For Suii^ay July 1 By Dr. Paul Cait4fll *Hted*s *oy Im OrerttoB" BtMttMHHMal: Genesis i «nd 2 For tht next three months the Sscenl theme of our lessons will b« "Studies In ' Genesis.” During that time one will hare excellent opportunity to become better ac quainted with many of the basic truths that are vital to our faith. The book of Genesis logically fulls Into two divisions. In the first (chapters 1 to 11) we have WE LIGHTEN YOUE TASK Reins-Sturdivant North Wakesboro, N, C. a picturesque account of creation and of God’s dealings with man from Adam to Abraham. In the latter (chapters 12 to 50) we be hold the call of Abraham, who is to become, through his family and through those who are to come after.him, a blessing to all man kind, lor it is of his lineage there is to come eventually a Saviour, Jesus Christ the Lord. Let those who anticipate fol lowing this lesson series begin now to read afresh the entire book of Genesis. Some portion of It should be read each day in pri vate devotion, giving special em phasis of course to the portions included in each lesson. The First Cause What ever else the book of Genesis teaches, it makes one thing crystal clear; namely, that back of creation is a great First Cause, a holy, sovereign God. ‘‘In the beginning God we read in the very first line of the Scrip tures (Gen. 1:1). And then re peatedly one reads, as he views the vast panorama of divine crea tive activity, ‘‘And God said .... And God said .... And God said . . . . And God said .... And G(jd said” until, lo, all the mighty works of creation have found their place on the earth. God Almighty, by his own ALLEN MONDAY and TUESDAY ftmti—1“* Pir^ ■ailUMM , Seals Pl« Jacody »4 L PfaeUer jjfrt-rr•■••»»...»«««»*******^********* ■ jjaffrr- Now Skewing— iLAjgT-BflNUTE WAB NEWS DAILY words flung our world Into istence and peopled It with beings of his choice. K an a45cldent, onr world, into being for the simple reason that bao^ of It aU there preaie Tower who had reeMlng '1 himself ti;e powers of creatton. It VIP bi’ creati'.f laind, and will. a"d •-lower, cult brought ]order uuu bea,-,y out Of tho cha otic waste and void that eadated before "the Spirit of God Bffked npon tho face of the waters,’ The Scriptures toll us that God created "the heaven and the earth.” He was the great First Cause, the Originating Force. The word “create" as here used im plies that God brought Into being elements without the use of pre existing materials (see vv.1,21, 27). He Is not merely reshaping materials that already existed In other forms—It Is not a matter of merely remolding. He Is rep resented as “creating" the world of matter, the world of life on the animal level, and life on the hu man or spiritual level. In the words of the writer to the Hebrews we are to understand “that the words were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Heb. 11:3). The world has drifted far away from this basic conception of the origin of things. We have all but forgotten how the world came into being, and for that matter whose it is. If people as a whole, and thereby nations. could but understand that our world Is God‘s by virtue of crea tion, and that it is thereby sacred —every inch of soil, and every inhabitant among the sons of men—surely we would not find It so difficult to get along together as we now find it. Tho Beauties Of Aature In the creation of the natural world, God flooded the earth with a galaxy of radiant beauty. Who is there that has walked out into the cool woodlands in early spring and 'beheld the glory of the wild flowers that appear lu riotous profusion, or sauntered a- longside the waving fields of gold en grain at harvest time, or stood and looked upon the variegated hues of autumn without thank ing God for the hallowed beauty of nature? TTie story of his cre ative activity as he brought into being the beauties of nature will ever challenge the appreciation of the believer’s heart. First, there came at his word —^llght. "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” It was fitting that light should come first, for we are told that in the beginning "darknMs was upon the face of the deep.” Tuis took place on the first day. How long this day was we shall not attempt to say. As Dr. Samp- ey has well stated, “The earth, on which we live, is probably much older than we ever Imagin ed it was in our childhood. God takes time to accomplish His work. One day Is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. God Is not In a hurry .... In the language of the Bible the word day often re fers to a period of Indefinite length." Next came the creation of air and water. ‘'And God said, Let there be a firmament In the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” One needs only to think of his dally needs to realize the goodness of God In giving ns the “air” (firm ament) and water.” This took place on the second day and made possible the habitation of the earth. On the third day, God gathered together