k-o u 11 ci T:*: lue^f-e'iS zlsO Groy/SfvH ^ jves*_ovely Party „ , M URAWl iWttt rfft 1 wwe* w>a the lovgfy '^rlfl^f n given by Mrs. A, R. Gray, it her home In Wllkesboro KM I b}i*rA4. srlT 391 IliW and Mrs..^r»bli««>gteoHD»t Friday evening on the lawn of 'stujly^t ^f?ie !lffe"^of ^Moses astsDQdW dy vurs^aibAiwia. Bumgarner, who gave the ■t4®Oie^>8iK Ml©9£lDC lUWlIlg 1 (XvuCo vV U11 pi Iau! contests held, Mrs.-Charles Bishop, >np A—looroG a>wsJ — crip chols M^s. Lewis Broyhlll and Mrs. Parks Nichols. Miss Grace Whlt tington, whose birthday the meet ing was held on, was remembered with a gift. Mrs. Rex Lovette a recent bride, the former Miss Claudine Whlttington, was pre sented a gift by the hostess., Mrs. Cecil Kilby, the president was in charge of the business ^meeting. rt j WaffeVmelon was served by the Q&Aiei dvayi the social hour. tQwrerittiJroy. Retted At- Shower- ; ^ «• f-rot 0,1)f- lijiv.' vfibnufc lvopfs Q^8°A:»M;a * *w&.F,w&lh,3tofc» -att m-u P9eMWlki >4 nnrse at. the hnapital. an/t a Ijuiiu uiidi. uuu«u iiuue s iuuu unu Bar offing T)n "re Spacious pcTrrtf i* thev>IMrr*tar^ihar^8ts were entertained. Approximately 4io*hhnd phowered the honoree with many Ras a corsage of^)ink rosebuds id china and crystal in her |sterved a? ttfVTf&Is! of l^fevening insisted of_ sandwiches, cakes, Nnd ; c i gainful onlv in ^dyan<^d stages, frequent* kfe the bfe^'T"■"SSTt/gTIS.lf'H"11 StgHlflSr" niia rccnrroAiff passed by tlves Con ne of the essional District has by Speaker Sam Ray as one of five Members of giyss to serve as a Member of a special Campaign Expenditure Committee of the House of Repre sentatives. Other Members of this Committee are Representatives Mansfield (D) of Montana, Chelf (D) of Kentucky, Fellows (R) of Maine, and Jennings (R) of Ten nessee. . -;«• -?» p This committee will function throughout this year and will in ,^'W. ^ vestigata any Irregularities involv ing candidates for the Houbs of Representatives in connection with campaigns for nomination and election to the House. During the 80 th Congress a similar Com mitted investigated irregularities in eight states and some twenty Congressional elections. Congressman Deane pointed out that several Investigations involv ing current primaries in various states are now under study. The committee will be asked to hold hearings and make determinations throughout all the states upon the presentation of due evidence of irregularities. The Committee will make its official report on January 1, 1961. , Henderson county Is expecting 'the largest apple crop In history.