hc»q« -et Aa^w ^a«kr|:^ aoiL ]f» ti3m YitiM llr. WDtd iiM.: r. S. Miiorfc of Old fiOeltofr. Tenn. Mr. Tinilef ft»| Itir. J||aa|r> "WOkoo tonrloo In tlio oo'al»t-onfi- csmlolpal'VAo non* tafotlMr. llr. HbjiI^ nw senrloo 1« Bnro]^ «od «r*a swt to Uio Psclflo when the i»«r end ed tn Qermta7. Mr. altd Mrs. D. W. Smith and children, BUI and Snsan, of Uin- neapolia, Minn., spent a fenr dars here with Dr. and Mrs. J..H. Mc Neill before going to Daytona Beach, J^orlds, to rlslt Mrs. James Smith and dau^ter, Mrs. C. C. Porter. Dr. and Mrs. Me- Nelll acoompanled them to Florida for a week's visit. Mrs. to th» •f teto’esunteUTeB : eoKwentlTe term, today ttat he wiu favor torreiMed teacher salar- . ^tieeftog^OjW than the SO per t'^^treaae im advocated by .wotth' OuvtUna Education iatkm, -Mepreeontattve Story Sd ha doubted that the 40 per eent advoeated by certain groups ■ of tkB NCSA could be granted. Itopveusutatlve Story, holder of j McNeill Is a sister of Mr. D. W. a ntosier's degree from the Uni-! Smith and Mrs. C. C. Porter and TSralt}' of North Carolina, was f prtool^ of, Wltkesboro district ehoels for eeveral yjars prior to atsring' the practice of law in WOkeeboros. is a daughter of Mrs. JamM Smith. Mr. John Wayt, Atlanta, Qa., Mrs. Powell Q. Dillard, Jr., and Mr. John Dillard, Lynchburg, CommenUng' of leglslatlTe top- i Va., Mr. T. Taylor Marrow, Eli, [.tcs, Repreeentative Story said j that he was In sympathy with ’^e proposed game and fish pro gram as advocated by the North Carolina Wildlife Federation, parttcolarly the phases dealing irtth the. staggered terms of the overnlag beard. Rspnaentative story wilt be oad of- 1} Republicans in the housA ^ iHU leave for Raleigh Mofttey,/January 6, and will ' attflBd the Republican caucns Jaaimry 7. The legislature will convene on January Sjg.w- »-*• One of the t^o epublicans In IN the aUte gC.enate will be Tafayette WiBla^^-g, of Yadklnvllle, repre- g the 24 th district corn ed of Wilkes, Yadkin and eonnties. The other Repub- can will be Roy Harmon, of Park, representing Avery, MttdieU, Yancy and Madison coagtiafv to the senate. — — o Hopewell, Va., Mr. Ben Welslger, Richmond, Va., Mr. Nathaniel L. Rodgers, Martlnaburg, W. Va„ all students of the University of Virginia, are house guests for the week-end In the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Landon. Open House from eight to twelve is being given tonight by Mies Sue I.*ndon and Mr. H. C. Lanrion. Ill, for their guests. Among the out-of-town guests will be anoth er University of Virginia Medi cal student and his wife, Mr. and Jirsipharles R. Thompson, of Lenolr.'fi M*"- Henry Reynolds, Ir of oroSlloro. N. C. Miss Mary HS.re returned to Salem i'-®se. Win- fir liemM BvrMV Over $23,000 In. Last Two Days of Tear North WllkedhSko branch the Oarollaa Motof dab, which sells state and city Ucense plates for autonsobtles and trucks, sold a total of 4,118 tags for 1947 through Tuesday, December 81. During tho last two days of the year the license bureau here ro-f ceived $28,690.22 for license i plates in the two busiest days since the 1947 plates went on sale December 2. It is permissable under the law to nse 1946 license through Jan-j uary, but all motorists who havej not purchased 1947 license plates - fuMf tiiirtod i^whlC* toaigiit wlnW «. a floor eoSpipf^ a tousaism fire In a toOer Muhgttan' offloe tOaBdtog, fito-tfStetata toported. J Anthoritilil said the men were ■ traw«l third floor of tie seven-story' .jSimlWltog et 749 Broadway whea the fourth Door collapsed. . .n Tax Win In WftesCointy Solleltdr Han WOl-lialG^- dot Calendtar On Opeahif Day j. c. Grayson, Wilkes county accountant and tax supervisor, are urged to buy them as early announced today that tax listing as possible. j will begin In the various to-wn- ston-Salem, after speA’&iug 1^? T. C. Caudill Is manager of the; ships of the county on Monday, local