ill Ml, LEWmiANLS A. J. S. HAMPTON. TrnrellBf Arent fbr tlie "Old XTorth SUte. -v 9SORGM D. rvl'LsuX U 9nr astAorurd jrwmmf iM mxVW atrertucaM'ati and jtr ta OW Aorta A .," MU rtfcr mm, i Uortx4 to rvctiyt for mU ' Ladies' TMt. if the Cfy iofi JWiy .VA Sl. Cmw Vaace, will be present to mike an address. Tha Saliabary Brtu Hand have kindly tendered their services fur the occasion. A splendid sapper will be spread for the evening, besides, Ice Cream, Lemonade, Soda Water Jte. Tickets of admission, . ' 25 eta Tickets to tapper and the evening $1 00 free admittance. ..Tickets to be bad at J do. II. Ennui' Drag Store, Mansion House, Borden House and Burke & Harrison's Book 8 tore. D. P. WILLIAMSON & Co., Coiniuloalon .TIrrchanf , 11 ALU I G 11; N. C. SRLL on Comnii4on Cotton Tarns, FWtinr, iUia VUmt. ImI. IMmI Willi tt'hUk.v unuuiy, ana u bibusoi eotuivy produce. Tory almi koep utiatautly on hand tut sale. Plows. Hoc. Ate. Shovels. Foades. Cora KUt4- hw, ana ail una oi a rno wiuna implements. tiara ware, na r ars, aaa urocerv m every fle- srriuUou. ..... !. i ' t . They leapectfully solicit coruIxnmeuU from Farmer and outers, in - tbs western Dart of the State, and pled ire themselves to r1rs their best to all orders and conaiguments eutruA-J ' entertainment, Holders vt tkkeU DlAKBtXA. As the season is approach ing when this troublesome disease is like ly to prevail, we would call attention to mm' the Advertisement of John H. Enniss' IKarbcea Spceine in another column. Dr. Ebjum is receivine testimonials daily of the great value of this medicine as a spe cific remedy for Diarhcr a, 'and we have no doubt of its efficacy. 'attention ed to thorn. Dec to refer to MeCtrbbia Foster k Oa- fUIis- bury. Tod. K. Caldwell. PrX,K. C. K. U. Mor. fanton, J. A. ItoDebro, gtsterrQle, apru i,w . not tr MILLINERY iiOTicEioiho::Er.cii-:(TsjOr;en,Soneld(iCo. A.VU 1 C. WHOLESALE 1 EETAli. iciiD iD ma (iicuvi. ; .. i) eie e k s . . BUT OR SELL OX COMMISSION'. ' Keep Constant! on Hand I large assortment of Dry Goods, .4. Crveerles, Uarrdware. . CROCKERY, sfC. ' - ' .at Jarf received from New Turk a choice lot f Floor. ." Afeats the Cockade (Tty Jlrewiry Wifl sWmisk also to all sennas fal the town, of 9- Tbe 8rabard jmd'CanLc .. ... f . , r hattjTtoad. ' '.a.; !' Is now in thonragli operation, I A KD FOSM9 BT rrSCOXXBCTIOSB WITH ""He B "AL LJS v I J L We learn that the down accommodation traia on the Wilmington and-Wei Jon Rail Road MMied over the body of a white man Ijing on the, track at Goshea Grove trestle, in Monday laet. The body was not por-n-ived nntil it was too lute to stop the train. After pacing over the body the train was stopped and as soon as possible, and upon -lamination it was discovered that the man lying apsn the track bore upon his rson signs of violence other than the wounds caud by the train. There ie no louht existing in the minds of those who aw the body, that the person was mur . . . . .. .. i liTed and pl.-u-eu tuere by the vile peqe- (ratora of lh.e det-d, in order to shield them shJvcs. 