w Star Goers", i. From ■Peopte Yoo Know Who Move About UiM Marth.- W^. J, Pviv^bII, of Summit VM • pbMumt caller at l»e Jour^-IPatriot ofi^ today. I; Mf; aad Mrs. P. W. Drianey, of Ghaiiotte, recently Tisited Mr. and Mrs. Roa^ EkKltres. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Foster at tended funeral sarrlce In Taylors ville, Snnday> f«sr Mt. Hid C. Camp bell. [ Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Nelson and j Mis* Elisabeth FTnley 'were visit ors In’ Boone over the week-end. Miss Slla Brame, of Winston- Salem, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Brame. Mrs. T. B. Finley Is spending a month at Black Bear Inn near West Jefferson. Bom to Pfc. and Mrs. Baiter D. Mastin of North Wilkesboro route three, a daughter, July 19 at the Wilkes hospitaL this city, very dered three vocal ntttnMm evening a# the feature of ^i^ gram for the North WU^EMh^o Llotts Club meeting. Miss Frasier Vbo bss sung on a numbw of ra dio programs, was aooomgisnted at the piano by Miss Lois Scroggs. C. B. JenUns, Jr., wap ^pro- gram chaUnun, and he pr^fimte4 Miss Frasier and Miss Scroggs af ter the club had! joined in singing "Home On The Range”. Follow ing the program Rev. T. Sloane Guy, Jr„ who was a gnest of S. T. Anderson, spoke briefly on the subject of "Values of the Indlvl- ’t 'abUoIpsH- a.-Ajiig rnsh over the yruuk-end, the final day’s ot the big sen-oat saie, and In the advertlsemmit' on page three point -ont some special filjaeB whl^^^ehonld mT, gated 'before the nqh sU^ and the values disappear through pur chases made by thrifty shoppers. Turn now to the advertisement and then pay the store an early vlait while selecttons are still good. Ci^Biigbieer KMBee Cnr AND FARM SURVETS PROPKaTY ,fLATS i giP(|lfc df North .Wilkes^ib hiding — THJMPORARY — Telephone 42 Miss Margaret Jones Is spending a week In Thomasvllle at a house- party given by Miss Amanda Wall. Seaman Sidney M. Anderson and wife, the former Miss Lura Hollar, visited in Boone for a few days this past week. Mr. and Mrs. C. ft. Warren spent the week-end with Mr. War ren’s mother, Mrs. Belle Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Page Choate, of Wilkesboro, spent the week-end in Sparta, as guests of their parents. Mrs. W. S. Cox, of Greensboro, is here visiting with her sister, Mrs. C. E. Jenkins, and other rela tives. Miss Alma Dennis spent last with .her aunt, Mra W. L. Snls, of Johnson City, Tenn. w l^^par. Hadley Hayes, of Wilkes- IPKro, has recently had his home Repainted. Mrs. Watt Goodman, of Moores- vllle, is spending sometime in Wilkesboro with her niece. Miss Ruby Pearson. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mack Moore a son, David McDaniel, II. at Black'welder hospital In Lenoir, on Monday, July 31. Mrs. M. E. Bauguss is spending a few days with her son, Pfc. How ard Banguss, at Camp Slbert, Ala. Mr. Clyde Warren has returned home after spending a few weeks with his sister, Mrs. M. F. Carlton, of Hampton, Va. Mrs. S. S. Cochman, of Clear- t»^tater, Fla., is visiting in the home U cAMr. and Mrs. R. A. Greer, at : Mm^vian Falls. Mrs. N. C. Teague, of Lexingrion, is -visiting in the homes of Mrs. A ! C. Dennis and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wellborn. Mrs- Teague made her home in Wilkesboro for sometime while her husband. Rev. Mr. I Teague, was pastor of the Wilkes boro Baptist church. Mr. R. B. Smith has returned to his home at Kingstree, S. C., af ter a few days visit here with his son. Dr. H. B. Smith, and family. Painters are now at work giving a new coat of paint to the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Osborne who reside in Wilkesboro. Home on the range was never Uke this! When a Hollyw^ cow- bov meets a Western wow-girl ... in a jingle-jangle mt that s saddled with songs. Hollywood cow-boys and Texas wcw-babes . . . booted with laughs, spurred with love . . . a singm, swmgm stam- nede of romance and'revelry. All this and ®we m Paramount s new hit “Take It Big’’, showing Thursday with Jaik Haley, Harriet Hilliard, Fuzzy Knight, Mary Beth Hughes and Ozzie Nelson and his band. Mrs. W. E. Jonas returned to her home here Weoaesday after a week's visit with friends at Lynch burg, Va., and Washington, D. C. She was accompanied on the trip by her daughter. Miss Margaret Jones. The KlHI TlllOKIIG