branch of the Carolina Mo- J January 13. tor Club and his assistants are | listers for the towusbtps Mrs. Louise Pierce and Miss p^gt notices of their appoint- Madeline Campbell. The large j ujents to meet taxpayers for the number buying license plat« purpose of Ifsttog and all have been efficiently. served promptly and Duke Power Co. Advertising Wins are urged to meet their respective listers on the earliest convenient dates. Tax listing for the town of North Wllkeeboro will begin on the same date, January 13, at the town hall. W. P. Kelly, city _ B ■ M taker. The Award In P'laiion Ffs^'with ift Mato off major casea. 'lnolndtog at laast two cap ital charges, Wilkea suparlor court' will convene to special term Monday, Jannlby 6. Judge H. Hoyle Sink, oti Greensboro, who will Pr^da vr-,' wor iiHsrica er 17th district courts dtutog acw thQ first half of 1947, wBl be on the bench and will also preside at the regular term batoning January 2D. Solicitor Avalon E. Hall here last we^ listed defendants who win be tried during the special term. Capital charges will Include a first degree murder charge , a- gainst Claude Absher for the shotgun slaying of Clydo Watts here April 6, and charge of rape against Ralph Vernon Idtteral and Claude Marvin Bell, who are alleged to have Ikidnaroed and criminally attacked Peggy Shore, of Elkin. Trials of Claude Spears for the death of Harrison Jennings, and Cling Minton for the shooting of Atwell Wilson Parsons are also scheduled for the fwo-weeks term. Robbery charges against Cola M. and Oarl Keaton, who AMiseth b|i eiw fMaipid ftCM NwiMS StlMf, hmi$Aimi . . _ Mm UsIvw- •My ^ fofiferaiq, se omMsiim fa gcltfag obeirt. Hi IHh liM liglfwiijAl eoliop«ble choir from Mi nedmy •qsippsd oufomebilc to outer hit BerMoy quortefa Tho 23-ycor-oM voloros i« itildy- ing with fismioi aid ffom the VotoMM Adminiitrotion. / CorrdI Released; Bond of $15,01)0 Signed Monday Lenoir Man Fills Bond On Charge of Murder Of Charles Baker . War Powers Washington, Dec. 31.—Presi dent Truman sprang a major Xew Tear’s eve surprise today by yieldtog many of the govern ment's war powers—an action which-means a $1,500,000,000 tax cat and scrapping of the g.blncsa strike onotrol weapon. ' The White House bombshell took the form of a proclamation Which declared that “hostilities mC - Wovld War II’’ ceased as of noon today. ■Rie result of this legal recog- BtH” that the shooting was over was that 18 extraordinary Us«« died forthwith. The procla- also meant that 33 others are doomed to die next June 30. or taler. Ahont $1,600,096,000 a year will ho knocked off the natton’s tax Ml six months hence—un- 'lesa Congress geoer night Items. prewari legislates other- owerlng of emer- tes on liquor, velry, and other • will go batdv 10 selxe I thmn vats PS tO€fk I I'tndt'- kent’s power to |nd plants to get In died.' No prl- be seized hen co le Smlth-Cunnally months the coal tretnmed to their a wage Con or not. 10 holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Finley. Miss Katherine Finley has re turned to Burlington, where she bolds a position with the Ala mance hospital, after spending several days here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fin ley- V. ■ Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cranor during the holidays were: Mr. Frank Cra nor, Jr., of Raleigh, Mr. William Cranor, of Winston-Salem Mrs. J. R. Parller and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Parller, and Mrs. R. 