JOBt alKWt *0 iMfl w MlKMBBr, to Imw come aabore for out of W lirash leaped » lot of tlf s«v«gee> gndibed me, tied toe ^ a aort rf aedan-ehair and mI off me thro^ th' Joagle. When we reached th* na tive village Aey took me to th' devil-devil hooee, where they keep tlmir gods, and put me on a kind of a throne betwe^ two of ’em. You see, I was in my div- in’-euit, with ffi* big braae helmet They'd never seen anything like ttmt eo they took me for a god. just gettin’ my when I heard diootin’ out on th’ lagoon. About an boor later a lot of yelUn savages shoved Barney, and Tmy, th* cook, into to de^-devil bouse and right to where I.was sittin’. You should have seen their eyes pop itoenito^ saw toe sil- fin? on #:throne. I whfiqrtred to Spike and Tonylo kned in i^nt of me, and told Spike to blow into m5^al^hose. My. suit tMgna to swell with to’ air I kept gettin’ bigger and Uggw all to’ tone. Well s’r, to’ savages lit out o there like old Nkk' was aft- «r ’em. In no time th vil lage was desarted. A half- hour later we were aboard th’ Lanui, hoisted to’ anehor and were off. In my next yam 1 11 tell you about an adventure with giant Ilsards. rBeia'S LAST YAfcM 1 THE TOLD HO\XC WHILE IH HiS Wm6-SJUlT,HE WALKE\> A^OREOH THE t>OTTOH OE THE LA600M, J5CARED THE HATiVE$ OOT OF THFiR AHt> FOUMD THE FFA:feL'5 STOLEH Ev them, ih theh?: devil- devil HOUSE. T>iLL HAS THETEAELt), ©©IT, HE ISN'T EACK SATE AEOATtD THE Sd HOOKER TFT. ■.9_ f)