Mr. and -Mrs. Spencer McGrady. who bold positions in war plants in Detroit, Michigan, are spending a week at their home on North Wilkesboro route one. Mr. Gilbert G. Foster has re sumed his duties with the Motor Service Company after undergoing a tonsillectomy at The Wllkee Hos pital several days ago. Dr. Varlna Warren, of Hunts ville. Ala., is spending some time here ivith her father and sister. Dr. W. A. Taylor and Dr. Carolyn Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Rich and small daughter, Linda, of Dur ham, spent the past week with Mrs.' Rich’s mother, Mrs. Belle Warren, of Wilkesboro. Mrs. W. C. Moore, of Lenoir, and Miss Mary Gage Barber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Barber, of Wilkesboro, are visiting Mrs. Moore’s daughter, Mrs. Kent Mathe-WBon, at Palm Beach, Fla. Lt. and Mrs. Darrell Kirby are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pardue, of Roaring River, a few days this week. Lt Kirby has a 10-day leave from Charleston, S. C. He is a polit on a B-24. Mrs. Myrtle Jenkins, of Win ston-Salem, spent a short while in the city last week with her sister, Mrs. Bessie R. Grayson. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Gray son, who ■will spend a week with her. Eschol Cemetery To Be Given a Cleaning! Citizens of the Eschol church community are requested to meet at the church Friday at 9 a. m., for the purpose of cleaning off the cemetery and church grounds, ac cording to an announcement made Saturday by Mr. J. G. Earp, who resides in the church community. “If a number of the people will come out, it will not take long to clean off the cemetery and church grounds”, Mr. Earp stated, and he hopes that there will be a large turn-out of interested parties. Public Safety Officer Wanted For T. V. A. Mrs. J. R. Marlow and Mr. Bill Marlow attended the funeral for Mr. Ed C. Campbell in Taylorsville Sunday. Mr. Campbell had been seriously 111 since the death of his grandson, Lt. Wade E. Campbell, Jr., who was killed in an airplane acc’dent in Florida two weeks ago. A representative from the T. V. A. will be in North Wilkesboro on Monday. August 14, at which time an examination for Public Safety Officer will be given. Men from 21 to 50 who are In terested In these Jobs and who are not working In essential em ployment should report to the U. S. Employment Service at 9:00 a. m'. on the 14th of August. Republican Meeting! COURTHOUSE IN WILKESBORO Wednesday, Aug. 9,8 P. M. All Republicans are cordially invited to attend— ESPECIALLY THE UOIES! This Is An Important Meeting For Our Party. Be Sure to Be Present! Wilkes County Republican Execudre Committee Dinner guests of Deputy Mar shal and Mrs. Walter M. Irvin Friday evening were Mrs. Dwayne Irwin, Mrs. Kreger, and Dr. 0. K. Richardson, of Elkin. Mrs. Mary Mosely Whitcomb, who leaves for North Wilkesboro tonight, will be accompanied by Miss Helen Marshall Mabry, of New York ity, who arrives today. They will be joined in North Wilkesboro by Mrs. Elizabeth EXPERT F. M. Ferrel /f Cdtting to Our Store Aug. eth-IOth Let ban show you his large and uwtsually fine array of brand new SCmNCS amd COATINGS to he Made to Measure $37.00 up Let him take your measure ment for a Suit or Coat, to be delivered now or bter. PAYNE ClothingCo North Wilkesboro, N. C. Mr. A. F. Hall and Mr. Claude Roberts. of Knlghtdale. are spending this week with their mother, Mrs. J. B. Hall, in Wilkes boro. Mrs. W. E. Keeter and daugh ter. Miss Marjorie Keeter, are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. James Lowe and Mrs. J. B. Hall in Wilkesboro. Mrs. Jeni Wistheimer, of Boone, has resumed her position ■with the Ideal Beauty Parlor which Is op erated here by her sister, Mrs. Al bert Raymer. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Marshall, of Wilkesboro, had as their guests last week Mrs. Marshall’s father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Newsom, of King. Rev. Fred H. Shinn, pastor of the Wilkesboro and Union Meth odist churches, left today to spend several days at Lake Junaluska at tending a pastors’ training school. Mrs. Homer A. Carlton, Sr., Is recovering satisfactorily following a major operation Tuesday at Lewis-Gale hospital in Roanoke, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Roope, of Bllssfleld, Michigan, are spend ing tea days with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Roope, of Moravian Palls, and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Lowe, of Boomer. