1947 Published Mondays and Thursdays at North Wilkeshor*. North Carolina D. J. GABTBB Buy Christmas Seals In Tuberculosis Fight Over a period of years you have been asked to purchase Christmas seals. Without giving the subject much thought you were informed that the money would be used to fight tuberculosis. Three-fourths of the money remains in the county where it is raised to use against the spread of tuberculosis. But as the seals go on sale this year the subject comes closer home, and we can see and l^now that the funds raised in previous years have been used to aid a miraculous project—re-opening of the Wilkes Tuberculosis hospital. Opening and maintenance of a tuberculosis hospital is no little undertaking. The county commissioners appropriated a sum of money toward operation of the county sanitorium, which is located on a sun-kissed "slope on the Beautiful county home farm just outside of this city on highway 268. A civic minded group of people here rightfully became alarmed about the tuberculosis situation in Wilkes county followty^ the war. There were several pa| ^ients'from Wnkes at stati sanitoria, but there were more who had the disease and couldn't get in those institutions because they were full and had long waiting lists. As a result those patients stayed at home and members of their families became infected with tuberculosis. It was spreading alarmingly. With the money appropriated by the county for operation, funds were needed for remodeling, renovating and furnishing the buildings. It was fortunate tljat the county chapter of the Tuberculosis seal campaign had about $2,000 in accumulated funds. This money, with contributions from many groups and individuals, was used to get the building in shape and to buy equipment. As a result, the county has a tuberculosis hospital that is adequate for the treatment and care of tuberculosis patients in the county. Many of them will be cured, and of equally great value is the fact that their relatives and friends will not contract the disease through them and spread of the disease will be checked. This was not all due to the little, decorative seals bought to place on Christmas mail, but the seals had a part, and every purchaser in Wilkes county had some part in re-opening the county tuberculosis hospital, which is truly a great humanitarian effort When you receive your seals in the mail» don't overlook the fact that you can help in a great cause by sending in your remittance. It does not necessarily have to be as small as the amount of the seals. ' ' • Holiday Shopping In North Wilkkesboro Without fear of successful contradiction we state that there is no other city of comparable size in the southeast which has more to offer the shopper than North Wilkesboro. And the merchants of the Wilkesboros have anticipated heavy demand for the latter part of 1947 and have prepared to meet that demand with the best that the market affords. Serving a population equal to that of a large city, the Wilkesboros have become a commercial center which renders a service to the public equal to that of mercantile interests of a city of much greater population. Naturally, there will always be some who go to other places to buy things in order to have subjects for conversation around the bridge table but that number is growing fewer all the time as people realize it is sensible and practical to buy here when values are superior or equal to those offered elsewhere. o . Wealth Is Created Only By Production The sure cure for inflation, starvation and want is production and more production. The only way that wealth is created is by production. Money can be printed and plentiful but if things are not produced the money becomes next to worthless. In the world today food and manufactured goods are not up to demand. There is a shortage of food and almost everything else, because people are not producing. If America would produce at capacity next year the nation's wants could be supplied and there would be enough left over to feed and provide for starving millions. But we have grown lax and seek to live luxuriously without producing the goods which create wealth and higher standards of living. This is true on the farm, in the factory, the offices, the mines and all other places were production is expected. We need not so many controls, but more production all along the line. o Then there was the fellow who had an accident when he took his eyes off the road to read a safety warning.—Greensboro Daily News. . o • LIFE'S BETTER WAY • WALTER E. ISENHOUR High Point, N. C., Route 4 BUILDING A GREAT LIFE , "Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime; tAnd departing leave behind us \ ^footprints on the sands of time."!' —Longfellow. God has made it possible for all men to build great and sublime lives, especially in America and the nations of the earth where we have the Bible, the Christian religion and the Church of Jesus Christ. We should not only be very desirous of building for ourselves a great life, but we should likewise be interested in helping others to build great. This brings to us the responsibility of helping send the Bible to all people and leading them, as much as possible, to' Christ for salvation. We can only build a great life by building upon a firm and sure foundation, and this must be upon Bible methods. £hrist must be' our Savior, our Sanctifier, our leader and guide along life's pathway. He must be the Rock of Ages upon which we build. To leave Him out of life, and to fail to build upon 'Him, is to build upon the sinking sand. Men never build great and sublime lives apart from Christ, apart from God, apart from the Holy Ghost. In building great lives we must use the material that is sound, genuine, wholesome, enduring. This must be according to that which God furnishes us. This material is amply provided for every honest, earnest, sincere, prayerful soul. It comes through God's marvelous grace. There must be always Divine material out of which we build if our lives stand the testp of time and eternity. No man can build a great life out of evil, sin and wickedness. He may, in some instances, become popular with the world, and even win temporary fame; but this doesn't make him great. No life is truly grfeat that isn't fashioned after God's plan, nor built out of God's material. Evil is only sinking sand, and when men build upon it they go down, oftentimes unwept, unhonored and unsung." i If we build great we must