• FOR SALE FOR BALE: Cheap, Evinrnde mo tor and 14-foot fighting * boat. See Archie McNeill at B. & L. Motors. ltpd FOR SALE: 1940 Ford deluxe tudor or 1948 Ford super de luxe tudor. Both in good condi tion. James R. Eller,» Wilkee boro. ltpd * 1 ■ , FOR SALE: 1»41 CMC 8-4 ton pickup. Second house above North Wilkesboro Drive In Theatre. Tom Bumgarner. 7-13-2tpd FOR SALE Real Estate Fine orchard/ located in the Brushy Mountains, near Gilreath P. O., about 60 acres land and about 300 bearing fruit trees, small house with good spring in yard. Ideal for summer home. A bargain. An ideal summer home, located on top of Blue Ridge on scenic Highway about 2 miles west Jumping Off rock. Nice home with modern conveniences, con taining about 80 acres rich farm land, good pasture. Fine two-story home, located in Wilkesboro, on hard surfaced street, hardwood floors, all plas tered walls, large concrete base ment, oil furnace, 1 1-2 baths, nice lot, 87 x 150. A real buy! Ideal residence lot 100 x 140, located on. Trogdon Street, North Wilkesboro. If you plan building a home be sure and see this prop erty. One block store building, 2 frame houses, corner property, in Woodlawn, priced to sell. Noah Williams farm, located just off Highway 421, near Mathis Service Station. Good ten-room dwelling, running water, numer ous outbuildings, several modern chicken houses with running wat er. About 60 acres land, greater part of which highly improved. — SEE — Real Estate Agents P. E. Dancy J. R. Rousseau North Wilkesboro, N. C. EISELE CONSTRUCTION CO. Announcing Change Of Office Location MAPLE STREET - Near Old Tannery See Us For Estimates On Your Building We Can Give You A Contract Price Phone 767-J North Wilkesboro ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce the opening of the WILKES FURNACE t COMPANY In the Phillips Building on Forester Ave nue, next door to Eller Brothers. Sales, ■ "*•' ?*■ •-* * * Installation, and Service of FAIRBANKS-MORSE Oil, Coal and Gas Furnaces. SERVICE AND REPAIRING ON ALL MAKES OF FURNACES. WILKES FURNACE COMPANY J. S. DAVIS, Manager Phone 948 North Wilkesboro, N. C. POR SALE: New 10-room Duplex apartment consist* of two 6 room apartments, city water, just outside of city limits near Carolina Mirror Corp., now oc cupied by two good paying rent ers paying in advance. A good 10 per cent investment. See or call Ralph Hyes at Ralph's Grocery, Tel. 806-J. ltpd FOR SALE: 1047 Willys Jeep at Orvil Johnson's Amoco Service Station. ltpd FOR SALE: Thoroughbred Cocker Spaniel pups. Len Forester, 809 E St. Phone 463, North Wilkesboro, N. C. 7-17-2tpd FOR SALE: Large bales hay, tim othy, orchard grass and red top. $1.00. Fresh Guinea cow, second calf. Two fresh Jersey heifers. Pasture for rent. Dave Hall, Wilkesboro. 7-17-2tpd FOR SALE: Used Brown range, semi-enameled, good condition. Also water Jack heater. Easy terms. See J. G. Chipman at Chipman Clothing Company in Wilkesboro. 7-13-2t FOR SALE: The R. Glenn Taylor farm, located inN the Laurel Springs community of Alleghany County. This farm contains 202 acres of land, an eight room dwelling, two barns and several other good buildings. For in formation, contact R. G. Taylor, Jr. or R. A. Spainhour, North Wilkesboro, N. C. 7-13-tf FOR SALE OR RENT: 48 acre farm 1 1-2 miles west of Roar ing River; eight-room house, newly painted inside and out side. See J. E. Ward at Ward's Cash Store, RoariLg River, N. C. 7-13-2tpd FOR TOUR Electrical Wiring AND INSTALLATION JOBS or service on electric stoves ui water beaten CALL 961 Leo Anderson N. C. Licensed Eleetridu. Leo's Electric Shop FOR SALtE: Stiglitz Warmaire oil heaters with cooper tubing and two 54-gallon drums. Cheap for immediate sale, easy terms. See J. O. Chipman at Chipman Clothing company lq Wllkes boro. | 7-13-2t FORCED TO SELL ! ! ! Beauti ful little spinet piano in this section to Interested party who has established credit and can make small down payment and assume few monthly install ments. Piano fully guaranteed. Full keyboard. Write Legal Dept. Box 869, Concord, N. C. We will, notify where to B«e instrument. 7-17-Jt . > • F Q R RENT FOR RENT: New modern 5-room house, furnished, 1-4 milp from N. W. *See J. W. Adams or call 792-R. ltpd FOR RENT: Six-room brick house on F street. Gall 869-J ltpd FOR RENT: 4-room house on G street with good basement, lights, cold and hot water, gar age, clean. See Mrs. L. A. Gud ger, 609 G Street, North Wil kesboro. ltpd FOR RENT: One six-room house, running water. Phone 786-M or See James Hayes, Fairplains. 7-13-2tpd FOR RENT: 8-room apartment private entrance and private bath. Phone 997-R 7-13-2tp FOR RENT: Five-room house at Cricket, wired for electric stove and water in house. C. C. Cau dill. Phone 921. 