"-3 B. NEATHERY ;& COi. CITY ANZK STATED Every Citizen roast Register i bit Township or he cannot Tote at the Township Electioa in August.. ' : t; ' Tns nsATnKR at Ralkioit, N. ' C, s in dicated by the thermometer at tins office ' of the NoRTn Carolina. Lajstd ! CoMrAKT, t Tucker ITaHjTuesilay, August'3il : ; 9 A.M., 80. i : . 3 P.M. 88. 12 M.,84. : V 0 P.M., 84. New .York Herald building, Sunday, August 1st : - .-. " -; 9 A.M., 77. - 8 P. M., 8EL. y-Vi M., 81. P. M., 85. 0 i' -' . Republicans ! attend tfie meeting at the Court House to-nfgbt. Gen.' Hawkins ami o;hcrNproniinent sinkers arc expectqll to be present. . , " t ;;' .; ". . . : The attention of faeraber of the Mechan ic's' Building and Loan Association is called to tbe notice of the regular monthly meet ing to beheld at the Court House Friday Friday Jones wishes m to aay tlMtMwj I taught good manner "and "la -Sorry that he has had such bad examples aet by tlic Sefc tlieL He has many ' friefiilaruong the members of the late Democratic party, and is sorry to see refined gentlemen represented bvsuch a Billingsgate journal as the Sentinel. m 9 m We arc informed that the Executive Com mittee of the North Carolina Agricultural "Society will meet at the office of Y. II. But tie & Son's, this morning at 10 o'clock, to perfect the arrangements f-r the Fair, which is to be held in October. The committee should receive tbe active and hearty co-op eration of all the citizens of the State. Messrs. J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadel phia., have ready the first five parts ot tlu ir -Universal Pronouncing Dictuwiary ot liio oraphy and 3Ijtliology," by Dr. J. Thomas, the learned editor of "Lippincott's Pronoun cing Bazeteer of the World." Such a work of reference is greatly needed, and its issue will be warmly .welcomed by scholars and "by general readers. We have received the. first number of the Clayton Sentinel, a weekly paper edited and published at- Clayton Illinois by F. K. Stro ther, Esq. Mr. Strother is an experienced printer, who has many friends and acquain tances in this city, and -his paper is a neat 1. mking, spicy sheet, which shows the im press f a master of the "art preservative of all arts." Success attend him and his enter- PriBe- We call tbe attention f our readers to the fact that first class carriages, buggies, &c, are made in Raleigh. Many of our citizens send out of the city and State for vehicU-s when they can get as good ones lure and r.t much smaller 'prices. Mr. N. B. IIakp makes as fin carriages, buggies, as one could wish to see, and his work is warranted. Those of our readers who want anything in the carriage line should not fail to call Upon Mr. IIakp before pur chasing elsewhere. We learn that the Secretary ot State has TcraoYod Mr. J. J. Sawteb, from his posi tion in that office and uppointed Mr. Ak drew Stme in his place. Mr. Sawyer is a colored man and has ably and faithfully performed the duties of his place. Mr. Sraif is a Democrat and a son in law of Ex Gov. Bragg. This act km on the part of the Secretary of State has occasioned much, sur prise and comment. ; Republicans shoujd vote for Hawkins without faiL He should receive 1309 ma jority in Wake county. Will it be done? Reader, it depends upon you. See that every man is registered, uc3 to the polls and votes for Hawkins for. Senator. Gen. Hawkins is the RepuUican nojpiinee. He has the confidence and support of every lead ing Republican in the counties pf Wake and Franklin. He is a true Republican and worthy of confidence. Go to the polls to morrow and see that every voter in your pe cinct goes and votes the Republican ticket. " Register. The registration loeks are open at the Raleigh precinct to-day. No man can vote unless he is registered. Every man must vote In the precinct where he is registered, and can vote nowhere else. All men who have moved into the country must register in this county or they cannot vote. Every man who has become of age since tbe last registration must register. Voters, if you are not registered in. the precinct where you reside, register to-day. Every voter in the State -should see to it that his name is -on the list. See that every Republican vote is registered, at the nearest precinct to where the voter resides. In nearly every county the voters must be registered in their townships or they efjjinot vote for township officers." Register in your 'townships and vote the straight Republican ticket. - . '-':: .- The case of J. W. Sharpc; of Johnston count v. charged with selling liquor at wholesale without paying the United States license tax, was brought up again yesterday 'before United States Commissioner Porter. -Tbe accused admitted the selling of liquor in quantities exceeding five gallons each. Jude Merrimon, coun&el for the defendant, argued that lie was at liberty to sell liquors in larger quantities than five gallons until the amount of sales within the. year exceeded tbe sum I of. $25,000 . without being liable to -tax only as a retailer. Col lector Young appeared for the Government, and cited section one of the act of May,' 1SGD. That section defines a retail dealer to i be one who sells in quantities less than five gallons ; a wholesale dealer, one who sells in quantities of five gallons or upward.' Un der this section Sharpe was a wbolasale dealer and should have taken, out a license to sell at wholesale in addition to his retail license. As lie had not done that, he was held in $300 londs to appear and answer at the next term of the United States Court flow the Pacific Islands Were Populated ;! Captain Nye; ot the. hmA'.WiUiamZlioieh recently resent d a number, of Japanese 'sea men, wno, naci neen, .shipwrecked on the island of A8t. Peters, about three 'thousand miles westward of tbe Hawaiian group, and two tnircis tnat distance troru the Japanese group. -The master and ajpatt of thcrcxew going ashnre to hunt -tor -albatross's eggs. discovered seven Japanese sailors, who trad lieen on the island eighteen months. From remains found on the island, it was manifest that many other crews had been wrecked, and had lived there for many years' -A con temporary finds in this 'incident fresh confir mation of the theory that the Hawaiian group was originally peopled in the same way a part coming from the