■JISJ wilkitf CHORCBES BAFTIBT j Bimava 3T. Ford, Paator Swidaj- scbool. T. I( ^ory, raparlatendent. Il:d0 A. Mr Montu weiditp^ '•A u ^ P. M: 'ntft Baptist Trsln- Itt Hon. Hiss Louise Wright, dSffBCB. Rev. Lk J. *^*"***” Thare irlll be s speclsl seirlce Soodsy morning at 11:00 A. M., at wtal^ tibne A. A. Casblon, Ar- 'ehle OgUrle and T. A. Finley wUl be ordained and installed as eld ers, and Robert 8. Gibbs, Jr. as dea^n.It you hare not seen a serrlce of this type It will be ^vorth your while to come and ' Wr^|> with ua "The Galatian Christ” will be the subject at Vespers 6:0O P. M. P. Our people will , wtth the Methodist In cooperation with their effort. MORE WAR BONDS ti LLIiMS e MOTOR eo. IF. H. Wfn&mM, 1 -1 BBAB Frame Service GOOD GaiD CARS, nitlCKS, ABB TRAOTOB8 Easy Terms e OempleCe e Body Rebuilding Electric and Acetylen>) Welding WBl Pay Cash for Late Model Wrecked Cars and Trucks ’Phone 334-J WXLKBSBCBtOl rS^aKTKRIAN CBintCH Rer. L. J. Yelanjian, Minister "llTe Pictures of Hell" as found In th® Bible will be the ser mon preached by Rev. Louis J. Telanjlan. Mrs. James Somers will have a special number at dealgnatad as Youth the Bplsoopal Church, the people are urged to attend this service with their parents. ^(PjXKESBOBO abb UNIOB jfBTHODIST Rev. J. O. Ervin, Pastor Sunday School at both Wllkes- boro andjUnlon churches at 10 Worship Service at Wllkesboro at, 11:00 o’dook, a continuation of the revival nwTlces In protore this week. Last service of revival campaign at 8:00 P* one is cordlaUy invited to attend these services. ■V this service. I You are welcome to worship In this old sanctuary every Sunday night at 8:00 P. M. FIRST METHODIST CHCBOH Rev. A C. Waggoner, Minister 11:00: Morning worship. “Two of Life's Most Arresting Ques tions". 7:15: Youth Fellowship. 8:00: Evening worship, "Chrls- taln ndelity”. episoopal.^bebvioe Rev. B. M. Lackey, Rector Vesper service will be beld in St. Paul’s Church Sunday after noon, May 20th, at five o’clock. This being Whitsunday and also Rom where I sitv,~ jfy Joe Marsk Advortmtmmt How Sober Hoskins Got His Nome Bverybody kids Sob» Hoddns about his name. Of course, they idlow that it’s appropriate. Sobtf never drinks anything strongar than a glass of bee.. And a harder worker in the fields there never was. “Shucks,” says Sober’s dad. “We named Sober ‘Sober’ jnst because he looked that way when he was bom. Like we called his sister ‘Gay,’ and his other sister ‘ Prissy.’ And it’s had its effect on all of 'em," he adds with spirit. (Prissy is the old maid in the Hoskins family.) From v^ere I sit, there may be swnething in what Sober’s dad says. Naming children sdter virtues is a fine old American custOTn- Look at the names of our pioneers and pilgrims: Faith, Pious, Charity, Hope, Ernest Maybe we should use such names more often. And one I’d like to add is “Tolerance." If we all had Tolerance for a middle name, and lived up to it, we’d have a better, happier world. O I95, UNITED STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION, North Corolino Commitlea Edgar H. Boin, Slot* Director, 600-607 Iniuronce Bldg., Raleigh, N. C. Youth Fellowship Has Study Course On Sunday night, May 20, the Methodist Youth Fellowship is beginning to sponsor a study course on "If I Were Young, The first course will be lead by Miss Adeline Stuckey this Sun day night at 7:16. All young people are Invited to attend this study course. Zone Meeting to Be Held Here In First Methodist Church A meeting of Zone No 1. of the Statesville district of the Wo man’s Society of Christian Serv ice will be held In the North Wllkesboro First Methodist church Tuesday, May 22, beginning at ten o’clock in the morning. A picnic lunch is to be served at the noon hour. Conference officers to address the meeting are