111. Journal. Smrlk Cwtn Jtsilrsa and Um Vkmbtm mud Vvlumht f ailrxa. !Ht . T - , Cmapwst, QaickMt A X3t Wrt Thrtirh Prrlht Line frum all klacas m Xtfc Canliaa a4 ITmUt bouta Uarulma U 1 . PORTSMOUTH, I XOKtVLK, -BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA. A'EW YORK, - ' " 1AXI BOSTOX. T Uks adraaSare of Ibis grtmt Hi w art Kae. beearWul luouaofra yowr rYnkttacaraaf Kait road Asvut, rVauinuath. and durrt raw wana. poaoroU ja Xrw york aad KU4riibia to do Um mow. and ftom BattiaMMtocweraltakarejov (Mgnt sent by bbarv aad viriahj. at tbs fuUuwinaT ral. Cream Ate, par barrel. I- ' . 51,00 1 a UoU aad SUver in trade at Xw York ratea. cRsbrj, . C. April 7, : JU( The Eatjlt mentioiw "a' revtvaK of eon HleraMe interesi as proTetiui- in tnc Methodt Cburvb in LouLiLurj The cer vicr are -onacted by the Rev. Jese A. Cninnggma. Wc are pained to learn that a destructive conflagration occurred in Goldsboro, on Thursday night, by which the .AVrs office the Natinal ExpreiM office, Day' Store, juhI otht-r building, were dwtroved. We Lave no further particulars, though the loss is reported to be very In-ary. Our excel lent friewLj of the i'ewn have our sinceresW svmuatbies in tht-lr ihifforiuiie. We tnt Jk it they will be speeilily enabled to rise from their aches. Rat StHtinel. -i Mrs. J 0. CARKCE0S3, lias removed to Uuls' bulMinir nnarlr oppo site the Market, on Main Strwt, where she is eouatantly receiving from the Northern Cities, the newest and handsomest styles of fancy Goods, Tor Ladies' and Gentlemen. Call and examine her fine assortment. Salisbury, May It, kJ. dtf no4-1 AT AUCTION, On Tuesday of Snperior Conrt, (22nd (Uty qf Mag nrrt.) ' That miwt desirable and valuable House and Lot in the Town of Salisbury, situated one door west of the corner of Main and Counsel .Streets. The house contains five rooms and ffood kitchen, smoke-house aud vegetable rar den. . HLACKWUOIJ Sc CO. I apr27 d&alawtd A uctiomfrr OLD BA' LLVE STE.UIERS WHICH XVf not ONLY STEAMERS BY WIIICU XKUV8K nXZSXT UUIitaHTI ' MA YE BEES MADE. - Take notice, that by -Una route yoaeaa isasiaw roar Knriirfct dim-tlr to km it ati tkm as all charrs aud Gwvrraiueot duties are paid by tbs Rail Itoad Armt at IVsUmoalh. and (ucwarded I to be eollected arthednSjnatkiaorUie nright , K. o. t;HIO. Acrrr. apt ira-dAn FtetMMta. Ta. EW BOOKS. JUST PUBUSHEO. BF Jfessrr, WM B. SMITH sf CfK rnxD axd naxsmr. muwwa nmu, 58 FaTettevills 8U Kaleigb. S C. MOSSES FROM A ROLLING STONE. A YJnme c TVsu. T TEVrl.Ul VAST. BAVAKD TtXlLt. Author of Iteminisceuees of Caba." -Wood Notes." Tramdatioas of Manrnerite. " Lady Tartafle." etL, etc. V One Vol., X! umu, fine cloth. Unci. pqd and brow, ram f ijuu. From the Hum JorasaueSsWay X. f. Willi. evince tne lmaguaboa and power of vi- ASpIendid Investment ! , . -.laQl LijC -j I PI? s ml J? S jo S 'if ?! 61 w Z 9 f t N ; s New Books ! WEIV BOOKS ! ! BTJRIUJ & HAimiSON, w - fTAvRon baud and 'ars rerriving daily all r kinOauf BOOKS and STATIONERY, WALL TAPEB, WINDOW SHADES, BLANK BOOKS, WRITIXa PAPER, PICTURES, PERFUMERIES and Fancy Notions, "3 i ' e I JOB) 85; a ja a -) g ami are now nrrn wd to sTitrnlv the n-mlinir nuli- lic and all others with anvtiuiijr in their line, at the lowest phoH by ' Wholesale or Retail. In addition to a penenl stock of fttsiks. we are special Asvnts, lor a Urge fubiiiJiiiig House, of a new series ul SCHOOL BOOKS, offer! at ivduced priceis, to which wc invite the atteutaou of ieachers freiiemllr. Te are aireiits for W'est.