build upon Divine love, godliness, purity, holinessfaith, honesty, truthfulness, kindness, longsuffering, patience, prayerfulness, and all that God provides through the means of grace. The great old patriarchs and prophets, apostles and disciples, and godly men and wbmen of all ages have built upon and out of such material. It was for them; it is for us. Only out of this could they build great; only out of this can we build great. They blessed the world and we can bless the world. FALL TALL TALBB— Fall is the season of the rear when people group about i(otm and tell tall tale*. Often the conversation starts about a real happening, but branched off lute all kinds of exaggerations wbieb become tall talec. The tallest tale told one year, according to the Burlington Liar* Olub, was about the grandfather clock which had run so long that the shadow of the pendulum swinging to and fro wore a hole in the wall back of the cloek. Personally, we don't think that was too good. For tall tale* we like this one which was told in the old days by a Wilkes citizen and ha* been handed down through several decades: "I went for a deer hunt down 'by the creek. I had not gone far when I spied a buck peeping at me through the bushes. I drew a bead and pulled the trigger. My trusty old rifle snapped for the first time and the buck trotted off. You bet I was mad. I threw my old rifle in the creek and went home. "'A year afterwards I chanced to pass that way. I fished out my old rifle and put it to my face. Just then a buck came prancing along. I took aim and pulled. Well »sir, my old rifle fired as clear as it ever did. The buck fell dead. "I went on in the direction I had fired. I came upon a bee tree that the bullet had entered. The honey was pouring out. I reached down for something to stop the ihole and picked up a rabbit. It made me so golderned mad that I flung it down and killed nine dozen 'padderidges'." o Chamber Directors In Meeting Tuesday Directors of the "Wilkes Chamber of Commerce in dinner meeting Tuesday heard many interesting committee reports which denote much progress and transacted a mumtoer ®f business items for the organization. President J. B. Williams appointed a nominating committee to nominate 12 members, from whom six will be chosen as directors for the coming year There are 18 members of the board, with six elected each year. Members will be mailed ballots on which to vote prior to the annual meeting in Ja™iaIT The nominating committee is composed of W. D. Halfacre Paul Osborne, L. S. Spainhour, N S. Forester, W. G. Gabriel and Eugene Trlvette. Support the ^ M. C. A notice of sale North Carolina, (Wilkes County. Under and by v)^®of/w-£ of the Superior Court of WUKea county, made in the special proceeding entitled Mary ' ^ Royal Harry, Dewey R. Harry m Lee Royal, Jr., heirs-at-law, tne same Jin* 31«. P- ^ special proceeding docket of said Court, the undersigned C0^J®' sioner will, on the 15th day of December, 1947 at 12 oclock Noon, at the courthouse door m WilKes boro, N/C., offer ior sale to Je highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lymg and being in Reddies River township, Wilkes county, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: , , « t Beginning on a post oak, S. 1. Caudill corner, and running south 2% deg. west with his line ana Jake Paw's line crossing a small branch 73 poles to a Spanish oak in Paw's line; thencft south 76% deg. east with agreed line between G .W. Bumgarner and J. W. Martin 58 poles to a poplar m the hollow; thence 8.70 deg. east with same 26 8-4 poles to forks of the branch at the mouth of the spring branch; thenec north 62 deg. east with same 88 poles to a black oak; thence sooth 65 deg. east with the same 26 poles to a gm*fl red oak in Alex Bumgarner's line; .thence north 4 deg. eaat with his line 81 poles to a stone, J. M. Browns corner; thence north 89 deg. west, his line, 8 8poles to his corner, also W. A. Porter's corner, a chestnut; thence north 79# deg. west with Porter's line 38% poles to his corner, a sourwood; thence south 14 deg. weat with his line 37 poles to his corner, a dogwood; thence north 76 Mieg. west crossing the branch just on the south side of the 48 poles and 19 links to his corner, a stake; thence north 24% deg. west with his line and old road 10 poles; thence north 15# deg. west with same 12 poles; thence north 1 deg. west with the same 4 poles to Porter's corner, a pine, in S. J. Caudill's line; thence north 88% deg. west with Caudill's line 32% poles to the beginning, containing 60 acres, more or less. This 14th day of Nov., 1947. LARRY S. MOORE, 1 12-8-4tM Commissioner Firm Elections In 1 County On Dec. 9 It wu announced today by the county committee of the Wilkes Coumty AAA that the elections for committeemen and delegates to the county convention, who will elect the county committee, will be held In the 39 AAA precincts In Wilkes county on the 9th of December. % * There will he a meeting in each precinct of the farmers who Intend, to participate in the 1948 program at the polling places at 9:00 a. m. on December 9 and at this time the nominations will be made for the community oommlttea of each precinct and the dalagatas, who will attend the eounty convention that will be M4 In Wllkeaboro on the following 4ay. AMMHffM#mMt will be made iJtoting tin polling places during the weak of Kprambar U. Alt farmar# fbould attend the nomination maattng U possible and if 9bto to not should arrange to go to ttw» potto on that daf (o rot#/ The population of Worth America mora than doubted in th« 00 years betwaan and 1940. According to tbo encyclopaedia Britsnnica, the population of the continent inoraoaad during this period from about 78,000,000 to more than 118,000,000, notice of Service by PUBLICATION North Carolina, Wilkes County. In the Superior Court Boyd Parller vs. Marianne Veal Pariier The defendant, Marianne Veal Pariier, will take notice that an action entitled aa above haa been commenced in the Superior Court of Wilkes county for the purpose of the plaintiff obtaining an absolute divorce from the said defendant on the grounds of two years separation; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes county in the courthouse in Wilkesboro, N. C„ within twenty days from the 11th day of December, 1947, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relisj demanded in said complaint M This 3rd day of Nor., 1947. V C. C. HAYES, Clerk Superior Court County, N. C. of Wilkee