? THE JOURNAL-PATRIOT The Journal-Patriot Has P"?' ? Troil of Progress the "Stote of Wi,keS" F?r 43 Ye0rS OUR CITY North Wilkesboro baa a trading radius of 50 milea,j serving 100,000 people im Northwestern Carolina. 43, No. 76 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C., Monday, January 9, 1950 Make North WUkesboro Your Shopping Center' YES, POLIO IS EXPENSIVE >ST i MAR] FOR 15 MONTHS * 3.088.50 Firt-jeu-old Nesbitt (Nebbie) Ana Bards all of Midwest City, Okla., ii back in school today after 13 moatiu of hospitalisation. Nabbio wai stricken with infantile paralysis in June, 1948, her spine, right shoulder, ana and hip, her left shoulder and leg severely affected by the crip pUnn disease. Oklahoma County Chapter of National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis and Nebbie's parents report expenses for irst 15 months as detailed above. For years to come, ?see will continue?in diminishing degree. Happiest item: special shoes, $5.70, proof Nebbie can walk again. Lane part of cost of care and treatment for thousands of polio is carried by Notional foundation through contributions to March of Dimes cHve. lffl* ? Wilkes bo ro Teams To Ploy Cove Creek Wllkssboro high school bas ketball teams, girls and boys. i will take on Cove Creek teams in games to be played Tuesday night, starting at 7:30, in Wil kesboro gymnasium. The Ramblers lost to Cove Creek in December but the marked improvement in play since the holidays shows Wilkes boro boys are expected to be out for revenge over the conference' champions of 1?49. High Mitchell Is Speaker Friday At Meeting Of Lions Large Crowd Attends First Meeting of Year; Three New Members Hugh Mitchell, Statesville at torney and long a leader in Lions Clubs and Lions International, delivered n very Inspiring ad dress Friday evening before the North Wilkesboro* Lions club in meeting ST Hotel Wilkes. > program was In charge of Fred Emerson and L. G. Critch er J. H. Whicker, Jr., presented the speaker, telling something of his long and active career in Liotttsm and mentioning bis [ sftpKfyt work now as Lions In ternational Counselor. Mr. MfteMU held the rapt interest of the Urge attendance of members as he told how Lions composing the Urgent civic or ganizatlon. can wield a great influence as free men against the forces of communism which today threaten the entire civilis ed world. Throe new members were tak en into the clnb: Rev. Russel L. Young, pastor of the First Meth odist church here; Roscoe Mc Neill end I. L. Gragan. who transferred from the Leaksvllle club* 'Attendance at the meeting was the Urgest In several months and the meeting was very much enjoyed. potto Campaign Plans Edward Boll, chairman of the Wilkes county campaign for In fantile paralysis funds, spoke briefly and told of plans for the drive, which is annually a ma jor project of work among club members, and urged maximum support from all members of the otab. . . . , . o. ? Bloodshed Boxscore ?Qn N. C. Highways Killed January 3 through January 5, 2. ? Injured January 3 througa I January 5. *2- . I Killed through January 5 this i 7*?r. ?? _ - I lulled through January ?, ^Injured through January 5. his yser, 133. Injured through January M?. ItS. Athletic Letters Given Friday At Wilkesboro High At a special assembly pro gram on Friday, Jan. 6, the Wil kesboro high school student body assembled in the gymnasium where athletic letters were a warded to the following stu dents: Boy's Basketball for School Year 1948-'49: Dean Edwards, Ray _ Triplett, John Garwood, Claude Nichols, Bob Eller, Bill Hubbard, Dan Linney, Jack Groce, Bill Whittington. Baseball for spring of 1949: Harold Dancy, Bill Byrd, Bill Whittington, Jack Groce, Ray Triplett, Robert Ritchie, Joe Brewer, John Garwood, Johnny Phillips, Jimmy Bentley, Charlie Vaught. Girl's Basketball 1948-'49: Ruth Long, Ruth Bumgarner, Lillie Dean Bryan, Joanne Vaught, Marion Stone, Jean Lowe, Carolyn Johnson, Sue Pen nell, Rachel Anderson. Peggy Jarvis, Shirley Johnson, Gene vieve Hayes, Nancy Brown, man ager. Cheerleaders: Ruth Long, Lil lie Dean Bryan, Gene Somers, Frances Johnson, Anne 9turdi vant, Glenda Byrd, Jimmy Bent ley, Bobby Kennedy, Mary Anne Pennell, Audrey Pennell. 