Japanese group, other from ho South Pacific islands and probably soma from the main land. As redwood logs have drifted over from this coast and lodged on. the shore of , the Ilaw aiin Islands, it , is no difficult to suppose that human waifs might have been cast up in . the same way. The identity of race would be lost by this commingling of two or three races. And this is just what has happened in the Hawaiian group; although many suppose that that the characteristics ot the Malavs and Japanese are so prominent in the original stock as to indicate its origin. Mermaid found in New Jersey. The people of Tom's River, New Jersey, arejnstnow having a little sensation it being nothing less than the capture ot a ver itable mermaid or at least a water animal strongly resembling that poetic species of fish. Two fishermen, while-pursuing their vocation a few days ago in the Inlet, effected the captureafter a violent struggle; 'At, see iair the animal its csptors became hugely rigjtfenjed, aud. took .to tbetfMlaAfter a while they mustered up wmcient coura ge t return and look at -their prized In ap pearance it more resembled a human being than a .fish, having a face frightfully like that of a man or woman, with, body and breasts exactly resembling the latter The lower part . terminated in a fish tail... The fishermen, after looking at the monster,' be came so superstitious that they threw it back intothc sea. It's a pity theyWl not preserve it. " How to Observe the Eclipse. Take a large card with a small round hole in the centre, and hold . it against the sun's rays, so that the shadow will fall on tholl.Kir. pavement, wall or other dark and smooth surface. Iu the midst of the shadow there will be a true image of the sun, and the eclipse can be studied in its progress without straining the eyes, and without smutting the face or hands with smoked glasss. This pimple process was suggested by the familiar circumstance that the light spot in the shadows, during a solar eclipse, takes the shape of the luminous portion ot the sun's disc ; and the perforated card has been used with perfect-success. Cuban. NewYork, August. 1. Tfie Cuban Junta have advices that Generals Jordan and Fi gaerido, with ten thousand armed insur gents, attacked General Latore near Santi ago de Cuba, routed his forees, and cap tnred him. The rumor that he has since been shot is untrue. The Spanish General Puello has been de feated between Nuevitas and Puerto Prin cipe, nis son, with a large portion of his command, is stated to have joined the Cu ban army. ' A cargo of slaves has been landed at Col orado Key for a Havana planter. J3iel At the residence of her husband, in this city, on Monday night, August 2d, at 12 o'clock M. , Mart G., wife of John D. Primrose. Tbe funeral will take plaee from the Presbyte rian Church to-day at 10 o'clock, A. M. The friends and acquaintances of thj family are re quested to attend without fnrther notice. In this city on Monday morning, Aug. 2nd, at the residence of W C. Parker. Mr. Lee Whita kcr. aged 33 years.' It will be giatifyingto his friends and relations at a distance, to learn that for two or three weeks prior to his death, while bis bodily infirmUiss increased, the health of his mental faculties was fully restored. oiitiivr- ' The recent death of James A. Mooke, of tbis city, in the very prime of useful life, lias justly occasioned gci eral and profound regret. The writer feels it due to that universal i sentiment and to tbe memory of our departed fellow citizen to give public voice, as it were, to the sense en tertained by the community ol their loss, and public expression to that regard in which tbe deceased wss held, while Jiving, and which has followed him to a premature grave. . When an old man lias filled the measure of his vcair, and, like an Autumn Irnit, mellowed long, lets go his bold on life, we mourn, but still we recognize the computed circle and a consumma ted work. It is when tbe young, tbe active and tbe genial are stricken down, in the very high way of existence, and amid ardent hopes and -valuable labors, that our regrets are untempered by snch reflections and consolations. Until within a short time past, there was every prospect before our -departed friend of many years of that nsctulncfs which bad marked ai his former life, and of that interchange of the kindly offices of iainily and friendship which had characterized all his former intercourse. The comparative suddenness of the close, which has crushed these fond anticipations make it the harder to be borne, and the more difficult 0 realization. Mr. Moore bad filled several offices of public and private trust with entire efficiency and fidcl Ity. He was possessed with a vigorous mind. with great sprigbtllnesB of expression and man ner, reudering casual or familiar association with him at all times pleasant and agreeable. True as the. polar star to friends, he had contracted, per imps, more than the usual number of intimacies which are found in hurrying along the avenues of life. ; , , - High-toned and honorable, he scorned mean ness In all its forms and phases. . 'When we add to all this, that l.e was tearless in the advocacy of what be. believed to be right, sympathizing aud gentle in the tenderer and mr re sacred rela lions of life, it is not surprising that, he stood in each good repute ami challenged 60 high es teem. , ;'- - ' ' ' i Lightly lie the turf above him, fragrant be his memory 1 A good citizen, a gallant gentleman bleeps where he rests, alter "'life's fitful dream. !..