? ? .RADIO ADDRESS STRESSES LOCAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROSPERITY X five-minute radio talk was delivered Saturday, 12:46 p. m., by Dwight Nichols, editor of The Journal-Patriot, who was guests speaker during the "News of Northwest North Carolina" pro gram over station WSJS, Wln ston-Salem. Pull text ol the talk is repro duced as follows: On behalf of The Journal-Pa triot and our immediate part of the state, 1 thank WSJS for the opportunity to bring you greet ings from North Wlkeeiboro, Wll kesboro and Wilkes county, all of which are so often called The' State of Wilkes. The phrase, the State of Wilkes, was perhaps applied to our county because of its size and diversified interests. With an area of 726 square miles, Wilkes extends from the Piedmont sec tion on the southeast to the sum mlt of the Blue Ridge on the north and weet. In the lower parts of Wilkes you can bask in warm sunshine on many winter days and gaze on snow capped peaks of the Blue Ridge within the county. Wilkes is rloh in historical in terests. Daniel Boone blazed the early trails for the white man through the hills and valleys of what is now Wilkes county. Wil kesboro, historic capital of The State of Wilkes, had its begin ning with a settlement known as Mulberry Fields, and those same people moved here to Salem. Wilkes county was formed dur ing the Revolutionary period, and included at that time the area now included in extreme i northwestern North Carolina counties and all the state of Tennessee. Early settlers 1 n Wilkes marched in strength to Kings Mountain under command of Col. Ben Cleveland and there helped win the victory which was the turning point in Amer ica's struggle for independence. Stalwart eons of Wilkes have achieved gallantly in every strug gle to retain liberty and inde pendence and to free the oppress ed throughout the world. , The greatest resource of our community is the citizenship who value so highly the American Way of life. Wilkes has furnished one gov ernor, one United States senator, one federal court Judge, three superior court Judges, six repre sentatives in congress and one state treasurer. With a brilliant past as a foun dation, the community of the Wilkesboros and Wilkes county looks to the future with an eye for progress. Progressive citisens and groups last year moved to correlate their activities and ef forts into a central organisation, and formed the Wilkes Chamber of Commerce, which has already carried out several good projects and ha^major objectives for ear ly action. North Wilkesboro is' 58 miles west of Winston^Salem, is the terminal of the railroad from Winston-Salem, and is on U. S. highway 421 from Winston-Sal em to Bristol, Va.-Tenn. Nine paved highways extend out of North Wilkeaboro, including three to the Blue Ridge Parkway 20 to 26 miles from the town. Population of North Wilkes boro, which has grown steadily since the town's beginning in 1890, was 4,500 in 1940, is now estimated at 5,000, and the com bined population of North Wil kesboro, Wilkesboro and imme diate suburbs is estimated at 12, 000. Being the largest town in a big area of northwestern North Carolina, North Wilkesboro is a commercial center ranking in the top five in the nation on the basis of population and volume of business. Manufacturing industries in Wilkes are varied; with furni ture, hosiery, lumber, textiles I and dairy products predominat ing. Numerous industrial possi bilities are yet untapped, in which industry could use natural resources and raw materials available in the immediate vicin-. ity. There is an ample supply of 100 per cent pure American la bor, an asset' of inestimable val ue to any manufacturer. The way in which our community is lick ing the* houaia#-shortage is a tribute to the ability of our peo ple, who can and are building their own bomea A recent hur vey showed that over 75 homes are under construction in and near the Wilkesboros. Wilkes has diversified agricul ture, producing something of a bout everything which can be grown in a temperate climate. Wilkes leads the state in apple production, due in part to the iso thermal belt on the Brushy Mountains. Wilkes ranks at the! top in poultry production and there are farms with as many as 25,000 laying hens each. Wilkes also has made great strides in dairy production and in Wilkes boro is located one of the few milk dehydrating plants in the nation. | To keep in step, and ahead, in the march of post-war progress, the Wilkesboros and Wilkes county are contemplating a num ber-of major civic improvements. A two-million-dollar school build ing program is under considera tion. Another planned project is a $600,000 airport for airlines operation. Also high on tl*e list are new and improved churches a $200,000 Y. M. C. A., more and better paved streets, a lighted athletic park and professional baseball for North Wilkesboro. Religious, civic and economic values are to be added rapidly to the fast growing community. In the final analysis, the com munity ig seeking the improve ments which will give all ad vantages of larger cities, and at the same time retain the factors which make small town and rur al life ever desirable. 