Mr. and Mrs. Paul Billings, of thai city, and Mrs. Billings' mother and sister, Mrs. A. L. Hutchinson and Mrs. Wllla Billings, both of Flint, Michigan, are spending two weeks at Carolina Beach. Last week at the beach with the Billings were their daughter knd family, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gilreath and daughter, Charlene, and Miss Peggy Nichols. Missses Mary Yeakle Phlpps, Betsy Doughton, and Mickey Somers, represeptlng the Wilkesboro Methodist church, left today for Lake Junaluska where they will be the remainder Of the week attending the Senior Assembly, of AT TRANSYLVANIA MUSIC CAMP This picture shows five North Wilkesboro youths at Transylvania Music Camp at Brevard. Let to right are: Nell Gwyn Brame, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Brame, Jr.; Carolyn Deans, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Deans; Phillip Lomax, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Lomax; Anne Smith, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Smith; Nancy Sturdiv&nt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Sturdivant. Beginning a week ago today, they will spend six weeks at the camp. the Methodist Youth Fellowship. Mrs. Jay Jones and daughter, Adelle Jones, and Betsy Michell went up for the day with the girls. Major and Mrs. Allen T. Burke and two children, Peter and Patricia, of Palls Church, Va., visited here recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jameg K. Ford. Major Burke, a brother of Mrs. Ford, and his family had been on a visit with his people at Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. S. S. Williams and daughter and granddaughter, Mrs. Lee Wheeler and Candice Wheeler, have returned to their home at Point Pleasant, N. J., after a visit here in the home of Mrs. William's sisters, Mrs. Leo Anderson ,and Mrs. Walter Day. Miss Margie Kenerly and Mr. Tj g for i to attend the Sen the Methodist The young ■ _ the i First Methodist church of North Wilkesboro were accompanied there for the day by Mr. Anderson's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Leo Anderson, and Misses Peggy and Lucille | Taylor, Winston-Sal£m, who were guests for the week-end of Andersons. The Misses Taylors | cousins of Mr. Anderon. I County Offices Will Close On July 4th 1 All offices in the Wilkes county courthouse will be closed on Tuesday, July 4, which will be a| national holiday. NOTCE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA WILKES COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed b$ James Felts and wife, Mae Felts, dated January 31st., 1949, and recorded in Book 250, page 118, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wilkes County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public^ auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, at noon, on the 29th., day of July, 1950, the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in the County of Wilkes and state of North Carolina in Mulbe'rry Townshoip, and more particularly described as follows: FIRST TRACT: Beginning on an iron stake, running Northwest. 6% poles to the branch; thence running Northeast with the branch 44 poles; then West with the persimmon tree branch to the head 20 poles; then Northwest 48 poles to M. F. Absher's line; then running East with M. F. Absher's line 23 poles; then South with M. F. Absher's line; then running East with M. F. Absher's poles; then South with James S8S E. P. Walker's Hne IB poles to a| stone corner; then running North with E. P. Walker's line 11% poles to an iron stake; then Southwest with E. P. Walker's |ine Id poles to the beginning, ling 20-3|4 Containing less. SECOND TRACT: acres, mere or | Beginning on B. the bank East with feet to an Elledge's line; poles to a pine poles to Southwest ginning. Containing more This 28th day of CLYDE