‘Carriage ^ows Are Announced Mr. and Mn. A. C. Tale of Baya, j^n&jninee the najrrlagQ of their l^tQfhtM’, Jessie FrancU, to Sea- nan Second Class Carless G. Hayee on March 16, at York, S. C. The 16th Vas also Seaman Hayes’ birthday. The bride Is a senior at IMonntaln View High school, aild after gradnation expects to .spend the summer -with her hus- tsnd, who is the son of Mrs. B. F. Bayes and the late Mr. Hayes, of jluys. Seaman Hayes Is station- M at Jacksonville, Fla., where he lexpeeta to be for some time. Capt. and Mrs, Bingham Hi^nored At Luncheon Mrs. W. R. Absher was hostess at a delightful luncheon at the Wilkes Hotel Saturday honoring her nephew. Captain James P. Bingham, Jr., and Mrs. Bingham. Liuncheon was served at one o’ clock with covers laid for Captain and Mrs. Bingham, Mrs. Kathryn Lott, Mrs. W. F. Absher and Mrs. W. R. Absher. Captain Bingham, whose parents live at Lexington, is home on furlough after 34 months overseas. Mrs. Bingham Is the former Miss Elizabeth John son, of this city. ^ a eorwge *»» * Mrd. mwr Is a grildh _ _ met a»rie at ] Rogers Means Fine Paint t fittest inting tripkl .t / Mow t 0# wa^pi 1 rappoor Iko mq|kl INp yqj|r / Roller-Kci JbuTl have J ler, Jb Kem-Tone and • • ^ fclls for old — ropms radian (with ily Kem-Tci |b ^orsi'No hocu8-p#us! y. jpen brush or roll fiKht Juatnj IxKeiM bne with wan over ^ lallpapA painted way 1 dd ceilings, waUbherd, [eX-Tone dries in 1 tour, »nt waU Miraculous | leavef no “psM y” odor, wash IB nsilyl TtACK IRAU ifiPfl tthe averagi in PLASTIC flu holes an “smoothie’ s, woodsiork. 1 guiekly 23i KM-TWE loaUs—it’s ME IMDEI TRIMS ble, colorful. Gm tO-ff 4- lofsrpo efthan brushing! foU—•! • Roll Ket^Tone ushin georatoi*s touch! am read/t-to-use. \F " |IE Ml Th* KEM-TONE MIU^ . Evwy WcdMMtoy ' Mglil| Roars—Painj yf’er till, ISs up sunk DjimiMSEt, Wraclv Ita- boe t* MO M.T. Tim Mm IM||ril. rpose Adi Ytars To T| Of lOur Old Fu| \ am lit! tAPia DRYING |e Mr •• ^IsdfylN* las*. Cbek* • IQ wsMt, hwsIWir* tfi I JUALLOI nidMi Wdbl iMNoss GALLOM good stI FLOOl JCK PAINT AND PI lES JenkiisMIinlwirii^ North W^eiboro, N. C.' The Bplsw^al AniOiary will meet Tuesday afternoon, 4 o'clock, at the homo of Mrs, G. Hackett. Hie drclee of the Presby terian church are meeting on Tuesday as follows: drde No. 1, Mrs. P. O. Forestw, 8:80 p. m.; drdle No. 2, Mrs. J. W. Bason, 8:80 p. m.; Circle No. 8, Mrs. A. A. Oashlon, 8:80 p. m.; Circle No. 4, Mrs. W. C. Grier, 8 p. m.; Circlo No. 5, Miss Lucy Finley, 8 p. m.; Cir- /cle No. 6, Mrs. Dan Carter, 8 ' p. m. ttys «Ua»n, *f Olden, T. Oiw*l4y, of ^ M troomi WM h«ft» i^an. hride Iras lorely in T^er wo^dlpg ol wWtf oaraulsetto, loor white net. She SM^ § *#«Mng bouquet = ^ a sMtirt. #^dl^ trip the MHO cMih4M plp-» striped dllif npd Stir*shoulder, troro a'ciortMlge of rod roses. ‘ gnfdhate of Mll- •nd' a for- student nurse at Davis Hos pital to BtataSYttlo-'^ After spend ing • M di^ Nlrit relatives, she is plaantof-to return to COlnnibia, 8. C., t(|'iDnh» her home tempo- rarllyii ■ ■ ss^;r" Pvt; SUM*' bw hpen to the serv ice flTO years and b«» served over seas. He te now stationed at Fort Jackson, S. -C. V The circles of the North Wll- kesboio First Methodist chnrdj are meeting on Tuesday with the foUowlng hostesses: Mary Brame Circle at the home of Mrs. Gny Llllard with Mrs. W. E. Shnford as co-hostess, 3:30 p. m.; Frank Smoot Circle, Mrs. Henry Moore, 8:80 p. m.; Emma Horton Circle, Mrs. F. C. Hnbbard, Si;., 8:80 p. m.; Franklin Circle at Miss Myrtle Tattle’s apartment with Miss Helen Hamriiik as oo-hostess, 7:80 p. m.; Gardner Circle, Mrs. W. A. Hardlster, 7:80 p. m. * The Woman’s Missionary So ciety of the North Wllkeshoro First