, ' * '**' " -*• HHH^gpP r- ^ - r^tfj1 |W/bu^B| North Wilkesboro has a trading radius of 50 miles, v wjring 100,000 people in Ifwrthwestern Carolina. jhe Journol-Potriot Has Blozed the Trail of Progress in the State of Wilkes" For Over 44 Years NORTH WfLKESBORO, N. C., Thursday, July 27,1950 Make North Wilkesboro Your Shopping Center Vol. 44 No. 30 Published Mondays and Thursdays SCENES AT GIRL SCOUT CAMP MULBERRY WWVWWVWWWWMWWMMMMMWVvv MMMM4UUMUMUMMHM%«MWMH%UIU%MV MBMMBMMMMrrMMM——T • WMMrifiiT" • - * wt~ mmimzk These pictures were made at Camp Mulberry, annual encampment of Wilkes Girl Scouts at Mulberry school. The top photo shows the entire enrollment at the camp and camp staff, the. number enrolled being near 100. The lower photo shows one or many outdoor activities during camp. Girls are shown how to prepare a "one pot meal over an outdoor fire. The camp wm the most successful in the history of Girl Scouting in Wilkes. (Photos by LaneVStudio). 18 BOYS JOIN JUNIOR OPTIMIST CLUBOPNORTH WILKESBORO Organization Ife Sponsored By Senior Club; List Of Members Given Eighteen boys of this commun ity have joined the Junior Optim ist Club of North Wilkesboro and | taken the pledge of the organiza tion. The junior club was organ ized last week at a meeting held in the Woodlawn Community House. The junior club is sponsored by the senior Optimist club which was represented at the meeting by Albert Garwood, club president, Julius C. Hubbard, chairman of the Boys' Work Committee, and A. L. Fincannon, Ray Blerins, and PKh-B. Brookshire, Jr., committee members. Refreshments were served the boys before the organization meet ing. Cold drinks contributed by the Forester Beverage Co. and the Coca-Cola Bottling Company were greatly enjoyed by the boys. Ice cream donated by Coble Dairy Prodacta. and cookies given by Crest Stores hit the spot, the boys P*y Following the social part of thd meeting, the boys were told of the objectives of a Junior Op timist Club, its aims and purposes, and the following boys took the pledge and became charter mem bers of Ute club: „ , Edison Wyatt, Dean Wyatt, Gwyn Church, Franklin Wiles, Kenneth Queen, Buddy Stone, Br-, nest Glenn. Wyatt, Ernest Wyatt. Archie "Parsons, Frank Church, Sherman ""Glonch, James Minton, Ray Lambert, Larry Lambert, Donnie Lambert, Edward Church, Howard Gore, Bobby Wiles. Boys are eligible for member-, ship in the club between the ages of nine and seventeen. On motion by Archie Parsons, 1 seconded by Frank Church, the; constitution and by-laws of the clnb were adopted- On motion by ! Ernest Wyatt, seconded by Howard , ''Gore, the club meeting time was ' set for each Friday night, seven o'clock. Both motions carried un- j animously. Membership buttons and cards > have been received for the Jun-; lor Optimist club members and I Trill be distributed! at the meeting to. be held Friday night. jPMembers °* the senior club- and especially members of the Boys' Work Committee, are urged to at- j tend the junior club meetings. I ^ -- j Severe storms greatly aided the British Fleet In its defeat of the Spanish Armada in 158-8. Wilkesboro Men's Club Met- Tuesday The Wilkesboro Business and Professional Men's Club met Thursday night in the Woman's clubhouse with its president, At torney Robert M. Gambill, presid ing. A delicious dinner was serv ed by members of the Woman's club. No program had been arranged for the meeting, therefore, the time uoually alloted for the pro gram was taken up with discus sijon of the club's finances and formulating plans for raising money to support the Wilkesboro high school band. W. N Pardue Taken By Death W. N. (Coon) Pardue, 83, one Of North Wllkesboro'g oldest and best known citizens, died at his home Wednesday evening, 6:30. He h»d been in declining health for the past few ye&rti but had not been critically ill. Death wad attributed to a. heart attack. Mr. Pardue was born June 2, 1867, and reared in Wilkes, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Pardue. He was engaged in* farm ing for some time and later for many years was employed ^t For est Furniture company. He was a membe'r of Liberty Grove * Bapt-1 ist church east of this city and for many years was