: 4,037,042.43 Deposits of United States Government (mcludmg postal savings) 646,549.64 Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and officers’ checks, etc.) 129,282.93 TOTAL DEPOSITS _.._$13,376,787.96 Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for boT- rowed money NO^ Mortgage or other bens —- NOWBi Acceptances executed by or for account of this bank and outstanding NONE Other liabilities -80,051.08 TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated ob- ligations shown below) $13,4t5,839.03 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Snrolus Undivided profits Beserves (and retirement account for preferred cap ital) ^ 280,000.00 220,000.00 244,216.86 7,500.00 TOTAL CAPITAL A(XX)UNTS - 751,715.86 total LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS _ $14,207,664.89 This bank's capital consists of NONE of capftal notes and debentures: first preferred stock with total par value of NONE, total retirable value NONE; second preferred stock with total psur value of NONE, total retirable value NONE; and common stock with total par value of $280,000.00. MEMORANDA Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book value): ^ U. S. Government obligations, direct and g»^- anteed, pledged to secure deposits and other lia bilities — (b) Kher assets pledged to secure deposits and oth er liabilities (includmg notes and bills rediscounted and securities sold under repurchase agreement) _— (c) Assets pledged to qualify for exercise of fiduciary or corporate powers, and for purposes other than to secure liabiUties (d) Securities loaned $ 2,164,087.48 735,381.43 NONE NONE Meetings Are Held For Girl Scout Workers Monday The January meeting of the Girl Scout council for the Wllkes- boroB was held lost Monday after noon at the Girl Scout room In the city hall with Mrs, T. A. Finley presiding. Yearly reports were submitted and It was stated that- the six Girl Scout Troops for the Wilkesboros had been registered. It is hoped that the Girl Scout cookies will be available again for sale as this Is the only money making project supported by the Girl Scouts. Council members present were Mesdames George Forester, Jack Brame, H. B. Smith, J. S. Deans. W. E. Jones, R. T. McNiel, Claude Doughton and Mrs. Finley. At each council meeting some Scout leader is pres ent, and at this meeting Mrs. R. G. Finley -was the leader present. The leaders meeting was held on Monday evening at the same place and during the evening a round table discussion was held pertaining to the work. Mrs. T. A. Finley was the council member present at the leaders meeting. Hinshaw Fidelis Class In Meeting The January meeting of the Fidelis Class of the Hinshaw Street Baptist church was held Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Emma Triplett with Mrs. John Wells as co-hostess. The meeting was opened with scripture reading and prayer by Mrs. Wells. The business session was pre sided over by the president, Mrs. K. D. Key. The class reported 25 visits to the sick and a package of cigarettes and candy was sent at Christmas to C. B. Lewis, a wounded marine in a hospital at Baltimore. The closing prayer was led by Mrs. M. E. Bauguss. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. The Feb ruary meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Page Choate with Mrs. Ernest Porter as co-hostess at which time an auction sale will be held. Musical Stars Met On Tuesday The Musical Stars met Tuesday, January 11th, at 4:00, with Mrs. R. S. Gibbs. Fourteen members were president. A new member. Tommy Reins, was present. Bar bara Jean Money, a guest of Gene Somers, was a visitor. Eric Dun can was host. Piano solos were played by Nelle Cwn Brame and Eric Dun- n. A report on the life of Beethoven was given by Mary Elmore FMnley. Records of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony were played. The orchestra played one selection, "Good Night Ladles.’’ After the program, members joined In an enjoyable game. Classmates Honor Miss Betty Halfacre (e) TOTAL $ 2,899468.91 Secured and preferred liabilities: (a) Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to airements of law (bl^Siitro-wii^ secured by pledged asselts (including rediscounts and repurchase agieemanta) $ 2,308,266.01 (c) Other liabilities secured by pledged aeeets (d) Deposits pref«*xed under provisions of law but not secured by pledged assets • ■ — Nom NONE 54,206.87 (e) TOTAL $ 2,362,472.38 Subordkiated obligatioiis: (a) Unpaid divnends ( on preferred ®bock aad totweaTon capital notea and debantt^ end of last dbidaiid or interest pezlad, not InefauM in Habflltiee or rqoenraa above fk) Other obligetloea not inclnded in liabilities ' sre subordinated to claims of (fcpodtore and other creditors NONE fa) On date ot report the required legal reserve ngainst depoeita of thla bank WM ‘ NONE (h> AsaOte reported above which were lec»I rewrve amounted to digible aa 1,683,654A9 3,925,917.91 t n V DEAL, Secretairy of the above-nam^ b^ do solem^ 5my knowledge and belief. to the best (Correct—Attest: D. V, DEAL, Secretary. R. A. DOUGHTON, N. B. SMITHET, RALPH D(D|N)aAN; IraMOlQne Sfite « Nor^ OwriiWb *•’ ta and iuhscribed before me ^s 14th day ot -“wax, ^ 990m I am not aa tCffear (Braetor of this beak. «adl .tj, 'L0ra,sc«00a8,' Ifothiy Fredericksburg, Va., Jan. 12'. When the prettiest girls at Mary Washington College compete for the