'L. Scroggs, of Charlotte, Mrs. J. P. Boatright, of AahevHle. Mrs. Bernice Jones and daugh ters, Loretta and Joanne, and Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Kelly, of Charlotte, were holiday guests of their mother and sister, Mrs. M. H. Stone and Mies Lizette Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Nell Cashlon were visitors in Lenoir dating the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Porter and son, Charles, have returned to the city after spending ChrlM- mas week In Florida. While In Florida, the Porters visited Jacksonville, Pensacola, and oth er places of Interest. Captain Henry Todd and Mrs. Todd and daughter, Cecelia Ann, of Pulaski, Virginia, are spend ing the holidays In the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. McGinnis. Captain Todd is the son of Mrs. P. D. McGinnis. Captain and Mrs. Henry Todd and daughter, Cecilia Ann, spent Monday and Tuesday in Lenoir, visiting in the homes of D. T. Beish and J. L. Wests. ' jue best utility advertising In the United States for the year closing October 1948 was done by the Duke Power Company, ac cording to the results of a na tional snrvey Just released by the Vincent Edrwards Company of New York, pabUshars of ■Tnbllc Utility Ad-Vlews." In making this nurt^, all metR>polfta& liswspapsnh as well as the dailies of several hundred small cities, are reviewed. All edvertlsements are passed upon by a board of advertising exec utives and scored on a point bas ts. The utility company receiv ing the highest num>ber of points over a 12-month period receives the Socrates high award of the year. The award made by Jonas Mar- son, editor of Ad-Vlews, com mends the leadership offered by the Duke Power Company through the tone of its advertis ing, which points to the future and closely identifies itself with the Piedmont community. The Duke Power Company ad vertising, under the general di rection of Norman A. Cocke, vice president. Is immediately super vised by John Paul Lucas, Jr., head of the department of public relations. Preparation of adver tising is handled by Ayer & 011- lett, Inc., with Lewis Ayer di recting layout and art and Mary Gillett as copy executive. -o uity list taker will also be at ' Tn hall, making It conven-We alleged to have taken $28,- llst the lent fi both 00^ same tlmi takers to list and town at Rousseau iilfokp Oyer GuilftmP®“** Judge J. A. Roussmu, Wilkesboro, will prsMlde the criminal Bnpertor Co January 6 instead of thd concur rent civil term In Greensboro, It was learned yesterday from the dork of court there. Judge Henry A. Grady, New Bern, has been named to handle the January 6 civil term In Greensboro. Judge Rousseau is the regularly assigned Jurist to the 12th Judicial District for the Spring term of court. o — Little noticeable spoilage re sults In trench silos where the silage is covered with a throe- inch layer of lime under roofing paper. As the silage Is fed, :he lime is thrown off on the manure pile to be hauled to the 'leids, entailing no loss of lime. o Unit of American Federation Vets Is Planned Here CAPPER DOUBTS GENERAL'IKEMS LIKELY TO RUN Organization Meeting Call ed For Wednesday Night At Courthonae 000 from a poker game at the home of Jim Foster, may also be tried. Solicitor Hall said that a sche dule of the coses to be tried will be made out Monday. There will be no grand Jury at the court, but the following have ibeen sum moned for jury duty: First We* Rkpf|dn« Hay«; B, J. ^SorT MoGrady; A. Ia Prevette, Wllkes- boro route one; D. V. Snyder, Millers Creek; Lester Bowers, North Wllkesboro route three; Mrs. Bertha Alexander, North Wllkesboro; W. L. Adams, Jr., Elk; Frank Tomlinson, North Wllkesboro; M. M. Billings, Hays; T. H. Harless, -Wllbar; C. W. Hendren, Wllkesboro; Alton Byrd, Elkin route one; Claude M. Hall, North Wllkesboro; F. D. Hayee, QUreath; H. C. Byrd, Elkin; Mrs. Snsan Glass, North Wllkesboro; T. H. Deal and Richard Minton, North Wllkes boro route one; liester Roope, North Wllkesboro; T. B. Gray, Ronda; W. J. Hayes, Traphill; Edgar Wyatt, Wllkesboro: Taft Eller, Purlear; T. B. EMler, Mo ravian Palls; Richard Call, North Wllkesboro route three; W. J. Moore, Gllreath; L. A. Blevins, Springfield; U. C. Owens, North Wllkesboro; D. L. Lane, Pores Knob; Arlin