f tAGE «X th» mosftli ot Mueli, 7S a*w iKwkt Imt» bwm «dd«d to tho Ubrarr, to«r ttw* gUta. ^Twaaty- tlHM am ntambeii Jotnod dartnf tkemoath. OtrcaUtion: Adnlte 1,442; inranlle. 6S8; toUl 2,010. FoUowlac la a list of some now booba that were added In differ- OBt elaaaea: 4 j , pHiu>soii^ii' r.f "Art of Urlng In Wartime’’. Highly readable dlscnaalon of the oBhagea war la making In the llyea of all of 118. The author ahowa how we can get the most oat of llYlng under condltiona which j'a- atrlct our actlTltlee. "For Daughters and Mothers’’ -by Valeria H. Parker, M. D. This Is a guide through the different problems that beset a girl in her early teens. Its aim is to promote I an undersanding between girls j and their mothers by discussing | frankly both points of ylews. Dr. i Parker has written this book as a j direct answer to qnestions moot | girls frequently ask. I “Your Child Meets the World” 1 by Ellabeth F. Boettlger. ’This book offers stimulus and help to parents in formulating their own Ideas of the world we live in. It is the first step toward knowing what kind of experiences will give your child a good start. Miss Boettlger offers many illustra tions in which parents will recog nize the stuff that everyday home life is made of. ■,"A Pmohor Looks At Wsf % Daniel A. Poling. Dr, strestMU the tact that •fV' *■ periteig^on in war is .aaMleary Just as long as aggressor nations spread destruction and suffering over conquered oonntrles. He em phasises that a saner post-w^tyi world Is possible end points the •t»T by which it can be achieved, ’i'he author closes -with a group of post-wer programs, including the sUtement of the Flsderal Connell of Churches at their blefialal w Sion December 11. 1142.7.'Pno- gram for Action, released by the Christian Conference on Peace and Wlar, and the Declaration of the Federation of the World. “Living Prayerful" by Kirby Page. No one can use this book without having his mind stimulat ed, his will strengthened, and his heart warmed. It is vitally search ing and above all usable. RELIGION— “The Foot and Flower of — U s e — Woodside Dairy — Grade A — • RAW • MILK SOCIAL SCIENCE— “The Spirit of Enterprise” by Edgar M. Queeny. Mr. Queeny has presented in this book high ly logical, persuasive and easily read case for American free enter prise and Its Importance to post war America and the post-war world. “Challenge to Freedom” by Henry M. Wrlston. This volume Is a sequal to an earlier book. “Prepare for Peace’’ published in 1941. He wrote brilliantly, with the power of deep conviction. He believes that we have too long been on the defensive In all our thinking about democracy as a way of life. Challenge to Free dom offers a concrete program which should serve as a rallying point for all Americans who be lieve in the principles of freedom fbr. which we are fighting. 1H SaBATMMl ■» ONLY WIAOE WAU FINISH GAUON MI8IC— “Living Musicians”, by David EJwen. “The Victory Book of Sym phony” by O’Connell. “A History of Music”, by Fin ney. "Our American Music,” by Howard. “Our Contemporary Composers” by Howard. “America Sings" by Carmcr, Here is a book that children will love forever. The author has told for American children (and their fathers and mothers, too) the whole story of the work that this great nation has done. It Is told in terms ot folk-story and folk song. “A Treasury of American Song” contains neatly 200 of America’s songs from every period and every way of life we have known. It in cludes the songs of the famous Stephen Collins Foster. V The rotenone-sulphur cattle JENKINS dip is more effective than tne creo sote or arsenic dips for cattle lice control, says J. Myron Maxwell, extension entomologist at State College. Hardware Co. North Wilkesboro, N. C. Moisture in the air on rainy days make icings soft and sticky To offset this tendency, cook the icing or sirup products just slightly longer, says State College home economists. Genuine Ventilated Panama MSS The SKISOH "Kemp" Cool as a julep... comfortable as a breeze... that’s the smartly styled, ventilated "Kemp”. BeautifuUy woven by our good nei^bors in South America tnd what a good neither 'to your head *5 Payne CMiing Company North WUkesboro, N. C. !5?T.^NQimCjBJCi^WRO. k fe ■mniwmsB—I iijiimiriiu .. ’ - v>- >--5r a: ■ ■- - - > b Af iw r;b frii lit'i.-.e.K,- J sAy A'MtklCAS MOOKY, FOOD Is An Essential Weapon For Our ViaORY SO LET’S PRODUCE OUR FULL SHARE! Look’s like Victory’s in sight... but remember this: A Fooii Shortage could cause us to lose the war! Our fighting men MUST be fed, and fed GOOD, to withstand what they’re going through with for US, the U. S., and the United Nations. Every idle foot of land should be planted, and the firms listed below wish to encourage you to produce the biggest yields possible m your Vic tory Gardens and on your Farm. Get your Victory Garden going... TODAY... and MAKE IT PAY! CHURCH HARDWARE CO. VICTORY GARDEN TOOLS—GENERAL HARDWARE WILKES VULCAHIZING CO. TIRE RECAPPING AND REPAIRING FORESTER UEVERAGE CO. “QUALITY SUNFLOWER BEVERAGES” SOUTHERN DARGA1N STORE “Wearing Apparel For; All tbe Family .st Bargain Prices” THE GOODWILL “THE PLACE FOR fiARGA|NS” DARE’S DEPARTMENT STORE Ladies’ and Men’s Ready-to-Wear, Dry Goods and Notions BIG BARGAIN BASEMENT NORTH WILKESBORO GROCERY CO. WHOLESALE GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEEDS JOHN JOINES CASH STORE . GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED—FORESTER ,4.VENUE JOE DARLINGTON POULTRY CO. “POULTRY DRESSED FIT TO KILL”. CASH FERTIUZER & SEED STORE WOOD’S CERTIFIED SEEDS — V. C. FERTILIZmtS BETTER HOMES FURNITURE CO. ‘“raE STORE OF FURNITURE WITH SPRINGS” CARLTON’S HARDWARE ALL KINDS OF TOOLS FOB YOUR VICTORY GARDEN ALSO VIGORO Let Every Row Count — IN FOOD for VICTORY 0. P. STORE & MARKET • - I “WHERE YOU ALWAYS SAVE ON GROCERIES AND MEATS” Let Every Row Count — IN — FOOD for VICTORY B j toys s.