a- deacon and leader in the church. Mr. Pardue was first married to Miss Jane Wiles. Three surv- j iving daughters Of this marriage' are Mrs. Bob Bauguss of North Wilkesboro route two, Mrs. Bob' Bowles of Winston-Salem, and 1 Mrs. John Bauguss of Winston-j Salem. Following her death Mr. Pardue married Miss Fannie Par due, who survives; also two sons, Clay and . Gilbert Pardue Of North Wilkesboro, and three daughters, I Mrs. Hamer Dowell of Winston-Sa- j lem, Mrs. Agnes Houchins and Mrs. Wrenn Vannoy of North Wil kesboro. Also surviving are one brother, 'R. T. Pardue of Harkers Island, one half-brother, Mitch Pardue Of New York City, and one-half-sister, Mrs. Hester George of Charlotte. F'uneral service will be held Saturday, two p. m., at Liberty Grove church. The body will lie in state at the church from one uflttl two o'clock. Junior Optimist Club Will Meet Friday Night At 7 The Junior Optimist- Club of North Wilkesboro will hold Its regular meeting Friday night at seven o'clock in the basement of the Woodlawn Community House. The club has * membership of eighteen boys, and is sponsored by the Senior Optimist Club of North Wilkesboro. All members of the junior club are urged to be present as im portant business will be transact ed. o — Dr. 0. T. Binkley Addresses Club "Essentials Of Community Leadership" Is Speaker's Subject Dr. O. T. Binkley, Louisville, Ky., and professor of sociology in the Baptist Seminary of that city, delivered a forceful, timely address before the membership and guests attending Tuesday's meeting of the Optimist club of North Wilkesboro. Optimist D. T. Trivette was in charge of the program, and the guest speaker was introduced by Attorney Eu gene Trivette. Dr. Binkley is a nephew of the Trivettes. The subject of Dr. Binkley's address was "Essentials Of Com munity Leadership." Dr. Binkley opened his address by asking three questions: 1. "What Does a Com n-unity Need." 2. "What Are The Resources for Meeting this Need?" 3. ''What Does a Community Need Most?'' Continuing, the speaker stated that every community needs unselfish, christian leadership that acts wisely and resolutely." "To be the right kind of leader," Dr. Binkley stated,'"one must' have the right %lgd of motivated behavior — one with » goal and not one of fear." Continuing, Dr. Binkley stated "that the right kind of community leadership should be courageous." Dr. Binkley congratulated the Optimist club for its phenonimal growth during the past year, and predicted that the club would be more beneficial to the com munity as the years go by. The Optimist luncheon Tuesday opened with singing "The Song Of The Optimists,'' led by Rev. Dean Mlnton, with Mrs. Minton at the piano. The song was fol lowed by reading the Optimist Creed in unison and invocation spoken by Rev. C. Jay W;inslow. Guests attending the luncheon were as follows: W. R. Harmon, Jr., with his father. Optimist W. R. Harmon; Attorney Eugene Tri vette and Jimmy Moore with Op timist D. T. Trivette: Rev. Hom er Goode with Rev. Dean Minton; T. R. Hayes with Optimist E. R. Eller; Bob Shumaker with Optim ist Johnson Sanders. The next meeting of the club will be on Tuesday, August 14th. —— o Damascus Choir To Sing In Wilkesboro i>asi weeK mis paper carried an account of camp activiteg and ex pierences of the girls at camp Mulberry. This wonderful camp week was made possible by con tributions of work and money by those who want camping oppor tunities for Wilkes County Girl Scouts. It would be impossible for the camp staff,- who receive a small remuneration for their ser vice, to run the camp without the volunteer aid of many. The girls who attended the camp paid only $3.00 camp fee. This small fee is possible because of those who made gifts to the Scout fiancial drive last fall. Be cause this small fee many girls attended who could not have gone otherwise. The citizens Of the Mulberry Community were exceptionally hospital to the campers. Wilkes Girl Scout Association feels deep ly indebted to Mr. Grady Miller and other school people who were responsible to offer the Mulberry school facilities for the camp site. It would be impossible to men tion individually all who contri buted in various ways