"The Old Irth State ForeTcr-Co Static Copies Fire CcnU VOL I. SALISBURY," ISf ' 0. SATURDAY . EVENING, ; MAY 19, 18GG. NUMBER 43 St. TUkJmOXf PakV. St Pre. II II 1 1 the Old Worth Stotc ..4ni4iLY Xnrii ZXanHi4k. Jaka S. XXaaptaa. iifiiiua, uim. BBBBeBmmaaBmB tj" KATES Or SCMCBIPTiOS.1 tM ABVABCaT. Daily paper, Oe Tear. - ni afl.at 4.M 1.00 - - rex assent. . - I -A Tea iiuOM Tear. k Twan mini. ttoe Tear. A mX Mttopaaer aadacaara the exaamtam af the mrnym . Tbe tn(M which Ike "Ola Sobtw Statx," to swiaaed MeeJarJy let. X aauaa wB he 1111 1 aaase M weJc.am visnsrto every toaiBv. laei U4 tbiama has eewaawd rtoarrvtraser abi Bad RATES OF ADVERTISING. : e g . at , 2 o c r- ft : ;r K 3 S 5 : : - : 3 S " . ;; ; ; ; g-glglglglgig: . r : : c S - - . t? g3g:g:g:g5:g:g: 5 g: g: g: g: g: S : 5 f " b : ' . : : : : : . ( K: : a j S : g : g I g ; 8 : 8 : 1 : 3 r : : T. J s : g : : o f rj g: s : g : g : s : g : g : i - H - Z ' ; j g I g ; g : : g : g : "g : , : : : : j : o. g r g : g : g : g : g : g : j & T ; 2 r : ft ; ft j- g ; g I g : g : g : g : g : r i 8:5: r : : K g: gi g: gi g: g: g: ? g ; g : g : g : g 1 g : 'g : y I : f ': $ : S i 6 : S : SS : " I : "g : I : I : ; : : i . s 't : f i f ; g : ? j f ? x k : I : I : g : g t g : g : f f i 5 GET THE BEST DnmroBS, iicciuincs, masutacttmiU. 1IMI !! lt! TW W Mixf U tk T7nHd State for Mwhwiif. lTeotof m4 lUekiiibta, to th 04I.B Or DbVKKCI ation TU ftilfawing klQ Miied durlaf to A bmta W entitle! Aa Act to caUblUfc ScaU of IVarnUtfaia f Oafclaraai Cwmff. wssaiAa, My aa oroinaao af ua La' HUa4 "Aa aaaiaaaaatnwlarun aaaoaf ara la loroa, aa4 fur aa laa IWk da orOotohar,. datrartbaUeaaraiAaembl arovida aoataof yllaaooMA4Tortlmoti. rientiilc.'Amcricaii. n UtL Umt la rniaa. ani ha b Car the wi- Vat eirralatioa of ay other paper of It elaM drpwctattoa a tha OaaMMata Me7 (T7hrr It U nnWUkil wMikW Each tif tu Bnt tawiato thaaad M uwv aad it ti ia tae awatry. It la pabuaaaa wmkij. xen I u-aMlaiad tart "ail lacy aaatraaia, aaaihar aootauM aixtw pea, wnn anmr- Ipkospectus OP THE JIUTUXIIFOIID STAB . arian wart lava aad f C-Tbo Ua4raiad fMWpoMto MUiab, la U UloatratioBtt "Tbe aambera for a year take two tuImbm. 416 mtm eah. It alao euaUin a foil amount of all the principal ln- rralioBj and diaeoTenes of tbe day. Ainu, Taloable illiutratetl articlf apon tool and ma ehinrry nwd ia workshop inanaiactorie, itm an aMiehaaieal enirinoerinr. woolen euttoa, chemical, petroleoin, and all other laaufactnring and producing intereat. Alao, Firearms, War Implement, Ordnance, War Veaarle, Railway, Machinery, Electric Chem ical aad Mathematical apparatus, Wood and Lumber Machinery, Hydraulic, Oil and Wa- trrPnmpe, WaUtr Wheels, eta., lioiweftoia, iluftM-ttltaral and Farm Implement this lat ter departmrat being very full and of great raW to Farmer and Gardener. Article embracinr every department of P(HUr Science, which every body can under stand and which every body like to read. Alm.Rwortof8eieBtine Soeietea, at home and abroad ; Iatent Law Decisions and Dis- eeMMMaa, ITacticai necipea, eio. u sjwi cuu- taiasaa official list of all the Patent