-' r- V". '' ."s G. Jew Advertisements. MECHANIC'S BUILDIAG IX D LOIS ASSOCIATION. THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE Mechauics' Uuilding and Loan Association wiil be held in the Court House ou Friday eve ning, Augaakfvat $ o'clock. . ; j - ' Members can pay their dues to Mr. John C. Blake, Treasurer,: at the Raleigh National Bank, or 1o the undersigned. All dues most be paid by Friday ijgbt. Members tailing to make paj -ment by that ni Will subject themselves tea fine as provided in By-Laws. i : WM. SIMPSON. Sec'y. aug3. . . "'' .r r B td. jy-EI.ODEOJf FOR SALE. Ta T; J A new Mcledeon, Inst from the manufacturers, for sale cheap. Enquire at this office. aug '; 484 lw FOR SALE. - N EXCELLENT PIANO. INQUIRE AT -J il this onlce. . aug 4 3t . . r- NOON -DISPATCHES, T Loxjisvuxb, August S. Several rows In which, pistols were freely used occured during the eeo tlon. None killed. " The city goeDamqcfatic by six thousand majority, and the Stateproba hlv bv fiftv thonsand. The Republicans (claim from fifteen to twenty mem bets of - tbe Legisla ture. Rio Janeiro s '3 Rio Janeiro, August 3 The' allies failed in the movement on Villa Rica, losing, for .several days, heavily from their rear guard. Lopez,iow evcr, was unable to follow tip his'ad vantage but . Ids position la the mountains prevents tne atuea recognizances. . ' "-; "" ' -) ; New York. :' ' ;: Nbw Tokk. August S.rMayor Hall presided ovr a largo Tammany meeting to protest against the course of the administration regarding'Auier- icane confined hi Cuba and. Ireland. ' France. . : PakIs, August S The Dralt Senntus Cfensul tum as completed gives the Emperor and Corps' LegislathT the initiative . irt making laws. The cabinet and ministers can be members J of the . Senate or Corps : Legislafiff, .: Sittings ::of.t'he Senate are to be pnblic. 'Each body is to make its own Internal regulations. Members of both chambers have the right to address interpreta tions to the government. No amendment. to, a law 13 to be adopted "unless', previously preferred t to a committee cnargeu wnu tn g..uijf i iuiiu- Ing the project of TdmmuVcating3to the gov ernment. It tbe latter does hot accept tt the Council of State will ben pronounce definitely on the subject. The budget is to be submitted by chapters and articles. All modifications of tariff and postal service by international treaty are made obligatory, only by laws enacted .or that purpose. EIGHT DISPATCHES-. Wasfcinston. Washtsgton, Aug. S. Cubans, here have of ficial advices to the 26th- The, Cubans in recent engagements have made quite a number of pris oners v Inch prevents an immediate slaughter of captured Cubans and secures their proper treat ment.' This modification extends to captnred tillibueters. Gen Quesada completely destroyed the communication with Puerto Principe Sickness in the city alone prevents Its 'occupa tion by the patriots.. Several efforts, of Gen. Latona to open communication have been dis astrously defeated, the Spanish losses being tre ble that of the Cubans. Gen. Latoua'a Effective force at Nuevets and the entire 'district.is about four thousand; Quesadas' U nearly nine thousand well armed and disejpled men prepared to ad vance" when the sickness along the coast is sufficiently, decreased to permit him to do so. Gen. Jordan had several defensive fights in all of which tbe Spaniards were repulsed with pro portionately great loss. At Villa dlara tbe Spaniards lost two hundred men with arms, amuuiticn, . wagons, ordiiimcc and provision trains. Another expedition near Triuidad, to take possession of ceitaiu marked plantations, was nearly-destroyed. Eighty Spaniards were killed and three hundred captured. The num ber of Spaniard engaged in this fight was thirteen hundred, audi that of the r Cubans but 7C0. General Jordan reports himself ' and troops iu excellent condition, and asserts that his command is equal to three; times the . same number ot those opposed to bim. He says they arc well organized, well drilled and fight like demons. His force is daily increasing by recruits. He expresses entire confidence in the Success of the Revolution. , Revenue to-day $674,000. Depositories are instructed to withhol d green back legal tenders from circulation.- Cresweit hopj to be ablo to come to Wash ington in 10 days. . j The revenue authorities contemplate stopping disti.lation of liquor in riinadelphn, in order to .start noon an honest basis. Hereafter all custom blank forms will be fur nished from hen, ' : N Wilmington. ... Wilmington, Au-iift 3. Arrived, steamer "R, Clvde" from New York. Cleared, " W. A Clyde" and "Volunteer" from New York Weather cloudy, heavy rain to-day Wind S. W. Thermometer i9. Spain. - BY FRKNCH CABLE.: Madrid. Ausr. S. The Captain General of Madrid h s addressed a letter to Regent Serrano and General Prim, in which he said, "I took part iu the revolution hop:ng to sec morality, law and Justice succeed to lortiicr abuses. It is now ten mouths since the revolution was accomplish ed, and my hopes have been deceived. Greater abuses, widespread immorality and deplorable anarchv ireail disorders' to which it is f Absolutely necessary to put nn end - - , The Constitution haviug proclaimed a mo narchy, the immediate ehoice ot a King is in dispensable. Il the Government does not short ly consiiler the question, I shall abandon all nopc6 as to the consolidation of the resolution, and retire to private lite, luis letter wts reaa in the Council of Ministers, and Created a profound impression. : Saxony. Dresden, Ansgnst 3. Three hundred man were killed qutright iu a Colliery accident in the mountains near this city. i Novia Scotia.: Halifax, August 3. The man-of-war Eclipse, from Rio Grande hither has lost her 'commander, first Lieutenant and sixteen others by yellow fever. Tbe ship Barracuta has arrived fever aboard. with the Markets. Wilmington, J uly 2. Spirits Turpentine 3S. Eo3in quiet. No. 2, 51,65 tOl,80. Crude Tur pentine unchanged. . Tar $2. L . t New Youk. Aucust 3. Cotton steady. Sales 1200 bales. Flour quiet," prices l"' generally un changed. Wheat more active at noon's advance. Corn irregular and unsettled. Western', mixed, $3 to $6. Pork quiet and ' steady. : Lard un changed. Whiskey lair, request whiskey $1,10. Rice quiet. Sugar firm. Molasses dull. Tur pentine 42 to 42. Rosin $2,25 to 58. Hides quiet. .Freights very firm. Flour, saij, 1 to 9. Governments closed firm. 'C2s,'25j South erns very dull. Money moderately' active at 6 to 7. Discounts dull Prime paper to 10. Sterling quiet at 10. Gold 85 i Stpeks very duiL-v x V-' - Baltimojie, August S Cbtfon dull and nom inal. Flour easier and in demand. . Light How ard street superfine $0 to $6,50.: Wheat firm,' choice white 5$ to $6. Oats active.' New 60 to (33. Rye dull at 15 to 20. Pork quiet!. Shoul pers 15 to 1X- Wbity heavy at $1,16; to $4,13. Virginia's old 49 bid. Coupons old 59 asked.' ; ivbkpool, August 3. Cotion a shade easier, prices" unchanged. Breadstufft firm. J Turpen tine 27 and 6.. " ' t NOTICE is hereby giveur That a third general ; meeting ol the creditors of Wm. '. Marlin, Bankrupt, will be held at Salisbury, irt the Dis trict Court of the -United States, lor itbe Cape Fear District ot North Carolina, on the 26th day of August, next, at 10 o'clock, a. m. before R. H. Broadileid, Register in Bankruptcy in said Dis trict, for the purposes named in the 27th suction of the Bankrupt act of March 2d, 1867. 