■ -^1^1 ‘if People Vcwi&SdSfWboMoi^ A HUM GUi%* ^ert»liitt Miu NflUte CtaJ^. SnBdar In N«tt^, WUtoiboi^T^; Skylaad Pont. 7«b;'17. Mr. end Mrs. J* W. Ukel^ ■pent last we^ in Onwuiboro with Mr. and Mnl. J. a HltchelL The Messrs Mitchells are brothers. Mr.^Q. B. Vannoy, who was a patient last week at the Wilkes hospital, has retnmed to his home la the Fnrlear oommnnlty. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Dick ‘ntompeon, at the Wilkes Hospi tal Saturdby, a son, Clayton Har ley Thomitaon. Mr. J. B. Henderson, tor many years letter carrier on Wflkesboro ronte one, has been ill the past several dls^ with an attack of flu. Messrs. L. S. Splainhour, of this city, and E. S. Spainhour, of Elkin, wore in Richmond, Va., today buy ing new mechandlse for the Spain- hour stores located In this city and Elkin. 1i^ A. 8. T. G„ of Boone,’ vtofted ’ parents,*^‘Btr. and Mrs. W. O. Oabriel, the pmit week-end. Mr. Prank Cowan, of the U8N, visited friends In the olty over the week-end. He Is stationed In Washington, D. C. Miss Tudie Hii, student of Woman’s College, visited her mother, Mrs. Mary Moore Hlx, the past week-end. Wilkesboro high school resum ed Its work this mdming (after be ing closed since Thursday on ac count of repair work needing to be done on school buses. Miss Josephine Martin, of Bal timore, Md., now holds a position as transit engineer-in the Glenn L. Martin Company there. Miss Martin formerly lived in Wilkes boro and was a member of the high school class of 1942, where she made an excellent record. All America 1 is &ewin^ to Sav® AND MIILIONS SEW TO SAVE • SEEOURNEWGILBRA • WASH GOODS! Peggy Pifluc. 49® EvergladeSfiens,yard....49® Jerzella,yaril..— ... 79® Crimple Seersucker, yard. 49® Bridal ^ TOMLINSON'S DEPARTMENT STORE “Always Dependable Merchandise” X ... ....a gMis wuo appear in M-G-M’s “Cry ‘Havoc’,” due to open Thureday and Fnday at the Uberty Theatre, are relaxing between scenes. They -ride off in a truck for a tw of the H-G-« lot, and the smiles flowing frerfy indicate they’re having one grand time. Dnrag the car is Mama Hunt. Next to her is Margaret Snllavan, and next to her is Fay Bainm.' O^ers who appear mtte picture are Joan Blondell, Ann Sothem, Ella Raines, Frances Gifford, Diana Lewis, Dorothy Morrts, Heather Angel.Gl ria drafton, and Fely Franquelli. Mr, and Mrs. Gwyn Gamblll ■and daughter, of North Wilkes boro, .spent Sunday with his par enta, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gamblll.— Skyland Post, Feb. 17. ■ Mrs. Frank Gllreath and Mrs. S. S. Marsh, of Baltimore, Md., have returned home after visiting with their brother-in-law, ?fc. Odell A. Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. Tip McNdel and family, of North Wilkesboro, vis ited Mrs. McNlel's father, Mr. E. Eller, at Blna, on Sunday.— Skyland Past, Feb. 17. Mrs. Beatrice Myers Phllllpa left Sunday for Lenoir, for a visit with Mrs. Maynard Rowan, and other friends there. — Elkin 'Trl- hnne, Feb. 17. Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Miller, well known residents of the North. Wilkesboro route three com munity, are recovering from se vere attacks of colds and flu. Former Representative W. C. Pittman, of Newland, Avery county, was a recent guest in the home of Attorney and Mrs. John R. Jones. Mr. Andrew Wellbora, who re sides near Wilkesboro, is a pati ent of the Wilkes Hospital, and is now much improved following an attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Pete Kulynych has return ed to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bullls, Wilkesboro. after undergoing a week's treat ment at the Wilkes Hospital'. Mr. Don R. Pardue, who is in school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pardue, at Roaring River last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. G, (Bob) Me- children, of Rockwood, Tenn., Neill and son, Bobby, of Cherry- have returned home after visiting _»11. rv# TLfw .. . A_ W#- --.