'"""ARCADIAN THE AMERICAN ' NITRATE OF SODA t - - t ' \f ^ 7$ J®!' ^ 'WffW'*■ ■ For bigger yields of better quality crops, side-dress with ARCADIAN, the American Nitrate of Soda—the genuine, old reliable, dependable Nitrate of Soda many thousands of farmers have used for many years. It contains 16% or more nitrogen, all-soluble, quickacting and immediately available. ARCADIAN Nitrate of Soda is in large crystals, free-flowisg and easy to distribute by hand or machine. It is non-acidfonning contains no harmful impurities. It is ready for immediate shipment in freshly packed, attractive, new bags. To make sure you obtain genuine ARCADIAN Nitrate of Soda, look for Uncle Sam's picture on the bag. THE BARRETT DIVISION ALLIED CHEMICAL A OVC CORPORATION HOPEWELL, VIRGINIA • ATLANTA 3, GEORGIA 'tot. C. 8. rat OS. its FAST IT'S COOL COOL ^ fast r* All these, of c< and that's not Half the story! I Drop by ourisales floors and yee the coolest spot Jhis sunv mer offers—|the new Cold-to-tht-*oor ' refrigerator, ^nd its wondefful ! improve^ ments. DURE POWEH COMPANY Su^rnu. 3. if. ' Mr. Vestal Pardue, a member of the veterans farm training program recently bad the personnel of the Tri-Creek Soil Conserration District stake-terraces on jhis tobacco and corn fields. Mr. Pardue believes that even •though he might fail to get a terrace built this late in the season that would be strong enough to stand the summer rains he' will still have a good pattern for his row system which is one of the most important uses of a good terrace system. ; Mr. Orant Wiles a farmer who Uvea in the fork of Roaring River recently had a, Soil Conservation plan written on his farm. A system, to keep the crop land nnder good oover at least three ont of every four years and the steeper slopes in pasture and tember, was used. ' : Since Mr. Wiles spends moat of his time in the lumber business and most of his farm is sloping land this plan fits the needs of both the farmer' and his lands c Mr. Charlie Dancy lives Just off highway 268 on Johnson Ridge. His farm is bo located that a good deal of water from neighboring farms an