the waters ‘‘unto one place" and caused “dry land” to appear. He resolved the land and the sea Into form and brought into being plants: ‘‘herbs yield ing seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit, wherein is the seed thereof, after their kind.” Hence, the delicate pink of the apple blossoms, and the sweet-scented blossoms of the plum tree all come from him. WILLIAMS » MOTOR CO. T. H. iraiiwB*, ■BB A R- FfMK Serace GOCH> r£«D OAB8, TRUCOSS, AND TRAOTOR8 Easy Terms • OsM|ieto • Body Rebmldmff Eileetric Md Aootjrtaw Wd&g wm W OMh tor Lsto Wrecked Can and Trueks ’Phone 334-J HouMirtvea who apl^T tor their gasoline, fuel oil, suKsr,' and oth er rations bj mall will receive prompt service from the War Price and Rationing Board, Ra tioning Officials said today. It Is estimated that ten appllca- tlons received through the mail can be processed in the time It takes to process one application made in person, they point out. By Beading a penny postcard to the War Price and Rationing Board, applicants will save time, effort, shoe leather, and tires. They are the words of his creation —all of them! On the fourth day we have the creation of lights. “And God said. Let there be lights in the firma ments of heaven to divide the day from the night: and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years.” Here we have the sun and the moon .preci ous emblems of his love, and set forever in the heavens to bless us with light. With thqpsalmlst let us proclaim, “The he^ens de clare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth his handi work. Day unto day uttereth speech, And night unto night showeth knowledge” (Psalm 19;- l.f). The Animal World Following the creation of lights we hftve the creation of the ani mal world. God brings into being fish and fowls and land animals? First God creates the lower ani mals, those Inhabiting the water: “And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living crea tures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.” Following this, God cre ated the land animals, “living creatures after their kind, cattle and creeping things, and beasts of the earth.” The Creatton Of Man It Is In the creation of man, however, that God reaches the climax of his creative activity, for In man he left the stamp of his own Image: “And God“sald, Let us make man In our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the bfrds of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over ev ery creeping thing that creepeth up on the earth.” What a heritage —dominion over all the rest of Gori’s created beings on the earth! Hence, in the creation of man, G'jd gave to the world an Intelli gent, rational being, one capable of feeling, and possessing the glorious faculties of thought— verily “a living soul.” To man, along with his companion and helpmate, God gave the solemn command to "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth,” and reminded him that he had been endowed with a stewardship which gave him dom inion over all other creatures that God had made. A “Good" Work One expression that occurs over and again in the opening chapter of Genesis ought not to be over looked in the study of this lesson. It is the expression, “And God saw that it was good” (See vv. 4,10,12,18,21,25,31). God’s hand iwork In every phase of his cre ative activity was good. That is to say. It was “choice,” pleasing,” “delightful.” The word “good” as used here stands for the old He brew word tov which always im plies excellency. There was noth ing half-way about the handiwork of God. His work was good. •V Northern Ireland farmers have raised over 1400,000 for the Red Cross. -V- North Carolina farmers are losing 60 million dollars a year because of plant diseases, many of which can be prevented. Malaria CHBCXBD IN 7 DATS WITH Liquid For MALARIAL SYMPTOMS Take Only As Directed 666 LOVELIER Pemanenta For a aafto, more beaatifiil COLD WAVE make your next appoint- meilt with IDEAL Over itmaft Dn« Shep TEkJEPHCm. 46 Guam.—Thia la the alery of A veteran Ameripaa tettleahip and the wriM watch pt a Jap aaleMe filer. The ancient battlewagoa, whose name cannot be rerealed, la one of those war vessels which were renovated after Pearl Harbor- on# of those weatherbeaten old- timers which are doing anch an excellent Job against the mtemy. The wrist watch is a souvenir of battle. It landed on the deck of the warship along with other small pieces of Japanese property plane and persons, which shower ed down in a violent storm of battle smoke and spray. That shower was Just an inci dent In four terrific minutes in which the oldtimer shot down five Kamikaze planes. The wearer of the wrist watch piloted the fifth enemy plane. Four other suicide aircraft already had been brought down by antiair craft fire—the fourth plane dis- Intergratlng in flame and smoke. Then the fifth plane—the one whose pilot wore the wrist watch —came tearing through the smoke, guns blazing. When the suicide craft was