Autumn shades in black ond brown, with the new tie belt vision. Sizes 9 to 15. 540 to *39.50 DRESSY WOOL SUITS Chanitlaine (sag - no - mor) Jersey made into soft wool dres sy suits. Ideal for the bride'of today. Beautiful pastel shades of aqua, light blue and pink Makes a petfect going away suit. Sizes 9-15. *19-50 awl *24-50 f u,Ti Coats to mix o| matched to suit your ... in J checks, stapes ancfsol ids. Sizes 9-15. , L *24-50 IP RAINCOATS, 6AI4RE Plastic, in high shades, to be worn 'over your coat. Small, medium, large. *4-87 TRENCH COATS Biege, black and other colors. 10-20 *6.9510*29.50 FALL SWEATERS Bobby Soxer's first choice for school and sport wear are Jacquard Sweaters by Redstone, with the "Rein deers”, and the "Kickoff” ... 100^® Virgin Wool. THE BLACK CHESTERFIELD continues to be a leader in our modern Misses Wardrobe. Deluxe Super Mel ton. 9-15 and 12-20 *59-50 7.95 Youngster’s Sleeping Garment Look in on our sleeping garments for the youngsters. Outing Pajamas and Cotton Knit PAJAMAS *1.00 to *3.48 E. Z. and Hanes Sleepers For the Little Tot, and One-Piece Outing Pajamas 79c to *1.79 New Dress Weight WOOLENS 54 Inches Wide *1.98 to *3.98, PER YARD • ' Includes crepes, bOsket weam and flannels New Shipment Of Coat and Suit WOOLENS Solid colors, Glen Plaids, and Tweeds NEW BAGS New Block Plastic *2.98 Zipper Closing Red, black, brown, amber SPECIAL! BEDSPREADS DOUBLE SIZE Chenille Spread *6.79 A Wide Range of Shades IN OUR MEN'S DEPARTMENT Men’s Heavy duty Rain Coata, reinforc ed at all points subject to ripping, vul canized seems. Black, 34 to 46— $6.95 Genuine Cape Jackets, three pockets, zipper front and belted back. Black and bro'wn— $19.50 Zeland Jackets, removable sheep skin lining. Ideal for cold rainy weather— $12.95 Men’s dress Slacks, wool and rayon combination. Good assortment of colors and sizes— $«.30 to $10.95 A few men’s all-wool worsted 36 to 42— $29.50 suits. All wool Overcoats, coverts and tweeds, tan, brown, and mixed; good range of sizes— $30.50 to $34.50 Men’s all wool Sweaters, pull over or button fronts, good assortment of col ors— $4.95 to $7.95 Good assortment sleeveless Sweaters— $2.95 to $4.95 fJversharp Pen and Pencil Sets— $8.75 to $64.00 Men’s Hickock Jewelry and belts. Good assortment. IN OUR BOYS' DEPARTMENT Huggar Caps and Helmets 97c to $1.98 Boys' all-wool Mackinaw Coats Junior sizes $7.95 Rubberized Raincoats with cap. Sizes 4 to 16 $3.95 Boys' Tweed Pants, sizes 10-18 $4.95 Boys' Plaid Flannel and Wool Shirts $1.48 to $4.95 Boys' all wool dress Suits, in all sizes $16.50 WONDERFUL VALUES IN OUR • Shoe Department • Boys’ School Shoes— $3.95 and $5.95 Just received! A big shipment of Bedroom Shoes, in Men’s, Women’s, Misses’, Boys’ and Children’s, in all colors and sizes. Prices range from— 98c to $3.48 Men’s Dress Shoes and Oxfords, kid and kan garoo— $4.95 to $8.95 Men’s Shoes in bro-wn and black, double stitched welt, water-proof lining, arch support, in calfskin 'with solid leather soles. All sizes— $8.95 Women’s Natural Bridge Oxfords and Pumps, brown, black and red— - $5.95 and $6.95 Women’s Black and Patent hi-heel pumps— $5.95 ond $6.95 BASEMENT STORE BARGAINS SPECIAL on FARMERS’ DAY Ladies’ and Girls’ Winter Coats, assorted styles and colors— $7.95 to $18.95 children’s school shoes, black or tan. Sizes 8 1-2 to 3— $2.98 Army Blankets. 26 per cent 'wool— . ^ $3.95 Men’s covert Work Shirts, blue and grey— $1.48 and $1.54 Comforts, assorted colors, 72 x 84— $4.95 Boys’ Blue Chambray Shirts, sizes 6 to 14. Bar gain— $1.09 > Work Shoes, Men’s and Boys’, tan,' klfefeifther, with rubber soles. Special— • $3.95 Linoleum. Assorted patterns— 6x^;$19S — 9x12, $4.95 Men’s all-leather black, 12 in. Army Boots.. Real buy— i y $7.95 Brooma—6-frtztod, Well made— 79c Each