nmem [ItMBs iUbcMil Conm mui Goeft.F ,si± »(* Is ^ th^ irssk St potats tn rsttira North Csrolti^' '. Ifrs. Tobss Kmktai ot IfteaU, Horl4*i !■ TiM^g her father, te. W.'R. Tripletti St Purlesr. > ,. ICr. Jisuay Qlbta.’of Charlotte^ i.li speadias. vsrt of hie vscstlon TtstUng Mrs. Lens Millers Creek. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brown of Wtnston-Bslem, home mored to the Elliot house In North Wilkes* boro. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Swofford and two sons, Carl rranklln and Jlmmr, spent last week at Blow ing Rock. Mies Mary Moore Biz, who holds a position in Asheville, was hero for the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Mary Moore Hlx. Mrs. Ladle Garwood Parlier has been awarded a divorce from George S. Parlier. The decree was granted at the March term of oourt at Shreveport, La. Mrs. Ladle Paiiier will leave Friday returning to Shreveport, La., after a visit in Wilkesboro with her parents^ Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Garwood. Miss Inez Phillips spent the week-end at Landis as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. DiaL Mrs. * Hal is the former Miss Grace olnes. - -Iliisea Anna S« Hl»d Clara Ghveh, of North Will^ boro roa^^o, sj^ th# end. witifl^^, aha Mwa pii!9Bs aflti^. Qrom *-4'; Vmt. Chtrvsy^^ Slledge and .lb. Carl Dancy, oif ■ -v Union “ QM?r*r spent thc^eek-ond with Iff.'iuid Wagner, offuA C' Church, of North Vfilkesboro route one. Mr. and Mrs. Sam VWtery, of Union, 8.-C., spent the ww^-ond here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Vickery and Mr. imd Mrs. Dan Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bodie and son, Jimmy, of Thomasvllle, spent Sunday here With Mr. and Mrs. Dermont Smith. Mrs. Bodie is a sister of Mrs. Smith. Miss Sylvia Kenerly, daughter of Mrs. Treva Fulp, and Miss Anne Carlton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hill Carlton, are spend ing the week at the Girl Scout’s Old Mill Camp, near Greensboro. Mias Mary Miller Starr, w:ho bad been spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Schaefer, at Marllnton, W. Va., returned hqnie Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer accompanied her as far as Pulaski, Va., and she was met there by her parents and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Weaver Starr and Anne Weaver Starr, and Miss Muriel Coykendall. f SELF m REGULATION ) ^ Sound PnincifiU Upon the sotind ptindi^e of Self-Regulation, the North Carolina Committee - United States Browers Foundation has developed a program which reaches every licensed beer retailer in the state. It is a pro gram that enlightens them os to their legal and social responsibilities, and provides for the correc tion of any infract^ 71. however small It is a program heartily endorsed and supported by local and state law-enforcement agencies. It is a program that works. >7(orth Carolina Committee. ^ ® States Brewers FoiMMnwf Edgar H.Bain, State Director 606*607 Insurance Bld^RalelghJI.C A f. • We Will Be Closed Ob Wednesday • AfteraeoBS • DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST We bring to your attention each week the few scarce items that we receive. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY -Electric Irons -Egg Beaters —Wash Pans -Dish Pans —Tea Kettles -Electric Churns -Electric Drills and abs. D. U Crook «Bd Mary Sfolyv, and uoa, ChvM Lou. spttkllit fuv b9» ia North 'mikoaboro with tbu IL R^^eNMls. Tho Crodu and Mo- MMls speot- two waeks at thg Bc^ ton Cabi^ B««r Booiyt, Miss Donna Smith, du^tm'u Mr. and Mra. Dermont. Batlth, «ls on'an eztendod visit with her :ta, llr. and Mrs; H. 0. f^nuunrflle, agd Mr.' nnd'^Mrs. Joe Byerly, at Hljh Point,-. . Mr. and Msa. Jamas B.. Rol Ilns, ff QoIdsM>ro, havssi bepa spdidlng i( lew days with firlento in the IVUkssbdros. Mr., Rollilyi is a former-assistant county agent In Wilkes. i Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Eller and children, Bnby and^ Martha, of Philadelphia, are visiting Mr; Eller's parents, Dr. amd Mrs.'A J. BSler, and brother and sister, Mr. C. B. Eller and Mrs. A. H. Casey. Miss Joyce Kilby, who ^bad been spending eome time with relatives In NewfToiflc City, was called home Wednesday because of the IBness of her mother, Mrs. C. 0. Kilby. Friends are glad to learn that Mrs. Kflby is Improv ing. University of North' Carolina students who spent the past week-end at home were: Mr. P. G. Greer, Millers Creek; Mira Betty Jene Linney, Mr. Hoke Steelman, and Mr. Edwin Gll- reath, Wilkesboro; Mr. Bucky Horton, North Wilkesboro. