... ) i . i Single Cople Five Centi ' HAIYES & IIAJIFTOIVrub'. fc Pro'. The Old North Slate Forever." QasUm. NUMBER 55 VOL'L: SALISBURY, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 2, 18GG. -1 - r ". , 4 ( -4 . ... THK. Old North State. JDaILY.J Xewis XXxaea A Jhs . XXampton. ruBLisnEiia raoraiBTOEs If tf bates or uiwcRirrio.i TaUUHS-CASU 'ill AJDVAHCB. Da u Miwr, One Teai, ' U.O .. Klx Months, . 4.60 One Mouth, 1.00 wiirrrj Wee kly paper, Ooe Year, I 3.00 " Six month. 1.60 " Ten copies One Sear, 23.00 " " Twenty copies. One Yetr, ... 40.00 I cross X on the pajCTindicateethe expiration of the subscription. - . - Tie tvpeon which the "Oib 'orth Stat,' is jprintea is entirely . ew. .aw ku m w inaka it a welcome visitor to evetw family. In order .to do thia we have engaged tlie aervlces of able and .accomplished literary contributor. RATES OF ADVERTISIMG. o A J. 1 PC (0 C C f q it ' c r n K 9 T A -i 50 r; W 5 n K '4 z n ..,; ; s : s : g I g : g : g : g : i : : : ; 5 ' tO ' Si j- t 4i j . g:g:g:gi:g:g: -- r j : - : i : : : " jt o es it O g g g : g : g: g : is : if S : as i o : e J : . g g : g ! g I gl g I g; g : ........ gi gi g: sT gi g: 6 : : 5 :v 3 : a : c : w g jfg :g:g;g:g:g: 3 . 8 f :" 8 : .si'S: si?: J t g i : g j: g ; g : g i g : g .: ' 3 ul T Sf T S S J yfJ 3 e S i g ; gj K f Wjr j , J 8 : 8 : 8 : 8 : 8 : 8 : g : 9 jg i S i 8 i i S i ?3 : 5 j k 8 i g I : 8 : g : 8 ': 8 : k : : I Tg : S : W '? j; ' E 1 TiTTFTIT i f i 1 JJ 8 s 8 ; 8" : g : 8 8 j ? f i i f : ? i S.i ?'! ? i h : M'8'i 8 i i i 8 :; S tvii ling, ftf gj' million type,, or bJxm one iuih lenfUiwiwe ofle toliuiili cooatitute a 1 quaro. , 8peciid Kotioes, In leadod minion, will be con. traoted Ibf at the office, at not lctw than double th ra,tcn1 ordinary ad wertineuientM. Ineerted a reading 4nntter, with approval of ,,meaitOT niij- ceuia jwr iuw. .IdTertiMment iii Tala, per ceut. additioual. i The rate above fruited are for atauding ad ver ' tixementB. ', ' ' One or tifo jtiare, changeable at diwrcfjan, 60 per jent additional. . , . yontUuui tTD'eqnoNF, chanpwdde al di-ration, per gqnare of ten liuea, forever change, twentj-five cents. V ' Fire eanami eetimated ae 'a .(marter column, and ten nntmlui half colninn. HilU-for ad-1- grjJgingiLwhether by the day" or year, will be cuiuidereal due avidjwilleeUble, on iteaeutatinn.; r Proipee tni THE PUBLICATION, OF THE NORTH Carolina Presbyterian will be relumed In Fay. .etteville, ott Wednesday, the 2nd of Janoary next." j -v Confidently relying' on the teartygupport wnicn we nare nereunure rewivea, we auau udeaof to render the paper more attractive both in appearance and matter, than H Jum ever boenV jaring neither iaina nor expend liAtko aAMimnlijihiiiMiit of this DUITmee. 3with Ike pm1BbT twatnif old thin a new . anlrit of artivit . enenrrati J If uterprMi has thought and busineaa. ny should not Tfie Chare ValOt partase of the nrogreiwive ad- Agencies, IreagTiT l bear such, tremen- dnmt tore'tMD me ciy uisauou .,to po!s rnt time, be luefflcient, ' lagirard aud- lmiet bopclcaa. in th working out of hex own des- tiayT . t. To arowe'the ehnreh to the importance apd neeefaity of wtrk of unceasing, restless, tire leas energy in the service of her Master nd Head ; this shall be oar first chiefeet aim. In this we need assistance. We are not atone, sufficient fr these tilings. Our brethren mart help us iu every way ; by oiutributioni frrrih their own stores of thought and study ; by tealous eo-operation in a eotniuou eause, for the benefit of all ; by extendine our escalation throughout all our borders, fti thus giving us the means' and dpportuuity it rtniiini well the work tu which we" have rwaseerated ' all that we hare,.aud all we hope for oa the arth. TERMS. Subaeriptioa for one year. " sit months. AddreVs B. diu v theX.C - (4 00 2 00 FULLER. ; lYbyVrriaa. JkTJicelixaeons AdTrtimntt. A BOON TO THE SICK AND The