BUSINESS EDUCATION -ibexperience Ml TO HIS QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE 4_ -1. K _11 WAR VETERAN .. . - -'"fH 4* WHO DURING WORLD * WAR II 4 \ ■ CHOICE FOR SHERIFF OF Wl rimarv Xo Be Hel< THE LOGICAL In The P RADIO ADDRESSES BY PROMINENT republicans RICHARD JOHNSTON MAY 15,7:30 A. M. DIO ADDRESSES BY PROMINENT REPUBLICANS CLAUDE .BILLINGS. JR. Respectfully tolieih the eipport of all lepohlieaes n the primary campaign on the haaie of hie oealifieatim to eerve dl the people of Wilkes eoontj in e capeMe end heaorahto «»» ■er, end to prente aleqoato and iepartial eotoreeeeot of thi MAY 19, 6:30 P. M. Over WKBC north wilkesboro MAY 19, 6:30 P. M, Over WKBC NORTH WltKESBORO ' \'"r \