1949 Football: Dean Edwards, Tony Emerson. Bob Eller, Shel ton Prevette, Dale Staiey, Bob Story, Bob Parker, Bill Byrd, Ray Triplett. Harold Dancy, Dan Linney, Buddy Mathis, Bill Pear son, Bot Vestal, Johnny Phil lips, Joe Brewer, Bill Joinea, Tommy Long, Bob Kennedy, John Hubbard. John Garwood, Claude Nichols, Fred Glass, Jack Glass. Edgar Terrell, Sammy Turnipseed, Wlllard Dancy. man ager, Charlie Vaught, manager. o |Mrs. J. E. Goforth Rites Held Sunday Funeral service was held Sun day at Shady Grove church for Mrs. Nancy Jane Goforth, 77, wife of J. E. Goforth, of Union Grove. Mrs. Goforth died Fri day. Surviving Mrs. Goforth are her husband, seven sons and five daughters: Charles C., Mark M.. McKinley, Ray V., Rex M. Goforth. all of Winston-Salem; S. Turner Goforth, Myrtle Beach, S. C.; Lanier L. Goforth, i Lexington; Mrs. Lillie J. South er, Mrs: Gertrude Horton, Mrs. Effie Dunnagan, Mrs. Cynthia Hutchens. Mrs. Ola Fulp, all of Winston-Salem. Funeral service was conduct ed by Revs. L. T. Younger, Grady White and R. E. Adams. V. F . W. Mooting Blue Ridge Mountain post of eterans of Foreign Wars will) leet Thursday night. All mem en are asked to attend. ' Local Teams Will Engage Statesvillej North Wilkesboro high school boys and girls will play the strong Statesville cagers in bas-| ketball games to be played Tues day night, starting at seven o'-1 clock, in North Wilkesboro gym-1 nasium. State8ville boys and girls won I oyer North Wilkesboro in De cember but both teams here' bare improved rapidly and mi be able to knock off the visitors! in both games. Furniture Firm Is Erecting Big Warehouse Herej American furniture company has begun construction of a large building on property pur-1 chased by the firm from Wilkes county. > Site of the building, which will be 100 by 250 feet, is a por tion of the county home farm lands on highway 268 and ad i joining Carolina Mirror Cor poration property at the north ern boundary of this city. The site was graded during recent! months. A. B. Johnston, president ofl American Furniture company, I manufacturers of bedroom fur niture, stated that the building [ will be used for a. warehouse. A portion of the land purchas ed by the firm from Wilkes coun-1 ty has been used for some time as a lumber yard. Foundation for the building has been laid and work will continue _to completion within the next few months. The build ing will be one of the largest erected in this community in recent years. Shell Infant Dies Funeral service was held Sa urday at Mt. Zion Baptist churc for Janice Shell, four-month old daughter of A. R. and Lot ise Wolf Shell, of the Mt. Zio community. Rev. Ed Hodges coi ducted the funeral service. Surviving are the father an mother dnd one sister, Sybil Le Shell. Love Child Dies Belva Lee Love, eight-yet old daughter of Mr. and M Charlie Love, of Wilkesbc route one. died Sunday. Surviving are the father a mother, three brothers and * sisters. Funeral service will be ty Tuesday, two p. m., at Cos; Baptist chuch, with Rev. No Beshears officiating. f members is urged for the first meeting of the club in 1950. Century Lounge Opened In City Century Lounge is the newest addition to North Wilkesboro's business district. The new firm s located across the street from Carolina Restaurant on East Main street and is owned and operated by Brad Davis and An drew Lenhart. o Wilkes Hospital On 1950 Approved List The Wilkes hospital in North Wiikesboro was on the list of hospitals given full approval by the American College of Sur geons. The list of approved hos pitals was released during the past week. The hospital here for many years has