S'" • Mn MTrtl* Fratiud fell Sat- irdajr at Iter hone la thie city and broke her right am. The Olrl Scoots will aot hare a aestiBg this week, it was an* nouteed today. Mia. Bertha Bdl. Wilkes cona- tySi health aarse, speat yesterday la Barry conaty with relatlyes. Miss Alice'Cassel left Taesday to Tlsit her sister, Mrs. C. Monroe WlUlams, at Bryn Mawr, Pa. Miss Mary Yeakle Phipps is Tisltlng her a«nt, Mrs. B. B. Ban- aer, at Galax, ^a. Mr. li. B. Shepherd, who bolds a position in Norfolk. Va., spent the week-end at his home on North WUkesboro rente three. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Marshall re- tnmed rrlday from a rlsit with Mrs. Marshall’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clandie Newsom, at King. BS Hattie Pegram. of Greens- has arrived to spend some 1 as the guest of Mrs. John An- Bws, of Boomer. Mrs William Barber suffered an ankle fracture in a fall at her I home in Wilkesboro Saturday, ! June 3. Mrs. Nell Green and daughter, Isarbara, of Savannah, Ga., are Isitlng Mrs. Green’s parents. At torney and Mrs, R, Henderson Mrs. Jim WlUls and son, Jimmy, left Wednesday for a visit with Mrs. Willis’ parents at Tuskeegee, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Winters and son. Gene, of Laurinburg, spent Priday and Saturday here with Mrs. Winters’ mother, Mrs. D. G. Wiles. Mrs. Dora Hall, of Hays, reports having had snap beans from her garden since June 1 and has been getting squash and other vegeta bles. Miss Ruby Pardue has returned to Washington, D. C., after spend ing three weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Par- due. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Par sons and children, Wade and Wllme, of Brooklln, Md.. are spending their vacation with rela- ;j^:ives in the county. Miss Betty Henderson, who holds a position in Winston-Salem, spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Render son. • Mrs. W. E. Long and grand daughter, Miss Ruth Long, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. • Long, are visiting their son and nncle, Dr. H. M. Long, at Lafayet te, La. They will return the latter part of this month. Who Move About Mrs. Ralph Da-sis and daughter, Mn. M. 0. Woodie and two child ren, are in Wilmington vliitlng Mrs. Davis’ dani^ter, Mrs. L. D. Bordeaux. Miss Gertrude Webeter, dsngh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webster, of WUkesboro, Is vlslUng her s^nt, Mrs. Hngh Bowen, at Fair- field, Alabama. Mrs. Lncla Griffin will return to her home in Oreenehoro 'Tues day after spending a few days in WUkesboro with her sisters, Mrs. J. B. Henderson and Mrs. J. R. Hendenon. Miss Frances Renssean attend ed a house party at Gastonia last week of Greensboro College girls. Miss Rousseau, daughter of Judge and Mrs. J. A. Rousseau, was a freshman at the college the past sesuion. Mr. Robert Smoak, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Bmoak, of Wilkes boro, entered Davidson College at Davidson today. Robert was a member of this year’s graduating class of the WUkesboro high school. Mrs. Paul Lenderman Is attend ing summer school at the Ap palachian State Teachers College at Boone. Her two children, Paula and Robert, are attending the model school connected with the college. Mr. W. G. Gabriel and daughter. Miss Margie Gabriel, and Mrs. Treva Pbilp, have returned to the city after spending last week In New York buying merchandise for Belk’s store of which Mr. Gabriel is manager. Messrs. Gilbert T. Bare and J. W. Steele have returned home af ter a business trip to New York In the interest of their mercantile establishments — Bare’s Depart ment Store and Western Auto As sociate Store, respectively. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Duncan, of St. Louis, Mo., a daughter, Annetta, on June 8. Mr. Duncan Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Duncan, of this city, and Mrs. Duncan Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hartley, of Wilkesboro. Miss Bleeka Phillips, daughter of Mrs. Pearl Phillips, of WUkes boro, has entered Lees-McRae College at Banner Elk. Miss Phil lips, before go ng to Banner Elk, held a position as a member of the sales personnel at Belk’s De partment store. Mrs. Frank Killian and young daughter, Jane, returned to their home at Lincolnton Sunday fol lowing a two week's visit here with Mrs. Killian’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rom