to the camp. North Wilkesboro Senior Woman's Club gave $25, Horton Drug Com pany gave punch, Biltmore Dairies gave ice cream and Dick's Gas and Appliance company gave fuel. Mrs. Robert Gibbs was camp di rector with Mrs. G- T. Mitchell as sistant. Others on the camp ataff WSM as follows: Miss Betsy Bar ber, nattlfC study; Miss Corrina Finley, music; Mrs. John T. Way land, folk games; Miss Agnes Kenerly, sports and games; Mrs. Robert Gibbs, first aid; Mrs. G. T. Mitchell, outdoor activities; Mrs. Qufncy Hutchinson, dietltion; Dr. G. T. Mitchell, physician. The special day camp committee was composed Of Mrs. Walter Newton, Miss Joanne Byerg, Mrs. Paul Choplin, Miss Roberta Gibbs, Miss Kay Forester.-Camp aides were Betsy Mitchell, Betsy Doughton, Becky Reins, Mary Yeakle Phipps and Patty Gabriel, Junior aides; Ann Carlton, Isabella Gibbs, Betty Jean Wells and Doris Ann Godby, junior councilors. Volunteer coun cilors. included Mrs. Bob Yale, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Cecil Adam son, Mrs. Tal Barnes' and Mrs. Bruce Pearson. n Revival Services At Pleasant Home Revival services will begin Sun day, July 30, at Pleasant Home Baptist church. The pastor, Rev. Victor Watts, will be assisted by Rev. Orady • White, of Hiddenlte, in the ser vices to be held each evening at ] 7:30. The public Is cordially invit- i ed to attend. The Damascus church choir will give a program at the Wilkesboro Methodist church Sunday night at O'clock. A silver, offering Will be taken, proceeds from which i will go for church repairs. The Damascus ehdif is Olid bf the best colored choirs in this sec tion of the state, and the public is invited to hear the program ] which has been arranged for Sun day evening. 1 North Wilkesboro Farm Loan Group Has A Good Year The Annual Stockholders' meet ing of the North Wilkesboro Na tional Farm Loan Association was held this year in the Court House at Jefferson, with a representa tive number of members from each of the fire counties served by the association in attendance. All were highly pleased at the progress shown, by the association in new loans closed which was ap proximately 25 per cent ahead of the previous year. Loans aggrega ting $124,975.00 were closed against a little less that $100,000 last year, and more than $35,000 pending at <^ose of the fiscal year. Prom information received from Mr. Julian H. Scarborough, Presi dent of the Federal Land Bank ol Columbia, this compares with most areas served through the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, the average being a 29 percent increase. Total loans closed by the Federal Land Bank of Colum bia for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, was more than thirteen million dollars which was $3,000,000 in excess of loans made the preceding year. Of this amount loans were made to farm ers in the Third Farm Credit Dis trict as follows: North Carolina $3,752,000; South Carolina $2, 914,000; Georgia ^$5,215,000; Florida $1,320,000. About 69 per cent of these loans were made for the purpose of refinancing exist ing obligations — mainly at lower interest rates and longer maturi ties. Eleven per cent were used to purchase land and 20 per cent foi farm improvements, purchasing livestock and farm machinery. The North Wilkesboro National Farm Loan Association handles the making and servicing of all land b^nk loans in the counties ol Allegha&y, Ashe, Caldwell, Wa tauga 1 and Wilkes. M Officer? and directors for the coming year are — S. C. Eggers, Boone, N. C., President; Eugene S. Shatley, Jefferson, N. C., Vice President; J. Mack Moore, Granite Falls, N. C.; Donald C. Poplin, Ronda, N. C.; Carlis Lee Mitchell, Sparta, N. C., directors. Loan Committee: S. C. Eggers. J. Mack Moore, O. H. Bracey, with E. S. Shatley, Donald C. Poplin and Carlis Lee Mitchell alternates. O. H. Bracey, Secretary-Trea urer and Elizabeth T. Crutchfield, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer. Office is located in the Bank of North Wilkesboro Building, Valuable Property At Auction Saturday W. R. Weir Auction company, oi which M. C. Woodie is Selling agent here, will conduct three sales of highly desirable property Saturday afternoon, July 29. The