Wood, Boomer; M. N. Adams, Abshers; Irvin Eller, Moravian Falls; P. M. Banguss, North WilkOTboro route one; L. M, Sheets, Wllbar. Second Week Oscar B. Dancy, North Wllkes boro route one; W. V.. Stone, Johnny H. Correll, Lenoir man charged with the murder of Charles C. Baker at Club 40 and 8 east of this city early Satur day morning, was releas^ under bond of $16,000. Amount of the bond was fixed by Solicitor Avalon E. Hall, who conducted a hearing here Satur day before Wilkee Coroner I. M. Myers. In the hearing it wan brought out by two wltnessw that Oorrell and Baker, manager of the club, were quarreling about a dlM game ante when Bakor ordered Correll to leave. The qnaml *' £i gtin tt&ttf '^Buaa the”" fiShut^ OorreB, ageto ordered to leave, backed away behind a girl, pull ed his own fun and shot Baker in the forehead. He died instant ly- Oorrell filled his bond for ap pearance at the March term of Wilkes court, which will con vene on Monday, March 3. o Vi Wilkes People At Grid Bowl Games High Team Has Two Games Here Washington, Dec.* 31.—Sena tor Capper, Republican of Kan sas, said today he doubted* that General Dwight D. Elsenhower has told friends he would be ready bo run for President if the people desired it. The 81-year-old legislator- newspaper publisher told a re- A unit of The American Pe^^ ^orth W«kes^™ route two; B W. Baker, Wllkesboro; THford f North Wllkesboro high school basketball teams, girls and boys, _ porter, however, that If the Army have two home games for the! Chief of Staff and Supreme AI- next few days. compuander In Europe dnr- ■On Friday night they will play tog the war ever became iuter- the Norto Wllkesboro all stars ested he and the people of Kai.- in a strictly hnfe town affair sas would be tot him for Presl- that should be IflWeetlng. dent. On Tueeday aigbt will be; ■ games with Barium Springs, ^ marking the opening of the Pied- Kifi 'l imnliBW mpnt Conference schednle. Thej |lr»t game each night will begin “ — eratloa of Enlisted Men will be organized in a meeting to be held at the Wilkes county court house In Wllkesboro on Wednes day night, January 8, seven o' clock. Upton Blevins, of West Jeffer son, a national organizer for the Federation, annnonneed the meeting, saying that he had found much Interest among Wilkes veterans to forming 4 lo cal unit. All veterans, are iHVjtod to attend. at seven o'ljjpok. SWEAK SHiPPfR A4AKMG MAIDS SGBSOitS - Washington, Dee. r.SHY togtos.glrta Battoaad down tludr treseea .today to guard against fardwr attacks bytlA Ught-ftoger* ed "Jackf Oie Satopfaf" itlw go dear p’eteBfe, paUle jfa «lr^ Mary U.Mingiai'g. IT- WHI Meet Moi# - Gtol Scout leaden.arlU Monday,, t: 80, to the offlto.'ol Date Power pomtwny. Rev; Wtatt M.'cooper, Aresbytorlaa vpsiilor, win address t$a gronp and a i attendance to nrgsd. , MS ■'iise.i !■ iMiNul^ia 0 tariiMM I. >■?> tm 9X. WP^OOPAL ^ ' «ev. B. M. XdHdtoy. Reettar eervlee wHl be hMd to Bi. Pei^ church Ahh- day etoense^ 'lanaaty .^th. Parsons, Boomer; Maynard Nor man, State Road; C. E. Bro'wn, North Wllkesboro route two; T. S. Love, Wllkesboro; P. M. ITe- vette and Walter W. Vannoy, North Wllkesboro: Lloyd P. Smith, Pores Knob; V. O. Go forth, Purlear; Mrs. J. W. Black burn, North''Wllkesboro; Brady Carter, State Road; W^ H. Bar- low, North WilkCi^ro; W. H. Barlow and Charles R;. Dancy, North Wilkseboroi C. 8. Walker, Boomer; B. B. Rhoiulee, Radical; J. 8. Pierce, North WUkeeboro; Willie Benge, Mt. Zkm; - Noeh Cha'mh^ JNorth WBJieglboro; D. F. Beeheari, Walshi ib*. mto- la EUer, ftortai r'VfVljegboroj Jobs G. 