Claims, a special tVatore of great value to inventor ad owner of Patents. The PatlishersaLioacta Agents for pro- enrimr Patents for new intentions. . A new volume of the Scientific American eDumraeed Janoarr 1. TERM :iDer rear: f iatiirsixnvntft. Ten eotiie ( ne vear, 25. Canada aub- cription 25 cent extra. arccmcs copica sf.xt fkee. AddreM MUXX A CO., Xo. 37. Park Row, New York. solvabl ia moocy, whether ander seal or not, nuwie after th aenraciauoa af aaid earreaey hefcta taa tat day af May, two, aa y aaniwa, teaeepa ancsw boada sad panal bonds paysbk to th but,) sksll ka deemed to La v bee autde with the aaderstaadiaf that taey wer aelvaMa ia mosey of tba aaid eama cy," aabiect Beverthalaai to endeaee of a aiflvreai hv tent or th parties to tba eoatract: Uiarebre, -Ha H enacted by tbe Ueaemi Aaannbly of th 8Uta of KorU Carolina, aad ktiaaareby enacted by tbe antborityofthasanie," Tbatth Jullowinr arsla at depreciation be and the aaas is hereby adopted aad established sslh oseasars ef valae f oat gald dollar ia Confederate enrreacv. for each nwata, aad tbe frsrtioDsl parts of the moath of tieceniber, 1864, ftota tbe 1st nay or November iooi, nusis aay ot May. 1866, to wit: ttcaie or aeprecuuoa oi lonajoerBie iWicwy, urn old dollar bebif tbe nntt sad ajeasnr of T aloes froiB Not. 1st 1861, to May 1, U." llOKTES, 1861. IH69..186S. 1864. 1966 Jaaoary, February, March, April. May, ane. Jly. ABJrast, Heptember, October, November, December, Dec 11 10 116 190 1 30 . tto 1 60 1 60 160 I 60 160 90U 900 960 960 300 IU0 . 400 600 160 660 900 1400 1400 1400 16 W 90 00 &0M 60 00 .0000 10000 3100 9100 9300 9UU0 .19 00 1800 9100 9)00 9600 98 00 t00 1 to 10th tocl. sire. lOthtoStkh, " 1st to 61st, Tea liaea mf aobd inch kmpkwim of aqnare. trpe, or ahnat SaaaUy aUhool SaaUMr.' A NEW ENTERPRISE ! , Th UadVnisnaed, TheJinaelvei Memteri of , tk. SUUtfttk S-hMl. Doee to eommenee in ih h uf BaJeia-h. on or about tbe 1st of next May, T1IE 8lXDAT SCHOOL BAXXER." And Jin the commencement of thi- little work of bere, being boys, onreelve, may we not appeal n every Humlay Kcnooi ooy, ana girl ia North Carolina to eotne up pronittly to aid tbe nndertakinfr. 1 our own State, there are very many Sabbath Scowls, and from the ImI iafcirmation we have, the acholafship is Urge and increasing, and it i from them we lool tut that patronage which is neeeasary to improve and keep floating, this native stan dard which we propose fit their benefit. It u nft fr pecuniary gain that the "Baknek," U established: it has nir its aim hleher.ob- jtvtai and if we' etweeed in our enterprise, it will be to m alter lite a source oi grew aa Isfaetiwa to know that, in our boyhood days, we gave a helping , hand to Sunday Schools, the preparabiry School for places of high trust and position, In the work of our Heaven ly Fathe. , Its name sufficiently indicates the object which isto eontnd its editorial conduct. There (is necessity however for the remark thatrit will not be denominational, but alike open to 36 00 4600 4000 I And whereaa. many srave aad difllcalt diapates nv arise between