7-13-2tpd FOR RENT: Ttireo-room apart ment, unfurnished, private en trance, private bath. Phone 116-R .. 7-10-TF • WANTED (f you have property to sell or If you are interested in buying property, please call Absher Real Estate Co., Telephone 467. 2-6tf WANTED: Unfurnished apartment in North Wilkesboro by August 21. Write Charles Leith, Boone, North Carolina 7-17-2tpd WANTED — If yon want to buy or sell Real Estate or Busi ness Opportunities, call or see M. C. Woodie, Union Bus Terminal, P£one' 216. M. C. Woodie, Real Estate Agent. S-13-tf SPECIAL NOTICE to home own ers: I will be very busy plant ing homes this fall and all per sons who have homes to be planted this fall in first class state inspected nurspry stock please write and I will be glad to call nad give estimate on your needs. This should be done before planting season starts. F. L. Wilcox, Landscape Nurseryman, Deep Gap. 7-13-2t ♦WWWWWWWWWWWM • Miscellaneous vmMWWWWWmttWWW JOIN THE MILLIONS who enjoy static free FM radio—over six million sets sold — over seven hundred FM stations operating, forty in North Carolina 'alone. Let your nearby radio dealer demonstrate the superiority of FM radio. ,7-13-TF See INSURANCE SERVICE AND CREDIT CORP. for auto loans, financing, or refinancing. Com pare our rates. 882 "B" St., Telephone 76. 3-28-tf NOTICE: Wells drilled anywhere anytime. Experience is still the best teacher. Let our 38 years in this field be your assur ance of a job well done. Con suit us first. R. E. Faw & Sons, Inc., offices Elkin and Hick ory, N. C. Elkin Telephone 1F20 or write State Road, N. C. Hickory telephone 25507, 1342 E. Highrand Ave. 8-4-Tf Leaving for Jacksonville, Fla., Sunday morning. Would like a passenger or two. Call 52. ltpd SUPPORT THE CANCER' FUND (By MBfik, W. F. THARPE, Reporter) We h^4 oar regular church ser vices Sunday and Sunday night. In the absence of our pastor, Rer. Roy Johnson delivered sermons which were well attended and en joyed by all. Our revival begins the 4 th Sun day night, July 23, and our an nual Home .Coining is the fifth Sunday, July 30. Everyone is invit ed. \ Rev. and Mrs. Roy Johnson wpre Sunday dinner guests in the L. G. Hurt home. Miss Dica Ann Hurt is spending some time with her aunt apd uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Settle, at Melbane. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Poplin and children visited Winston-Salem, Rockingham and Carolina Beach last week. Visitors In the C. A. Burchette home during the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Grady Dlmmette and children, Mr. and Mrs.' Red man and son Ho/t, of Union Grove, L' M. Burchette, Of Win ston-Salem, and Jackie McClain, of Greensboro. Miss Lonaine Tharpe, of Char lotte, is spending a few days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Tharpe. Mrs. Warren Darnell and two daughters, Mrs. W. P. Tharpe and daughters, Bertea Mae and Helen, and two song spent Sunday after TKRMITES (Flying ants): Guar anteed termite jobs; Ordinary homes 135.00. Large .homes $50.00. Mansion £xtra. Call Church Hardware Company, Phone 130. 7-28-8tpd GLASS DESKS, PnrnJtare tops and glass shelves—made to your order. House and auto glass installed while you wait. Glass Sales aud Service, Base ment of Bus Terminal. Phone I' 746. . ■ ' 10-27—Tf Real Estate FOR 9iK 5-room house, 1-2 acre land, near Oakwoods P. O., fronting hard surface road, large yard and shade trees, good garden, electric ity, bus and mail service, and im mediate possession. This is good desirable property priced to sell at $3,500.00. A Real Good Farm and good home fronting highway No. 18 near North Wilkesboro. This is a fine chicken and cattle farm, $16,000.00. A Beautiful Home Site, 8 acres land on Highway 268 East, has several hundred feet of white pine timber, and would make a good small cattle and chicken range. Only 5 miles from North Wilkes boro, priced to sell at $1,200.00. 143 acre farm and Orchard, 11 miles on Brushy Mountain; also 'general farm equipment. Quick Sale $11,000.00. A beautiful building site, 50 ft fronting forty foot street in the Forester Park development. Spec ial this week only $110.00. A 6-room house, 2 1-2 acres land, near Rock Creek church, $4,500. 9-room home, Wilkesboro, $5, 000.00. One Store Building on Highway 421 East, $2,000.00. 7-room Modern Home, Wilkes boro, $6,900.00. 