iSOeiMY Ufor^WilkdBboro ^Ipoman^s k ^ Monday 4|t^ppn • w*re tNMBt tor Mw Dtiaember moetlnx of tho Nortk WllkMboro Woman’s elab held at tho Woman’a clab- bowa on Trogdon atroot Monday aftdraoon and heard a moat ln> tereatlng Chrtatmas program di rected bjr Mra. Sidney Crane. The group Joined in alnging a number of Chrletmae carols, In which the orlda and history of a number of the carols was giren by Mrs. R. T. Mc'Nlel. Mrs. Boyd Stout gare the history of the poinsettl, and Mrs. Crane read a. lovely Christmas sto^.- An added feature of the program was a display of Christ mas decorations arranged by a number of the members. Mrs. Joe Johnson, the president, presided for routine business dur ing which time reports were heard from a number of committees. Hostesses for the afternoon, Mrs. W. B. Jones, Mrs. J. Q. Adams, and Mrs. B. B. Bller, served tempting refreshments during the social hour. A PEBSQlfAL MESSAGE TO ONE AND ALL MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! The Real Definition of Christmas • St. John 3:16 The Only Safe Foundation For 1945 Psalms 33:18 A. H. RCBERn Red, White and BhieSer. Station Brier Creek Burr and Roller Mill AS THE TUNE OF THIS GREAT OLD CHRISTMAS CAROL IS SUNG THROUGHOUT AMERICA, WE PAUSE TO EXTEND SEASON S GREETINGS TO OUR MANY LOYAL FRIENDS. GiLREATH SHOE SHOP NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. WHO SAYSk U diristmas?" S DO! And we mean it—every word of it. Why? Because we firmly believe that we have the most enviable bunch of friends any firm ever was privileged to have, and we want to wish every one of you the seasons best. City Florists Mrs. J. M. Palmer, Prop. One of Hi# Gfootoot PUeMrM of Hie Cbrbtmo* Seosoe b Hie epeorhieilT m e- kaewledee eer friends end it • with lew m Mind Hiet we send yen Seosen's Greetinfs. me business »mi hnve entiwsM fm b indeed epprecieled. end we bepe the tem. ef eoeh yeer, Ibe pleeMot leteHoee •listinf between ee win be ineieesed end ttrengthened. We wbh yee e Merty Christwes end • Heppy New Yens. PRINCESS CAFE “JIMMY** Mrs. R. G. Finley Is Luncheon Hostess Mrs. R. O. Finley was hostess at a lovely luncheon at her home on Tenth Street Saturday honoring her, duaghter. Miss Betty Qwyn Finley, and M**® Hallle Oillette, of Toledo, Ohio. Miss Gillette, room- ■ mate of Miss Finley at Stephens College, Columbia, Mo., is here for a week’s visit with the Fin leys before going to her home in Toledo for the remainder of the holidays. Another out-of-town guest at the luncheon was Miss Barbara Benson, of Blkln, also a student at Stephens College. Luncheon was served at one o’clock with covers laid for 12 at three small tables, which were appointed In the Christmas motif, guests consisting mostly of class mates of Miss Finley In the 1944 graduating class of the North Wilkesboro high school. After luncheon, bridge was played at j two tables in which high and low i score prizes were won by Miss' Benson and Miss Vivian McNeil. , and in the table of gln-rummle | Miss Betty Hutchens was the | winner. i meeting at Ui« home of Mre. J. 0. Nmganer on Sunday night, De cember 17th. The rooms wero^ heantifnlly decorated tor the Christmas holi days tmd a good crowd was pres ent—II members. ’The business session was In charge of the pres ident, Mrs. A. T. Nichols. Then followed the program on “Season of Peace” led by Mrs. J. C. Bum garner with a nnmber of mem bers taking part In the dlMus- slon. It was decided to do some favors for the aged and sick of the community during the holiday season. Delicious refreshments were served at the cl^ of the meet- * ing. Miss Prank Somers Entertains For Club Members Miss Frank Somers entertained at a Christmas party at her home doty n.To the prognm at fA| monthh^ mooting at tho kmuo^ hold ' Tuooday evoning at. tho church. Mrs. Blmoc Lowo woo la ohargo of the prognuB, ond hod the assistance of MrC. O. K. Whit tington, Mrs. Chestor Jolly, and Mrs. W. A; Strond, who gave the devotions. .The theme for the program was “Peace In Our Country, and ’The Prince of Peace”. Ito. O. T'. Mitchell, the president, was In charge of the business session, and heard the usual reports. Methodist