first of these sales will bt at two p. m. and will be the Round Mountain property near Hays. At 4:30 p. m. will be the sale of the W, C. Bentley proper ty in Wilkesboro and at six o'clock C, D. Jjovette's lots on highway 268. A jar of money will be given free at the sales. o——■ Rummage Sale The ladle? of the W. S- c. S. of Union Methodist church will con duct a rummage sale at Forester Furniture Co. on Tenth street Saturday, July 29th, starting at nine a. m. Various articles will be on sale at low prices, and the public is cordially invited to at tend the sale. DELINQUENTS TO HEAD LIST OF DRAFTEES IN THE FIRST CALL The following registrants, who tiave been reported on the "Re ;ord of Delinquents" to the U. S. District Attorney for failure to ;omply with the Selective Service A-pt of 1948, will be at the top af the list in the first call for induction from Wilkes County: Claude Allien Shepherd, Will ed Caldwell, Jimmy Tedro Mc jlamery, Charles Lloyd Coltrane, Russell Junior Martin, Paul Stew irt, William Thomas Parsons, Ambrose Caldwell, Warner John ion. The penalties for violators of the Federal law are "strigent", there fore, In an effort to remove the >ause of delinquency of these reg strants, they are urged to com nunicate with the Local Board im mediately. The members of the families and other acquaintances ire also urged to render assistance n locating these men. Mrs. David Lowe, clerk of the Local draft board, re-emphasized the fact that all men between 18 and 2 5 years of age must regis ter If they have not done so. Those becoming 18 mast register within five days of their birthday. For those men who come in this cate gory, the following suggestions are made; 1. Register promptly. 2. Fill out and return your Selective Service Quesionnalre promptly. 3. Keep your local board advis Jd of your correct mailing address. 4. Report for Examination and [nduction when so- ordered. 5. Report to your local board iny changes in your family status which may have a bearing on pour classification. 6. Carry .your Registration Cer tificate and Classification Card on your persotr.'. Vice Chairman Of Wilkes Democrats #■ m+* » , i ii 11 ■! i ii iw ii i m ii aa n aigjBatt wnamaamnnaimMmttflMirTni Mrs. Odell Whittington, of Reddies River, is vice chairman of the Wilkes County Demo cratic Executive Committee, of which Watson Brame is chair man and Paul J. Vestal is secre tary. Mrs. Whittington is the only woman holding an office with the executive committees of major political parties in Wilkes county. tyixie Home To Have New Store Most Modern Store In Chain Of 150 To Be Erected In This City Transaction was completed yesterday whereby the Dixie Home store in North Wilkesboro will get a spacious new store whioh will be the most modern unit in the entire chain of 150 Dixie Home stores in the south, J. C. Will iams, Jr., manager of the Dixie Home store here, said today. R. C. Rigdon and J. A. McMa han, of the firm's home Office in Greenville, S. C., here yesterday signed a ten-year lease with V. M. Church, who is to erect the new store building on the corner of Ninth and D streets. Mr. Church has purchased the W. M. DeBerry home, which is adjacent to the corner lot. The residence will be removed and that part of the pro perty will be used for a parking lot for the Dixie Home store. The store building will be 70 by 135 feet and the parking lot will be 65 by 140 feet. According to the terms of the lease, the mo dern building will be erected im mediately and will be ready for occupancy in 90 days. Upon com pletion of the new building the Dixie Home store will move there from its present location on Main street. New equipment will be install ed throughout the new building, and the most modern super mar ket fixtures available will be in stalled. Dixie Home store has been op erating in North Wilkesboro for 12 years and has enjoyed a rapid ly growing business which has f&r outgrown the present quarters. "We are happy that plans for a new and modern store for North Wilkesboro have been completed and we appreciate the business which has made this expansion possible," Mr. Williams said. The new store will be 160 per cent self service, and will provide room