H. Pearson. Mr. Kil lian came over for the week-end and accompanied them home. ment hu announced the follow ing dates for fiviag vaccination agafaut typhoid imd diptherla. The people are ahked to meet the repreaentattvM of the health de- paitment at* the moet convenient places: Toeedbiy, jriuw l*th Maple Springs school, 10:80 a. m.; Hendrix school, 1:00 p. m.; Mt Pleasant .school, 8:00 p. m.: Bolling Springe, 8:00 p. m. WedBeedagr, Amec 14 Cricket school, 10:00 p. m.; Millers Creek school, 11:00 p. m.; Tnmer Nichols’ home, 1:00 p. m.; Reddlee River postoffice, 2': 00 p. m.; Whittington school, 2:80 p. m.; WUbar post office, 8:00 p. m. V ;— Ernest G. Jennings Claimed By Death Fnneral service was held Satur day at the FalrplalnB community church for Ernest Glenn Jen nings, age 68, who died Friday. Mr. Jennings Is survived by his wife, Mrs. Maggie Jennings, and the following children. Senter, Monroe, Roby, J. C. Franklin, J. C. Edward, Presley, Roy and Claude Jennings, Mrs. Finley Minton, Mrs. Baxter Wyatt, Edith and Carroll Jennings. Scout Court Honor To Meet Thursday Wilkes district Boy Scout court of honor -will meet Thursday eve ning, 7:30, In the religious edu cation building of the Presby terian church. All Interested In Scouting are asked to attend. h Us News of Osborne Brothers WUllam V. Osborne, s2c, has returned to sea duty after spend ing a seven-day leave with his wife, of Wilkesboro, and his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Osborne, of McGrady. Seaman Osborne and his brother, Cpl. Wade Os borne, met again after two and one-half years. Cpl. Osborne is home on leave from the South west Pacific. m M n News Of Watson Brothers Pfc. and Mrs. Edgar Watson, of Camp Davis, spent Sunday' and Monday with Pfc. Watson’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Watson, at Summit. Pfc. Watson la in the army signal corps and Is assigned to an anti-aircraft unit. Ernest D. Watson, other son of Mr. and Mrs. O. M, .Wstapn la service, Is again on the Pacific after being In the states for some time. He was a member of the crew of the USS Helena, which was sunk by the Japanese In Kula Gulf July 7 of last year. John H. Watts Visits Parents Xt Boomer John H. Watts, painter 3c, will return to the naval air station at Hutchinson, Kansas, today after a visit at Boomer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Watts. He has been In the navy for 23 years. Mrs. Watts accompanied him on his visit to Wilkes. Thursday and Friday EST DU GILLESPIE three times thy^rilfe and laughs and rgimanca! V 'X X'*?. is m LA^ Wi NEWf ALMA KRUGER RAS^ND 1 1 Directed by V WILLIS GOLDBECK ♦ 1 T R A • Grc^at >miii^ iM-6-M MINIATURE K Ira Elledga Promotadr Ap Air Ssrvtee Oommsad Sup ply Depot In Bnglund—The pio- motiiHi of Ira-B. BUedge, buhuiid of Mrs. Mary Ann Blledge of Mil lers Creek, N. C., from the grade of private f*rst claee to the rank of corporal waa announced re cently at thla station. Cpl. Blledge, vrko le a technieal supply clerk In one of the vrare- bonses here, has been In serriee in England approximately den months. Before entering the army in April, 1948, Corporal Blledge was employed In upholstering work at the Home Chair and Fnmitnre company In Ronda, N. C. He la the son of Mrs. Martha J. Elledge of Hays, N. C. He has a brother, Charles W. Blledge, who Is also In the army stationed in England and the two have seen each other since oomlng overseas. A M Seaman Adams On Leave R. E. Adams, seaman second class. Is now spending a seven- day leave at his home on Wilkes boro route one. Mrs. Adams and children, Richard, Earl, Jr., and Mary Yeakle, have been in Nor folk, Va., with Seaman Adams for the past two months but have re turned to their home. AAA L. W. Shumate, USN, Home Over Week-End L. W. Shumate, seaman 2-c, was home the past week-end from Balnbrldge, Md., where he is at tending a hospital corps school, and visited in Mulberry township with his family and other rela tives. Seaman Shumate Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Shumate, and friends will be glad to learn that he Is getting along fine In the navy. AAA Radio Man C. Miller Colored, Visits Here F. C. Miller, colored, a radio man In the navy with the rank of second class petty officer, has re turned to Portland, Maine, where he Is stationed. P. C. has been visiting hl8 wife In this city, friends In