1 1 rs During the Week Interesting services were held at Oak Forest Saturday night and Snnday morning by the pas tor, Rev. Johnny Luffman. A revival begins at Oak For ?at the fourth Snnday night in Maroh. Rev. Marvin Rurcham will assist the pastor. Monroe Smithey has bought the farm of Monroe Mathls, the former Mitch Church place, in this locality. It is a good place, consisting of l&l acres. It. is understood the consideration was six thousand, five hundred, cash. Funds are being collected to build a new ohujpch at the Roar ing River Methodist church. Over a thousand had been sub scribed last week. "Aunt Dorcas" Mathls and family, who had been living at the farm of her nephew, M. M. Mathls, two or three years, will probably move back to the Cran berry oommonlty. They may move to a house on Mrs. Bertha Mathls' farm, near Mr. L. M. Jar vis', and known as the Lee St. John house. Prayer meeting will be held at Oak Forest Saturday night. It is a rather amusing set of coincidences that Monroe Mathls and Monroe Smithey are both named Monroe, have both owned the Mitch Church place, were both born in "the Gay Nineties," are both "Republican Ntbrough out," and both have twin daugh ters! Mountain View School News At a meeting of faculty and school patrons in the high school auditorium on Tuesday evening, February 11, County Superinten dent C. B. Slier outlined the needs of Mountain View school for new (buildings and Improve ments to our present plant. Plans were discussed for a mass meet-! ing to be held at some future date where definite action will be taken. Chapel program for Friday, Feb. 7 was in charge of Mrs. Gregory's seventh grade class. A girls' chorus sang several num bers including "The Old Lamp lighter" and "Gal in Calico," di rected by Mrs. Church. A pro gram on Thomas Edison was presented, illustrated with charts and drawings by the students. The program was concluded by a brief inspirational talk iby Rev. t... ' ' Roy Franklin, which was very much appreciated by the audi ence. Chapel for Friday, Feb. ( 14, was In charge of Mlse Nora Laws' section of the seventh grade. The program featured a Valen tine play, Lincoln and Washlng< ton sketches and songs led by Mrs. Gordon Flnley, Including "When i'l Grow Too Old To Dream," "Always," and "Let Me Call You Sweetheart." Most of the members of the faculty attended the county wide teaoherB meeting in the Wil kesboro school auditorium on Saturday, Feb. 16. 1 Mountain View boys' and girls' teams defeated Wilkesboro high in a basketball game on Thurs day evening in the Mountain I Vierw Gym. Mountain View All-Stars de feated Lincoln (Heights All-Stars in the Mountain View gym on Wednesday evening, and lost to Millers Creek All-Stars on Fri-' day evening. ' Millers Creek W. S. C. S. Meets The Womans' Dljgslon of Chris tian Service of the Millers Greek Methodist church held its month ly meeting Thursday night, Feb. 13, 1947, at the home of Mrs. Balmer Hayes at Millers Creek. An inspiring program, having as its topic, "Stewardship," was given and a (brief business session was held, after which delidous refreshments were served by the hostess. - laby Chicles SEND NO MONET Jul fNf criif Isr 14 Mflsy hNw* Mr cfcisto in mm ? ibis i>nlil M.W ?riM. Chick. rtiM.E C O. D.. I s. h. rtlllin ??M Iraa mm M mt 21 nMr fclMsrln iihiiI yM. kJw M litl/MrsT" LIGHTNER'S POULTRY FARMS Dept. C RFD #3 Phot* 28645 " ? ' S. C. < WRITf FOR COMPLETE PRICE LIS" card of thanks We use this means to express sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for kindness and sym pathy during the sickness and death of our mother, Mrs. Mary Robinson. THE ROBINSON FAMILY. NOTICE North Carolina, Wilkes Coun ty. The undersigned, having qual ified as administrator of the es tate of Charles C. Baker, deceas ed, late of Wilkes County, this is to notify all parties having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned administrator on or before the 15th day of January, 1948, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All parties in debted to said estate will make prompt payment to the under signed administrator. This 15th day. of Jan., 1947. WAYNE W. VANNOY, Administrator of the Estate ol Charles C. Baker. 