FOR SALE: 1 Oow, Guernsey or Jersey. Todd McNeil, Millers Creek or McNeils Esso Service ltpd FOR SALE cheap: Parts for 1946, 47 and 48 Fords, six-cylinder motor in excellent condition. See Robert Osborne at Greer Cotton Mill. 2-26-2ptd _j FOR 8ALE: TJsed doors, win dows and frames and screens in good condition. Jenkins Bids. Material, Co., phone 602. 6-29-2t FOR SALE: 97 acre* good land, one nice 8-room house, plenty oat buildings, one 7-room new house. Will sell one or both. Well in yard at both places. Located on new 16 highway near Wilbar. See Guy Sheets. 4-2 6-2tpd FOR SALE: Norge office size electric drinking fountain, practically new. Coca-Cola Bot tling Co. North Wllkesboro, N C. 6-29-2t —r FOR SALE: Tomato sticks 2c Ea. Miller Brothers Lumber C SOCIETY McNeil-Huffman Vows Exchanged Miss Etta Jane McNeil, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McNiel of Purlear, became the bride ol Wayne Huffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Huffman, also of Pur lear, on Saturday, June 24, at four o'clock at the home of the groom. Rev; Mr. Caldwell, ol Sparta, was the officiating min ister. Immediately after the cere mony the couple left for a short wedding trip, and upon their re turn will make their home al Purlear where the groom is in business with his father. The bride is a graduate of Millers Creek high school, and the groom attended Mt. Pleasant high school. WANTED: Two girls to work in Princess Cafe. Must be honest and 18 years old. Please apply at once in person. 6-29-2t • Miscellaneous AT STUD: Proven registered Chihuahua dog. Call for date. Phone 872-J It If yon hare property to sell or 11 you are Interested In buying property, please call Absher Real Estate Co., Telephone 467. *-6tf See INSURANCE SERVICE AND CREDIT CORP. for auto loans, financing, or refinancing. Com pare our rates. 882 "B" 8t.. Telephone 76. 8-23-tf GLASS DUSKS, PurnMvre tops and glass shelves—made to your order. House and auto glass installed while you wait. Glass Sales and Service, Base . ment of Bus Terminal. Phone 745. 10-27—Tf NOTICE: Wells drilled anywhere anytime. Experience Is still the best teacher. Let our 38 years In this field be your assur ance of a Job well done. Con suit us first. R- E. Paw ft Sons, Inc.*, offices Elkin an