JOUIiiMilJ»A-reKTO»li ir' ' Mn. Jolia Miner r »a4 eon. Jr«kur, vlilNa Xn. Mineral p»r- •Bta, Mr. ui Mrs. Oeorg* Brans •( Bamovr, Xsc BaMc. l^eral serrioe -was held Mon- 4ar at Qap (Jraek Baptist ellllre^ | far XtOB BIsle Oreer, danskter o. Mr. mad Mrs. W. Greer, who j, died'at tl» ,Westers Carolina fanltartum ^ Blaeh Monntaln. Bov. -R. X Hendrix eondncted the aarrlpe, tssinted by Her. J. L. Oreene. UtUe Xtis PeggT Oreene, faag^ter of Mr. and Mm. H. B. Oreene, nnd Bobby Taylor, small eon of Mr. and Mm. J. H. Taylor, whd are la school at Morganton, spent last week-end here with their parents. Mm. Mary Oough and daughter, Carlotta, of Falls Church, Vir ginia, and Miss Joanna Steelman, of Arlington, Va., spent last week with their parents, Mr. and, Mrs. H. S. Steelman. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Luther Tlslted Mr. Luther's father, Mr. J. OfhitiMk Rer. Henry niled bJs regular appointment at Tellow Hill Church Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hikeal spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mm. Coy Church, s Mr. and Mm. Walter Welbom and children, Helen and James, spent Sunday with Mrs. Welbcm’s tathar. Mr. r. T. Ohnreh. Mr, and Mrs. X. W. Church spent a while Sunday with Mm. Fannie Church. ' Joe.D.' Chnrch, seaman seeond class, is .spending a few days w^th his ebiUren end wife, Mre. Nina Chnrch who’s baby bis been tick but Is Some better at this/wrltiag. 'V- tl. S. coke ovens tom «nt coal by-products that total more than 160,000 Items. V' BUY- MORE WAR BONDS SwP^ljlitelH Civil Enfine«r cm AND FABM 8l'SV«1ri raorarrr Mlw Sml FWor Bank e( No Willceabore Building RetkIeBce Phone 42^ Office Phone 227 At the Time of Need ‘ The wicked Nimativ (Douglass Dnmbrille) puts h.s magic, evil rings to work on Bud Abbot. Lou Cos tello and Marilyn Maxwell, in this scene from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s hilanous new comedy, “Lost In a Harem”, which opens Christmas Day at the Liberty Theatre. Bud and Lou get mixed up with princes and usurpers in a mythical kingdom in the mystic East while posing as Hollywood talent scouts. ohlI FUNERAL SERVICES AT FB Ct S Ai A': AS THf StrtViCi iTSiwf Reins-Sturdivant North Wilkosboro, N. C. E. Luther, Sunday, Dec. 10. The Wggest snow of the season fell Monday, Dec. 11th, followed by high winds Monday night and Tuesday, rendering travel almost impossible. Due to good road system the highway was soon cleared and the mall man came through from North Wllkesboro to Boone Wednesday. Seaman First Class Johnson Wellborn, who has been overseas the past few months, is visiting relatives here. ‘DARK WATERS’ SCREEN THRILLER The stalk eyed fly has eyes on the ends of long extensions from the sides of its head. TODAY ... And FRIDAY At 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 GHOST VOICES PURSUEO HER ... Sfff COUID HOT rUE!! WE KNOW EVERYTHING CAN’T BE AS YOU’D LIKE IT, TO FEEL IT’S A TRULY MERRY CHRISTMAS. BUT EACH OF US STILL HAS MUCH TO BE GRATEFUL FOR, ES PECIALLY FOR THE RIGHT TO WORSHIP AS WB PLEASE IN THIS LAND OF FREEDOM. SO— SEASON’S GREETINGS TO YOU And May Your Next Christmas Be Even Merrier McNEILL FURNITURE COMPANY Mrs. M. B. McNeill, Prop. Hero and Heroine—Merle Oberon and Frsnehot Tone share both rcmaiitic and leading honors in Benedict Bogeaus’ exciting picturiza- tion of the Saturday Evening Post serial “Dark Waters”, now play ing at the Liberty Theatre through United Artists release. Thomas Mitchell co-stars with Miss Oberon and Mr. Tone JTHE MK3HTY FAITH Thoi Has Flamed Through 20 CeniuriesI The most heroic