for customers to shop with maximum convenience and com fort. — o Rummage Sale Here Franklin circle of the First Me thodist church will sponsor a rum mage sale Sautrday, nine a. m., in the Phillips building on Tenth street. Committee Lays Plans For Annual Gab Event Here Parade Will Be In Afternoon P| With Program At Ball Park In Evening Annual Farmers' Day will be held in North Wilkesboro October 12, according to preliminary plans formed in a meeting of the Trade Promotion committee of the Wilkes Chamber of Commerce, sponsor of the event. Farmers' Day has become in re cent years a gala celebration in which business interests play hosts to farmers in Northwestern North Carolina — a day of gala entertainment for young a£d old. L. S. Spainhour, committee chairman, presided over the meet ing. The committee reviewed the budget, which provides expenses of Farmers' Day and holiday light ing, and adopted a budget prac tically the same as last year. R. R. Church, general chairman for Farmers' Day last year, which drew a record crowd that filled the Wilkesboros to overflowing and featured a parade of 150 units, sat with the committee in capacity as advisor. It was decided that the parade this year will be held in the after noon and that a program of en tertainment be carried oat in the evening in Memorial Park because crowds have outgrown any avail able' space uptown. Sub-committees will be formed at an early date to arrange pro gram and other features for the event. Plans are to have three or more visiting bands in the parade in addition to the North Wilkes boro high school band. Following the parade in the afternoon the more attractive and interesting ualta will fee parked on the park ing lot at Memorial Park in order that persons may have time to. view them, take pfcures and study the various units. Fifth Sunday Singings Planned At 3 Churches Gospel singing in several organ ized groups will be featured in singing association meetings to be held on the Fifth Sunday, July 30, in three Wilkes county churches. These fifth Sunday singings are always largely attended and many Binging classes, quartets and ether groups take part. The Southside Singing Associa tion, of which F. J. McDuffie, of Wilkesboro, is chairman, will meet at Cub Creek church for an all day session with a picnic dinner at noon. The chairman asks all sing ers to be present for the singing. Stone Mountain singing will be held at Oak Ridge Baptist church, according to announcement by Arthur Warren, chairman.. Thla singing will begin at one o'clock. Blue Ridge Singing Association will go to Yellow Hill Baptist church at Summit for an atter nooo Of singing, beginning at one o'clock. Chairman T. A. EUer an nounced. Wilkosboro Baptist Services Announced Rev. W. N. Brookshire, pastor of the Wilkesboro Baptist church, and family are away since Mon day on their vacation. They will be away for two weeks. Rev. J. Earl Pearson will preach at the 11:00 a. m. service Sun day, July 30. Fev. T. Sloane Guy will preach at the 11:00 a. m. service Sunday August. ®. MT. AIRY HERE TONIGHT; NEXT GAME HERE MONDAY Weather permitting, the North Wilkesboro Flashers are scheduled to entertain the Mount Airy Granl teers, currently the hottest team in the Blue Ridge, in Memorial Park here tonight. After a two-day stand in Galax Friday and Saturday the Flashers move to Radford for a game Sun day and play Radford here Mon day in a family night attraction. Last night at Mt. Airy North Wilkesboro lost 11 to 6 in a free hitting game. Strayley and Ham lin divided mound duties for North Wilkesboro with Strayley charged with the loss. With few exceptions pitching has improved for the North Wil kesboro club and an inflelder Is nofr being sought to tighten de fense. Hitting has improved dur ing .the past week and the team appears definitely on the upgrade. The great need Of the club at present is greater support from fans who want to keep baseball here. Paid attendance at recent games hai been under 500, and it i« absolutely essential tbat at tendance be . increased by an av erage ol 200 per game to avoid financial wBm* oi pages si* and seven, section one.) mm'

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