Items About Comers and Goers ... From Here and There People You Know Who Move About Mr. Robert Thomas, of Har mony, was a business visitor in this city Tuesday. Mrs. J. B. MoCoy and son, Lt. Robert W. McOoy, spent two days this week at Montreat. Mr. J. D. Strader was in Greensboro last week looking after business matters for West ern Auto Associate store here. Mr. A. M. Handy has returned to his home from the Wilkes hospital and is improving fol lowing a three-weeks illness. Miss Helen Phillips, member of the Asheboro school faculty, spent the week-end with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. N. Phil lips. ATHLETES FOOT ITCH HOW TO STOP IT MAKE 5 MINUTE TEST JttsSuWERFUL PENETRATING fungi cideTTJLL STRENGTH. Reaches MORE )L at any drug store. Apply PENETRATING " MSi to KILL the itch. Get NEW foot ort or wvr 35c back. Get it at Brame's Drug Store Mr. W. B. Somers and Mr. Charles C. McNeill hare traded homes in Wllkesboro. They made the exchange yesterday. Col. A. L. Fletcher, of Raleigh, and Mr. J. V. Fletcher, of San ford, spent Sunday here with their sister, Mrs. W. R. Absiher. Mr. J. R. Fierce, former resi dent of the Cricket community now in business near Winston Salem, was a visitor in this city Wednesday, Mrs. R. H. Barge, the former Miss Christine Irvin, is here from Washington, D. C., visiting her father, Mr. J. T. Irvin, and sis ter, Mrs. R. E. Damschroder. Messrs. Don Culler and Bob Day, students of the National Business College. at Roanoke, Va., were home the past week end visiting with relatives. Miss Emily McCoy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCoy, has returned from a three-weeks mo tor tour with a party of friends to points of interest in Mexico. Lt. Robert W. McCoy, who had been stationed at' Fort Bliss, Texas, is spending several days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCoy. He will report to Camp Stoneman, California, and will sail for duty in Korea. Messers R. G. Hodges, Max Foster, T. R. Grayson and ^John Gilreath of the Wilkes Hosiery Mills Co., left Monday afternoon for Atlantic City, N. J., where they will visit the Knit Goods Show being held there this week. They will return next Sat urday. Pianos! Pianos! Beautiful new Spinet Pianos, only 87 inches high, in figured mahog any. Also fine Mirror Pianos. Easy Payments if Desired Garwood Piano Co. Thone 546-R Wilkesboro, N. C. MON DAY Only It's a Big Day! AUTRY'S Kicking Up a New Storm Of Fun, Fight #N Song! CENE AUTRY k CHAMPION Wonder Nor*# of the Woot - * , >? ?? with LYNNE ROBERTS STERLING HOLLOWAY ?*4 CASS COUNTY BOYS DlxcUd by F8AHK McDOMAXJ) Olllltll ScfM* ?.? >y OUVt COOFM Associate Producer . AftMAMO SCHAEFOb A REPUBLIC PICTURE ALSO COMEDY FEATURE LAUREL and HARDY in SONS OF THE DESERT" ?LATEST NEWS* PLEASE CALL 43 FOB TIME OF SHOWS U TODAY.. . AND FRIDAY -? l^ay Tetaa, Milland - Wright in Paramounfs Scandal*** het ?ttt even ?n het y(ed???W4W' The Star of 'California7 In a Great New Picture Guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Willis for ten days are Mrs. Willis' father and mo ther, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Riley, of Tuskegee, Ala., and Mrs. Wil lis' sister, Mrs. Fred B. Terry, of Montgomery, Ala. Messrs. Collins and Cook, of Chicago, were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Nich ols in Wilkesboro a short time last week. Messrs. Collins and Cook are manufacturers of all weather stripping. Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Myers, of Cheraw, S. C., and daughter, Miss Madge Myers, of Charlotte, spent week-end with Sheriff and Mrs. C. G. POindexter. Rev. Mr. My ers preached at the First Bap tist church on Sunday. y Attorney and Mrs. Harold D. Burke and daughter, Judith, of this city, were guests recently of Rev. and Mrs. David E. Browning in Richmond, Va. Rev. Mr. Browning is a former pastor of the local First Baptist church. Miss Mary Elmore Finley, student of Salem College in Win ston-Salem, spent the ? week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Finley. She had as her guest a schoolmate, Miss Doris Brown, of Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pierce and! son, Sammy, returned to their home near Millers Creek last week after spending several days in Norristown, Pa., visiting Mrs. Pierce's sister, Mrs. William J. Peters and Mr. Peters. Mrs. Kin sa Ellis,' mother of Mrs. Peters, who accompanied them, remain ed for an extended visit. Mrs. Herschel Saxon returned to her home at Staunton, Va., Sunday after a two weeks visit at Lenoir with her parents, Mr.| and Mrs. K. A. Link, and here in the home of Mr. and R J. Hinshaw. Mr. Saxon, son of Mrs. Hinshaw, came in for the week-end to accompany her home. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Lomax, Mrs. Andrew Kilby, and Miss Gladys Lomax, went to Mt. Airy last Thursday to attend funeral and burial services of Rev. John El. Marion, who had been the pastor of the First Baptist church at Cullman, Ala., for twenty years. Mt. Airy was the home town of Rev. Mr. Marion, and his wife, the former Miss Connie Lomax, is a native of Wilkes county. Mrs. R. P. Casey and daugh ter, Bobbie, have left for Ari zona, where they will establish residence in th interest of Bob bie's health. They were accom panied by Miss Graee Frank Kil by, who will spend some time wtih them. Miss Corinne Faw ac companied them as far as New Orleans, for a visit with friends there. Mr. Wade Holcomb, of Adel, Ga., son of Mrs. O. C. Holcomb, of this city, and the late Mr. Holcomb, died at Adel Wednes day morning, where he had been making his home for a number of years. Mrs. IHolcomb, accom panied by another son, Mr. Mar shall Holoomb, of Elkin, went to Adel Friday due to the criti cal illness of their son and bro ther. Mr. W. Blair Gwyn was elect ed vice president 'of group 8 of the North Carolina Bankers As sociation in meeting Saturday night in Hickory. Others from the Bank of North Wilkesboro attending the meeting were Mr. W. D. Halfacre, Mr. R. W. Gwyn, Mr. W. W. Starr, Mr. J. G. Mc Neil, Miss Ruth Hubbard, Miss Mary Nichols, Miss Lottie Mc Neill, Miss Fannie Ruth Kilby. Those from the Northwestern Bank home office here who at tended the group meeting of the North Carolina Bankers Associ ation held in Hickory Saturday night included Mr. Vernon Deal, Mr. Russell Pearson, Miss Anne Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bell, Miss Mable Sidden, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shomaker, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie JohnBton and Miss Irene Richardson. ? o Swine producers are warned to use particular care In handling new born pigs this spring, be cause of the danger in contacting swine brucellosis. PIMPLES \ Disappeared Overnight nrn Blackheads