on ly two hundred and fifty or three hundred yards away, every twen ty-millimeter gun on the old bat- tlewagon cut loose against it. As one of the gunners later told As sociated Press correspondent Rob- bln Coons, “We kept firing, all the way In—and It crashed.” But it was a close call for the aged warship. The crash and ex plosion of the falling plane sent water flying all over the vessel, over Its superstructure. It shook the old wagon. It knocked men around. It sent the enemy pilot’s wrist watch flying on deck. But the battleship and all its crew were Intact. The crew won the praise of the ship’s air defense officer. Lieu tenant commander Jack Bishop, whose mother lives in Hatties burg, Mississippi. Says Bishop, “Those boys learned their stuff and they carried it out under fire.” That’s the story of the Jap wrist watch—^Just an incident In the day of an old battlewagon that still fights with the zest of youth. V to Aoeombd^ the vehlelee is ttiey the Torloiut Mepe Is Juroeen on n prodoetlon-llae besta. The proeew bei^e with Meam eleanlng an^ when the vp> liiolef leaire the flnal nmp th^ are ready to wltliaUnd the rigore of a long ocean voyage. Second Lieutenant Stephen 8. Oralg la charge of the Ordnance crew, pointed out the process is "like eeallng a vehicle In a water proof package and still leaving It mobile.’' Hie vehicles can be de-pro- cessed aboard ship in only a frac tion of the time it requires to process tiiem, and can l>e driven from the vessel under their oWn power. .vUI'In nMlwRwS Chril Enginawl' D r ASM SntFSTB ’BKTT PLATS CITT AND] PROPI Offtee 2nd Fleer Beak ef NerflI I Wnkeehers BdUbtg • OfBeePli»m»2a7 R«iidcbce 5^ Bay Mmv BoiM Processing to Protect Vehicles From Spray The 14th U. S. Army Port, Southampton, England.^A pro cessing area for making trucks and other Army vehicles immune to the corrosion caused by sea air has been set up at this port by a group of U. S. Army Ord- nancemen. Among the men who laid out and built the processing area is Carl A. Shumate. Large ramjie have been built Feels Better Than In Years;Thank$Retonga 1 Noted Medicine Gave Her One of Happiest Surprises of Her Life, States Mrs. Williamson. Ekijoys Every Meal Now; Sleeps Fine. “If everyone knew the true mer it of Retonga, the Company could not make it fast enough”, declares Mrs. Zillia 'Williamson of Route 2, Box 221, Wilson, N. C., in praising this noted herbal stomachic and Bitamin B-1 medicine. “For about two years I felt so rundown and weak that I could take little interest in anything else”, continued Mrs. Williamson. I suffered so much distress from indigestion that I did not dare eat anything rich or heavy and I got to where I did not want to eat anything at all. I felt restless, I found it hard to concentrate ,on my business affairs, and I had little energy. Sluggish elimination kept me taking laxatives all the time. I just seemed to be in a rut and could find nothing to help me out of it. “Retonga gave me such grand relief that I now cat three good meals a day; that exhausted, rest less feeling is relieved, and I now feel good every day. The slu^- g:ish elimination is relieved. I sleep soundly and I feel stronger than in ten years. Retonga is the grandest m^icine I ever used in all my life”. Such grrateful evidence can leai no doubt of the great worth Williamson found in Retonga. Retonga is intended to relieve distress due to Vitamin B-1 defi ciency, constipation, insuffieient flow of digestive juices in the sto mach, and loss of appetite. Re tonga may be obtained in North Wilkesboro at HORTON’S Ehwg Store.—^Adv. leaw Mri£ r Osear Palmer Service Station LOCATED ON Highway' 16 SELLS Dependable ESSO Produ^ Stop Ib to See n« the N«rt Time TeiVe TritTeliag Be tween Nerth WOkeebere aai Jrffereen. You Are Cordially Invited TO DRIVE INTO THE TEXTILE SERVICE STATION FOR Dependable EseeSmviee. IXKIATra) NEAR WILKES HOSIERY MILLS WILL V. rofwr Mf«, 4; You’d better get scared !* “Hat’sscared about wfaether your car will really see you tbroucdi- Already, it’s probably the oldest car you ever owned... with a long way still to go... “And summeT^a extra hard on can. Heat increases friction wear on moving parts. Batteries often run dry. Tires take a terrible ty«ting;:; “So get a little scared...and see toot Esso £)eedbr right now. Let him pot in ftedb. aomtner-grade Eeso Motor OL Let him give yoti oonect summer-protective lubrication. Let him die^ your battery and tires. Don’t risk wear that needn’t happen. Protect yoursdf today^.” safe, not sorry... see your Esso Dealec and SAVE THAT CARI €ssa DIAltR core saves we STANDARD OIL COMPANY OP NEW JERSEY Owt.W4S. WH»lM. I ^ Get Complete Esso Serrice At Our Statiem! MIIITON’S ESSO SERWIOE Near Postoffice Wilkedboro, N. Cl Wasbiag • Polisbmg # XjdbriouAioa TIRE REPAIRING RECAI>raiG pS Drive In For a Complete Spring ChedD-Up LBVETTE-WALKEBES90SEIVKE oppottte City Hall North Wtilwiboro, N. C. TK RBPMOam ATIM

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