i:lciCWora iaaartlQtff MferfBoi Ife WOmt^ASMi 1 B. F, Avtrr tor, on« -18 In. Ollrer trailor plow and one OUrer SO-diec Harrow; all In pood condition, floe or write O. M. Riddle. Route two, Ronda. N. C. 7-ll-«tpd FOR 8A1JB; Tractor wito Bd-dlec ontawar . harrqw and two-dlec ■Ide ploik^ ISO* cask. Good mechaolotf condition. George R. Jo&kiqn, Roaring Rlrer Route Twk. C-Z8-2tpd FOR SAliR AT a bargain: 2 ™ie oowe glTlng milk, l ipalr Black -Mare mulee See Cama Robin- eon, Oakwoode, N. C. C-28-2tpd FOR SALB Weali milk cow and calf six weeks old. Wm. T. Long, Wllkesboro, N. C. Itpd for SAliB—Good drj slabs saw- ed itove wood length. Phone 26-F-OS. Stacey P a r d u e, Wllkesboro, N. C. 7-5-pd FOR SALBl—One 12 Gauge shot gun, Winchester Automatic model 11. See Tates at 12:30 at The Journal-Patriot office. FOR SALE: Plymouth, 1989 Oon- vertible, good top and mechan ical condition. Radio and Heat er, |65'.00 W. B. Robinson, route 1, Cary, N. C. Itpd ot me oeed, :— infill Has makes., as‘Weber, Bx&ikfiH " MehUa A Soae; and lots ot other makes. 40 to 50 plaons to select from at all times. 18 inonths to pay. Gar wood Piano Co., Wllkesboro, N. a 7-5-4t FOR SALE—Typewrttere, adding ' machines—sales and serrice. Remington-Rand Agency, Lo- noir Office Eauipment Co., 'Phone 41*, Lenoir, N. C. 7-19-pd FOR SAliB: 8 pairs white ducks, •11.60 pair. Bobby Alexander, Wllkesboro. JTBT KIOUIfilVKU—One new 4- can Westlnghonse milk Cooler, airallably without priority. Day Electric Co., North Wllkes boro, N. C. 6-28-2t FOB SALE: 4 reglstred fox hounds. Price reasonable.C. R. Church, WUbar. 8-28-2tpd FOR SALE: Two-year-old filly colt, gentle, broken to ride, gaited stock. About 160 acres mountain land, sufficient tim ber and pulpwood to pay for place. Part of and in vicinity Owens Knob. W. M. Alexander, Wllkesboro. 7-2-2t GOOD USED upright ^aaos;aU throughly reconditioned and tnned; also beautiful Mlr-A- Planos. Twelve months to pay. Garwood Plano Co., Wllkes boro, N. O. 6-7-tf FOR SALK—Second Hand Do- Luxe pre-war folding baby car riage: two-inch rubber tires. Excellent condition. See R. B. Gibbs at J. C. Peney Co. 6-4-tf FOR SALE! 700 White Leghorn Pullets 14 Weeks Old Rev. R. W. Barber East Cairo One 6-room 66x140 feet, on Hight^ miles north of North Double garmro, nice shrobbw* * nice home. Price reasonable. One 6-room brick 2 miles north of North Wilkwb«ro> on lot lOOxlfiO feet A wfl home. Garage, mce cement ment, ha^^ rit^ TOt« home on Highway 18. City water and lights.' , . One 9-room frame house, way 18, near 2 miles of .North Wilkesboro. Electririty. A ^ home. Garage, wood houM, nw 1 acre land. A real bargam. See about this at once. One 5-room house in No^ Wilkesboro. Electricity and city water. A bargain. One 9-room home on E steeet, near high school. Beautiful boine, city water .lights, etc. A bargain. We have many farms- some tim ber lands, in different sections of Wilkes county. One 7-acre tract of land about 8 miles west of North (Wilke^ro. A good 11-room house, good or chard, 2 chicken houses, bam, and spring water. Gr^e road» ^ily mail, and bus service to and from North Wilkesboro. A real bar gain. Many other lots and tracts of land. It will pay you to see me at once, at Jenkins Hardware Co. P. E. Dancy LAND AGENT I FOR BALE—One six room house, running water, two acres of land near Cricket. U. S. High way 421; also one eight room house in North Wllkesboro, N. C. 92 scree good grass land in Ashe county. Easy terms. See D. B. Turner, Cricket, N. C. for BALiL BswMgh'u Twssn* Dust and Fly Killer. I also ear^ ry a complete stock of products. W. W. Kyle, Phoue 81-F-OI, route