1 Dated at Salisbury, the 20tb day of July, A. D 1809. . ,... W. R. FRALE j, Assignee, i ) 1 julyil 1 473-faw3w J Special' 3STotices. BRANDRETII'S PILLS. - -" They remove all bad 'accumulatlona-Jrom the bdwefs,and purify andluvlgorato.otbe system. All whose fcealth is, no perfect owe it, to them selvesto take a fen do&cs of Brand roth's Pills,' because the seeds Of decay are constantly eradi cated by their use; and the principle of lifetpn.-'. firmed, thus giving a vigor of body and mind to a i period when we have been used to see tho falter ine step and ;the enfeebled iritellecL HomAill . thn" dlatinBTiished 'fiberatof ht Venezuela, says he -has .used , them as his only . . memcmB tor imny yr factory results; v J i ' ' !- ?, 1 . ' - '. : .'" 1 - '-. . ' : ! For dostWeness, Dyspepsia, and as a Family -M ,, . i J.!nofi - - ; .v r Medicine,, they are unrivalled. .;, ' . . . , ; . ':,'.. ! : . ' .( .; Daniel L Tenney, Esq., Astor .House, New York, cured by Brandreth'S Pil Is of Dyspepsia: and Costivcness. when all other means used had failed. i i : "cm rr.-.: ;.: --v'- --i . ' ' ri ?..', - .-v..,, A ecntlcman whose father died of coDsuijip tion at 36 ypars., was also attacked, when about 81, by the d isease. He had cough, night Sweats, and general debility. Doctors re'evmmended end jivcrpil, hat he wasted away. . At last he deter-; mined to Use.Brandrcth's Fills."" In two.months they made him a sound man. -5 Jnly 13 im':,f IMPO RT ANT NOTICE. 17VA.RMEKS, FAMILIES, AND. OTHERS CAN - . purchase. n Remedy equal to; Dr. Tobias';.; Venetian Lmiincnt for the enreof Cholera, Dlar rboea, Dysentery, Croup, uonc, anu 5.1a aieaness, ; taken interjudly (it'is perfectly harmless; see oath accompanying .each .bottle) and externally ' for Chrome Kheumansni, ueaaaeuc, leotnacne, Sore Throaf,; Vutsr-Purns, Bw.eiinigs, jjruises,: Mosquito Bites, OldJSpresi PamS W LimbvUack nnd Chest. The VtHMrthm Ltemivnt wasntro- duced in 1847, and no ne vno lhas used. it but : continues fo do so, many waling, it H was ie-n Dollars a Bottle they - would not be without it. Thousands of certidcates can be seen at the De pot, speaking of its wonderful curative proper ties. , Price, Fifty Cent and One Dollar. Sold 'by the Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the Unitcdj States. Depot, 10 Pari Place, New York. , "july ,:2 1m , , ." .. ., . , . . ' ,; GRANT & "PROSPERITY-. i Businesi revives under the new regime. Other than general causes have, however, given a tre mendous impetus to the sale of , Crlsladors's Exeelsior Hair Dye. The chemists have come ont Irk two leading scientific journals against the lead aud sulphur poixon for the head (ior that is their proper des ignation), with which the country Is infested, while Dr.jchilton, the first analytical chemist in America, announces to the world xtuat . Cristaddro's Dye is Utterly Poisonless, and that he knows it to be so, because he has ana lyzed it. j. . CRISTADORO'S HAIR PRESERVA1IVE, as iikc a cnarm on me nair ain-r Dyeing. ITry it! iuly 13 -d&wlm ERRING BUT NOBLE. Self-help for Yowng Men , who having Er red, desire a better MANHOOD. Sent in scaled letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, HOW ARD SANITARY AID ASSOCIATION, Box P., Philadelphia. "may 24-3m j BUCHU. From; Dispensatory of the Uuited States.! DI0S2IA CRElfA TJ. BUCH 0 LEAVES. rroperties. Their odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aromatic, their taste bitterish, and analogous to miut. - , Medical Properties and Utes. Buchu leaves arc i gently stimulant, with a peculiar tendency to tne Urinary Organs. .' They are given in complaiuts of the Urinary Organs, sucii as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder,! Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Disease of the Prostrate Gland, at d Re tention or Incontinence ol Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in its evacution. The remedy huu also becu recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affectious aud Dropsy.! y UEMBOLfVt EiTTakCT Bucnu is used by pcrr 6ons from the ages pf 18 to S3, and li oni 86 to 55, or in the decline or change of life; alter Con finement, or Labor Pains; lied-Wetting in chil dren. I In affections peculiar to females, the Extract Buchu is Unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ul cerated, or Scirrhous State ot the Uterus, Leu coi rhea.l or Whites. Dixease of (lie Bladder, Kidneys, Gradel, and Dropsical Swelling. This medicine increases the power of Digestion, aud excites the Absorbents into heajithy 'action, by which tbe Watery or Cal careous depositions, aud all Unnatural Enlarge ments a e reduced, as well as Pain and Innama tiou. ' Hembold s Extract Bccnu has cured every case of biabett-s in which it has been given. Ir ritationjot tbe neck ot the Bladder, and Inflam mation jl the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys aud Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland. Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, iBrick-Dust Deposit, and Muous or Milky Discharges, and tor enfeebled and delicate con stitutions of both sexes, attended with the fol io wing i symptoms j IudUosition to Exertion,' Loss of Power. ; Loss of Memory, Diineulty of Breathing; Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Discasei Wakefulness, Dimnes of Vision, Pain iu the Back, Hot Hands, Flnsbing of tbu Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face, Palid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the Muscu lar System, &c. ' ' -IIembold's Extkact Bucnn Is Diuretic and Blood-Purifying, and cures all diseases arising trom habits of dissipation, excesses and iuipru dences in life, impurities of the Blood, &c, su D'ersedinsr Copabia in atfeciions for which it is used, such as Gonorrhoea, Gleets of long stand ing, aud Syphilitic Affections In these diseases, used in connection with Hbmbold's Rosa Wash; Sold, by all Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Beware of counterleits. Ask for Hembold's. Take no other. Price $1.25 per bottle, or six bottles for $0 50. Delivered to any address. Desciibe symptoms in all communications. Address - -, H. T. HELIBOLD, j , 594 Broadway, N Y. . iNone are genuine unless done up in steel engraved wrapper, with facsimile of my Chemi cal Warehouse and signed june.10 2m H. T. HEMBOLD. NOTICE is bereby given, that a petition has been filed in tbe District Court of the United States lor the Cape Fear District Of North. Caro Una 'by Ramsour & Brittam, in said District, duly declared a baukrupt under the ae.t ot Con gress pf March 2d,1867, for a di&chargeiiud cer tificate thereof from all bis debts and other claims provable urider said act, and that the 16th day of August, 1869, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at the office of. It. M. Henry, Register in Bankruptcy, in.Murphy. N. . C i is assigned for, the hearing of the Mine; when and where ill creditors, who have proved their debts, and other personsin interest may attend and show cause, i,f. any they . have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be be granted. j. - , -. t Dated at Wilmington, N. C; on the 26th day of July, A. D. 1S69. , WM- LAKKINS, Clerk. ,si juiy iai , , lawaw . NOTICE Is hereby given, that a petition has been filed in tbe IMstriet Court of the Uni ted States for the Pamlico District of North Carolina by John M. Green, in said District, duly declaied a bankruDt under the act ol Consrrees of March 2d, 1867- lora discharge and certificate thereof Irom all his debts and other claims pro vable uuder said apt, and that the 16th day of August, 1869, at 10 o'clock, a. M., at tbe office of T. B. Keogb, Register in-Bankfhptcy, in Greeris borof N. C. is assigned for tbe hearing ef the same, when and where all creditors, who have proved their debts, ana oiner persons in interest may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. And that the second and third meet ings will be held at the same time ana place. Dated at New Bern, N; G.j on the 26th day of July, A. D, l63. i: CHAS. HIBBARD. Clerk. juiyigy . o xawaw .. QN FRIDAY, THE 20TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1669, rl will, eell at puWie auction, at the Courtl House door in the town of Louieburg, Franklin county, N. C, 700 acres of land, on the waters of Canterbury Creek, adjoining the lands of Floi d Williams, Jordan S.Williams and others. Also Notes. Accounts and choses in aetlon, all the propeuv of A D. Crudup, Bankrupt. Terms cash. J '7 H. J. BAINES, Assignee, july29" -' .- 478-law3w Raleish -Markets. A iYijliam C. Upchurcir,, Grocer,' w. , V r,-RALEIGH. N. C."i - . A PTT.VaArWiA MAhl - ' IT't-'J ' A flft ' -f 't " i sraanr. l .l 1 00 BACONv-per ponnd....'....:.! BEEF per pound... .-..,. ...;,, BEESWAX Der pound . 25 . BLUE STOSti-er pooad.. v ti-t ; CANDLESadaraantlne, per lbr.V. , 80 VHHKSJt-Hier pouna::.; . . .. ; . . ; ClIICKENa-(sprins apiece,. . S530 wv iritB per poona COTTON VAUN pet bule i 3 25 ooitN per buhul 80 I 101 20 FLO0H per Itarrei. . . FODDER per hnndred, new, ... GIMJEltr-.... r k. UA"?. (meadow) per nHmlred..., . HERIUNQS--per barrel..,.; LABD-perpowid..i....r.,..,.. t MEAL per bnhel rMOLASSES-ncw crop) per gal irr tf OAi'S per handrcd.. 12;flS - 1 25 ' I 40 - 75 7 o!$co ! J 90 i B5(?a70 18 009 00 t 71U ' 100 PfiAJS red. per bushel. " white: ii.-'.-v.. 1 So 1-1 IS :f 't PEACHES dricdaaone)..... oisrirHir buVhei:; i 5ft I 75t 00 RlCB-perponnd...... iakv Pr po ma. . so : 50 75 SPIOK per -pound;.; SHDCKS-pisr hnndred. ; SALT per sack..... . .. SUGAR crnshetl . . , . . ; , i. , - extra C...- .... ' : ''. V best brown.... I 8 75 -25-t 2i 1713 V '. '. brown .. ; is 1 TO ' 1 15 15 ' 1820 40 : iSALT per bushel . 'sOAP - 4nrpentine".'.".".'i'.":;i.". SODA per pound....... xtlSrraBahon" . i , -, '-.f 'v , , QQ.oia,l.: 'uX u ? -i :. ' ' " , , .. OF TIUf 'TJIflTED : STATES. ; 'hn v-, L'.fyV ,a98sjh2ird. Session of ito Fortieth . i r ; ; U . . PROCLAMATION. Convention bet wen the United States of America '. and France concerning trade marks. By the President of the . United States of America. ,j 5 dl"R6CLAMATl6Ni 0. Whereas a ; convention "between the United States of America aud .his Imperial Majesty the Kmperor ol tue.J rcnch was .concluded and sigu ed by their reepective plenipotentiaries, at the city of - .VY'ashinjrtott-ou the sixteenth day of 1 Aurit la'st.- which convention, being: in the En glish and French languages, is word lor word as follows-: i i ' - The United States of America and his Majesty the Emperor of the French; desiring to secure 1rr their resiX'cUVe territories , a guarantee ot prop erty in trade marks, have resolved to conclude a SDecial convention - lor this - purpose, and . have -named as tlieir plunipoteutiaiics : the President of the United States. Hamilton FfcliL Secretary of State, and his Majesty the Emperor ot the French, J. Berthemy, Cominanuer of tne impe rial Order otthe Legion of Honor, &c, &c, &e., accredited at his envoy extraordinary and minis ter plenipotentiary - to the United States ; .and the said plenipotentiaries, after examination of their respective full powers, which were found to be iu good and due form, have agreed to and sigued the following articles : ' - Article I. -. Every reproduction in one of the two countries -ot trade murk affixed in tne otner to certain merchandise to prove its origin and quality, as 1 orbiddeu.and shall give ground for an action lor damaires in favor of Hie injured party, to be pros ecuted in the courts of the country in which the : counterfeit shall be proven, just. as if the plain- till were a subiect or citizen or mat country The exclusive right to use a trade mark lor the benefit of citizens of the UnitetTStates in France, or of French 6ubjeets in the territory of the Unl-, ted States, cannot exist lor a longer periou man . that fixed by the law of the country for its own citizens. I ;. If the trade mark has become public property in the country of its , origin, it shall be equally free to all in the other country. V :, AnTtcLB II. - If the owners -of trade marks, residine in eith er of -the two countries, wish to secure their rights inj the other country they must deposit duulicate copies of those