epic in (he annab of mankind... molded Into a tremendous spectacle by the master maker of motion picture spectacles I Tt's Cecil B. DeMille’s greatest triumph. Christmas Week Thursday Friday Coming DEC. 28-29 UBERTY Pores Knob H. D. Club Holds Meet On Friday, December 1, at 2 o’clock the Pores Knob Home Demonstration club met at the home of Mrs. J. F. Parlier in one of the most Interesting meetings of the year with IS present. The president called the meet ing to order after which the club rose and repeated the collect. Miss Helen Price led the club in several Christmas songs. Mrs. Dovie Jolnes gave the scripture reading relative to Christmas. The election of officers for the coming year was held. Mrs. Ruby Lowe, Mrs. Nell Ashley and Mrs. Edna Parlier were reelected as president, vice-president, and. sec retary, respectively, while Mrs Pearl Parlier was elected as treas urer. Prizes were given to the two traveling the farthest distance to the meeting which went to Mrs. Pauline Anderson and Mrs. Grace Johnson. Mrs. Chester Lowe won the prize for selling the most flavoring for the club. Mrs. C. M. Ashley, who cele brated her birthday on this day, was remembered with nice gifts from other members of the club. Miss Price, who had charge of the demonstration on “Sharing Christmas with our Families”, showed many beautiful hand-made toys and gave instructions how to make them. She also gave good information on how to make the most of Christmas with our fami lies In our menu and home deco rations. After the demonstration the la dies went to the dining room and packed 36 boxes from a fine varie ty of goodies for service boys an.l girls In the states. This makes a total of 62 such boxes sent ro our boys and girls In service this Christmas. We wish to thank every lady of our community who helped to make this project such a success this year. The January meeting will he held Friday, January 12, at 2 p. m at the home of Mrs. Mack Bent- j ley. The MANAGEMENT and STAPT of this Theatre ex tend to you the VERY MER RIEST of MERRY CHRIST MAS GREETINGS. We also want to take this op portunity! to express OUR SINCERE THANKS TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU for your loyal pat ronage during the past year. —THE MANAGEMENT Bring the family to this theatre Christmas Day. We’re going to have a great show that will just top off your Christmas Dinner. Doors open at 12:45. ThLs Christmas, God willing, will be our last during war time. It is our fervent wish and prayer that each and every one of you enjoy a Merry, Merry Christmas. And that all of your loved ones now serving! with Our Country’s Armed Services will be back home with you . . . safe and sound and soon! TWO HAREM-SCAREM SCREWBALLS IN THE LAND OF SULTRY SIRENS! insida stuff on what hoppont in a harem! Mirth, morrimant and maidens I It’s their funniest fuH-length picture yet! BUO LOU ABBOITsCOSreUO in M-G-M’s LOST IN A HAREM MARILYN MAXWELL with JOHN CONTE DOUGLASS DUMBRILLE JIMMY DORSEY ORCHESTRA Screwi Ploy by Horry RinUn, John Gront and Horry Crone Directed by CHARLES RIESNER • Produced by GEORGE HAIGHT SONGS: S0»er" • "What Doei It Tote" • "Sow of tht Dattrt" ’ "Tbunder and Blant" M-G>M PICTURE A The new daily hog market at Kinston is handling about- 300 hogs per week and providing the farmers of that section with a good market, says Ellis Vestal, extension swine specialist at State (College. Bay More Bonds! ChrittmGs moHBAY-TUESBAY Greetings! CHRISTMAS DAY -8HOWSAT- Christmas 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:00 7:00 - 9:00 . Greetings! 4* 1 Jl