Light of tho World. DR. MAGGIEUS Pill Then Lllvflvinf rtmedlc ue Bow, (toft aabHrrr to Um world. For orer qnwtef of century 61 uri. rale practice the inxredienta in tlxae LIFE-GIVING FILLS, Hare bera wed with the jrreateet aococaa. . TVlr miwiuDeri not oqIt to jrrvent dleae, but to cure. Tbr eearek out the various aialadie br which the ?iticot U.ufferinff. aad revi(furto the falling .vulrm. o the aged and iuflrnt a few doaei of then rateable pill will prore to be A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. For In ererrtaae thrr add new Ilk) and rtUlftr, and rcxtore the warning eDergiea to their priNtine aUte.' To the Voung and middle-aged, tiiey will iirove niont in- ralnable, a rrady. actAo, ad aUrling medicine Here la a dream realised, that i'onc-de-Leon auught for three bnndred reari ago, and never fonnd. He looked for a fountain that would reatore the old to the vigor aud make yonth ever It wm left for thia dar and hoar to realize the draam mil ebowju one glorioo. fact, tlie mafic that made it 'tiiese famous remedies Cannot atar the flight of year, but they can force back and Itold aloof, diaeaw-Htliat might trlamph over the aged aad young. It none hesitate then but seize the favorable opiiortuuity that oflent. When taken aa Tfcribed Xothlng ran be more productive of cure than thee 1'illn. Their alwoxt magic influence is felt at once, and the luual comcomitanta of thia most ditrv.iig dixeaxe are removed. Thexe remedies are made rrVm the parevt YEGEI A ISLtJ CUM I'UL A VS. Tliev will not harm the most delicate female, andean be given with good eflect in described doaea to the youugciit babe. vmi r.TTT-AVKnrs disorders and all eruptipns of the ckln, the naive fa moat inval liable. It 4oea not neat estemaiir alone, pui Bene' tratea with the moat searching elects to the very rout of the evil! 1 DR. ItlAGGIEL'S PILLS Invariably cure the follow; ing Diseases. Asthma, .Bowel Complaints, ttaughs, C'oldat -, j t - ? r "W (JJii'Ht Diaeaaea, . Coxtiveness, , Uyapepsia, . : . Dmrrho?ai ... , , lrtmsT, . , Debility. . Fever and Ague, Feiualo CouipluinU Headitclie, ' Indirection, . i 'u- ;: . -t.eu luHuenza, ") IriHuHiittion, IiiWHid wcukiu'ss, Liver Complaint, Luwnes of Spirit, King worm, ' lifieumatiNiii, Salt Uheumr i , Scaldn. J ' Skin ' Diseases, &c ITS- NOTICE None renuine withonttlie enm t veil lru Jfe-TlwrH Tirotnid each iwtor but aigned Uy to. J. Ukuatr.u 43 Fulton street, Aew ork,4o conuterfeit which k felon v. " t3r Sold'by all respectbli Dealers. in Medicines throughout the United ritutes and Canada ttt25ct per box or put. " " For sale at J. II. Emms' Drug Store, SaIiKbury; lt,C,.. ... .... vy THE WEEKLY "OLD N0ETH STATE." rUJLIIHID ZTZT TWDAT, AT 11 L I8BVET, V. C, BT n 4 ives '' IIAMPTOIf, CONTAINS All the Late3t News, REVIEW OF THE niHKETS, AIf rpBIIfTBV jf THI Bi rrwt.1 PERSONS LIVING IN THE1 COUN ALL THE NEWS OF T1I ' r r- TO TUB WEEKLY oLtrdRtH . TEtiMs-cisif nr Ai)Ti)r?B. ONE YEAR, sixiioxnis, 3 00 1 50 SaJTZS HAXriOK. yahlishers ProprieUrs LEWIS HANFS, JOHN H, HAMPTOX,, J V march WK BlrKS, WITH BHanaonl a vinuiH. maM rmoliuli tofnra hi. old friends and patrons of fsalinburr and victnhy that he is aaaia regaged in the Book-biading. bai I la KaloigB, a. C, waere ee as aiuuuw. " eeive their Bnoev patronage. All work sent to Mm will be attended to wiw Bmmiiin, wm -gaarawteed. He hi prepw te d bndif M att iu hcaacbra aud in various Va.- 1 . l"crnn w.6Jng to aaawrrtoenwTn sdKtatieiMryriUIUa4a.a a evaplied oy a Sfnwns Mm. Braaa Farrar, lioeksrllra, lf,BUliabH aad Uiaders, Kafltigh, S. C. Mtf ZZ I SCaLB or BBrBBCIATIvl. Tbew'UowlBs; biU passed dnriag the preaent sea aloat . - . . ''V.. . . 