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Price, of Mooresville, are expecW to arrive Tuesday to remain until Friday as guests in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Gwyn and Mrs. J. L. Clements- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Foster have returned to tAngley Field. Va., alter spending two weeks at Congo postofflee ■with Mr. Foster’s mother, Mrs. A. O. Foster, and in this city with Ntrs. Foster’s moth er, Mrs. J. C. Wallace Mrs. A. !>. Flncannon spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Handy. She was ac companied home by her son, Bob by, who bad been visiting his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gabriel and daughters, Pat and Norma, and Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Pope and children, Stephen and Patsy, have returned to their homes In the city after spending several days last week at Horton’s Trailer Camp on Winkler's Creek near Boone. Crutchfield, who will accompany them to Boone for a 10-day stay at Daniel Boone hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Gibbs and family have moved to the former C. A. Dimmette house on the corner of Fourth and D streets. The residence where they had been making their home on E street was recently purchased by Mr. L. S. Spaluhour, who, with his family, expect to move there in a few days. FURNITURE Always A Good INVESTMENr Mrs. A. H. Berry, of Richmond, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Tom fV^ell- bom and children. Tommy and Nancy, have returned to their re spective homes after a visit -with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wellborn, Mr. Guy Wellborn and children, and Mrs- Wellborn’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Kilby, of Millers Creek. Mrs. Berry is Mr. R. L. Wellborn’s daughter, and Tom is his grandson. Save Food and Fuel with a new Word has been received here that Mrs. Mary Fritz, daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Stew art, of North Wilkesboro, was the moving spirit behind the splendid donation of $25.00 sent this news paper by the Big Star Store of Portsmouth, Va., recently. By this action, Mary demonstrated that she still has Wilkes close to her heart. The Red Star check, rep resenting contributions from the employees of the store was greatly- appreciated, and has been turned over to the polio fund for which it was sent. ALLEN PRINCESS RANGE You can cut food waste in your cooking and baking and also con serve fuel by using one of these efficient, porcelain-enamel ranges. J. E. Culler Sells Milling Property In this quality Range you^l all essential features allo^ble under wartime reflations — plus attractive design, durable con struction, and efficient, dependa ble operation that have made the name ALLEN, on stoves, famous for over three quarters of a cen tury. J. E. Culler, who has been oper ating a com mill in the western part of Wilkesboro for the past several years imder the name of J. E. Culler & Sons, has sold his mill outfit and building to Walter Watts and G- M. Baker, who will continue its operation. Mr. Culler states that for the time being he will not become engaged in other line of business. Allen Ranges are made by quality jtove builders since 1867 Holiness Revival Revival services are now in prog ress at the Pentecostal Holiness church at Congo. Rev. Nora V, Scarce is doing the preaching. Special string and vocal music are featured at the services, which are held at eight p. m- daily. There ■will be services Sunday at 11 a. m. Ask Us For Details Especially so, when you take advantage of the many values offered by the Better Homes Furniture Co. We have a splendid assortment of . . . LIVINGROOM SUITES (all with springs), BED ROOM SUITES, BREAKFAST SETS, PLAT FORM ROCKERS (all spring), DRESSER^ LINOLEUM RUGS, CHAIRS, TABLES, AND MANY OTHER ODD PIECES. SEE US FOR BARGAINS! SPECIAL ON STUBIO COUCHES! All With Springs] Of Course! New Shipment Just Arrived! Covered with high grade tapestry and velour. Sturdily constructed These are very special values at and eight p. m. BETTER HOMES NorlhWilkedx.ro, N. C. • AUo HOME FURNITURE CO.. Located al Elkm, N. C.