-ni Xorlh Carolina, for those i.ular and valuable Southern Histories published by C. It. lik hanl.-ou, entitled; Soulhern Hislory of Ihe War, lhcOid it'orUi Stale JobPriniing OFFICE, r EXECUTES ALL KINDS OF Plain and Fancy Printing, I'K TBI Highest Style of the Art NEW TYPE, NEW PRESSES, Hl.lA.VT MATERIAL A N D THE BEST WORKMEN, ATTHU Norlh State Office. WITH ON E OF THE MOST COMPLETE HUNTING ESTABLISHMENTS BY E. A. POLLASD, mtor Kith. Examiner. In the term of the Chesterfield Circuit Court, Judge Chambers presiding, which finished il busiiiees lift Wednesday, Mr. Tlwts. Gregory bronght suit against the Richmond and Danville Bailroad Compa ny for the hire of three negroes for the first quarter of 1S&5. The jury, in their ver dict, did not so much consider the valua tion of Confederote currency, as the actual worth of the services of the negroes, and gave a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for 91 i. 1 he sum allowed was considered fair valuation, in comparison with the price of nero labor before the 'war. .Judge Chambers approved the verdict 1k. Jobs II. Exsiss, - DEAKSre: I certify that -I have used your ''Diar rhoea Specific? in my family for several years, in teases of both children and adults, aad have always found It successful in cur ing Jjuurrmaa, summer complaints, $c N. F. HAUL Rowan Cwwaty May 13, '66. ozr ttjmd at or gxmmzom COURT, WILL SELL AT AUCTION. A S31 ALL FARM, CONTAINING; e 20 Acres of Land. An excellent two story building, with, 4 rooms, 4 iire-plaees, and a passage, sood smoke house and kitchen, a nice you n if orrhard of very choice fruit, a well of pure pood water. and no rogues on the nremiiies. 4 here is also a void mine on thrpremises. out of which very Httle of the precious stuff has ever been taken. BLACKWOOp & CO. npr37 docwlawtd - Auetioturr. ficatioa. a pleaaiajr play of macy. a Wawtiful and tender sesttuurat." I From Um NuHulk Immusm.1 " la , delicacy of thoaxbu wansjib of fancy, and vivid repruduetioits of natural beautm, Mrs. Cuaaa has shows beraelf Iw b worthy a very high puce among the female poets of Amcnca. 9 S S C J-3 CZ a"5fr Si? Southern Generals : Their Lives and CamiraigiiH. Women of the South: The Life, Senioes and Cauijialpu, of" Stonewall Jackson. X. WRITEHEAD, M. D. C. A. BKNDIMOX, M. B. Drs. Whitehead & Henderson, Jjaye associated themtelvea in the and oner tneir professional services to me; citizens of Salisbury and vicinity. Office Next door to Oictn, Sofidd d- Co'g. Store. -Ap120.,J6jG,,.., . J.--:-'-. dry TIN and COPPER SMITH, At nit old Stand, SALISBUItY, N O. I TS Prvsaied to Ifanufartoiw or to furnish St Bis, I Tim ud tfwt Iitjs Wm. . ... I MA6GIX3LrS FEVER AND AGUE CURE. Dm. J. MAGGIEL Fever and Ague Fills sdaour Chills aad Fever. They are an in . fallible tonic lor the system in all midsmaue .districts, and should be kept in the medicine ebeat of every family. A bv of VILLA wmW aaatrVec to ay suffering with the" above eomplaints; and no ' aanaev need be returned by the patient until L fiwU that ba ia attin CBud b tha us of tlT Thvaiarddby alt DrW?st at3 per box, ami a perleet cure is Knaranieeu wun firom one to three boxes, j the