'Bengoes, TrajAlU; G. Call. Wllkgeboio; CtaDigit Jt SCO, Joneevuta; j. a: Rtpi* Wflkitaoto; W, A. iiuate, Abehgiu: Jiola I^lRttkgr, QUreath; SSddrtog Ito ttati;. Dewey MyA^gf^Morth ^taslK^; W. W JtHfirtan Wllkesboro ttarie;. Gilbert -Pgfdag, Nqptk WRImgboro; Ptat* X^&can, J^rth WttotoWjg; K 'Biele. D^rt: FeigBgon Several from this community attended the New Year ^football bowl games at New Orleans, La., and Jacksonville, Florida. Local people who saw Geor- Kia defeat North Carolina 20 to 10 In the Sugar Bowl at New Orleans included Mr. and Nre. Albert Oarwood,N Mr. and Mrs. Tom Story, Mr. and Mrs. Don Story, Bill Mltoholl, Allie Hayei, Richard Johnston, Prank Blair and N. S. Poa^ester, of the Wll- kesboros, and J. E. Holshouser, of Boone. Local people who witnessed the N. C. State-0klahoir a .came at Jacksonville, Florida, yester day were Mr. and Mrs. Mertlll WUsi, Pat Hunt, Voyce Cheat- wood, Mra. Alene Palmer, and Tom Nelson. Oklahoma defi State 34 to 13. o thei IMer of * Diiriag tlig ]4iir a; liceBM to we* were Srittgi at the office, wftieh Is numh high** sr than last year and about *«ira ble t^ avtlrage for Che itii pears., \ There 'wee much activity dor* tog the hoBdays aaeeon with Ita^ eitae bMng iaened'.to the foUow. hlg cooplsg; David Pro^ Rea* da, and Ruth Baugass. Lolaiat; iriley H. Darnell. Jr., Blkto, ^bAC Jerlene Luttman, State Xfii^ Harry Q. Barsv~ Lanral Sgirtogw and DanJeh Cemlta, JMCersoB; Reid Hampton Grimee and Bei^ ' nice Elisabeth McCombe, both of China Grove; Kermis W, Wool and Virginia Dare'Walker, b^ of Thurmond; Ralph Norrta, Boone, and Dorla Ford, Blonslltif Rock; Oble Greene ynd EdKh Anderson, both of Hendrix. Dale Walters, Ronda, and - Beulah Hunter, EUcln; Chartaa Souther, Wllkesboro route two*, and Flora Les Center, North. Wllkesboro; Hubert Daniel An derson and Jean Anderson, both of Wllkesboro route two; FeUx Darnell, Roaring River, and Margaret Estelle Tarboro, State R'oad; Owen E. Blevins end Grace Pardue, both of Wllkee- boro; Robert C. Roland, North Wllkesboro route two, •'and Edna Rhoades, Hays; James*- Oook, Hamptonvllle, and DeiUa Ran- dieman, Cycle; Walter Wiles and Mary Lee Bowers, Traphill; Thomas R. V. Huffman, Bock, and Jettie Spears, 'Wilkesboro; R. J. Spears, Purisar, and Ina Mae PhlUtps, Parsonvttle; An drew Bowen, Traphill, and Vio la Hincher, JoynsB. afTlKoBb&iSi^, Gn^ and ibitto'ohambarg, ‘ Roaring River, and Madel C. Champion, Raleigh; Rqf S. Godfrey, Wllkesboro, end Lofna. M. Smlthey, Elkin; Clyde Bthhears and Dewie Lankford, both of North Wllkesboro; Lottie Church and Esther Ray, both of Roaring River; James G. Bau- Kuss, Traphill, and Aliens Smith, lienham; Robert T. Parsons and Myrtle Anderson, both of Wilken- boro; Tracy Wyatt. North Wil kesboro, and Pauline Harris, Wllkesboro route two; Willard Pendry, Hays, and LOlle Mae Penningtdh, North Wllkesboro; Sam Lovelace, JonesvUle, and Pansy Edwards, Dobson; Dwight Miller and Nancy Foroeter, both of North WUkeaboFo; Ralph Gentry, Beaham, and Lillian Shore, Blktoj Conrad Dula, Hen drix. and Knto Wolfe, also of Hendrix; John, Preston Weather man and miHaitB. Faye Korman. both ot Union Grove. i % K)tk of Union Grove; Mason W. Smithey, ted Deal Miatoi Gel K. of P. M( UtdUpg ’of BIRTHS Twin daughters were born to day at tho Wnkee Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Cafl Batrtok, of Vannoy. A daughter Saturday at the WUkee Mrs. George keeboro. A daughter" at the Wilkes and Mm Hugh ■vroatasiioro. J t ALMOghtar at "the WUkes and Mrs. BlBy West jetfanMB. Bom .to Mr. 4 C. Jarvis,, of route two/ if'i day irt the WHkw Mr. Mm L^on WUkee Distxict Al€«tiiiE if Ot Pytiang tttw — f* Hr-lhd Mrs. Dewsi^^flPKto. of Nofth Wllktatoas^gg a(watdg*.-a hsttai,,. ^ -4-. tifnl tahSl Moadayjrt^ of tho Norfk .fW^ksSleng $^ts of Pyth^ ta!||% The medal vna-given' lty JIM supreme k>too *$• homo, to yanng: Bto ." jtate wtoaer to tata yegg’s tog "latest spon^reO faT Nov«|of P. ioage. Mr. Minton; a seninTtoslg «t North . Wtt^ssfbvo B9U fXOBo, ditto Mi aughtibr bom likes howital. If I.A daughter 'was the WUkes Mrs. Glenn .J* |t iboro. n was bom Buhl hospital to 'IfA CUftord leto-.gC,’ to Mr. and 16% of dtalta.^' on Mondeif, !>»»»»• .71. Mr. and of Wl SaturdsK