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Absher, daughter, Sue, and sons, Claudius and Richard, spent last week at Myrtle Beach, S. C. They were also accompanied on their trip by Mr. arid Mrs. C. M. Robertson ami daughter. Prances, of Winston- Salem. Miss Joyce Hayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hayes, of Oakwoods, having just complet ed four years training with Ap palachian State Teachers College, has accepted a position as busi ness teacher with the Walnut Cove public schools. Miss Barbara Jane Strat, of Detroit, Mich., is spending sever al weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wood, of Honda; also a week with her aunt, Mrs. Everette Sparks in Winston-Salem. She came by plane from Detroit to Winston- Salem. Mr. R. W. Kurfees, of Coolee- mee, and his daughter, Mra. B. W. Griffin, of Kings Mountain, spent the week-end here in the home of their daughter and sie- ter, Mrs. W. B. Jones. Mrs. Grif fin returned home with Mr. Kurr fees for a visit before going on to her home In Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Moore and daughter and sons. Miss Carolyn Moore, Dudley, Jimmr, »nd Ed ward Moore, spent last week at the Moores’ Cottage at Blowing Rock. Dudley and Jimmy, while there, had for their guests a couple of days, Julius Rousseau and Bobby Meserve, of this city. Mrs. Lena Wagner, of Millers Creek, and Miss Thelma Wagner, of Charlotte, returned Sunday from a delightful visit with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carden and datrgh- ter, Linda, of Detroit, Michigan. While there they made a trip across the border Into Canada by boat. They made the trip to De troit and return by plane. Mr. *k«* «* oMj, Is toprovlnf from s«rit« Gwms roosNed isM fO. H«\is A pattoitt At the WlMsAkospttst ^ Mri And iirt. G. C, arabiH bA^e retnmed to jUiA elty Aft«r eoJo^lDg A wsok^i TssklRili to pi^ts of Interest ,1a the veetein part ot North CaroU&A. Miss Wrenn Dnneen si^t sev eral daye last week vlelUng prlth her sistet, Mrs. CletMoe A. Moser, At Ziewlsvllle.*Miaa Dun- nan is the daughtw, of Mr. .nWi 1C, Danoen, wh(^reMdes nmoW- leiSSlX^.--A . ' Mr. And Mrs. G. P.'Podrebewe, of Dee i Moines, Iowa, arrlTed Monday* tp spend A ten-day v^ cation w& Mra ' Podrebarao's mother, Mrs. P. D. Lendermen, in Wllkaeboro. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gilbert and son, of Buckroe Beach, Va., and Tom mie Jarvis spent Father’s Day with Mrs. Carter’s snd Mrs. Gil bert’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Jarvis, of Wttkesboro. Miss Hazel Dean Jarvis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Jervis, is spending some time with them at Buckroe Beach, Va. Mrs. William Vickery and two sons, William, Jr., and Tommy, of Ridgeway, New Jersey, left yesterday to visit with Mrs. Vick ery’s people In Savannah, Ga, after a visit of several days here in the home of her husband’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Vickery. They were accompanied here by Mr. Vickery for the week-end, who will return some time in July to take them home. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crook and daughter and eon. Miss Mary Evelyn Crook and Charles Crook, have returned to their home at Lumberton after a few days visit this week with friends in North Wilkeeboro. The Crooks, former residents of this city, spent last week at the Horton cabins near Boone. Miss Crook was graduat ed this spring from Mars Hill College, and the Crook’s older son, Lomaz, who was with them last week, is In the Merchant Marine and is stationed In New York. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Jones, Miss Margaret Jones, Mr. Walter Jones, a student at the National Business College at Roanoke, Va., and who was home on a few days visit, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hal- cber and soh. Buddy, of Rnston, La., visited Tpesday and Wed nesday .at Oleritmons In the home of Mr. W. E. Jones’ mother and sister, Mrs. F. A. Jones and Miss Cora Jones, The Hnlehers, who are leaving FildAr for >jLo«l^ ianAr-hAV»bMn tiWhier -two weeks vlslttng with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hnldter and Mr. and Mra. Jones. - 0—^ ImdEor.'Nectar N«naa|r. Jiin» 80th bMsf the Band Box Cleaners Be Closed July 4-8 In order to give employees a