directions are inplicitry fidlowad. VT S.ld by all Druggists and Dr. J. Mao r.iix, 43 Furtoa Street, New York, at $2 (JO per box, and to whom all orders should be addressed. Nnfiira! NnPavl ai w vui v I iiv js. j a ENNISS DI AKEIICEA MEDICINE will cure DIARRIMEA. ENNISS D1ABKHCEA MEDICINE will cure ' Dysentery. ENNISS DIABBUCEA MEDICINE will cure a ' ' Cholera IMorbus. ENNtSS DIABftllCEA MEDICINE will cure Pains or Cramp in stomach or Bcwels. ENNISS DIARRH(EA MEDICINE is a SOUTHEHXPBEPARATION,and a safe and effectual cure for" Summer Complaints, Prepared and sold by ' ' , J. II. ENNISS . Druggist and Chemist, rnay l8, dawtf Salisbury, N. C. A. MYSSS, or v. c. WM. MYKKS. or m. c. D. B. BBIOOrORO, or va. . BRIDGFORD & IIYERS, m", . AUCTIONEERS, Otiieral goagAttlefr rprwardlag jrsT-t irxirmn RICIIJIOAD, Ta aprfl 18, tm NAMELES A Novn. bt rAxxr srcnoAroR dowtiixo. Second EditM.) One Volume, iMs paper. fl.UO One Vol., lGmsw, fine cluth, purple aad brow. Price $1-5(1, . The critics have in turn compared the au thor to Hannah Mart, Mri. Edgtmrth, Mr. Braddm, George Eli mud CWss Dickens ! Prom tteCosinnpoSte.1 The interest is so admirably kept up that it never flags from first to last. The style is simple, pun and rigorous ftp bom the af feetatkms of moet t-male writers. From the Home JooraaL Tbe nhrf k natmal aad dereluMj with wen J2LelL Stoves, varying Butanes are oftea iOustratcd with Passages of thrilling interest, I e From the lhilsdeiphia DmOy Age. , " It possesses much excellence. The pub lishers deserve great praise fur the manner ia which they have seat UM book from the prest." LEE'S LAST CAMPAIGN By tape J. C. G. -fiuvK, paper. Price SSeWiA iusteti ral harratire of the faal aad thrilRag eveata of the war ia Virginia, eommeaaag withtlw battles around 1'riersborg. aad fnUowiag the movements id both armies untO Lre's surrear der at Apnowiatotf Court Boas containing the official correspoadraee -eoueei ainy the surrender and the interview Wtneui Ga Lee and Gen. Grant, etc, etc. THE XOKTH CABOUXA GOLD OK- CULAR 32m paper. Priea lOe. Ofim- portaaee to many of interest to aQ. Con tains rate of depreclatioa of Cpoiederate Cur rency, during the war, compared with Gold; New Usury Law of North CaroCBa ; lartmv-tiuoa-of Geeeobacks ia rw York to Decem ber. 1863; a list of all the Newspapers pab- oc jk-, , -po. p, -rr-m. II I style Printa, alsoa few beau- YiU. B. SMI1U ST UU, tiful patterns of ladies' dreea Calonea sort oa ardieamW. " ' ,' i We have on hand a handsome selection of I most every description of , WhitaCoo linens, Ribbons, Lace. Iloai- fyrttestTrmiuilngai awJ'TfcmhefsTcTTj fe Jlor Geutlemetw w?ark wc ht TW RffAtirn sXw f ' Ajrent wanted in pverr town and Conn- a Urn JJ1 UW1I X VaUaf, 'T ( western Xorth Carolina, for the hale of the above named publication. Inference will be piven to dixaMcd Soldiers, with fuitaile qualifi cations toilet ac ajtents. pelen lopses, circulars' anil all neeeswary IN THE SOUTH. ATE WILL NOT BE EXCELLED EITHER IN Style, DISPATCH o it FAIUNKSS OF TERMS. WE PRIXT 0 SHORT XOTICE. HOOKS, Ilj.1 PA3IPIILETS, POSTERS, intfUetioag ran helowl on application to f lit HAKKISOX, ''x ' Af.