executors, administrators, rear- disna ul trnlees. aad their lecatee distributees. r ... . . . . in v m mma wards and eeetu yaane wast, m ue aenieawai oi meir i ' areoBBBi aad traaia. arbnaa- Bon tae aesfeesaiaMi or l menu aa wiu Confederate earreaey, State treasury notes ana aaaa I Uonntry, and notes, incident to ssd growiag eat of the late war; I WihninaTton. sad that law suits an expansive uugauoa amy ae obviated. . .' Be a therefore enacted, Tftat tnsa,sncB eaaes. urn parties am hereby empowered to farm a roll aad per fect staanaeat of tba ease en both side, which esse shall ba aahaskaad to the diitorajlastitiB afaaeafta lodfaftheltaperiar Courts, chosen by the parties, who to hereby authorised -to censiderwadeMararia tb seme, aeooraai to aqany aaa awa soeasHewc-. Provided, however. That ao part of Uusseetioa shall It la oar desire to nakc Tba Star wol- eotne viaitur to ail those who feel aa intereat in the proeperrty and welfare of our country Ma whole, and the perpetuity of our Institn- tiooa, as banded down to us by our bodm an eesty, a Federal Republican Government On r people have bat lately emerged front a ruranUe vil war. waged by aad between Sections of a onos glcaions Uaion, aad nmrnj deaolatinc to oar rawtleular aeotioa. than any thing that has ever happened on this contin ent, and it la to be nopeo, tftan ever wui again. While there is life there is hope, "and not withstanding tbe great changes wrought by tae late.envil war, we snail eneoarage Hie peo ple to honesty, industry and economy, shall take special pains to keep then posted with all beneficial improvements of tbe age, so that they may onos mora enjoy bountiful stores, prosperity and happiness. Wenall from time to time publish such lawt, both State and National, aa our people are dlrery eoticerned in, and ihall likewise use oar influence to establish a sound drcula ting currency, so much needed at the present time. We shall be governed by principle and not men, for according to our honest conviction, the present condition af our country is owing to the abandonment of principles,, we mean the abandonment of those fundamental prin ciple upon which the OoTernmeot of the Uni ted 8Utea wa reared. W shall favor aad eneoarage the develop ment of all oar reaoarees, Agnenrlaral, Min eral fa and likewise soch internal improve- most likely be beaenciai to tbe penally tba extension of tae tSmcMmtOm JUtwnUMtmntn. IiTlitoDnasi A4wartisaats. NEWFIUM L S.UJSBUUY! A B00X TO THE SICK' AND The Light of the World. 1 Pills and Salvo. J. 17. Gray & Co. HATE Jast rer4ved aad opened at Xe. t. Mar phr's Granite boildmx. a new aad Fptradid Muvkof btaaeaaad FANCY DRY GOODS, which they will sell far rath or bartrr. only, as luUwws. A larg aad bramuiul assurtaaml uf LADIES DRESS GOODS, embracing the newest aad banring style of the of GeaUroKH', Tenth' Thsat LiCMivtoa iwaasdaaam saw, atrea aaMlcly totaewarld. Far ever a qaarter a osatary at pev 1 vat aractkw the iarred tenia in these Have bsea ased with the greatest socccas. Their net aaly to sit re at diseaaa, but to tare. the varieea nuUadie by wbieb tbe tosnnVriair. aadrerljroratea