Mrs. C. C. Weaver, of Elkin, and presi dent of the Woman’s Society of the Western Nd'rth Carolina con ference; and Mrs. Edd F. Gard ner, of North Wllkesboro, con ference chairman of Christian So cial Relations. All women of the local church are urged to attend this meeting which Is to be known as officers training day. The public is cor dially Invited. •V Rev. J. H. Wilcox held serv ices at Yellow HlU Baptist church Saturday night ' > We are very sorry to know that Mr.'Lee Cornett is in the hospital and hope he wlU soon be up and around again. tfol Buri'' I^koal, who has been In'the amUr^ has been spmd- a few'days iwi^' Ms par«nts> Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Mickeal. Mr. imd. Mra'Presley Chnroh spent teturday night and Sun day with Mrs. Church’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frasier. Mr. and Mrs. V. Si. Church and Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Blackburn and children and Mr. and Mrs. Aldrln Greene spent Sunday with Mrs. Church’s, and Mrs. Black- bum’s 'and Aldrln Greene’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Greene. Miss Nova Dean Waters Is spending the week-end with Miss Una Dell Beashers. ■V THURSOAT, MAT 17, IMIP^ . ■ ■■ Af Pim WHfik ^ IblloYlng greetings wl IjB®* liVWM Willard Tidplptt In Bnr^ undst l»ts 0* Aprn 28: "As py tboi^ts are on good olA North WUksSr; boro, 1 want to send a line of aijpreolatlon to each-ipd eve;. cltlsen of North Wllkesboro jot their cooperation and belppg hand , toward the yrja effort." Coble’s Hairy, keep mp the good work." BUT^MORE WAR B0NDS NOTICB Morth Carolina, Wilkes County. f. L. Jordsn, Jr., vs. Msttis Joidaa SEAMAN CECIL GRAYSON HOME FOR PEW DAYS Seaman Cecil Grayson, of Fort Pierce, Florida, returned to duty Tuesday after spending a short leave here with his mother, Mrs. E. C. Nichols, and other relatives. ’The defendant, Mat^ Jordan, will take notice that an'action en titled as above has been com menced in Uie Superior CouH of Wilkes county North Carolina, to obtain a divorce; and the said de fendant will further take notice that she is recmired to iropear at the office of the clerk ox^^the Su perior Court of said county in Wilkesboro, N. C., on the 31st lay of May, 1946, and answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief denumded in said complaint. This 11th day of April, 1946. C. C. HAYES, Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes County By Cora Caudill, D. C. 6-10-4tT VftUEST0’a95 a" ‘ Black, Navy, Pastel, Only band director of tbe North Wllkes boro public school. All members of the club are urged to be pres ent. Woman’s Club Will Meet On Monday An Interesting meeting is being planned for the North Wilkes boro Woman’s club to be held In the Woman’s clubhouse on Trog- don Street Monday afternoon, 3:30 o’clock. Hodtesses for the afternoon are Mesdames J. C. Reins, C. E. Jenkins, A. B. John ston, J. B. Carter, and J. D. Schaefer. Beginning at four o’ clock a musical program will be directed by Miss Betty Story, Buy More Bonds! NCilCE OF SALE OF PERSON- , AL PROPERTY North Carolina, Wilkes Comty. _ I will offer for sale at the resi dence of the late E. P. Lowe, at Pores Knob, N. C., the person^ property of the said Mr. Low^ .0 the highest bidder for cash on Sat urday. June 9, 1945, at 2:00 p. m., as follows: « 1 car, 1936 Ford. 1 truck, 1936 Ford. . . 1 team of mules, weight about 1,200 pounds each. 2 sets of harness. 1 wagon. , . , 1 bean spray, 150 gal. tank, 16 gal. per min. 1 Friend spray, 160 gal. tank. IJiay rake. 1 mowing machine. 1 disk harrow, horse drawn. 1 com planter, practically new. 1 wheat drill, good condition. 