-euU for Wtfcrttm N.Carolina. UTENSILS OF. EVERY SORT, ttrjr mre atsn jjrejtnrtd to do House roofing and Guttering. " . AQkind af lerjammr. done nromntlr. and all rders wholesale and retail prouiptly tilled. BATta SUCH AS OLD rtWTKS ASD CoPPSB lakeS'p iic'lb"ooda; ' 7" " Those wismmr articles in this line will do Well to calL 4. ,T.K..BB0HTr00. april 1,1. . . , nol tf Just Received r At the Store of r News Agency! hare also made arranp-ments to supplv the public with anr and all kinds of the latest and best Daily and Weekly Xewi-pnpers, PICTORIALS i PERIODICALS, MONTHLY MAGAZINES, Ac , ic " W Fresh arrivals cverv moniiiur by Vail or Express Call at - .iSLl.KL A li AJkilS41 S, ' Itookstore. Aprfll,,66. ' dtf nol TIME TABLE or th k ; ' WESTERrSf N. b. R. R. CTATIOX3. 8LIRrT. Tuibb Cam, Statcsvillb, Catawba, NrWTOK, ' II. Tat tax, ICABD, IIxad or Road, Abbivi. . Lbatk. A. M.7.00 8.06 8.0H 9.U6 9.13 10.10 10.11 11.10 11.13 19.00 13.03 12.60 11. u. 12.63 1.30 I'll, STATJOXS. Head or Road, Icabd, - H. Tavxbs, XlWTOH. Catawba, KTATBSVILLa, Tsibd Cbbek,. SAUSBTBT,, I5ETL KXIKfJ. "Abbivk. 9.40 J. 30 4. JO 6.30 6.45, 7.60 9.W a a. kibklkb. EXG'B. A rtrr. W. N. C. K. R April t,'66. 1-tf. LXAVB 3.00 S.43 S. 33 4.33 fi.40 6.50 7.05 TUB SB 4 fin H V: SaUsbat7 Brass IXatidr AND ORCHESTRA, WERE KE-ESTA B- hshed January 1808, with W v. II. Kxavk, ed. B. Skate, LcasW. This will be a pirmsniat aad frst class Band tut Xorth Caruliaswif twourly sssiwaa. edaadeUied. mf Miug'htillBtta m the State, Mm&3, vk m&sl rreusBio dailv, semi-weekly a wceklv, . RALE 10 II, N. C, . Wat lIinXTFrsprfsftj ail I tats Jriaf ITf BT - WM. E. PELL k Sf EATON GALES I r Caatma -I have noticed with mnch paia that maay DraggistA, both at borne and abraad, are oflecing my Billions and Diarrhoea PQU to patients the cure of Chills andT rer. aad Aeae. My Billioas aad Diarrfcara Pills are in&dlible fur what they claim to be, but aoiaiag amre.- Do not then be imposed poa. My Cbilla and Terer remedies hart bcr aauw oa the boxes, and are entirelydif J ty of Burke. (at,MoTgaatoa, oa the 1st Moa- JnJb'm aay of my other medirhlea. f bars beea at cooisrable expense to hare a label , ewsTTared s'lfiewh toceontarfeit. aad it is hoped - that th coaaumer will aarrowly scrutiniM . wba he rwchaaea, pnrportiiif to be wiine, " J. MAGGIEL. hi. D-, . jwoi - wrnnoi St., ew iotk STATE OF KORTII CAROLrXA, BURKE COUNTY. J II. C. Oniel, ) e. Original Attachment. David Harvey. ) It apppearing to theTourt, that the defend ant is an inhabrUnt or another State; it is ordered, that publication be made in the Old Aorta etate, a newspaper putuisnea at saus- Muxic eomposed aad arranged iur aav r- qntrwtimmrercr4tnsMiRnaaA.rjrracs traL Parlor or Cttoral imipuwa. to order. Mmsie fin- lSmmlL ft. Dod worth, Mas, Kent, Btitsford. of New York, tram aerankal friends af Mr. Xeare, select aad send baa aQ the mime f Piano that is aewr, wbea iauia sically good, as wefl aawiaaiag aadpopahr; hr beVinaers. medium rlayen aad adnn J musicians. This carefully select aad hick . . -n , ia . . J approvea aranr, win mm bom as caeaply acre, as the mixed article is retailed ia New Yark. The far-Umea I)ndwwi Band f Cafctimeies, Linen Goods and Ready Made Clothing. . m. 01 adhitw joniwm, ourmjiruoi!iyi. iieitleiil anl hM policr. aod drTttd vecnltyro the r'l!rni. tiua and vieritjr ol U 'buulb aal of Hunk 1 niv- r :- - .' . . . 