MOWS ABOUT Raleigh Roundup Continued From Page Four) bus station in Sanford to begin work. There being no other Para mores- at the station, no major difficulties were encountreed. NOTES , . . M. Q. Mann, who manages the N. C. Cottton Grow ers Cooperative Association and the Farmers Cooperative Exchange praised Sen. Frank P. Graham in a letter to some of his members the other day . . . and was immedi ately attacked by some Charlotte merchants and other business men. . . . John Marshall, the Gov ernor's secretary, formerly hand led PCX public relations . . . . . .Robert R. Reynolds will make a Statewide radio address this week for Senatorial Candidate Willi* Smith . . . and so will Rob ert N. Simms, Jr., Baptist lay lead er and State Senator from Wake County-In the 1949 Legislature . . . . . He's themon Of Bob Simms, also a' prominent attorney and longtime teacher of the Simms Baraca Sunday School Class at Tabernacle Baptist Church here. . . . And so will Thurman D. Kitchens, Jr. •. . . Although State headquarters here of Graham and Smith are not running big adver tisements and creating the rucus they did before the first Primary. ... or that was certainly true until the past few days . . . pre cinct level organization is tight . . . . and the pamphlets are flowing like wine . . . Nobody in Raleigh . . . except the leaders Of each faction ... is willing to make/a prediction on the outcome' . . . However . . . put this down . . . you should know the winner by 11 o'clock Saturday evening, June 24 . . . WPTF is planning . . . has already planned . . . another election party . . . beginning at, 6:15 . . . with sheriffs through out the State telephoning returns as rapidly as they came in ... . Carl Goerch will again be in charge of the commentary .... and Lynn Nisbet, Afternoon News paper correspondent, will give an alyist of the trend from time to time . . . Come to Raleigh, have a good time . . . don't get into any fights . . . Then, next week, Demo crats will try to become friends again . . . and this is becoming more difficult as Primary follows Primary in this State ... If Willis Smith wins, his most bit ter critic, National Democratic Committeeman Jonathan iJkirfels, will be on the warpath in his be half in the elections this fall . . . Col. Willian^ -T. Joyner will be working against tne Republicans. . . , and of course Willis Smith will make specehes for Graham . . . . . and vice versa . . . after the* battle. In the old Democratic way, such was the practice . . . but the present wounds are deep. Issues . . . definite issues . . . are at stake . . . and the argument will not ibe settled with finality on Satur day. . . . Know anybody yoll can on Saturday, June 24? Leave that alone . . . vote yourself . . . see that your friends vote . .-. with no fear from you, the Government, or anybody else. . . . Issues affecting an entire Nation's destiny have been4decided by a single vote ... It may be yours . . . What you do inside that booth with paper and pencil is your business and nobody else's . . . . but vote on Saturday, June 24. o <—' Most Of Uncle Sam's foreign re lations seem to be poor ones. f GREETS NEW SHRINER POTENTATE IMPUUAL POTINTATI of the Shriners, Harold Lloyd (left) greets hi* f0^ 0i Wak# Vor*^ K C ' ^ ^ Angeles. ^^♦iTr offld*11£ ^ *P1111 five-starred ,red fes when the Shriners dj>en their convention In Los Angeles. (International Soundphoto) Committee Gives Green Light To Statehood Bills Washington, June 14 — Chair man Joseph C. O'Mahoney (Demo crat) of Wyoming has given the Alaska and Hawaii Statehood Bills a clear right-of-way in the Senate Interior Committee. O'Mahoney said the committee would press for a report and recommendation by the end Of the week, and that no other commit tee matters would be allowed to intervene. 1 IlC tuuimiutco a^yiuvca VJ IVltt honey's amendments for Consti tutional bars against any subver sives holding public office in either of the two new States. Hearing Reports Issued Published reports on hearings on both measures were released, that of the Alaska bill running 531 pages. Fifty-four witnesses testified for Statehood and four against. Topping the list of communica tions published in an appendix was a letter from President Tru man: "I know of few better ways in which we can demonstrate to the world our deep faith in de mocracy and the principled of self-government than by admit ting Alaska and Hawaii to the Union a8 the forty-ninth and fif tieth states." * Two Bardies Left After the bills are approved in committee only two hurdles re main before enactment: 1. Senate Majority Leader Lu cas and Democratic^ leadership could expedite or delay a vote on the Senate floor. 2. There will be opposition to passage by some xf the Southern Democratic bloc, worried over in- j creasing Western voting strength I in the Senate. Want Ads Pay Dividends I ' The Journal-Patriot Want Ads Get We Are Now Offering .... COMPLETE PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE At Lower Prices BYERS' STUDIO (OVER THE REXALLf- - Photo Finishing —» Portraits — Commercial Phones: Day 578-J> Night 111-J Scl . Nt)rth Wilkesboro, M.-C. ( H6Y! KILL OAT UMPi _ ✓ \HB MUST BE 8ATTW OOWNj> >r-~ { IN Hy»H,WTS>? PRONTwOOWN MTTYjfrJVl IF THAT LUG DON'T > (OOWNJN SIT DOWN x*l 60NNA/ > MONT' t START A RIOT.' ^ | DOWN |\/ V|\ ^Mue.V I WHAT'S UP? AS BASEBALLS COMMISN... J IT IS My WISH , TO &VB YOU THIS'.A, ^ Mi iWu/Tif I TYw I LL/A W/ ^ > THE JOINT* ALL A-JUMP.' \J KNOW... 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