Wilkesboro and his par ents who reside in Ashe county. He was recently highly commend ed by his commanding officer for the fine work he was doing to the navy as a leader of his men. AAA. Cpl. James Hemphill Goes To Camp Sibert Cpl. James Hemphill, accom panied by his friend, Pfc. Alexan der Brancilla, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hemphill, sev eral days ago enroute from Edge- wood Arsenal located near Balti more to Camp Sibert, Ala., which Is now a replacement center fon the army service forces. AAA T. Sgt. Warner Miller, Jr., Home On Visit Technical Sergeant Warner W. Miller, Jr., will return to Las Ve gas, Nevada, this week after a visit with his parents In Wilkes boro. Sgt. Miller has been an air corps Instructor at Las Vegas but expects to be transferred soon to an air base In Texas. Mrs. Miller and daughter, Ann Crater, who have been at Las Vegas with Sgt. Miller for five months returned home with him, and will remain for an extended visit In Wilkes. Mrs. MUler is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. R. R. Carter, of Ronda. AAA Lt. Johnson Home First Lt. John Henry Johnson, of Richmond, Va., arrived Satur day to spend a week’s leave with his parents, Ex-Sheriff and Mrs. J. H. Johnson. Lt. Johnson was recently promoted from rank of second lieutenant to first lieu tenant. A A A J. C. Psurdue In Service J. C. Pardue, who enlisted in the XT. S. Navy reserve as aviation mate, has now entered service and Is now taking his boot training at Camp Peary, Virginia. He Is a graduate of North WUkesboro high school and Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Pardue of this city. AAA Robert Dameron Heune Robert Dameron, seaman second class, has ccunpleted his boot training at Camp Peary, Va., and Is spending several days leave with his family at Traphlll. AAA Sgt. KUby Writes With a notice of change of ad dress First Sergeant Alvin Kilby writes the following note to The Journal-Patriot from Europe by V-mall: "Speaking from my heart, it has been a great pleasure to read about the people hack home, and 1 find It, all there In The Journal- Patriot.' I wish to thank you for , ia :^OBderful home paper. Some- ■**“ “Bay I hope to thank yon personal- ly". Bee birds havLg Idlled many of their heM, aplariibi In Austra lia are breeding butcher Unkr* which attsek and rout the bee bbdg on slfbt. M ' tng proffMh with the time and oar tmun are heglanlng to see re- Suits of the Uveatoek program whloh We Are been worktof oh tor the past aeveral years. Ap- proxtanataly 40 pnnbted hulls have been fdaeed wlth-the fanhen throughout oonnto daring the past toor years and ths otliprlngs tnm these boos are pntrhig to be to flicdr dams. Btoi’titig ths pnrebted estopalfpi A* 0BtanUy sioir bet it || tbeihaod- aad eheapest mraod ot get ting better Uveetock. Many farm- era with these bnlls have stated that their parebrett bnBs are driv ing out the acrob bolls whleh la a good sign that the termora are in terested ,in better Uveatoek. We have a nnmber ot termers and some 4-H CInb membrnrs who would like to take another for ward step, tbst Is, to develop a purebred herd. With this in mind we are going to try to bring In some pnrebred femtdes from time to time in order that we might get more pnrebred herds started. The first of these sales will be held at^e old fair gronnd Satur day, Jnn4l7, at 2:00 p. m. Six teen pureved Jersey heifers will fa« otfsiM ii a noshpsoflt smo-, tloa sate ud the aad, dab msatoars who ara inlarsstad i,4teiral0dag a asull to»*br«4 ~^'ihoaId take advaaitaga of tlia. «( this sate. ai flotf^sOQt sd* mada-paaidbla o OAo Dairy Oompaaiy. are told that Ihia cattle ojU; the (tooniMr Jmmt Aania whsra two of oar; sM|oriyi!afir tnaeda will aU be kill ed tot food befora tbo war is ovar. ■iWetore, it saems ipaaonaMe to thtedc that OWky oattto tot to- •toaUng these idsa will .baas to ompe from othsr ssetloBs of tha aottetey^t Fh(l|4lA.whi' start d»- TotogtoB apttteibdlwdl ncto shot^ A ill position to heto *4^. stock many of onr cattle eonntries In the fotm- r: in addition to tho hundreds of termors ..in tha eonnty who si« eelllng msnnteetnFBd milk to the Oobla Dairy Company we. now have 10 Grade A prodnears oom- pared to only tour three years ago. Thme are others who plan to go Into Grade' A 'brodnetlon as- soon aa they oan hnlld thalr herds large enough so that It wiU Jno- tify them to do so. V-