day. All childm laOUmm*' :eabow hut fheiday Mrp. J. D. Scbao^ tol&'ilovo-stated above. ^ wotef Santa Clahg tn'ibnoii invited to bo praoont dn^ tlonala whtcb were ercod Woman’s Society In Monthly Meeting “Cbrlstmas In Our Homes end Settlements” was the theme of a program, given at the December meeting of the Woman’s Society with a nnmber of Chnita|i|-' Carole, and Miss Mamie Soi^iraS - gave the program. “ ; Mrs. W. B. Jones was In charge of the bnelneaa session daring which time the yearly repqrU^ were heard. ' j •V. irr^ Santa at Penn«3r*i J Friday, Saturday , Santa Clans will visit the J. C. | Penney company store In North j Wilkesboro Friday afternoon, 4:30 to 6:30, and on Saturday morning, ten to eleven o’clock, B. CAUi DS rNI T«UE Flmnlniic and Elactrieal Repairs. anb safne* ■; • J • MYERS• WATnt BTBTBMS ANDEISON ELlCntrC COMjPAMT Telepkene • Wilkesboro, N. C. In Wilkesboro Monday evening having as guests members of her bridge club. Dinner was served at seven o’clock, followed by bridge at two tables. The win ners of the high and low score awards were Mrs. Claude Dough- ton and Mrs. W. B. Somers. An interesting feature of the evening was the exchange of gifts made by the group. Decorations and ap pointments were In keeping with the Christmas season. Baptist Society In Monthly Meeting Members of Circle No. 2 of the Wilkesboro Baptist Missionary So- Honor gifts were presented by Mrs. Finley to Miss Gillette, Miss j Benson, and Miss Nelle Rousseau, I bride elect of tho season. Miss j Rousseau and Captain James Ruf- ,fln Bailey, U. S. air forces, of I Memphis, Tenn., are Jo wed In I January. Pleasant Home W. M. S. Meets The W. M. S. of Pleasant Home church held the regular monthly NOTICE OF ADMINISTRA’TION Having qua’^fied as administra trix of the estate of J. B. Russell, deceased, this notice is to notify all persons having any claims against the said estate to present the same to the undersigned ad ministratrix, duly verified and itemized, on or before the 20th day of December, 1946, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their right of recovery. All persons in debted to the said estate will please make prompt payment. This December 18, 1944. MRS. ELSIE V. WALKER, Admrx. cf the estate of J.'B, Rus sell, dec’di l-26-6tT Save the Difference • GET YOUR • BEAUTY WORK For 1/2 P”®® Permanents . . . Facials Tinting . . . Manicures Shampoo and Sets — All Work — Done By Students Under the Supervision Of MRS. JESS STOUT Instructor N. C. Accredited School North Wilkesboro Bnuty School Over City Barber Shop Save Half On Beauty Work! IheBcitPartof thclDcal SPECIAL COFFEE OUR CHRISTMAS WISH a There is probably one bygone Christ inas that you remember above all others. Our wish for you this year is that you may recapture something of the happi- • ness you experienced on that day. “Peace On Earth” If every one of us conducts himself in the spirit of Him whose birthday this holiday symbolizes — there will soon be an end to strife and the spirit of brotherly love will again unite the peace loving people of the earth. * OUR CHRISTMAS HOPES JOIN YOURS! Did you ever go to Grandmother’s for an old fashioned Christmas? A little old farm house, nestled back in the hills, surrounded by giant oaks with a white mantle of fresh snow . . . the old fashioned kitchen with its savory fumes of roast turkey, dressing and plum pudding . . . the old pine Christ mas tree with its tinsel tresses . . . the heaps O ' gayly wrapped Christ mas gifts... the logs blazing mer rily in the open fireplace ... the stockings of the youngsters pre- ■n#«N"g an unforgettable silhouetto . . . the spirit of warmth and con tentment ... the glorious reunion of loved ones and friends brought together once again by Christmas . . . underneath it all, the real significant spirit of the occasion. It is a cheerful picture, is i‘ not? Perhaps it will not be your good fortune to en|oy such a Christmas this year, but it is a kind of Christ mas we think of when we say “W# hope you enjoy an old fashioned American Cbrbtmaa.’* Befler Homes Furniture Co. The Northwestern Bank Quincy Whittington R. W. Wiles • Avery Whittington