-a Tir itiT vine, were week-end guests of Mr. McNeill's father, Mr. I. H. Me-, Neill, and sister, Mrs. Lloyd Tur ner. Miss Elva Bumgarner, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Greene Bum garner, of Millers Creek, under went Ian appendicitis operation at Winston-Salem at the City Memo rial. Hospital last week. Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. K. M. Kunkle shows some Improvement after being ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Johnson J. Hayes. Mrs. Kunkle baa been sick about a month. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. James Wellbbra, Wilkesboro route one, a son, Tracy Allen, on February 17th,"at the Wilkes Hospital. Mrs. Wellborn Is the former Miss Zen- na Greene. Mrs. Hugh Bowen, of Fairfield, Ala., Is here visiting her mother, Mrs. J. L. Webster, who Is very 111 again. Sometime ago Mrs. Web ster suffered la severe stroke, but had improved very much. Miss Tudie Hlx, daughter of Mrs. Mary Moore Hlx, of this city, has been taken Into tbe Square Circle Club at W. C. U. N. O., In Greensboro, High grades In math ematics rate the distinction of membership in the club. Um. *aA.MTBr Heacy Be^iolde, of Greensboro, are spending a few days In Wllkeeboro with Ex- Sherlff and Mrs. J. H. Johnson. Mr. Reynolds Is clerk of the mid dle federal district of North Caro lina. St. SgL Max Shumate, now sta tioned at Goodfellow Fldd in Tex as, 'visited friends here the last of the week. Max Is in the air corps and wlas formerly a mechanic at Gaddy Motor Co. He is the son of Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Shumate, of Boone. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Jarvis and WILD YOUTH, ‘JUKE JOINTS’ spent some time with her brother, T. Sgt. Bruce Dearman has re-Zusvyey D, Marsh, who is In the ceived an honorable discharge from service at,Camp Adair, Ore gon, and has returned to his home on North Wllkasboro route one. Mrs. R. S. Shoaf, of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Green and son, Robert, of Wllkeeboro, visit ed In the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Shoaf at Warrensvllle, Ashe county, yesterday. Lt. and Mrs Darnell Kirby and Mr. land Mrs. W. V. Cooke, of Granite Falls, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pardue at Roaring River last week. Mrs. Kirby and Mrs. Cooke are daughters of Mr, and Mrs. Pardue. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Marsh and Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Jarvis. Mrs. Basil Jarvis also navy at Balnbrldge, Md. Mrs. W. F. Gaddy, Mrs. Ivey Moore, Mrs. Murphy Hunt, Mrs. J. jj. jg estimated that Americans M. Crawford, and Mrs. Weaver going to earn 12C billion dol- Starr were 'visitors In Hickory Frl- year, day. They visited in the home of I Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Duhllng Sordid details of the operation of so-called “juke joints”, and the part that these deadfalls play in the demoralization of the youlh of the country, are exposed in the film, “Where Are Your Children?” Monogram’s dramatic story of child delinquency which comes to the Liberty Theatre today and to morrow, with Jackie Cooper in the starring role. Against the background of viol ent jitterbugging and ■wiW music, the even wilder youngsters of teen age become the dupes of sha dy night club operators. There is the surreptitious supplying of il legal liquor, the “spiking” of soft drinks, the easy violation of con ventions and the inevitably ca reening joyride, 'with intoxication at the wheel and tragedy lurking at the roadside. Juvenile probation officers are on duty at the night clubs, but the only solution of the question, as the film ^wws, lies in^.the home. Parental