marks in the Patent Office at, Washington; and in the clerk's office of the Tribunal; ot Commerce of the Seine, at Paris. . '. . . . . i :" :' ! . AkticleIII. The present arrangement shall take effect nine tv days after the exchange of ratifications by the two governments, and shall continue in force for ten vears trom this date. - f case neither of the two high ! contracting parties gives notice ot itsAntention to dieeontin this convention, twelve months before its expir ation, it shall remaiu in force one year from the time that either of the high contracting parties announces itB discontinuance. - - , ., , AKTi;qi.K IV.. , The ratifications of this-present arrangement shall beiexcbanged : at Washington, within ten montha,' or sooner, if possible. In faith twhereol the respective plenlpotcn tiaries luive siirned the present convention in du plicate. , and afUxed thereto the seal of their arms. ' j ' ; .. . Done at Washington, the 16th day Of April, in the year of our Lord 1869. i Tu 8.1 ! HAMILTON FISH. l. 8.J N BERTHEMF. '. , - And whereas the said convention has been du-, ly ratified on both parts, and the respective rat iiicatious ol the 'same' were exchanged at Wash ington, On the third instant, by J. C. B. Davis, acting Secretary of State of the United States, and Count Faverney, charge d'affaires of his ina ne ri nl Mlyesty the Emperor of the French at Washington, ou the part of their respective gov ernments: . : Now, therefore, he it known that I, Ulysses S. Grant, President of the United States of Ameri ' ca, have caused the 6aid convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every clause and part thereof may be observed and fulfilled with gdod faith by the United States and the cit izens thereof. ' - '! In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. - ' ' . V :' Done at the city of Washington this 6th day of July,l U they.'ar or our Lord 18C9, and bt the in- ' dependence of the United States of Amerita the ninety-fourth. "" , seal,j . :." . ; U. S. GRANT. By the President :' : , i J. C. Banckoft Davis, ' j' ;', j ,i t 4 Acting Secretary qf State. :: IT. 0. MAP AND GAZATEEE r"pHE subscriber having purchased the entire JL- Copy Right, Plates, &c, of the above works, and desirous to expedite their, sale through the : entire State at an early day, j -? - ' Offiers to give active business young men a good chance to make money. 1 j '. . . :.:-.' I offer, three-fourth of the .Map for. sale, in Bhares of five or ten counties each.' ' : :S This new Map wilt be about live feet by four; ' ILLUSTRATED BORDER, ' 1 - Handsomely Engraved ConntlesRi Roads, PosJ; Offices, Mines, Mountains, Rivers, -'Ac,-. Ac. ' A Map worthy to be hung up in every House, Office and School in the State. .r ' -- Specimen copies ready about tbe IStof Septem ber, J 869. f trc . . : '.-- - ..-- :fy ;.. ; Terms accommodating; Address wit h-2stamps, . s .. . REV. SAMUEL PEAKCE, ':y j,'-',.fA't ' ;ii ..- V: ' .Wilmington, N. C. ' ' Editors topybig the above. 8 months,' calling: attention to 1 lie same, and teendiug a marked copy to me, entitled to a copy of the work. ; ' augS lm i '' S. P. ' . Raleigh, July 2,' 18C9. vi MESSRS. r.blTORS : We arc. n-cetvlng let ters daSj, makimr inauh-y as to thecjojaJec turn of the North Carolina Land Compafiy, with the iBgeuey in' this cily that is !carrying,Jon: the Loitery busiu jss. -," ' -'i if We wish l' iufornn.the public, generally"; that nr Comnan is a separate and distinct organiza tion, conducted upon entirely.dtacrt'nrplansnnd presided over bv different officers; .j ' fiis . ' GEORGE LITTLE,, President R. W. -Bssr, Sccretafy.j july 3 , 457 d&wlira, rpHE NORT Ft CA ROLINA RAILROAD IS J now lurnibhcd with ' - -1 , v 1 ? ; ' ' A . '. ' SLEEPING -'CARS ;iasf K jv of eldgaat conslructioh adapted to ease and 'coiii ior., '-t ttu-it ---'iilir'i-iiv' ..-I'-'t Passengers will bear in jniad ithe adyantages this road now offers lor their jcomlort int night travel. ALBERT JOHNSON, SnpM, A ; &Vni9-,.-, i:.rtJ. .384 tf. j '."'. IRISHPOTATOESs LOT Off SINE IRIS H POTATOES- TOR sale low, pX ,.VA mav20 . .... , : 1 i1! " -rr t- -r -r-' i ... , , -a j rr, ,r i . i . iu r-'1 .-, ,n .... i ...- i -us.;; - ! A t ilx KosKOiE7bas attained in all parts fC3pp Which '., ,rn i. country.,1 4 u .",;,: ;,1tt AS A GREAT AND GOOD MEDICINE! has induced Dr. Lawrence to enlarge hi Labora tory andfactlitiesfor manvfaetwinff,' bo as to be enabled to supply the extraordiuarv demand for .............. r, .. . . THE LlfiGE St MBER OF TESTJ3I03iIiL3 Vi which are constantly being- received from Physi cians, and persons who havb bbbn cured by its USe, is COKCL USIV5 PBOOP, Of its , 3EMA.BSABLK iAs aBlood Puiifier; jl has no Equalj Most Powerful Vegetable Alterative Yet Discovered'! 4:d :- JSEASES-OF. THE -BLOOD; "The life of the -flesh is In the11 blood." is a Scriptural maxim that science proves to b frae. .nU 4.11. hnJ l,U.J AA ... ... u tf "this of batf "blood is founded In truth. Xo say nothing bt those fiumbrs that'are'lieredltary, We can easily see now- the Blood tny become bad from imperfect Digestion or failure of excretion, and how this may influence the process of Nutri tion, and thus influence all the functional activi ties of tbe body. :, . ; ' ' The symptoms of bad blood are' usually quite; plain bid Digestion cause; imperfect-nutrition, and consequently -the circulation is feeble, tnu soft ties ues lose tbetr tone and. elasticity, ana the tongue becomes para, broad, and Jreneiitly -tion soon shews itself in reuffhuess of -the skin, then in eruptive and iwreroflw diseases, aou when long continued, results in serious lesions of the Brain, Liver, Lungs, or urinary apparatus, ftiucn, Very much, snfleiiiiir is caused bv impure blood. It is estimated by some that one fith of 'the hu man family are affected with scrofula in some lortn.n - - .v. -. :'..-. .... an.. t"-i- -... Persons suffering from any bad hum .rare very liable to have it settle ou ti e Langs or some other vital organ. The only safe rule is to remove tbe Blood poison at once, beloro it settles ilself upon some vital point. , . ,'!." When the Blood is pure, you are not so liable. to any disease. ' Many Impurities of the Blood arise from impure diseases ot largecnies. sraai cate every impurity from tbe fountain ol life, aud good spirits, fair skin aud vital strength will re turn to you. ,t - . KOS KOQ! AS A T ,T VER I ISrVIO-OIRAT OR '( UX y.JUP'. X 1V V V;r,--n'-"- V ' STANDS UNRIVALLED!.