WANT 1 ADS. I Minimum Charge 50c P«r Issue - FOR SALE JfOR SALE: Grace's Mange Core $1.00 per pint. It's guaranteed to get results or your money back. Groce's Service Station Wllkesboro, N. C. 7-11-Tf FOR SALE>—A 5-foot Ketvlnator] in good condition. Call 79S-J. 7-14-2t-pd FOR SALE—AlWs PrincLm E namel Range, ^rith hot wateV heater and good *a*-| dltlon.—See Claade Billings, | Sr., 'Hays, N. C. 7-14-2t-pd T FOR SALE—1087 1-2 Ton Cher rolet pickup; in good running condition.—See Claude Bil lings, SrM at Hays, N. C. 7-14-p FOR SAIjB: One mule, age 18, good condition, work any where, price $100. Also new Nissen one horse wagon. Don Frasier, Route one, PoreB Knob, N. C. 7-14-2t-pd FOR SATO—Small Studio Piano only 44" high, like new, at one-halt original price. This is really a lovely little piano, guaranteed like new. Terms if desired.—Garwood Piano Co., Midway Building, Wllkesboro, N. C. 7-7-tf FOB H4TiB- fl-mom house in Falrplains, with., large, base ment; water in yard; outbuild ings. Reasonable price. See Tom Anderson, Falrplains, K. C. 7-11-2 t-pd FOR SALE—-4 8-4. acres., land near Oakwoods.—Charlie Steei man, Oakwoods, N. C. 7-11-pd FOR SALE—YeUow corn, lOO lb. bags, $3.25; new wheat $2 per bushel; new hay—alfalfa, Red Top, Timothy and oat, $1.50 bale. Truck loads deliv ered.—Dare Hall, Wilkesboro, N. C. - 7-11-at-pd FOR SALE:, Registered Blue Ticked Pups, eight weeks old. Fine tree stock. John Laws, Moravian Falls, N, C. 7-14-p^ FOB SALE: Johnson Outboard Motors. One new 10 H. P. mo tor 1949. $250.00; one 9.8 H. P. motor 194S, $190.00; one 5 H. P. motor4 1948, $125.00. One set boat oars $5.00. Call or write T. R. Burglss, Spar ta, N. C. Johnson Outboard dealer. 7-ll-2t-pd FOR SALE: Four lots and 5 room house with bath, in city limits of Wilkesboro. Contact Robert Spencer, at Jenkins* Hardware or Phone SOS. 7-14-4 t-pd NOTICE: See OuspbeO for best prices In mason work. Brlek $25 to $S5 per thousand; v blocks 7 to 10 cants each. 0. O. Campbell, route one, Hid— denlte, N. C. 7-11-4 t-pd FOR SALE): ■ I »« offerings for sale my store property located on F Street, near the Wilkes Hosiery Mills In North Wilkes boro. The property eonalata af a brick store building, a cafe building' and a frame build ing at the rear ' for living quarters, all adjoining. The price is right. Gome and look It over. See D. W. Miller, North Wilkeaboro, N. C. *M4-2t FOR SALE: 4 Tires, 5 Tubes, and 2 wheels, size 600-16 Inch, all for |24. See Max Osborne, Moravian Falls, N. C. 7-14-pd FOR SALE: One five-year-old fresh Guernsey cow. One Jer sey heifer ready to freshen. Also pne springing Jersey heif er. P. V. Turner, Wilkesbpro, Route 1. , 7-14-2t-pd FOR 8ALE: Iron Bed, complete with springs and mattress. Used very little. Leaving town; a bargain at $25. Call .592-J. lt-pd FOR SALE: One black male Cocker Spaniel, six months old, Registered, at a bargain. ' Write t Mrs. Ralph Wright, Route 3, North Wilkeaboro. lt-pd FOR SALE: Certified Soy Beans; cleaned.— J. Frank Pearson Grocery Store, Tenth Street, I North Wilkesboro, N. C. 6-14-2t ———————————— FOR SALE: Five room house, with two acres of land. Have electric stove and hot water heater ready to install. About 500 yards from Roaring Riv er school on hard surface road. See Mack Jolly, at Roar ing River. 7-ll-4t-pd FOR SALE: Several used Wood 1 Stoves; also oil stoves and _ used refrigerators. Dick's Gas and Appliance Co., B street, North Wilkesboro, N. C. 7-11-41 ?OR SALE: Pair of Black and Tan Rabbit and- Opossum Hounds, 3 years old, running good. See Walker at Oak woods. • FOR RENT wuuwwmtiwwmwmv FOR RENT: One furnished > -room in Wilkeeboro; all mod ern convenience* and in good location.—Address: ' 'Furnish ed Room", care The Journal • Patriot. T1 FOR RENT—Dwelling House close in. reasonable. Has five rooms; electric lights and bathroom; plenty of shade trees. West end of F street 1 near Reddles River. Contact Mrs. Mona Teague, telephone 761-W. 1-21-31 FOR RENT: Bedroom with ho) water, private bath. Also two room furnished apartment See Mrs. T. E. Sherrill, 732 Kensington Drive. 