well-earned vacation, the Band Boz Cleaners will be closed from Thursday, July 4 th until Mon day, July 8th, Mr. S. B. Moore, the manager announced today. Patrons of the firm, Mr. Moore stated, are urged to get their wearing apparel before closing time on Wednesday, July 3rd, so that no Inconveniences will oc- Legion Plans Dance On Night of July 4th Wilkes post of the American Legion will sponsor a dance to be held on the night of July 4th, nine p. m., at the Legion and Auxiliary clubhouse. This dance has been arranged by public de mand because of the success of the one held recently. Johnnie Hall and his orchestra, from Statesville, will furnish music for the dance. Tickets may be obtained at the following places: Uptown Service station, Brame’s Drug store. Red Cross Pharmacy, Landon’s, Gray Brothers arid Jenkins Hardware Walter E. Hope, former Asst.- Secretary of the Treasury under Hoover, new Republican Nation al Finance Committee chairman. Use Ads. For Results! ilfth INtodhyv ot the aaontli. Mr. CuQiiNdl, «t IfoBBr :£iln ’Mobm. Tenn., to vtoitlAS lA thto oonaMofty. MtaMM ftotAleae -bIiS JIaii' LaBAfotd, of StAtMiiOoi speat tto wiai hor pmatto Mr. .MS W. L Itomtort. lta». M,- r0. PAito vtotted her Sia- lie Alleii'IhiHitafe if" wRl A ^rt«»aaoA„of tiyi Hoi/ taiutord. Su Comannitm and Mmn itar 8ii« .dar; PauVa At il;00 A. h-. •&. .q-.,. •Flans Are^nov betof nAde^.to tike the yoW >*>,• PAnUA^lAgeA lO apd' bp camping tii^ tp - Blovn^ The' -time to'tho 82, 88411^ l4 of'Jnly.- . PMstm 'f l>e ahswB ft Vit AiMi TtoMtoa dstta#' tha afil f«ir daia fff A» Ndiowa: Vodar 8U1A nidRir—^^BariXiil (oa#>^*TtAIIi Ahopl VWai HKEERMSKT OBDB0H Dr. Gilbert R. OtoAbf. Mtatoter. 9:'46 A. m. .CSiareh School, W. C. Marloir, SnperlatAadent 11:00 A. m. Morning Worship, Holy Oommunlon Ssrylce—Com- mnnion Meditation, ‘MVhlch Takes Tour PUce." 7:00 p. m. Youth Fellowshjp^ meeting. 1:00 p. m. Evening Service, Theme, “Compromise.” W. P. Combs Now In Methodist Training W. P. (Bill) Combs, son of Dr. and Mrs, Gilbert R. Combs, of this city, is attentfng a Meth odist Youth Caravan Training Center at Lake Junaloska, N. C., for ten days In preparation tor volntary service dating the next seven weeks in local Methodist churches, in the Western North Carolina Conference, which com prises the western section of the state. Selected becanse of his exper ience and leadership In Christian youth work, BUI is one of 88 col lege young people who are being trained at Lake Jnnaluska for work with 22 adult counselors in the 22 caravan teams. Trained In special areas of young people’s work, each cara van team will seek to “help re vitalize and strengthen the youth programs of the seven Methodist churches they will successively serve, giving a clearer vision of the Christian’s responslhUlty In every phase of life.” Emphasis will be placed this year in work with returned servicemen and women in an effort to win them hack into active participation in church programs. Special teams will serve in housing cbmmnni- ties and rural areas. Sponsored by staff members of the Methodist Board of Bdnca- ttoA NiAhvlUe. T4b^; .^'15^' Jarialriskt, training center Is one of five being held In various parU of the country, training 852 car- avaners In worship, evangelism, world friendship, youth pro grams, community service and recreation. Now In Its eighth year, the caravan movement has reached more than 135,000 peo ple in some 2,000 churches across the nation. ______ V.— UniM %im Ikws M Gei»ral Interest Miss Clara Church, of North Wilkesboro, Route 1, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Con nie Owens. Mrs. Clyde Henderson and children, Daniel and Lena Ruth, 600 pairs FUU-FftSHIONED On Sale at 9 o'Clock i.* -s-jArt* f' * SRTURDAYrJUIffi^ Complete sizes to chooafe from, in beau tiful summer shades; only two pairs will be allowed to a customer, -. i ', • 94c Per Pair ('There will be another lot to go on sale at 2 o’docfc Saturday for the benefit of those who can’t attend the momng sale QlleoliUm cjlppahfii fhif (ij fin iriUi a bvjiurin an MEWW47 SWDEBAKER HERt TODAY AND ON DISPLAY i FIRST STYUfiS ifmr Rfims sdMFORT I TS Americans icit gomplfwiy new postwar ems-A btUltoMfWW 1947 tecflikig wiMi postwar ifuto/eyicmdl^yA-ifliag, aew AcrodyiiAinic styiiag! ExqaUtA new ap* poiotmeots! Amaziiig new comfort and handling easd ;P^ing new perfohnAnee! Come in and see this newest motor cay now! MCOMOm . M n-,W’ Ifrj, ,.V.-f,