the nuling system. A Urn sad Boy' Gooda, Ladiea Somiuer Wrapping. Ladies' M-sw.nd OuldAM's Triauoed Hats, nww thape. Ladies, Vwses and ChiMnrnt. llnop gtirta. LeJire, Miase and Children, Balmoral Sboei, ' and Gaiters, Bonnrta. Ribbons, Glum. Busiery, lc Ac. Gent and Boys Shoe of every IXtvrripUuo. Gtits, Boy and Children Bat, of ; ., every variety fur manner wear. Croi-kery and GUarware, Wood and willow ware. Also, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, of all They ar prepared to 11 all order, of Phrai- cian, foty liraav and llrditinea, at the borte4 noike. The lime draertmrot will be nmlerthe charm of a regular llirMcian. Tney auoaare a MaacaoT their btxuess at beronstraed to stop or bimfcr aay aerma from pre- ', at as i reedinr ia tb asual eoara. of lew, the same s wry. a one copy. -rArKfaCLHA 1 THE Saturday Evening Post KW urt, TALENT ad utter, 8PLMDIO AtEAT OF COHTUBCTOBS. Wilmington, Cbarlottm and Ruthorfjrd Rail Koadwest. - - - - - Aa to Politics we are True Conservatives, believing neither tn the Fire Eaters of tbe South, mar the Radicals of the North; but in theCousHutioB, tba Union, and th enloree saeat of all Conatitntkmal laws, whether State or Federal, aad a ready aad willing obedience tnthaaaaaa i 1." dit. ...'..ft .. The Star wiU be tmUianed ever Wadnea-1 Uobtatned on the day at the lolWnc; rates, (strictly in ad-1 aljwe BVoc: esT navin;ben pnr- vai.ee,) parable ia currency or produce at STET JT2.,rV?fSL County Line, Davie County, where all af the abov named artklc. mar Eke-1 Tbey saareh eat auras MauDerini the seed aad ionrai a mis' doam of them valaable A TlJtYIVUNTAIN OF YOUTH. Far at every can they add aew life aad vitality, aad mtorethe waraiueaenrieatotheirpristia stale. Ta tbe yeans; aad midtile-aeed, tbey will pro re Btost la valaaMe, as a ready, apeeiae, aad aterliaf BwdiciBe. Here to adream realiaed, that roae-de-Leea soarht few tbre haadrad year ago, aad aever fcaad. He toekrd kaftwatalataat woaid restore the old to the vigor aad auke youth ever . , ax jJtNAJj arum u i It was left tor this day sad boar to real la th dream aadsbow ia on glorious feet, tb magic that Blade it air. - ' r THESE FAMOUS REMEDIES Caaaet star the light of year, bat they sen fore back l aloof, aiaeaaeataat align tnnnpa over tne I young. Let none hesitate tbaa bnt seiae tbe fe ran bic opeortaaitT that offers. Waentakeaas arescribedj run uillious djsojwehs Xotbjngraa be ature arodactiv of cam than them Pilh. Tbriralwost aiagie inflnence to felt at once, aad the usual coaKoaihaata of thia moat dtotreaaing dnvaar arereaaoved. The remedies are mad from I the barest VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS. Tbey wffl sot barm tbe eost delicate fcamle. aad can be girea with good enact ia described doam to th yoaageat babe. FQR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS ad all eraptioD of the akin, the salts to most iaval tbie. It dues aot beat externally alone, bat pen- ; trateswitb the atust searching enact t tbe vry root of the evil' DR. niCGICL'S PILLS Invariably cure the follow . ing Diseases. market