oue. North Wllkeeboro, N. C. .Also fer sale at R A O Groeery Store, aeroas street from bus statlou. C-IS-dtpd FOR SALE: Dry etore wood, up loads; good dry slabs, truck toads. See Robert BlUlnge at city limits on Falrplalns road or phone 242J, North Wllkee boro. 7-6-8tpd BUY MORE WAR BONDS f • Miscellaneous ATi®mON FARMERS— High est prices psid for your Birch logs and blocks, eontsst plant. Piedmont Wagon St Mfg. Oo., Hickory, N. C. 7-SO-lSt AUCTION SALES ARE toe bert they have been in years. If yon have property for sale, see us at Hotel Wllkea. Ferris & John son Land Auction Oo., Home Office, Greensboro, N. C. 6-14tf WE DO EXPERT Watch, CUoek, and Jewelry repairing.—Wiles Jewelry Store 8-6-tf BRING YOUR SHOES to ns for expert repair work. Best of ma terial used. Clontz Shoe Shop, in building formerly occupied by Harvel’s Studio. 4-30-tf • FOR RENT j IR RENT—Eleririo Pioor Wax- er—saves time and labor; also for sale Old English Wax for floors and linoleum; Scrnbzol and Wellborn’s Cleaners for any surface; wool wall, ceiling and floor mops—Juet the items for your spring cleaning.— Rhodes-Day Furniture Co., Inc. • Lost and Found LOST: Brown Billfold containing $10 a n d Important papers. Keep $10 and return papers to The Journal-Patriot office. Itpd • WANTED WANTED: Oounfiy bams, any size, any quantity. Top price. Lloyd’s Cafe, B Street, North Wllkesboro. 6-28-4tpd WANTED: Baby stroller In good condition. Write Box 421 or call 671J. 7-2-2tpd WANT TO RENT two or three room unfurnished apartment In or near North Wllkesboro. Ad dress “P” care Journal-Pa triot. 7-2-2tpd WANTED—^To do yonr general shoe repair work; expert work manship and best of material. Clontz Shoe Shop, located near Tomlinson’s Department Store. 4-SOtf WANTED: Fnmlshed a]>artment or small home In or near North Wllkesboro. Will Pay $50 month for desirable place. C. W. Ward at Liberty Theatre. 7-2-2tpd WANTED First-Class CARPENTERS At Once! APPLY Ivan D. Anderson Liberty Theatre Real Estate Sales - Rentals • ABSHERa Real Estate Co. a M. Bladdbam, Mgr. OUBoe Ovar Pajme Clo. Co. WILKBSBCmO BRFDOT Rerr. Hoerard J. Ford, F>toar 9:46 a. m. Sunday School. T. E. Story, Spnerlntendent. 11:00 a. m. Homing Worship. Subject: “The Way That Leads Unto Ute." 7:00 p. m. The Baptist Train ing Union. Miss Louise Wright, Director. t * 8:00 p. m. Evening Worship. WILKESBORO BIETHODIST Rev. J. O. Ervin, Fastm- Clmreh Schools at b o t h churches. Union and Wllkesboro Sunday at 10 A. M. Preaching at Wilkesboro at 11 A. M. and Preaching at Union at 8 P. M. A welcome Is to all, to any or all these services. UNSKILLED LABOR Work for One of the Largest Steel Companies Pittsburgh, Pa. Transportation Paid By Em ployer. Housing Available. 48-Hour Week, Time and a Half Over 40 Hours. Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp. PITTSBURGH, PA- Bepresentative Will Hire At UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 309 Ninth Street This Week Persons now engaged in es sential industries will not be consic sidere^ TWURflNfcAkY, mi iiiiseiiSiiiiiiiiiiii iMt Iouia':jr. »*n» otwrtart of oonah^^wai' !>• tkf nbjeOt tor thsi" ttaSwltog •ormon. IVa tnvit* orarriim to near thte mnnogo. fUot" Is not only worid-vrlile^but eternal. .What part shouRt;you play? Come, find ont, 'asd ^thnn get Into It. We are always glad to have yon worship with ns. WXLKB8IIOBO FKEtUlk'l'EBIAN Rov. Louts 9, Telaajlaii, “Why Christians anffer" will be the message at 8:00 p. m. Sunday, July 1, the Lord’s Supper will be administered. We Invite every one to come and worship with ns. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. A. O. Waggoner, MlnlsteF 9:46. Church School. W. C. Marlow, Superintendent. 11:00. Morning Worship, theme—^“A Nation and National Sine." - 7:16. The Youth Fellowship. 8:00. Evening Worship, theme —“Living Free of Strain." dmi^’ ^lae ft AlAwaltor;’tito 88. Rtwl tlnunto Bryant,_Rev. Pervlg PaHci'had R6Y. David'Day con- dnetod .the hud ritea. 4,., Mrs. Alssander pratoased falto tit Ohrlst at ah etur)^ aga imd jota- ed Oool Sprtna* dinreh. \ Attar marriage sha moved her member ship* to White Plains, where Hie remained a member until death. Survlviag Mrs. Alexandm*' are her hueband and the following sons and daughters: Lytle Alex ander, Leaksvllle; Rev. Arvil Alexander, Elkin; Sam Alexander, Jonesville; Pfc. Herman 'Alex ander, in the army in Germany; Mrs. Barney Blackbnra and Mrs. BaaU Edwards, Roaring River route one. Also surviving are one brother and two sUters: A. H. Walls, Winston-iSalem; Mrs. T. H. Edison, Bakin; Miss Laura Walls, Ronda; 12 grandchildren Ttl PglTliit ;Jf.1 Md. who QMB^ed.,hoot_ truia togsthef In to* Oo«^ GKi^ BiWaior*, ll:d.,'hav* retomed dhtjr ■ftor vfhlitQE their pa(*bB)> i Mr. sad Ibv. ^ Barnes, ttd MB^ and Mr*. Wi O. GabrluL _—^ ‘‘ r'^ X h«a f«Wc Alt thtnmirft 4 hM*. fc'* ■». Nra*-- iSta 41 bun —. lueidwi. o«w/ laJ tf fW 4e sot wOi mU h ta iqr w tt a _ _ wdst tn thtiy ■MBphack fuMsM*. ko-Bx 4 V if iA> idirnmmkd br HORTON'S DRUG STORE ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. B. M. Lackey, Rector Vesper service will be held In St. Paul’s Church Sunday after noon, July, 1st, at five o’clock. The public la cordially Invited to attend. Flag Service At Little Rock July 1 There will be a flag service at Little Rock Baptist church Sun day July 1, at 8:30 P. M., honor ing the boys and girls in service from Little Rock commnnlty. The program will open by singing “My Country ’TIs Of Thee”, and pledges to the American and Christian flags. There will be letters of request read from the boys and girls In service, and the songs they have requested will be sung. Everyone has a cordial invitation to attend. MrsT K. V. WriSt Claimed By Death Mrs. Retha Wright, age 72, wife of R. V. Wright, well known citizen c£ Lovelace township, died Tuesday and funeral was held today, two p. m., at Edge- wood Baptist church. Mrs. Wright is survived by her husband and the following sons and daughters: Mrs. Mae Hen- dren, Gilreath; Mrs. Leah An derson, Wilkesboro; Mrs. C. W. Fletcher, Alma, Ralph and Vera Wright, of North Wllkesboro route three. '' ,'5 ,,..4 ^ is ,^iwdys has been t ^eps his promises, as he agrees to do, ^ ' first test of credit worthiness. demonstrated his ability to mofap^rfeney, he has met the second requirement. And if he seeks funds for a constructive purpose and has a systematic plan for paying off the loan, he has complied with the third credit rule. If a loan wiH benefit you or, your business, come in and see us. THE NORTHWESTERN BANK Serving Northwestern North Carplina MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION AUCTION SALE! GOOD USED FURNITURE Saturday, June 30 Starting at 10 A. M. Be Sure to Attend This Sale! CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING: —Wardrobes —China Closets —Pianos —Dressing Tables —Vanities —Odd Dressers —Desks —Dining Room Snites —Bed Room Suites —Living Room Suites And Many Other —Kitchen Cabinets —Antique Chairs —Drop Leaf Tables —Chests of Drawers -Breakfast Room Snites —Beds and Springs -Secretaries —Bookcases —Radios and Phonographs —Antiqne End Tables Items Too Numerons to Mention McNeill Furniture Co. Located Next Door to Horton Drug Store Telephone 601 • North Wllkeehoro,