Baptist churrti will meet Tuesday evening, 7:80 o’clock, at the home of Mrs. Frank Tom linson. The Wesleyan 8«wioe Guild of the WUkesboro Methodist church meets Tuesday evening, S o’clock, at the home of Mrs. Kyle Hayes with Mrs. William Thomas Jr., as associate hos tess. Fawler-'Bum^amer Marriage IViday Mrs. Annie Fowler, of Boomer, became the bride of Mr. Fllmore Bumgarner,. of WUkesboro, in a ceremony performed Bhiday at the home of Mrs. Jesse Cardwell in North WUkesboro. Rev. S. I. Watts, Baptist minister of the Boomer community, performed the ceremony. Mr.. and Mrs. Bumgarner will reside at Mr. Bumgarner's home near Wilkes- boro. Broyhill-Smith Vows Announced Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Broyhlll, of Pores Knob, announce the mar riage of their daughter, Zelma Elizabeth, to Phillip E. Smith, of Hlddenlte. The ceremony was was solemnized on Saturday eve ning, March 24. The Woman’s Society of Christian Service of the Wil- kesboro Methodist church meets Taesday afternoon, 8 o ’clock, at the home of Mrs. O. Y. Mil ler. Mrs. Bruce Dearman Is Class Hostess The Young Peoples’ Sunday School class of Falrplalns Baptist church met with Mrs. Bruce Dearman, March 15, at 7:80 o’clock, having 12 members pres ent. Dinner was served at 8 o’clock, after which the group spent an Informal hour together. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Earl Anderson April 19, and ell members are urged to be pres ent. Staff Sergeant James D. Wang^, who was recently pro- moted to his present rank, is now serving in Germany and Is getting along o, k., according to letters received by his par ents, J. C. and Mae Waugh. He was inducted into the army to April, 1941, received his train ing at Camp livingstone, La., Ciunp Rucker, Ala., and Gamp Forrest, Team., before going overseas in May, 1944. Woman’s Bible Class .In Monthly Meeting The members of the Woman’s Bible Class of the North Wllkes- boro First Methodist church held their monthly meeting Tuesday af ternoon at tho home of Mrs. A. C. Waggoner with Mrs. A. B. Johnston as associate hostess. Miss Lizzie Hlsle led the devo tions and Mrs. W. P. Gaddy, the president, occupied the chair dur ing the business part of the meet ing. Refreshments and a social hour followed the meeting. Ten members were present. ^V’ Paper collars around your ikes of Cars and Tricks ,nics Will Be Glad to s Promptly As Possib] lerve plants are good protection against the cutworm. The drdee of the WUkesboro Baptist chnrdi are meeting on Tuesday as foUows: Circle No. l, Mrs. Lottie Johnson, 2:89 p.’ m.; Clrde No. 3, Mrs. Geo. Johnson, 8 p. m.; Circle No. 8, Mrs. G. T. Mitchell, 2:80 p. m. ; Circle No. 4, Mrs. Arlon Triplett, 8 p. m. fo^r^Ontr Baptist Circle Held Monthly Meeting Circle No. 4, of which Mrs. W. R. Absher is chairman, held Its monthly meeting with Mrs. Rufus Church and Mrs. E. S. Cooper at the Church home. Mrs. Absher was In charge of the business ses sion and Mrs. H. T. Clark, pro gram chairman, reviewed five chapters In the study book, "Part nership with Christ.’’ Mrs. Ethel Moore, community service chair man, reported that five boxes of clothing had been sent to needy Italian families in Italy, the names of families having been given by a returned missionary. Mrs. Moore offered the closing prayer. Refreshments were serv ed during the social hour. D.A.R. Chapter Met Tuesday Afternoon Th* March meeting of the Ren- deivouB MonhUln «hgpt^ Daughters of the American Revo lution was held Tuesday after noon at Uie homo ?