prices. One copy li month, fUU " 6 ' , : 1.00 J. B. CARPENTER, v R. W.LOGAN. April 18th, fJlL dtf. Mr. lenaX. npeaeer bavhi parehased aa Interest TH. BSVL-aDAl- CVCN1HO roar, sad Mr. Baas ntacea bavta retire from um paper, tub roST passe nsa, l . . . , . . - m L.IVUIBMICSnWHIIIHIIRnwt inm mww "1" ' ' traoted ih rmt as asdinarr advestmeaarnta. InMrtedMreanltag saauter. nilk aaftwral of the editor, fitv rjcou per bne. Adrertiaanentf inserted uregalariy.or at fater tiIl fiS ncr eent additmnaL The rates aborn frinted are Sar UndmgadTcr- tMmsent. , Oneertwniarc, c&angeabla at duoetioa, SO per cent additiiaL " " Mure than two quairs. changeable at diarre ioa, par squareof bat fines, nwererj change, twejtfEdtra cent. ; i- Tke square. eMlnuted as a enartrv rulumn. and ten squares as a half rotnmn. Bill nwad- veitians aiwtacx by taa day eg year. wiU be oonnidarcd dnemdeauVirtabia em sfaKKW riBM. who are detarav uedtoairaserrasbUlt.TaleBtaBd Caerey atlaHsaat The .epalar eelK gMMEBSOir baSWIITT, Aataar of -Prairie tlswer," The Bxtaais,n Kara Manlaae." ae..ae..has aeea eosssd.at sreatexaeass. as a rejrnler sootrlbnlor. s,. will WaiTS AU1.UB1".1 r'lMltvlir, Mr. neaartt will berla oeotinaed wr hi tb Irst Banker theaewy. ItwMassalle Taa rUAJiTuBi or van rusasi ; a uu yr is BACKWOODS. ,ifa atnrv wM ran Ihroaeit frea twle to riea bars, and be a story ofihssarjrsottUB.sm sf KeaeaHv, UMladuie adreaaas wtlfe the ladlaas hi that roatsnti. rcftoa, wbteh wu awasmlly aaued by e pliani THE rCBLICATIOX OF TIIE XORTfl Carolina Preebyteriaa nrfll be renamed in Fay ttviUe, on Wadneaday. Um 9ad aT Jannary next.' " ' ' ." ... Confidently relying em tbe hearty imppmi erhicb wo have heratTtam reawivtd, wnsbaO endeavor toremdor tba psuw Loth in nnmnraaee anal matter, tbaa it ever been, apanng neitber iaun -expenae fa tbe acoompliahjneut af thm pn With tbe twadna! away of oil i spirit of aetiviryeasnTEf etepriB, has jrgen infused tano every aVy rtawsit af secalar itwwie-ni aad bodnean. WbrTrbontt not the fnn-hu aasn. amrtake of tba reoarreasi ve ad- nmies bvoagbi to htmr writb aawb trvmenr rduoWfiamnpiertna. muhctatjuai ml, im r-beleas, fet b.,!roriJinj To arouse the chureb bo tbe importance aad cteeaity of work;of anc aasiag. reetlraa, tire 1 usflj inllnmrrion af bar hlaater aad "-' ' "--" aw ebiefes aiaa- In thU w need sarirHara W are not nlone amffiearmt far tbeae tbins Oaa-bivbren nanet LeJpnsiaevcry wa; by ooartribati-- from tharen stova tbosurbt snl atadyt by the bement of nil yby extending ear riremmtioa Uroenont aB oar bordera, aad baa gnring aa tba ananas ami aw mlaaity of BrWnane wnBtaawaatowbamww baeo . m iiitil thrtnnh aad aJlwn hope Jar eat tba earth.'- Subsaraion Una. year. . $4 00 - - -tfinnf- -200 ' Aadross ....... BwrULLEX. Cdltura tUK-C tnAp. tributnma, in which there is no spice of soeta- rianiam The "Baxjeem will be iued monthly on handsome type, clear white paper and wDl roetaia tjorteen column reaiiug matter, quar to bmrtb. We tnwt "aflicient encourairemeiit may be offered to justify the nndertakingl TCaaM IX AltVASCS i 1 copy twelve months......... 30 7 j - - ... 