neglect, improp er housing, uphappy conditions at home—all are shown to have an important bearing on the question of juvenile delinquency, and liter ally throw the younger generation into the arms of those who are willing to debauch them for » profit. In “Wncre Are Your Children?” the joyride in a stolen car culmin ates in a charge of murder, 'with an innocent girl dra'wn into a sit uation which threatens not only her future happiness, but her very liberty itself. Gale Storm appears in the lead ing feminine role opposite Jackie Cooper, and other important roles- ere in the hands of Patricia Mori- son, John Litel, Gertrude Michael, Anthony Ward, Evelyn Eaton, Ad dison Richards, Betty Blythe. ■V IN OUR SERVICE FLAG AND WE’RE PROUD OF EVERY ONE A Washington s Birthday Message JUSl a year ago we paid richly-earned tribute to the 3400 Penney people who had gone oft to the war 1 oday. the number ol stars has grown to 5250. And today, again at Washington's Birthday, we honor "and salflte them ‘ " From every Penney store in America, men have gone to man the Army’s guns—to sail the Navy’s ships—fly the Air Forces' planes Hundreds have won citations for their accomplishments and medals for bravery in combat- lust as an example—one small store in the Pacific Northwest has produced two outstanding heroes. I he first has been awarded the Purple Heart, the Air Medal and the D F. C, three times. The second has also won the D F C., taking part in no fewer than 35 combat sorties We are proud of these boys We are proud of all our Penney associates in uniform We still think of each and every one of them as, part of their Penney stores—no matter where the call of duty has taken them, or how long they may be away. former residents of this city, and Mrs. Gaddy also visited her sis ter, Mrs. James Mills. Mrs. Ernest Pelaraon, of Mora vian Falls, was home the past week-end from Charlotte where she recently accepted a war job. Although she has been 111 the past two tfeeks, Mrs. Peareon has not missed a single day from work. She urges ail women- who can to (lake war Jobs so tha#. victory may come as soon as possible. ■V IV^iss Ada Watkins Last Rites Are Held Last rites were conducted today at Union Methodist church for Miss Ada 0. "Wlatkins, age 62, who died Saturday at her home on Wilkesboro route one west of this city. Miss Watkins Is survived by the following brothers and staters; Walter G. WatUns, rlCrik >^Lettie BToohs, Crom and Dock Watkins, Mrs. Annie Church,--Mrs. ^la Buntgamer, Mack and Florstta WatkinB. - . ■ The laastor, Rev. Fred H. Shinn, assisted by Rev. Bd Hayes, con ducted the ftmeral service.,,:'; Mrsi W. A. Baugiiss : * JR^ns Held Su^ay Last Fites were held Sunday at Fairplalns Baptist chureh for Mrs. Mattie R. Banguss, age 48, wife of W. A-jJaugnss, of th* cotngtddltr.^- Mrs. BaagM Frlitay aftemooB. Snrviving Mrs. Bantnaa are tor iMishasSr three ktfPwaii^ iteiHlad^ters, osaqtoer.T r. K L. Mevlas. hkiilitad "■"'sirtoo. bsttmeateimin JSL i ■■ ' ' " " ST'S. Announcing S E I am happy to announce to all those who have pur chased' lots in the Mounting Memorial Park that all details, such as blue prints, license, and the establish ment of the trust fund! as required by the State laws of North Carolina, have been completed so that deeds for those who have purchased lots will be delivered within the next few days. This property is located, as a number of you know, on the Mulberry road (Highway 18) . leading out to ward Spartei or the foothills of the Blue Ridge. We, of course, think this to be a,beautiful plat of rolling land, consisting of 30 acres of tiie most available foif development as we plan to mike of the Memorial ParE ' We pledge to you again to Memorial Park a hkee of %ei^ittd satSsfaetTon ft ki lot to ,^1^1 fcwe 0 iM

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