7-7-2t-pd FOR RENT:. Furnished Bed rooms for men. Private ent rance, hot water, private bath, use of Hot Plate. Cool private home near cafe. Beds are $3.00 per week. See Mn. 8. J. Adams at 607 Flftb Street or call 443. 7-14-41 SUPPORT THE Y. M. C. A. Woodif-Haynes Mrs. Austin Woodie, of North Wilkesboro, announces the en gagement of her daughter, Mary Jane, to Mr. Blchard 0 Paul IHaynes, of Winston-Salem, now stationed with the IT. S. N. The wedding will take place in the fall. FOR RENT: Ten-room apart ment in North Wilkesboro; * suitable for boarding or room ing house; good location, all modern conveniences. Tele phone 522. , 7-142t FOR RENT: Three-room unfur nished apartment in splendid location in Wilkesboro. Ad dress: "Apartment." care The Journal-Patriot. ' Tf , < • A IN i. £> U PERSON WHO TOOK LOAD of locust posts from back yard of 708 fe street (Lower Kensing ton Drive), can save trouble by returning posts at once. Guilty party will be prosecut ed If posts are not returned. 7-14-2t-pd WANTED TO JftKNT: An un furnlshed three or four room apartment or Bmall house in Hays, Falrplalns, or North Wilkesboro. Write, Edwin J. Canter, Barnett & Carroll Apts., Boone, N. C. 7-14-pd NOTICE: Top prices for Dog wood, Hickory and Poplar. See W. P. Saylors, near Old Tannery site, North Wilkes boro, N. C. 7-14-2t-pd Q _ WANTED—To rent 5 or 0 room house; must be in town and in desirable neighborhood. Tele phone 462-J. 7-14-2t-pd WANTED: Experienced Sales man to sell nationally adver tised product. Must have high schoo] education, not over 35 years of age and willing to work. Give selling experience, education, age and. salary ex pected, in letter for interview. Write Box B, care Journal Patriot 7-4-Tf WANTED: To do your watch r©« pairing. All work guaranteed. Wright's Men's Shop, Phone 404-W. Wilkesboro, N. C. 6-26-Tf • Miscellaneous RUBY AND BILUDB herring Shop moved to Bargain Cen ter, next door to Gilreath Shoe Shop. We do all i kinds of sew ing and alterations; make buckles, belts and cover but tons. lt-pd TERMITES, (Flying Ants) Post Beetles, ants, spiders, Roaches, snails, other vermin extermi nated one treatment. Ordinary homes, $35.00, large homes $50. Every job guaranteed. We are experienced termite control engineers, also we are responsible local people. Call Church Hardware Co. Phone 130. 7-21-5t-pd PIANO TUNING^ "voicing, Action regulating. 2 5* years' actual ex , perience a» a graduate, certi fied tuner and technician. Ex * pertly finished work guaran teed.—Lee V. Beshears, phone 673-R, Garwood Piano Co., Wllkesboro, N. C. 7-18-4tpd NOTICE: If yen aeed bulldozing or grading of any kind, see or write C. G. Johnson, Route 2, North Wllkesboro, N. C. Estimates Free. 4-1-Tf ATTENTION: We carry a good stock of Angle Iron, Flat Iron, Channel Iron and i Beams for your building needs. Lineber ry Foundry and Machine Co. 4-28-Tf NOTICE: If excess add causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indigestion, Heartburn, Belch ing, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get 4 25c box of Udga Tablets a t Horton's Drug Store. . t 8-1-151 • Lost and Found STRAYED from qpr home, black and white spotted Collie male dog—about 2 years old. Any one knowing the whereabouts of this dog contact ' Charles Howard In Wllkesboro or phone SCI. Reward. It Reward Of $50.00 For Return Of Lost Money E. V. Williams offers $60.00 re ward for the return of his money accidently dropped on the side walk in front of Post Office in North Wilkesboro last Saturday after noon. The description of the nun who found the money Is well known, and unless the money is returned at once, proper action will be taken against the party who found it. The law requires the person who finds property to duly advertise it. E. V. WILLIAMS :—,,, , . —t— Defeat Galax In 10 Innings 6-5 Base running of Jack Peters pulled the game with