50 5 " " " .......?.. 100 10 " " " 200 20 m m w m 350 Anr perwm sendiog ns a club of 20 Jbr three dollar and a nail will receive one copy gratis. W.J. EDWARDS, Z. T. BROUGHTOX, neJ6dtf -, Publisher. The Iew York. Time. Enlargement tf tie J)ailjft:Smiauy and Wiklif Timet. Hie largest and Cheapest Paper ZZ lin uS c4T Stete& rrtHK XTW TORr TIMES HAS BEE3T EST lafttdtotheeteama Imdiin Jlateaw. 1 Each number contains eight page of seven eatBBMM eocA or nitynox luiins W gi nia. ISIiiSTiag United State. The Tae mil con tain reguiany Full Congressional Report; Report! of tke Ltpdatmn t Message and Public Documents Reports of Courts and Public Meetings ; European lSewt im Full t Foreign mnd Domestic Correspon-l .dene Nan from U parts of tueicoria; Political mnd Menercd -Editorials t Lit emry A'cifs, Selections and MixeUang. Kverytlung pomilla will be don ta make tbe Turn th most valuable and mtarestuig Family Vewspaper mthe United 8tatea. IU price wui am nnesngod, a tptte of: toe net wim hb aad s.nhato nave been Increaaed on ftwrta. TbaaalomrnamtbAsrmea-af the, several adt- payatwe m all eases m advanon. Tbeae price ar mrarlabla. ciuorate are ais eoncnoed. W have no travelling Arena. Re mit in Check or Past Office Mrmev Order if po Addrent E. J. KATM0XD A CO. serf-dim i Tiincs Office, Ksw Tort . (K. aark asabloadv Th. PoM ! llld br Mrt . BELLA I. BrEllOrB. wbe wlHijortbieaoittiia4atOfTBtU year, satlUed - ow - , j Oar eslaam wiU befartber mppaad with arlftaal sea- enlsvm un or ooirrtfiurot. . AO tlx SeBartawati f Hi aaner will be ll4. as asa.IMa. wiai OBieiBAL HTTU. Tb eld Meaas tllK POST seats af weeai bav sted by M dariat Um snashiee and rtorau of forty years win ma. m4iliiriM) as - IIMallBPAMKn BT ANT OOMPBTTTOB sad la Ttew ef Umm frart ss aasUy eSMrtt aad artntaat Udawsats, we wast t kv uieir warm eseruoas ia ear aehair, aad the UbMttAL SUfrOKT Of A SEHUOUI rusuc. ' ; A IBVINS Vl BCH IMJ FHKlnTirill. tar W wHI r ea WBBBLBa a WlLHOTt Oeleara PEWINO MACBINKS the reealar price ef which b rtffy 4ve Be tors-ea the Mlewla terms i i. Treaty eopMs, w, err-jr . Thirty eepes.aae year. Bad Maeklae, JM a tonj aopwa.eae year, ma msimaa. ... m i . if a ,v B K . nd I fcJ . WS w CM vf03 g If ii m. g a & r afatv I TVw B n fk. am o . W rrS-U J-tli I At - ' 1 BBBBBBam Ili asj I I - f- fjm tor. Z d '9. J bbbbbI 1 t T - mnmai o 1 a , ft Vf-I- :U tan noaribly be bought in thi market. P. B. MaJtm. mvmmhi old friends of Davie Count j eepwiailj-, to give him a call warn venting this niarket- J.W1GRAT. P.RM4BTLV. J.McGllKE. 1 SalUbnry, S. O. April x, Ysx . tf-nol. Hie Wide World. AX EXTXBXAISIJSO, EtSmtXTlVK AXD SP1CT FA1ULV XEWSPAPER. It is tbe dewrn of the PnUmhers to make the Wide World acceptable to all clames of readers. Its columns will contain Original Tales front aowM of tbe ableat writers in Am erica. ; ALmi, A ni using and Dangerooa Ad- wenturea, - TransIatKms, Historical Kemini sceaos. Sketches of aB bhubt Poetrr, Wit. Humor, etc-, ete-, eumbining; a vast amount of infttrmation on thonaand of aubjecta that are of interest profit and amunweaeut to tbe general reader. Edit rials and News, touch ing all the leading and important orearreaee of the dav, will be fuundin its Columna. Temt tf Publication in Adrance. $0.00 Per Annaan. Single copies may be had of all newadral er. price ScVen cents. - I" All communications intenoVd fin-the eolumna of the Wide World, or eontaining Subscriptions, should be adlraed J. II. BRIG HAM A FERXALD, Ildtsben .aftbe Wale W.wU. . 