7-room Modern Brick Home, Highway 421, $12,500.00. Many other Farms, Home and Building Sites. M. C. WOODIE REAL ESTATE AND AUCTION SALES Phone 216 Care of Union Bus Terminal NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given for sealed bids on delivering a good quality of Lump Coal for County Home, Jail and Wilkes County Courthouse. All btds will be accepted up to July 17, 1950, at 9:30 A. M. Bids will be opened at 10 A. M. f^Bids will be re ceived by Troy C. Foster, Register of\ Deeds. All bids are subject to be accept ed or rejected. TROY C. FOSTER £ • / * *Jjg * • - -* ' ' • . Clerk to Wilkes County Board of Commissioners. _ : noon with Mrs. Darnell's mother, Mrs. Lillie Bradley and -other relatives In the Carol Dancy home. BUlle Bradley accompanied them home to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Poplin and children nad Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Anthony spent a few days last week vacationing in the Somky Mountains and other places of interest. > Mrs. Wesley Cheek was the dinner gnest Sunday Of her son, Mr. Gravey Cheek, and family. — o Union Grove News Rev. R. C. Loyd filled his regular appointments at Mt. Pisgah Baptist church Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Wilde and daughter. Dina Leagh, of Ashe ville, visited Mrs. Wilde's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Comer, during the week-end. Mr. And Mrs. Zene Proctor, of Statesville, visited Mrs. Proctor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Luns ford, during the week-end. Mrs. Junior Prevette and Miss Alaine Davis, of Greensboro, visit ed relatives in this community during the week-end. o A birthday party was given in honor of Bruce Dean Dearman's fifth birthday. Sixteen boys .and girls were present. .Many gifts were given to Bruce Dean. Games were played by children, after which the mother served each one with a generous piece of birthday cake. i o There are twice as many neu rotic wives of neurotic husbands as there are non-neurotic hus bands. : ■■■■. : Mr. and Mrs. Vern Inrin, of Wilkesboro, have just returned from a two weeks vacation in the west. They spent - two days at the Horse show In Lewiston, Idaho and also visited at Yellowstone National Park. .During their trip they went to Spokane, Wash., traveling over 6,000 miles and visiting 14 states. o—— Renew concert membership now. KEYS MADE 25* While You Wait Why be without that I extra key you need? Eller, Kilby & Brown Your Firestone Store 10 St., N. Wilkesboro *25.00 REWARD For information lead ing to the arrest and conviction of party or parties that damaged my car (Studebaker Convertible) Tuesday night at Mulberry school house. See or call. Bob Yale At Motor Market, Inc. The tomato Is a native of Booth America, and its name Is deriv* ed from the Portuguese. USED CABS 1947 PORT) TUDOR 1946 FORD FOURDOR 1946 PLYMOUTH COUPE 1941 CHEVROLET TUDOR 1941 DODGE TWO DOOR 1941 PLYMOUTH TWO DOOR 1940 FORD TUDOR 1939 FORD FORDOR 1939 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR USED TRUCKS 1948 FORD PICKUP 1948 DODGE 1 1-2 TON TRUCK j 1947 GMC PICKUP 1946 FORD COE TWO TON 1946 FORD TWO TON 1939 FORD PICKUP 1937 FORD PICKUP YADKHMTALLEY Motor Company W Boy, S*n and Trad* toiasy Finance T« NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. I ■■■■■■11 NOTICE to TAXPAYERS I have been ordered by the Board of Commissioners to proceed, as the law di rects, to advertise and sell tax liens on real estate to be sold for Delinquent Taxes for the year 1949 and past due Street Pav ing Assessments, assessed in 1949 and prior years. Interest on the 1949 taxes is now 4 per cent and increases after the first day of each month. The interest on Street Assessments is accruing at the rate of 6 per cent from 30 days after the date of the bill rendered. These taxes and as sessments must be paid, and it is hoped that those who are in arrears in their taxes and assessments will pay before the time for advertising begins, thereby saving ad ditional interest and cost. W. P. Kelly Tax Collector for The Town of North Wilkesboro, North Carolina T WE HAVE RECENTLY INSTALLED NEW EQUIPMENT in our store and have been trying to wait to tell you about it until we had a complete job of re-modeling done but we have run into some minor details which have prevented us from entirely completing the job. However we have finished to the extent that we are able to give you a wide variety of fresh vegetables from a Refrigerated Produce Case—a complete line of dairy products from a Refrigerated Dairy Case and Quality Meats and Seafoods from the latest thing in refrige rated equipment. In addition to this we have a com plete line of staple and fancy food items — Quality Merchandise at Fair Prices! Pay us a visit at your earliest opportunity—You are al ways welcome. W. W. MILLER & SONS 'The Best Fed Families Shop Here" Phone 16 Wilkesborqj^|||jJ

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