* Johhson with MIm Elien'flobinson and Mrs. George Forester as as sociate hostesses, having a splen did attendance of members. Miss Ruby Blackburn, the regent, was In charge of the usual business session./ For the program, Mrs. Russell G. Hodges led a most Interesting round table discussion on "hob bles’’, with each one preeent tell ing about their own hobby. Re freshments were enjoyed during the social hour. Robinsi L^nni^umgai PLEA^ NOTE: COMPANY ’Belephooe 880 WULKE8BORO, N. C T.E.L. Class Holds Monthly Meeting Mrs. D. G. Wiles and Mrs. G. Myers were hostesses to tl members of the T. E. L. Class of the North Wllkeshoro First Bap tist church at the home of Mrs. Wiles Tuesday evening, having nine members present. Mrs. J. T. Kerbaugh, the president, was in charge of routine business. The hostesses served refreshments dur ing the social hour. Miss Marcella Walsh Bride of Pvt. Church The marriage of Miss Marcela Walsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Walsh, of Purlear, and Pvt. Willjam W. Church. U. S. army, was solemnized at York, S. C., on Monday, March 13, with the ceremony being performed by Pro bate Judge E. Gettys Nunn. The bride wore a tweed suit with black accessories and shoul der corsage of white noses. She Is a graduate of Mount Pleasant High school and now holds a po sition with the carbon plant In Winston-Salem. . Pvt Church, a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Church, of Roaring River, is a graduate of Roarlitg River High school. He entered th* army In September, 1944, and received his training at Camp Wheeler, G*. At the end of his furlough he will report to Fort Meade, Md., to await fur ther orders. The couple 'ws* hc- companled to York by Mrs. Arvel Foster, of Purlear, sister of the bride; Misses Lea and Corlnne Walsh and Mr. Ray Gray Crater, of Winston-Salem. Nichols-Eller Vows Announced Miss Faya Nichols, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Don Nichols, of Purlear, became the bride of Pvt. James H. Eller, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. O; Eller, alao of Pnrlear, on Sayitday,,March 10. The mar riage ceremony was performed at Chapel f, Fort Jackson, S. C., by Lt. William F. Mitchell, chaplain. United States army. The doable ring ceremony waa used. The bride's only attendant vm Mies i-if-dtH PULPWMD can NOTICE OP S Carolina, Wilkes Fnder and by virtue o|3u^rfer le Superior Court m Wflket made in the apdal pi^ ceedag entitled Paul T)elp and wif^Wera Delp, viu Owe Chnwh and %anson Church,jRninon. the same lbii% No., —upon the gpecial«>roceedink dsket of said court, sioner April, the coni boro. sale to thi that certs: being in Wilkes CO ■adjoining Church, Eel Blackburn, others, and scribed a* 1 First Tract encumber. Mi running aa ish oak; i poles to a fine; north . line 82 poles deg. eagt tO nine, ew oaders; on 18 Commis- L day of lock Noon, at in Wilkea- otfer for ler far cash land lying and tin township, i Carolina, ._ of V. M. Church, 6. W. ll Green and particularly de- 'X Plan now pulpwood son when easily. as cut and possible &e sap is ^ and tr^ much sea- i peel , to-wft: highed Ip Price 's prices are substan-’ t paid for rough wood prices allowed under fixed by the Office listration. Keep Up tiu r ’'T » wnd ? your moyb^ostfelligWniij. ^requir^ents/demancf that sductf for the ormeij 'made jbf good wood. Second sontheast fifty-acre a birch an_ of a branehl deg. wsat and Mary stake in now WB north poles to comer in thence no line TO Mm ^ br-sere tame oil- containing now Eas 70 of tract; [Laws, r to Handle many other advantages to The cut and peeled log dries : with at VICTORY lio the '..^ICTORY PuipWOO^ Of wake. Co. Uiie of cdlNMUTEft County Grsen) I to the ecrae, men ”A.F.KILBY W.G.GABR1EL MACKEY B. BRYAN This Ust _ Mneh.'lMS. bXpl BAT^

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