2-20-6t-T EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Mrs. Margaret C. Brown, deceased, late of Wilkes County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 102 33rd Avenue, S. Nashville, Tennessee on or before the 8th day of Jan uary 1948, or this Notice will* be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will ple&se make immedi ate payment. This the 8th day of Jan., 1947 VIRCflNIA A. BOARDMAN, Executrix of Mrs. Margaret C. Brown, Deceased. 2-20-6t-T Chas. G. Gilreath, Atty., Wilkesboro, N. C. YOU SAVE Feed. Fuel, - Labor, with... \ A FAIRBANKS-MORSE ; HAMMER MILL Sore toot grain by grinding it! Up to 20% or more of whole grain passes through digestive systems unused. Animals spurn some uncut roughages, and waste parts of others. A Fairbanks-Morse Hammer Mill will stop this waste... save your grain ... cut your feed costs. SB YOUR FAIRBANKS-MORSE DEALER There is a Fairbanks-Morse Hammer Mill model to fit your farm or ranch needs. Let your Fairbanks-Morse dealer tell you about the savings it can make for you. . LOWE'S (North Wilkesboro Hordware Co.) 'C' Street New shipments almost daily ... bring in many of the things you've been waiting for a long, long time. Here are just a few at our usual low prices. Come In frequent ly ... you'll find what you'rd seeking! At Gray Bros. Furniture Co. WILKESBORO. N. C. ^ Complete Six-Piece Bedroom Groop Including 4-Piece Modern Suite, Mattress and Coil Spring . . . Featured for savings and warm beauty, this handsome 6-piece bedroom grouping includes the poster bed, chest-of-drawers, the drop-center vanity with mirror, the mattress, box spring, and vanity bench. With Poster Bed ....... $159.50 With Panel Bed $149.50 On Convenient Terms CHILDREN'S FURNITURE We are proud of the many articles we have assembled in our Baby Department. Here you'll find every need for the baby. We are listing only a few of the many items now in stock: Swings, Car Seats, Auto Baby Beds, Teeder Babe, the Combination Car Seat and Play Chair, Strollers, High Chairs, Chests, Beds, Play Pens, Innerspring Crib Mattresses. 9-Pc. Walnut Dining Room Suite Every feature of this attractive group is superior in every re spect. Note the beauty and long-wearing qualities of each piece. Extension table, 6 chairs, buffet and china . . . *197-5? Porcelain-Chrome Dinette Mar and stain resistant refectory top table with tabular chroma legs. Four leatherette covered chrome base chairs . . . ?69-00 LEARN HOW TO RELAX! A Mattress That Lets You Relax All Over . . . . . . Relaxing's easy as floating upon an Aladdin's blanket of down. For this mattress is packed right to the roll-edge with scores of highly tempered, resiliant coil springs. Com pletely lined with soft, duffy cotton felt. Tufted ticking. With ventilators and side handles. Genuine "Health-Rest' ' Innerspring Mattress and Box Spring IN 3-3 OR 4-6 SIZES Both For *74.50 SPECIALS Now In Stock \ Oil Heaters ... Electric Water Heaters ... Slip Covers (ready made)... (Trimz) Wall Paper and Paper Draperies . . . Governor Winthrop Secretaries and Secretary Bases ... Admiral, Motorola, Majestic and Cros ley Combination Radios and Record Play ers. Good Selection of Inlaid Linoleum! | Two-Mirror ROBES Has 5 drawers and bat compart ment. Mahogany finish . . . *29-50 LARGE AND ROOMY! . Plenty of Space to Put Your Wearing Apparel See This Big Value TODAY! SPECIAL! ? Just Received Small Shipment WASHING MACHINES! See Our Line WOOD RANGES Including the Famous Allen's Princess Any Size You Want In a Wide Price Range Bros. FURNITURE CO. everything for the home TELEPHONE 607 ip-v WILKESBORO, N. cf