Galax out of the fire here Thursday night as the Flashers beat the highly Improved Leafs 6 to 5. Bill Weston pitched effectively and had the game in the bag 5 to 1 until th9 roof fell in with two out In the ninth. The Leafs collected four straight singles and two runs before he was re lieved by Rhoades, who Inherit ed two base runners. Ruotola greeted a Rhoades pitch with a ringing triple to right center to score the tying runs and was out at the plate when he tried to stretch It Into a homer. The Flashers went down in their half of the ninth In order. With two out in the tenth Pet ers singled, stole second and theft came the winning play as rain be gan to fall rapidly. Hite rolled a ball between the pitcher and first base, and In £he resulting confus ion beat the ball to the base. There the baseman momentarily dropped the ball and looked tow ard the plate to see Peters racing in to score standing up. Flasher hitting honors for the night went to Hite and Davis, with a triple and single each, to Weston with a double and singlfl^ and Peters with two singles and three stol en bases. Blckford hurled for Galax «nd went out for a pinch hitter in the ninth. Ferieneck finished the game and was charged with the loss. Leslie Rhoades got credit for the victory. ——— O ' Social Calendar Mrs. Johnson' Jay Hayes and her daughters, Mrs. Marion Elliott and ■ Miss Rebecca Hayes, will hold an open house on Thursday, July 14th, at the North Wilkesboro Wom an's club houqe. Guests are asked to call from 8:80-0:00 to £reetf| another daughter, fibs. J. Thor Wanless, of Springfield, - 111., Mrs. - Don Culler, a new bride, and brides-to-be: the Misses Mary Gage Barber, Rozelle Oaudill, Mary Dula, Lucille Casey, Bet ty Gray Church and Jo Las siter. —* o The price support level for 1949-crop peanuts will be 90 per cent of parity as of August 1. . ' Return that Book to (he Library. ANTIQUES SHOW AND SALE PLACE: i 1- LENOIR, N. C. DATE JULY 11,-12-13 LEGION HALL Sponsored By LEGION AUXILIARY Open Monday 1 p. m. - 10:00 p. m. Tuesday 11:00 a. m. to 10:00 p. m. Wednesday 11 a. m. to 10 p. m. Largest Display of a Dozen Deal ers From Different States. ■ ALL EXHIBITS FOR SALE MRS. J. C. RUSSELL, Director Lenoir, N. C. Baseball Schedule Fbit Coming Week ■ » Monday, July 11 North "Wilkesboro at Kaaftrd. El kin at Wytherllle. Mt. Airy at Oalaz. Tuesday, Jnlf tt All star game at Mt. Airy. Wednesday, July 18 Ope a date for all teams. Thursday, July 14 Galax at North Wllkesboro. ( Elkin. at Mt. Airy. Wytherllle at Radford. Friday, July 15 North Wllkesboro at Galax. Mount Airy at Elkin. Radford at Wytherllle. Saturday, July 16 North Wllkesboro at Mt. Airy. Radford at Elkin. Galax at Wytherllle. Sunday, July 17 Mount Airy at N. Wllkesboro. Elkin at Radford. Wytherllle at Galax. Monday, July 18 North Wllkesboro at (Elk In. Radford at Galax. Wytherllle at Mt. Airy. Leo's Electric Shop Phone 557-J NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. 511 Sth Street - S? QUALITY FEEDS .eaaonable prices. Complete Hn* i Poultry, Dairy, Hone and Hog Feeds. Selected and Big Rom Brands. Also that Southern Bis* cuit Floor. Selected Feed Store 922-24 'A' STREET For Your Electrical Wiring Jobs See Roy and George Wells at CAROLINA HOME AND AUTO SUPPLY Telephone 53 TAKE A BUSINESS COURSE ' ' • - » * < ,Z. ■ __ ' •: • j Accounting or Secretarial. Ap-.. provod for Veterans. Applies tions are accepted now for Fall Terra, beginning September 6, Write for free pictorial catalogue and information. • Clevengqr College pOX 789 Telephone 714 NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. ATTENTION CHICKEN RAISERS!? • i Let ns explain the tine nvlag, Work Ssriac ud Momtj Saria* Features of tirOodfef With— PYROFAX GAS MCK'SGAS & APPLIANCE CO. But w«h Stnot NORTH WILKSSBORO, N. C. EISELE CONSTRUCTION CO. Tomlinson Building Phone 767 1 SEE US FOR ESTIMATES ON YOUR BUILDING We Can Give You A Contract Price

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