1 section harrow. Other small farm tools. Apple crates, 200 or more. And all articles of personal prop erty belonging to the estate of the deceased. . MRS. B. M. BROYHILL, Administratrix of E. P. Lowe, deceased. , _ T. E. Story, Atty. 6-21-4tT SHOP OUR STORE FOR Better Home Values! Always remember, you’ll find good furniture, priced right, at Better Homes Furniture Co. And there’s no wiser way of spending your money, next to the purchase of War Bonds, than buying good furniture for the home. New furniture is an investment in beauty and comfort for everyone in the family. And it will make the home brighter and happier for your boy in service to come home to. VELOUR AND MOHAIR ROOM SUITES We have a number of beautiful velour and mohair living room suites that you should see now. Upholstery material for living room suites has been frozen, and when present stocks are gone, yon will he unable to boy the fine quality we now have in stock. Come in today and select yonr suite frem our nice selection, all sturdily made and handsomely designed. SEE US FOR WARDROBES If you are looking for a large, well - constnuited wardrobe with plenty of space, you will'find it here. Several styles from which to choose, all real bargains. Come in today. NOTICE OF LAND ENTRY Land entered by A. J. Cothran. State of North Carolina, Wilkes County. Office of Entry Taker May 14, 1946. Notice is hereby given that A. J. Cothran of Wilkes county, hM this day entered 6 acres of land, more or less, in Edwards township, Wilkes county, adjoining the lands of Millard Harris, Charity Po^ lin, B. C. Jordan and otRiers; bound ed as follows, to-wit: Beginning on a stake near Char ity Poplin’s corner, running a westward course to Blackburn’s corner, also B. C. Jordan’s corner, then hack east with Jordan’s line east to his corner near the old Ridge Road; then south with his line to B. C. Jordan’s southeast corner, beginning near CHiarity Poplin’s comer on a stake; then running with her line a westward- ly course to her west corner; then with her said line as follows ac cording to her deeds. _ Beginning on a take near Charity Poplin s west comer and mnning as follows arcording to her deed, and running various courses for complenaents. If no protest is filed within 30 days, warrant for sam? will be is sued. AUDREY TEMPLETON, 6-7-4tT Entry Taker V Better Homes Furniture Go. “Better Furniture at Better Prices’ hook Hardware Building North Wilkesboro, N. C. home FBBNITBRE company, ELKIN, H. C. lust a ‘little” time sprat on yoor hair - do makes a “big” differrace i n your personal zppearanceiJ IDEAL Over Jeen’a Brea Sbey TELEPHONE 46 BUY MORE WAR BONDS During the 7th War Loan Diite Which Started • MONDAY* '.n Help Bring Total Victory Nearer!;: NO. 2 CAN— TURNIP GREENS NO. 2% CAN— ^ bush lye HOMINY-L. IQC;; NO. 2 CAN— _ _ — ^ aa ai A STOKELY’S TOMATOES 15c :: 14H-OZ. BOX DROMEDARY- iiGINGER BREAD MIX- 18c: 4 46-OZ. CAN VITA NIP— aaiBASa iiORANGE AND GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 40cil I 25-Lb. Bag GAINES’— DOG FOOD S2.III 7-Oz. Package SKINNER’S SPAGHETTI SUPER MARKET FRESH FRUITS And Vefotables FRESH GREEN— Beans, lb. 10c yellow— Squash. 2 lbs.. - 13c NEW— n jc TT — — Potatoes, 5 lbs. - 24c kjbberg— Lettuce, head idc CALIFORNIA— Carrots. 2 bnchs.. 17c FRESH TEXAS— Tomatoes, lb. 21c CRISP Celery. 2 stalks — 25c FRESH- Cabbage. 2 lbs. — ■ 8c FRESH ENGUSH— iiPeas.2lbs. 29c FR^H— ii Cauliflower, lb— 19c MEAT SPECIALS In Onr Market FRESH PORK SLICED— Shoulder, lb.. 32c END CUTS OF— Pork Chops, lb 3Qc “B” GRADE— Ground Beef, lb. — 28ci; SMOKED, END GUTS— Cured Ham, lb. 34. j TYPE 2 pULK— Pork Sausage, lb. 35c FRESH CENTER SLICES— Pork Ham, lb. 38ci: FRESH MADE)- Ham ^lad, lb. 39c COLD CUTS (Macaroni Cheese), Pickle Pimien- J; to, Marvil and Victory— ^ Loaf, lb. 33c;a SLICED OR PIECES Baisy Cheese, lb..-39c Good Varieties of Fbh niYIFHOME^SUPER HARKET > )

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