2tJ State Street. Boston, Maes. Asthma, Bowel Complainta, Cough, Colds. Chest Diseases, Coativeness, Dyepepsin,. . Diarrhoea, I Droosy, Debility,. Fevr and Ague, Female fjompbiints Iteadacbe, Indigestion, ' lnHoenxa, Infiamation, " Inwmd weakness. Liver Complaint, Lowness of Spirits Rinrworm, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Scalds. ' Skin Diseases, Are. tj" NOTICE None rranine wttboot tbe cngr red trade-aurk aruaad each pot or box, signed ay Dr. -J. HAoeirx, 43 Faitoa street, Xsw York, to oonnterfeit tj- Sold by sO respectabta Dealers In Xedicine thronrboat the United Mate sad Canada at 95 ct per bux or pot. ForseJeat J. H. Ennw' Drug Store, Saliaburr X a aprfr-dly THE WEEKLY "OLD 1T0RTH STATE." mmxxa itiitxxisat, at ial- iuVlT, W. C, IT 66.) TKRnn-Cashla Advaaea. One espy, eae year, . ..-pi--- v "i. to. two saatea, eae yeari - S esales. 1 rear aad ea I Bp ef ah, ICe t espies, I year, aa eae a eUr-ap e ah, BXM The papers for a Otab may be asal te lrat psawoaV fW Pah.arQit.. la BrHleh Herih Amsrtea meat twmity mis la add I lias telbaaaaaal asbssrlptlea, aars teste. Mm v. pewaawea taelr paprr . -Bemtueaeea sbsaM a amde la rest Oatee Orders wa poealBl. II ant. ta United smte. anlejar nrafa. naya ymnwM ns esses. ef HB POarmt eratla. a KM at T WKTKm om A . Be.- HI' Watoat at. fal'sSe-pWe. YadkinCollego, 1MBAR THB TAVKIIf IfaXaV-iriltsI 11 MILE raOM UXlBwTon, . u. .Tnnii in m i amiisamabartermaCMlera, wm evivwd aa the 1Mb ef Jaaaarr lt aaMsswbed.br a rertluboa efts TraHm. wltaa eorpa at expenea. ead Teacher ; s that new, with a cheap boerdiag arranmmiaav eBtera ta ami napfl every edeea- ttoaal feeiUty, from tb prisaary depaxtBeattosU eolleg eonrea, upea asor nvoraoar bbtbbi awrsmps, tbaa aar acaOmV ar eollewe ia the Hlate. - Thmrn imrtn o a mile feaaa Vadfcia toUeae. aad 1 entirely srparate froai It, aew eBers, at ns boawdiag rarraageaarawmmt naanyenaa mrr. aad la im sciestitte aad lilerary departm Lattraaa to yemag tod ' iaishad adaMUaa. aeabraclaa nuaas, an i State r .orf h Carolina, TltlvASUlll DLPAR Til EX 1, Ralepgh, March 31, 1S66. To Holders of Coupons of Xorth-Canlia Bonds. j' - BY ACT OF TIIE GENERAL APSEM i Uy of North-Carolinn. ratified Mar. 10, I am directed to primre and aril. - aot ka than par bond of tbe State running tbirty- fw years, with twojaa bearing ni per cent, interest, parable aimi aaannllv, of tbedenom. ination of 100, nndL0U0, principal aad intereat natavalde, for tbe pnrpoae d pay- tng eonpona now da aad to beootne due m jcXj& and bonds doe aad to UU doe in IrH. I ByatetlKariijeejejintP designate Kew York a tbe puce o? payment. 