been on the list of hos pitals which have complied sat isfactorily with the fundamental requirements that assure the best care of the sick and injur ed. o ? Mrs. Mary Moore Hix, who had been a patient at the Mis sion-Memorial Hospital in Ashe ville for a month, left from Asheville Friday for Boston, Mass., where she will receive further treatment under a spec ialist at the New England Dea coness Hospital. Mrs. Hlx, who had made much improvement during her stay at Asheville, was accompanied to Boston by her nurse, Mrs. Buchanan, of Ashe ville, and her sister, Mrs. Cath erine Carrington, of this city. o Mr. Thomas Flnley is now at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Flnley, after receiv ing treatment for a broken leg at the Wilkes Hospital. Dates For All Townships Are ? Set By Listers County And City Tax List ing At North Wllkesboro Town Hall Jan. 16-31 Tax listing will get under way in all townships in Wilkes coun ty on Monday, January 16, J. C. Grayson, Wilkes tax supervisoi, announced today. ^ Listers for all townships have been given their Supplies and have posted notices of their ap pointments at various public places. All who are required to list for taxes are asked to meet their respective list takers at the most convenient points. Attention is called to the fact that failure to list in the town ships during the dates set calls for a tax penalty as provided by law. The list takers will make every effort to list promptly in order that no one will be great ly Inconvenienced. In North Wllkesboro, county and North Wllkesboro tax lists will be taken simultaneously at the North Wllkesboro town hall, beginning Monday, January li. and continuing through January 31. M. W. Green is county list taker for North Wilkeeboro town ship and W. P. Kelly U city list taker. Following are listed the tax listers for all townships in the county: Antioch, Willie Anderson. Beaver Creek, John Payne. Boomer, Ralph Swanson. Brushy Mountain, Albert Bai ty. Edwards, C. C. Tharpe. Elk, Arvis Hamby. Jobs Cabin, Coy Church. Lewis Fork, A. T. Fairchild. Lovelace, Turner C. Anderson. Moravian Falls, Charles Par due. Mulberry, Arlle Myers. New Castle, Charlie Hanes. North Wllkesboro, M. W. Green. Reddies River, Q. O. Kilby. Rock Creek, M. V. Sebastian. Somers, John W. Robbins. Stanton, William J. Fletcher. Traphill, W. B. Hall. Union, Pete Dancy. Walnut Grove, W. W. Gambill. Wilkesboro No, 1, L. B, Dula, Wilkesboro No." 2, C. G. Glass. A complete list of appoint ments in all townships appears elsewhere in this newspaper. All who must list for property or poll taxes may refer to the list to find their most convenient dates and places to meet their respective tax listers. Mother And Child Seriously Hurt In Accident Snndty Mrs. Paul She?ta and two year-old child were seriously hurt in an automobile accident Sunday afternoon on old 10 highway In Union township. According to accounts render ed to patrolmen, Mr. Sheets was driving a pickup and was accom panied by his wife and child. The door of the pickup opened and the driver leaned over to shut the door. He lost his bal ance and hit the brake pedal. The pickup swerved from the road and crashed in a fence. Mrs. Sheets and the baby were thrown from the car. The injured lady and baby were brought to the hospital here by ambulance and reports today indicated that both were badly hurt, having cuts, bruises and possibly internal injuries. J. A. Costner, 73, Claimed By Death Funeral service will be held Tuesday, two p. m., at Bethany Baptist church for Jonas Alex ander Costner, 73, citizen of the Gilreath community who died Sunday night. Rev. Ik T. Younger and ReV. Charlie J. Poole will conduct the service. | Mr. Costner was born on Christmas day, 1876, a son of the late John and Martha Cost ner. Surviving are his wife, one son, J. D. Costner, twd grand children, 8ue and Martha Cost ner, one brother and one sister. Support the Scouts