too. Mo waiting Yea, it ia true, there i? a Bate, harmless, medicated liquid called /if* ' KLEEREX that dries up pimples overnight as it acts to loosen and remove ugly blackheads. Those who followed sim ple directions and applied Klssrsx upon retiring were amazingly surprised when they found their pi mples and blackheads had disappeared. These users enthusiastically praise Klssrsx and claim they are no longer embarrassed OMIV and are now happy with their clear w complexions. Use Klssrsx. If one j * ? H you Klssrsx today, sure. HORTON DRUG 00. pU?*d? d?. not -tWj. gu g 49C Sam P. Mitchell Civil Engineer CITY AND FARM SURVEYS PROPERTY PLATS ? Office 2nd Floor Bank of North WHkeaboro Building: Office Phone 227 Residence 566 Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Dykstra, if Flint, Michigan, are here vis ting with relatives. Mra. Dyks ra is the former Miss Jetta Wil iams, of this city. Messrs. Ralph Duncan,' N. B. Smithey, C. O. McNiel and Ver non Deal attended a meeting of directors of the Northwestern Bank held Thursday in Boone. Miss Carolyn Moore, daughter >f Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Moore, and i senior in high school, attended Hospitality Weekend held at Greensboro College this past week-end. s | Mr. and Mrs. w. u. jrenaer . grass report a strange happening J at their farm home. They set | just an ordinary hen on 15 eggs and in just even 13 days they set her off with 14 nice baby chicks. CROSS TIES WANTEDj We Are Buying Cross Ties at the Old Taylor-Colquit Yard WHITE OAK/MIXED OAK, & LOCUST Size Price 7x9x8-6 $1.60 7x8x8-6 $1.45 6x8x8-6 ? 1...1 $1.05 6x7x8-6 $ .90 BEECH, BIRCH, GUM, HICKORY AND MAPLE 7x9x8-6 ..$1.50 7x8x8-6 : $1.35 6x8x8-6 $ .95 6x7x8-6 .1 $ .80 E. L Beshears Keissler Addis WE ARE See Us Now For Best Prices On BUILDING MATERIAL RALPH J. FRAZIER LUMBER CO. Produce GARDEN FRESH Iceberg? N 2 Large Heads Lettuce 25c Fancy? 2 Large Bunches Carrots15c Fresh, Tender Pound Spinach, ?. 10c Mustard and Turnip? Greens, 2 lbs. 25c Market SPECIALS MAR-PAK-0 SLICED? Bacon, lb.. 59c Half or Whole Smoked? Hams, lb.. 59? SHANKLBSS SMOKED? Picnics, lb, 45G ARMOUR'S SLICED DRIED? Beef, lb.... *1.10 SUNKIST? Lemons, doz 360's Size 7.9? FLORIDA VALENCIA (Mesh Bag)? Oranges, 8 lbs... 47? NEW CROP YELLOW? Onions, 2 lbs- - 13? WASHINGTON STATE WINESAP? Apples, 2 lbs- 31? CALIFORNIA AVOCADO? Pears, each 25? ENGLISH SUGAR? Peas, 2 lbs 25? 10-POUND MESH? Super Spuds.... 57? BACK POUND CELLO? Bacon Squares, lb. 39c FRESH LEAN? 39c Ground Beef, lb. SHORT RIBS? Beef, lb 79c ALL-MEAT? Weiners, lb 49c U. S. GOOD VEAL? Shoulder Chops, lb. 47c TABLE DRESSED? Fryers, lb. 59c DRESSED FANCY Pan Tront,lb..... 25c 1-LB. CARTON Shortening 4-LB. CARTON $1*37 DRY SALT I BELLIES POUND PET OR CARNATION EVAPOKATELI? MILK Small, 3 for ] 9? Large Size, 3 for 38c DUFF S HOT ROLL? Mix 25c 1&-LB. JAR RED LABEL? Karo Syrup 19c 15-OZ. BOX DEL MONTE? Seedless Raisins.. 25c DIXIE HOME EVAPORATED? ilk, 3 cans 35? PACKAGE Q. T, Pie Crust Mix 15c 22-OZ. JAR SWEET? Mixed Pickles.... 30c QUART JAR? ??? Dill Pickles 28c 14-OZ. BOTTLE DEL MONTE? Tomato Catsup... 23c PINT JAR DUKE'S RELISH OR^ Mayonnaise 47 c PURE LARD 1-LB. CARTON 29c 4-LB. CARTON $1.16 FRESH Strawberries PINT PHILADELPHIA? Cream Cheese. ] 4c 1-4 Lb. Pkg. Dixie -Home TEA -19c Remember? WE HAVE BOYS TO CARRY YOUR GROCERIES TO YOUR CAR DIXIE HOME0SUPER MARKET