1 farUea entitled. dVmrooa of eflenting the ex- BAHBS I UAHPTOV, ! CONTAINS The worft JlBeaact known to the hitman race ppring from eavaca so small as ta al most defy detection. Tbe volumes of scien tine lore that fill the table and shelve of the medical fraternity only go to prove and elaborate these facts. saw v l nen nira Tonraerves wnue rnn maw. The tmauest pimple on, the skin ia a tell tale and indicator of disease. ; It may fade and die away from the surface of the body, bat it will reach the vitals, perhapa, at last, apd death be the rwult and final close. Mannel'a Billiotu, Dyspeptic and Diarrhea PiMjBtire where. aB others kiLWhik fori Two isumg, Dcaios, . inuamuia, vnu, ana ail abrasiong of the ikin,. MagpeTa 8alra is nlalliWe. Sold by J. MAGCIEL, 43 Fol- ton itreet,'New Tork, aad all DrurrisU' at tS cent per bov 4 o8dly. s armf.aeameaavtoaaeatMWllamm z . eithef th tWage er tae wtaanawyr auanas mm . . VVT.BKV. i. W. hia A.aU -r,.,.,:;,.?emrfe-sri MMMBkMssaivx Tadkia Oallege, ria Lexiagtoa. S. C. htsrehln, . . l-ewlm run Biitr. ripbhi. tmutna. ta . HAH K3TEBRD apaa to Saeeatb year. In aa ea sargsd ferav wlU aew type, aader aesmiea bajhly atteriag. It baa a larr aad daily touiiaatag rw ealatiaa, aad bflers to aserrbaats and ethers drsiriag to eoauaaalrat wah the neejtaern pablie, adraata CBXK0XO BATES: Twn weeks. Two i 61X1 era aorsBS t& SO Owe awMSth. 10 BO Three 4 00 One Year, rwo aqriBsa 10 aa tme analk. . , Twanmetha, U Taw alba, rmzawatb. s SO Oa Tear, - r snjBSCaurrioa baths : iOagwmpy, arm. Oaeamaia, .. Tares moatha, fa, Ki Bsawtba. fa. On year, H. : Address a. F. CSUTC HnrT.t) k CO., awa dawtw. . . P.aning.Ta. tea IS a 19 " sn ao ige ammrizeu in saiuaci, wui ntraiewm- mtitmnlnto meat uare the nwuf and ehar irr:iiE3iBe famded, in order that I may know tbe number anal in asm imnlii aJtho fcwda whirb will be requud. After the engTarrr hall farnkh the Idaaks, tbe kmds wiU .be prevmrnl srkme with little dVUy. Uader advice of the Art. wnev General. Cou pon of heads issued inr, but nndW arts passed betire Mar 9Hb. 1 !1. wiU Ufnnded under tbe net of Marrfa Kak. lrK. provioVd umw Mteauiy at eetaMisaau ay bnag rot mma tbe bonds ia my preatme. a prwaMoa imcvp aary on annoonl of, the aiaaiUril v to othef Cou poaajasned since May SUth. Irill. ' KEMP P. BATTLE."" aolSdlw. PmUk Tmumrer. ML the Latest Fews9 BtBTIBW aw THB ffARKBTS, KTC, BTC . a" runrrmm nr thi kbst rrrtx. PERSONS LIVING IN THE COUN TRY WILL FE KEPT POSTED I ALL THE NEWS OF THE "TO THE WEEKLY TaTJt.-CASa IB ADTABCK. r r y v V a r uti ii a a a , SIX UONTUS, 3 00 1 59 HtajFS a Btsmir, rabUsbsrs ft rrsyrUter. LEWIS HAVCT. MHiS 8. HAMKTOX, narehSO- JOB PRINTING . TTTH BBA"80FI A r A Mat A at. mm nnw, Mm la. M feteads aad patrea of rnlbdwry aad eicioHr. nWaemagaiarersrediata aWmdto aaaa! area ia KahNgb. S. where be to naxieaa te as rrm their fcrmer paOvasee. AD w-srk aratU hi si wm a aneaerwie wim i AXD EXPEDITIOUSLT 1 J . y lad EIECCTEJJ AT THIS OFFICE. I NEATLY gaaraateed. He to prepared to do bindiag ia all k breach. aad to varieae tytoa. wbdttBg tosapyiy tbeaualve wHh Book aery an II. kfeds, eaa be amlied bv aa. rtraaann A Fame. ImkMlW y earn meaua, ayaanga, . - - i - r4' i -