21 Are Killed In A Plane Crash Chungking (Saturday)?Twen-j ty-one persona were killed yes terday when a Chinese Air Force transport crashed in a suburb of Chungking in the second such disaster in 'China's wartime cap ital within a month. The plane:, en route from Kun ming to Chungking, encountered icing conditions, it was reported. Eyewitnesses said a wing broke off as the transport approached the Chungking Airport for a landing. The plane plunged to earth near a suburban cement factory. < ? u Retail grocers in some cities are now using open-top refrige rated show cases for selling fruits and vegetables that are shipped to market under refrige ration. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Wilkes County. In the Superior Court Mrs. Elva Coleman, Administra trix of Coy C. Coleman, dec'd., vs. Earl W. Yandle and Paul S. Cohn, t-a Peco Service Station. To the defendant, Paul 8L Cohn, a non-resident, t-a the Peco Serv ice Station: The defendant, Paul S. Cohn, in the above-entitled action, will take notice that the plaintiff in said ac tion did, on the 23rd day of Janu ary, 1947, commence an action against the said defendant in the Superior Court of Wilkes county, North Carolina, by the issuing of summons, complaint and warrant of attachment against the proper ty of said defendant^in Forsyth county, North Carolina; that the said warrant of attachment was served by the Sheriff of Forsyth county, North Carolina ,by levying upon certain property of the said defendant used in the operation of the business known as the Peco Service Station in . Winston-Salem, North Carolina. And that sum mons in said action was returned unserved as shown by the said summons. That said action is brought by the plaintiff and against the de fendants to recover damages In the amount of Twenty-Five Thous and (|25,000.00) Dollars for the wrongful death of plaintiffs in testate as a remit of the wrongful act of said defendant, and by through his agent and co-defend ant, Earl W. Yandle, on or about the day of September, 1940. The defendant, Paul S. Cohn, Is further notified that he i* re quired to be and appear at the of fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes county, North Carolina, at the courthouse in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, on or before the 8th day of April, 1947, to answer said complaint, a copy of which is deposited in the Office of the Cierk of the Superior Court of Wilkes county for the use of said defendant. And he will further take notice that if he fails to answer or other wise plead to said complaint on or ? -f,' before the day, hereinbefore set forth, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief aalced for therein. This Oth day of February, 1947. (Signed) C. C. HAYES, Trl. 3-0-4tT Clerk Superior Court 1VIZ&3R*~ Ufa ? ' Ou/ut ttotiona//e-ICnown Tire Gives You a Definite, Written OS Months Guarantee ....that Tire is the 7 )/? LOOK AT THE LOW PRICE, TOO/ HERE 'S *0#lETHlN6 DEFI NITE, POSITIVE, SORE ABOUT TIRE QUALITY... SOMEJU'NO YOU "CAM POT YOUR TEETH IMTO/" LOOK AT THE LOW PRICE, TOO/ PROTECTION AT A 5AVIU' 600x16 SI A fill (ADD FED. TAX *1 ZL.oU TO All PRICES) I ? 5.00x19 _ $12.25 6.25-6.50x16 $18.00 7.00x16 $20.00 7.00x15 $19.90 K & V. Etf; S.M JSm-'V* 0 '.' %???'.* A' "V ?1 1 MMi GIMKANTEED18 MONTHS FULL SIZE, FtfLL POWERtP, WOVEN PEPENOABlLITY f PONT BE CAUGHT WITH A . WORN-OUT BATTERY, GET A POtVfR'PA CKEO WflAPV /HOST POPULAK CARS YOUZOIV $ Mrrm 11.55 \mAUST veftecm wsrmsamt 89c g67 22 flMMUMTf CfUS STAMMStSIZE 2 for ONLY 5c %C * QUICK , S twice/ Slowest kates 75c ?. Ask About Our Budget Plan ? WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE Howard Strader, Owner 'Phone 229 North Wilkesboro, N. C. Expert Repair Work - on - Watches, Clocks Jewelry Expert Repair Men Work Guaranteed Prompt Service Wiles Jewelry Merrill Wiles, Prop. North Wilkesboro, N. C. tfOU 25c Each CAROLINA Home & Auto Supply NORTH WILKESBORO, N- C COLD WEATHER Is Here! Prepare With Our Complete RADIATOR SERVICE Hose Replacement . . . Boiling Out . . . Re-coring . . . Flushing ENGINE BLOCK FLUSHING ? HEATER AND DEFROSTER SERVICE BARBER-SOMERS MOTOR CO. DESOTA-PLYMOUTH DEALER telephone 84 Wilkesboro, N. C. $20 Worth of Beauty for $10 YES, A S20.00 WAVE FOB $10.04 $10.00 Parman?Bts $8.00 7AO Permanent! Lfl LOO Paraaneats M0 4.00 Pa MO Pa SHAMPOO AND SET .Ma North Wilkesboro Beauty School >r?r City Barber Shop North Wilkesboro, N. C AT AUCTION Wednesday, March 12,10 A. M. Household Goods 3 Beds and Springs, 1 Cook Stove? (South Bend)?1 Warm Morning Coal Heater, 2 or 3 Tables, 1 Kitchen Cabinet, Several Odd Chairs, 3 Dressers, 1 Chest of Drawers. Farm Machinery 1 Good Wheat Binder, 1 Wheat Drill, 1 Mowing Machine, 1 New Hay Rake, 1 Corn Stalk Cutter, 2 Scythes and Cra ters for cutting wheat, 1 Lime Spreader, 1 Disc Harrow, 2 Two-Horse Plows, and other farm implements. 400 OR 500 BUSHELS WHITE CORN SOME HAY, ETC. H. M. ANDERSON, Sr. Route 3 North Wilkesboro, N. C. MB? Foso ?six* and V-8 The Brilliant New "SIX" the most modern six-cylinder engine in the world The Famous Ford V-8 with the V-type engine found in America's costliest cars No other cor in the low-price field offers this . * " , . * pick of power | > 8WTJ YADKIN VALLEY MOTOR CO. _.-?** -.v'. ? > " - %J rnmt ik^ i ? lili # b ? i- r'?w~ m.% f r? r* ? mm?? FORD PROTECTIVE SERVICE' Ninth Street ki ?? u#*n North Wilkesboro, N. C