- t . P-ln,,1 fVo nTiW TTrTOWW icTTor1irinft I .Being tne OHiy . JUM U W IX , JKie(llCine., that ErnciKNTLT stimulate and eorreets the herr-. patie secretions and functional derangements of the 11 VEX, WITHOUT DEMLITATTKG IU6 8 Stem. ( Whilsit acts freely, upon the Liver, Instead o: copwux purging, it gradually eUauges tne ois Charges to a perfectly natural aatt. . r , SYMPTOMS OF WyEB CQMPLAIBT AMD 0 SOME , , Or TH0S3 DISEASES PBODUCEDJRy IT, -t,, . . j A sallow or yellow color of the skin, er yellow : Isli brown spots on the face and other parts o , the body; dullness a'nd drowsiness, spmertiiies''' headache;, bitter or bad taste in the mbutfr; fh ' 1 ternal beat ; f n many cases a dry, teatng cough ; ': unsteady appetite;, sometimes- sour sUm(Ch, with a raising of . the. food; a bloated, or full j feelin'about the stomachand sides; aggrSvatin-, pains in the sides, back, of breast, and about the' shoulders; constirpation Of-the bowers L1 piles, " flatulence, coldness ot the extremities, &c. : 1 : i t.4 Ll - K O S K 00 ! ; I) a remedy of wonoerful efficacy in 'the curb of diseases ot the Kldsktb aud Bladdek. Iu these affections it is as near a specific as any. remedy can be. It does its' work kindly', si'.ently and subklx. -The relief which it aflors is both emtaiu and perceptible. ( ; H, ;, -",. ( DISEASES OF, TIIE KIDNEYS AND BLAD t : ;; ::,DER. !.;. ,'.;;.' -i.i-y !. Persons unacquainted with! the structure and functions of' the Kidneys cannot estiuiate tb importance of their healtlty action... - Regular and sufficient action of the Kidneys Is as important, nay, even more so, than regularity of the bowels. The Kidneys remove- Irom the Blood those effeie matters, which.it permitted M remain would speedily destroy lite. . Ai total suspension of the urinary discharges wilfocca-J When the Urine U voided in mall quantities'' at a time, or when there is a dispositiou 'to Iri-i nate more frequently hau natural, or when. the Urine is high colored or scalding with weakness, in the small of the back, it should not he t riffled with or delayed, but Koskoo should be taken at once to remedy the difficulty, before a ksioa of the organs takes place. Most the diseiK-s ol tc Bladder originate from thqsa of. (tne. Kidneys, the Urine being Imperfectly secreted in the Kid-( neys, proves Irritating to the Bladder and Urinji rv passaires. When wo recollect that 'medicine -nover . reaches- the-. Kidneyft-xtupt tbrough 4he4 general clrcu'atKm ot tne isiood weieeiiow necessary it is to keep the Fountain ot Life' Pure. , ! if; (.liU'll.'il ... 4. 1 .1- -.if. .5Us.Ti':.rrr;i n Meets with Great Success iniheCura of '. DISEASES OF THE RVOUS SYSTEM . Almost nine-tenths of ur people suffer' from nervous Uau8tionk and are, therefore Mable ta its concomitant evils of mental depression,'Oft fused ideas? softening of thelirarn.'niSatlltyTSild complete breaking down of the general health. Thousands are sufferingtd-day with broken down nervous systems, and. unfortunately, tobacco. alcohol, late hours, over-work, fmenthl and -ehyrln 1 sical;)areeausm!tdlseasesof the nervous 'ststein to increase at arfearful ratio. vi i'- T The symptoms to which diseases or theier vous system give rise, jnay be sifted as follows: A dull, heavy feeling in the head, sometimes more or less severe pain or headache; Periodical Headache. Dizziness. Noises or. Rinirinir in the Mead; Oontusjoo of Ideas; Temporary. Loss ofl Memory , feieeiiuii vi ojinis ; ominiijj uunui; Sleep : Bad Dreams i Hesitation '111 ' AiiSwerlmf sQuestions: Dulness of. H carina:; Twitching ol (rt.e Faceaud Arm', Ac.', which, it jiot promptly lm potency, -Apoplexy, fcc.v &e. - - - - - - !ocLusioN.,,', - . Suffering rcade-, do not fhinlc that because you have tried other remedies,, you cannot be cured bnt recollect that God, in His Providence, has not afflicted His children with pain and dis ease, without nt the. same time giving Xhem some thing iii the Great 'Gardeu' of Nature tfiat will nre them. 3 A i-. i 4 .iUill i,r. Have no hesitation In writing to roc, and stal ting your 'cose - in lull, and I will1 answer you promptly. fr: t iM ' . ).:,-.! . : ..'in. ,ti :. : jyj Is nota secret'qirclt remedv.: FORMULA arouna each bottle. ' . Recommended, by tha ' best Physl claus, eminent Divines, Editors, Druggists, Mercbant,(n K n S ?,!!. . . m BEST , AS1 M0SX: POPULAR MEWCBI -Dl (ISS. ' , PREPARED ONLY BT .7, ..' ; -l.i'.ii;-.! . ;.-. j lu,t ,u. -f-.;.'i.uf V, J:4'Vr j. J. LAWRENCE, Ml D. r ; PRGANIC1 ; CIIEM1STV If 'ZafaratoryUt&J: ' HAKFOLK4 IT A. t'--1 - Price One Dollar. PcrBotlteS uKty ' I i4Hi Siii'i 5fa'-f"'f: For alft bv WILLIAMS. 4 iwfitP. PESCUDfSr 80N;RaJWgh;N;tr, an atr Uy Druggists everywhere. rluly tJNfcl, TJ 8 Circuit .CYirt., - nap Los uihtici mi jiariH unni. - . . r For the District sf Ksrtk CarelUs. "eMeU, Term at MorcanUm, binniny X'JjU "r r f J"', 9th AuyuL 1860. " - Whiakv Lati. owur uoknown.r-LUlcli f ' I Intoqttatlo..-. - --. -- ,; '. 'To TUB OWWKM AX CXAnSAVTS OT SAID F0- tKTT, AWK, AI4 WHOM XT' -VAT OOIICKIOI - . ' GaasTiHO : ; . ?s- "' V1,! :"- ' -i - jX property was seised by L r. : I y puty Collector ot Internal Ke' 1 Collection District, Ctb Divlslo - a lina, and Samuel H. Wiley, Col. . I Revenue lor the 6tu Collection Dien . th ' Carolina, as forfeited to the vseol t. . . .icd . 8iates lor violation or the fnteirulHcTt i - j f v , and tbe same is libelled by D: U. btarbuck, L t,l ' ted States Attorney? and prosecuted ia saUI !" ' trict for condemnation for the taoaea tn aU LI ,i be! of Information act forth; and tbataa idea else win stana lorirw ttnt;oun noom ib im mwb .. , of Morganton, on Friday, t ho lStn day i Anjfuit, A. U. liXi'3. If that toe a day of juriadii-uoo, and " if not, at tle next day ot lartsdictio thereafter,- : when nnd where all pel ions are waraad topp, lk' to show cause why condemnation abould iol b ., decrocd, and to intervene for their lntrcl. , -i Glvun under my band at office. In RaJUgtl, on the 27th day ot July, 1869. .- , -a ! & T. CARRO Wy-U. S. Marshal.-. ' V July 31 .. . 