1 .. HANDBILLS Business Cards, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, " DRUGGIST'S LABELS, DRAY TICKETlj, - S3 AD 0,- 1 filial LETTER HEADS, BILLS OF LADING, 7 CIRCULARS, r BLANKS, ALL KINDS OF &AZU10AB wonn. Wr I e the Best INKS, PAPER AND CARDS. Call and see Specimens A n D uiAiLzr tbb rxacss ... i A T T IT E Old North Aprd 84. imi State Office. l"din Full aasortment of Shoes, of every description Ilardwara. Groceriea and Crockery. All af whiea Wt offer at as reaaonable ad- vaaeee as aay house can sell them. A. J. Mock & Co. Salisbury. N C May 18, t- dtf no Bury, for six weeks, fur the said defendant V I can be got through Mr. Keava, tested aadap appear at the nert terra of the Court of Pleas I pf,red. . L . and Quarter Sesalons, to be held Jor the Coon-1 Salisbury, N. April 28. 1SQL tf ty of Burke. (atJuargantoa. oa the 1st Mon day of July next, aad plead, or judgment by default will be erteaded, aed other proceed- For Sale. mffO GOOD MULES, 5 4 H .1 . . n . a ines had acoordintr to law- WTtness, E. W. DORSET.-' I mWO GOOD MULES, 3-4 Hers TTar- CTerk of Said Court at fBee, this 3d day of I romv 1 Wheat Faa, serenl FWi m4 MAT.inn. - - - inp- . aiAiUl. may w6t- E-W. D0BSEY, Ctk. sa.y9.-ijw. ' t jAMxa w. oeaoaxB. ' arrrs bajux.eb, OSBORNE tt BARKLXGElt. TTOXJrzm AT LAW, r.. ; C1LARL0TTE. N- CV . , WILL praetica ia the counties of Bowatw Caharras; - Uaioa, IreAdL M-ckMiigburK, Staaly, Lincoln aad Gaston i ; also ia the Sa pream aad federal Coarts of the State. rf OSes ia the Brick Building near the Conrt Iloase, wp stain. may 9. 66-0. It latm trt trfomot haniHKv.-cTM frelinr and eqaal riKktsiax all (Ce siaw-v but w ill n l.iike all aafuuB'tcd' xp.rHt asraim4 iU lovultv an J in letrritc of the SNitbera ."reial atteatina vili be paid to the nrwn aad mtr ket SrarticaU. Mil pracredinc f ll IxUtun- nj a!l iupir tast Mate fnprn apfr ia the N-titinel.. lu nixautMa i ordered to eiaal u aav in IV Staie if sot the larcr-4. lu Jvrrti.uK juLn.nan-r Uftr ad imwinr- Tae IilT aad Werktv are mot nwd-lit' Semi- .Weekly wilt apiMi- ia a h.rt tiifte. J- . rfKKVI: Iai1y SeatniFt, ia adtaace. prr r-r. ' (S 00 - -.., B 0 fieau-Weekly, it xrw. S (V , ' " 6 BKWtfc.' JM WaekJy,- frr rcr. 3 a sfiiV"iF n ii if pirn . w . ir il ii,sa ir ii ; . ar, mzMMmM m m i ll. wr- a m w - rnffififinhRrv I - r -f-r- .IF 't 1 - . " - ii W - ;v ? - Hareb ltt6-daw MjA.NKS Of off lindi urtllf tmuM nt fit NORTH STATE OrPICE:" Old V. V. KEITZ has ojned a BAKERY and COXFKCTIOXKI.Y at JuUau's old stand. ; ooMte the Market House, on Main Street. J lie keeps constantly on hand, I FRESH RUE AD, CAKES, riES, ' :nl M kindof Coufi-ctionaries. IleaUo keeps ..n hand for sale. Violins. Flutinas, Accor--ion and Guitars. Give biirra call. i ' may 9 dlw.-pd.V I Lumber, Laths, Lime Ac. , TiT ax rrepared to fornlsb anr , " quantitf of 1'Lined. Toniroed and Urooved Fhioriiijj. Lathis Lime, Ac, for buildinr. Orders j solk-ited: 4 0UTnR0PACCMMiyG, ' i- - ComaiiAnoa Mrrrkatn, - I SsyH-ilTt - . - HilmtngtnnX TT V The Weekly Old Worth State ; PtMiihed tray-Friday at $3, i-cr annum. r: i. ,:. .v

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