title Beauty Queen of the college on January 15, Miss Betty Halfacre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Halfacre of lllS Trogdon street. North Wilkesboro, N. C., -will represent the junior c^ass In the contest. Miss Half- acre was chosen by her classmates as their entry in the competition. The contest, an annual affair, is traditionally sponsored by the juniors of the college as a part ot their Junior Class Benefit party. This year two lieutenants' from the marine base at Quantico and a member of the faculty will judge which of 40 girls, each represent ing a different campus organisa tion, Is the school’s most beauti ful student. Miss Halfacre, a graduate of the North Wilkesboro high school In the class of 1940, is making com merce her field ot special study. She Is also a member of several choral groups and Is secretary ot the junior class. Mrs. E. S. Cooper Is Bridge Club Hostess The members of the Young Ma trons Contract club and some ad ditional guests were delightfully entertained by Mrs. E. 8. Cooper at her home on J Street Monday evening. Three tables were made up for play with the high and sec ond high score prize going to Mrs. O. E. Triplett and Mrs. Jay Jones. The prizes were war stamps. Mrs. Jones, a former member ot the club. Is now living at Panama City, Florida, and la here visiting with relatives. A dessert course was served at the conclusion of play. Mrs Claude Doughton Entertadns Her Club A delightful club party of the week was given by Mrs. Claude Doughton at her home on D street Saturday afternoon entertaining for the members of her bridge club and three extra guests, Mrs. Ward Eshelman, Mrs. J. B. Car ter, and Mrs. Russell G. Hodges. Awards for the high and low scores in the game, which was played at two tables, were won by Mrs. W. B. Somers and Miss Frank Somers. Refreshments pre ceded play. ,;^oinaii's Hlaqlowurf^j waa' hofltpw at m dliHi«r'ibr> the members of her Exeeu^tve Board at her home on Ninth Street Mon day evening;. Dinner ma aerved at :>0 o’cloek aftw which Mrs. Jenldna^nslded for a hUafneas seasion dnripg which time plans were mode tor the year’® wn>k. EHeven members were present. •V- Thp cqat-of-Ilving index in South Africa has risen to a new high of 25.3 per cent above prewar, the rise being prtnclpally In food, fuel, and rent; V- Don’t scatter idle chatterl antf addrenad to ^ WShes .Uxft' «J. rlot,'^e idttec . requeaipd mall ^mn 'paople.. in WSkaa eoootXi whace faa aaii ha foorasailx mada his iKnna. . « Mcnie racently lia wroto.tiiat be had received mmerena letberg nd that he had not beeh) aUa.'to answer all ot them btit will as soon as the cmulitioa of hia haaltb permitB. He said he reeeiTed many letters from the Wilkeaboros and other parts at Wilkes county. V- Put a fcsr d»i» of Vargwtol^ at the very toilK BUY MORE WAR BONDS each Dostifl at the very^ 1 or sneeze. Its ipiidt Mtfan bdpe prevent many colds, developing. Follow Y*IM BOf in foklcr. :£CHEVR01H^ w t yOi W ,oot> ComEfW^ud' Chamber ★ Betsy and Tom Doughton Celebrate Birthdays Last Week Betsy and Tom Doughton, chil dren of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Doughton, celebrated their birth days last week with Interesting parties at their home on D street, Betsy celebrating her ninth birth day on Thursday and Tom his fourth birthday on Friday. For Bet8j'’s party, guests consist ed of fourteen, boys and girls, who came at five o’clock and af ter a series of games were served supper. The dining table was cen tered with a candelabra, holding five lighted candles while one gleamed at each corner of the table. For the dessert course Ice cream was served with Individual cakes Iced In white, bearing mini ature pink candles. Prizes were awarded in the games. Tom, for his party, had' a small group of boys and after being led In some games were served an Ice course In the dining room. The white birthday cake was topped with four pink candles. ’The hoys re ceived attractive favors, and Bet sy and Tom both were '.he recip ients of a number of n’ce girts. Freedom of speech does not mean careless talk! and you’ll get better ‘rformance at lower cost! Stop Oil Pumping and Spark Plug Fouling Remove Sludge ^ and Carbon Deposits *eo«' ,on*V* »•*'*** idol**®*'*'?. ^ MS '''• otO''® Clean Carbon* Coated Valves lo"* Come in . . . Have your ear engine “de-sludged” to^ay! Clean Sludge- Packed Piston Rings ★ ♦ Clean Sludge- Clogged Oil Screen CHEVROLET/ Uf( AO Bock Hm Attockl BUY WAR BONOS FIRST IN 'SERVICE Gaddy Motor Company North Wilkesboro, N. C. BUY’em andKeeP em" ADMINISTRATORS NOTICB TO OREDITORS Having quelltled as edmisMte* tor of the estate of M. L. dseaased, late of Wilkes couate) North Carolina, this la to not^: all ipersons hartng ^alma agad^ the estate of said deceased to hibit them to the Gflreath, N. C„' oa or trd day ot January, netloe will be plsadsd Uiefr recovery. All peraotis- ed to Mid estate will Immediate tbbr trd^a^^^Jannw Every Americgn fighting man has a drea^ A ^eam,, of a day to come—of the day when the war is won. When he can retnm to honm and family knd firiendg, once agaia to Istein the ways of peace. home can help his dream come trae sooner—:by doing • 4--*' ' „ - A-I- the little things asked of u to Victpiy* We can boy bpoda, and jnjofe boo^ aod'kee^.oii doing the boja oMae|i0iate> .-v-c,, aoCA.««aA*«OMA»«‘

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