't t -a! ; 4dO-lswUf , -- " -- - District Cearl ir MtJesiissnci, For the Dlstrift sf irsrtk Cartflss: , ; United States va. 4 8UIls hd Flxturesi'Troperty . x ot Jas. B. Lanier. Libel of 'LiiornuUon., To Jas. B. Lajsibk, asd all whom rr mat i ' ' ! i , , ooaoxaa-rrUaaanjirr n . ' "vfoTICE is hevebr Klveoi that the above prop" U. v-arty waa-aauaay fiuand u. wlly, uou ' lector ol Intcroal Revenue lor CttvCollectWo Dls- '' trict al North Caroli& as forfeited o ho utoof V . the United States for violation of tbe iutarnat .' Reveuue Laws, sud the sain a Is libelled by D. IL . , 8tarbtttk, United States Attoruey tad proMcu : tef iq the .District Court of tb United Btatta y , for the District of Cape Fear, to be held at Mor : canton; on the second Monday of Aonat, lse9, . , fol1- eonKlert trfft1 far the cauaes ta said Lltx-la. set forth;' and that saideauaca will stand formal . ' at thejCourt Roora pf aald Court at Monrtntoa ' on Friday, 13th day o Aagust, 1809, if ttat be a. . . jurisdiction day, and If not at the neat day of Ju- ' risdiction thereafter, when and where all poraoaf are warned to appear to show cause why con demnatlon should not be decreed, and to intar- . . vene for ihelr Interests. ' 11 '''' Given under my band, at office in Raleigh, on the 82nd day ot July, 18i.- .i A.fT , . . r. - SAMUEL T- CARRO Ww 4r,.. Jnly28-1aw2t , : . r U. 8. Marthal. ... J District Conitf United Stales af Aneoo'f ; , f sr ine visinci gf aertp tareuaa. United States vs. 9 Boxes M nu facto rod Tobae Tit; eo.'i Wairon. 2 Mules and I In rn eta. Property (ft ! ; ot Oeob. Reie. Mbcf of lalormatlon. To' Geo. BT. Rrvss, aku all whom rr mat '' " :. ' r ' r . , .. tn - ooacutf-ftfiixrtva f f-t 1 TVTOTICE ia hercly Jflvea, tba the abora pe-'J A IN erty was seized by 8muo4 H. Wbllav. CoU lector of Internal Revenue lor 0th Collection 1 District jof North Carolina, forfeited to Umm i r or the United Sutto for violation of the Iateraal v Kevenuo A.8WS, anu iueuuic is iukiiwi uj v .i Startiuck, United 8tates Attorney, and prosecd-' . ted in the District Court of tbu United 8tats J for the District ol expert r, to utbew ti mc.- iranton. on the aocoud Uoudny of Auicat, lWflL or condemnation for the comm la Mid Libel of inlormatlon set forth ua that said u wilt stand for trial at the Coart Kitem of Mid Coart t Morganton, on Friday, 13th day or Anvusuf A. D. 1809, if that be s Jurisdiction day, sad it not . at the next day ot Jurisdiction tberealter, whta and .where U .persona aru warned to appear ta ,,t how cause why-condemnation. should not p decreed, and to intervene for their lntereatt.! ' . arven urider my band, at bffice In Ralctgu; o tLe22nd dayOf Julyrl6ji.- ' .m .-i i - t July28-law2t.,.;, , y. 8. Marshal.,. I ' T 1 .' ' 1 ' ' i I -T rnH13 IS TO GIVE NOTICE; ThataTxtlUou. ; Jl hs been filed in the Diatrlct Ceurf of th United States for the Cape Fear DUtrict of Nona ! Carolina by James A.:KeVy, In said bljtricf, dnly , declared a bankrupt under the act of Comrnees-1 of March 2d, 1867; lor a discharge and cert local thereof from ll his dobU intUt cUlma pron-.t vablaunder said aet,, and that 4 he. 25tttd of August, 1869, at 10 p'plock, A. M., at the offioe , of ft. H: Broadfleld,' Reglrter in Bsnkraptcy,1 W SaltBbury,' N. C.j- Is assigaeA for ts bearta the. same, when aud where ail ereditore wb ' have, proved fheir debts, 1 and other uroo in,.j interest may attend and show cance, U sny they : have, why the vrayerof the said prlu6ner eboali' not be granted. . , . ct l( Dated at Wltmlngtdn;N..C.erf tteUth day of Jury; A. D. 1809. ::' .-"" '-' A - -it -v-if,. ! 1 ,WMi LABKIN8.ClrltiTT Jtli J ,..) M DlSSOLITIOIt, V. . '1 J I rrHR conartncrfblD. exlstlrus between )VUki,. X LIAMS & LAUBETH w dUolved on the - ' first of My.' ' " . '' , A4I who are lndcWed td ttoa are rsqaeetetft'! call aud settle their account; l u 1 I .umj 1 ALFRED WtLLlAMg, i ;-,i!.tf .'r C Wl LAMBETH. 71 j 'j Raleigh, June, 1SC9. ,r,iy,iyj alebed ;. wiiiLuitf;:: ' .;,!; -'i-'t wilL coiTffua Ithb i. , ' j. it BOOK AND STATION ER Y BUSIHES bN'hls own -ercoufiti sad liUt Itcsp 0tnrtssttyf t on hand -a large atock of his sank School, SUndard sad Miscellaneous Booka, -.;. ! Music. Account and Blank Books, Fins ,,,Mj i Pulpit and Family Photograph Bibles, ; " - ; . .TestanMsMto; Prayer - and' -UyiiMA :.!'.'! ! BooklVwia,PltotograpUfaae1,,',;j)Irj I '.lr ,ii .1-' tsplendiA-, .ir-j,, j..tj ! v ni.cwojijp..cTinE?,, w i i xu l- SlaUynery In great, vwWj tMumi Perfumery, Soap and Fancy Arllclea, , t Together itfi' vvery article naualtyVcpt UtkrH Book and Statibnery line: '""i " ' j Hisstock tei .-.f H i .it il ? n? ' l-t,Ai n.lj vxo.tAtbHtVr'UV MtlSlt Mlti (hivfr"nc!,b1d' ktoeU;) abd'rutted MPf h f rekeif J wtnUof SJibtradoi altiof wIiUb.wmI Sot4 aaU pr)ce a 1W M pun t h4 Wf any, holo,tUo, and wlliiprpeure (any.jVopK.VPt oaihend on te4 re sohclted ahd will meet with prqturY,, Attention ' .il.J ii . tUD ' lALFW WILLI A118,' ' ' -j v Jifi ,,i'.;i(.I. 'i i i-8cceeeorto fl-a t .. . j WILLIAMS A LAMTXTH.' ' Arent for Wilcox & ikb gewtosr ' '. ft June 9 '1 "it'V .-iinj'i".f l-riinwr" il 135 1 l. rv' ' - i Boxes, X ljtoxet ana POie oaiPa-.j tine Candles (or ) 1... ; .1 .ITT TfPf!H indies for . eaie ww at wnoi'o,. UPCHuBCn k IX) DD. f I iJ. ill. 1 jttm wn nvYERLHANTS and other dealers wbo biVwbOt ill taken oat Licence required bylaw, maa ' do,o Immediately, and thereby save noaeeasary , trouble and coeL Thoee having Uel4ctneaart be prompt id rendel-lnx their anarteriy sUt . I llents: tfie first Quarter, endlngfJnlj latiltW,' f bavidirvepiredk ' i-iJtr.rw .! July 29 dlw, SbertUffeketJou .ton A 1 . ATTORNEYS - AT j -k ?,.!i Raleigh." iri'P'.' UU'V. J , 1 Y-il ATESTEHrV rfOv I? T ROAU1 t i ,l.!Offli Secretirf Treetwer,!'! i-u hnflE 'A usual .Meeting oi the boWrm t4 ; JL, theVVefti?rn North Caroliv KaUroad Cor- lanyEaslern Division) will be held la the to a of Newton; N. C, on Thursday, thetCUi day t.fi f ,7a yi'.;'i '! In. JtrC COWLES,i ,4'; I )jn jrbUKtf MAy'desirou.t pt optalnl.? cm- j lA'lploynbAt tiflief'lil a'Oroeery crDiJ L's" , Wfcf e notautf bjct,hl stMdy mpJoysuW-A ApHywthW.PiJicf. aL :,fUx'li VaCi1!-' Hi h. ,f i.lV .?" I 1 S J' . ..... v.,. I iJii ftiw r DttED TUOT8AN& LVOLXALS. i Pertona Sh- '; Ing to aubseriue to tue "Vv.i " V niLtawiUi V;d::C,DVr f 1 1 LA3 ua 2t .c - - a.--t-'. . j..-'-,.-s-' tv-: 1

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