1 billtebeeotltled An Actio establish a Scale of lrpreclatha ef ConMeeate CBrreary. : Wasaiia, Hy aa ordiaaove or the Convention, en titled "Ad ordinance declaring what Uwt and anil, aancea are la force, aad for ether wanoaas, ratiHed oa the imh day of October, JL. 1). IH6&, It is made the dutortheUBaraJAaaambly to pea vide a aealeeT VireriaUoa of the ttoafcderawr enrrency from the time of Wa an taaue to the end ef tlie wart aad It farther their is declared thataUexxatory contracts. solvable la money, wheuar aader seal or not, made after the depreciation of said currency before the 1st dsy of fky, 1465, aad yet unfilled, (except official boada aad peaal bonds payable to the Mate.) aball be deemed to have been made with the .understanding that tbey were solvable la money of the aaid curren cy, subleot nevertheless to evidence or a dtOerunt In tent of the parties to the contract; therefore, 'lie It enacted by the General Assembly of the Mate of North Carolina, and it f hereby enacted by the authority of the same," That the following scale of depreciation be and the same la hereby adopted and established astlie measure of value of one gold dollar la Confederate currency, fur each month, and the fractional parts of the mouth of December, 161. from the 1st day of November 1861, to the 1st day of May, 1H6&, to wit: "Hcale of depreciation of Confederate Currency, the gold dollars neing toe nnlt and measure of value, from Nov. 1st 1N6I, to May 1, 18G6." MoxTBS. 1861. 1869. 1863. 1864 . I86S 60 00. 60 00 00 00 January, tl 30 1300 $2100 February, I 30 - SOU 31 00 March, 160 400 9300 April, " 160 600 30 UO May, ... ,, 150 160 19 00 Jjtie, 160 660 18 00 July, 1 60 9 00 21 00 August, 160 1400 -33 00 September, 3 00 1400 35 00 O1ober, 3 00 1400 96 00 November, 1 10 3 60 15 30 80 00 10000 December, 1 15 350 90 00 Dec to 10th inclu sive. 10th to SOth, 1st to 31st. 36 00 46 00 49 00 And whereas, many grave and difficult disputes may anas between executors, auministrslors, guar dimn and trustees, and their legatees distributees, ward and cestuysque trust, in the settlement of their accounts and trusts, arising from the depreciation of Confederate currency, State treasury notes and bank notes, incident to and growing out of the late war; and that law suits and expensive litigation may be obviated, j Be it therefore enaoted. That in all such cases, the parties are hereby empowered to form a full and per. feet statement of tlie cane on both sides, which case shall be submitted to the determination of one of the Judges of the Superior Courts, chosen by the partiea. who is nereoy authorized to ronsiaer and determine the same, according to etrnlty and good conscience r Provided, however, That no part of this section aball be construed to stop or binder any person from pro ceeding in tlie usual course ef las-, if be shall deem the asms necewary. A true copy. '. : J. A. ENfiCLHABn. , . Clerk of Senate. the, .: , , Saturday Evening -Fostr VIW Lift, TALENT AH D ENERGY. . ' BPLENDIO AIBAt Tf C0NTIIBUT0ES. ' ; caeuarisMa sag ssnsrstists, Mrs. Bells t. PneMervn parrhased an Interest In THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, and Mr. Edmund DeaeaaVRiivlag rvtuwd froat Mm pP, THE fott cJ lata M management efa NEW FIRM, hn re 3tte cement era new FIKM, HUn are determ ined te tonus fresh Life, Talent and tnf'tt tntn Its cl- Th onular noitll. EMMKKfON HKN N KTT, Auikqr of Prairie PUwJ Th. Kefuins," -I'lurs Morclsod," AeAahas been tnged,kt afreat extif M a refolr contributor, a,.4 will W H1TK t XULLBH l.UV FOB THE POPT. Mr. Bennett will berin a oon turned siorr In the first naruber ef the new y-ar. It will h c.llrd tik man tun or thc rusesT; a tale or the - Back woe ds. This Jto.rjjrlll ran thcouzj Jhimtnht to Afteen nam- nets, ana m a iwry oi irw MiiyanueBunt n Ainiu sy, pKludlng adr.n'aie. wli the Indian. In that roaiantlv region, which was cenersllr calld br ih. Dlonetra ef iv- Ulsallon "lh dark and bluo l.r .round." The Port Is sditod by Mrs, BELLA I. frESCFB. who will alo eontribuU aomt:iiu. i storvta Uw eouraa of Ui. star, eoUltod - 7 nrurrTEi-, nAwa Oar solnmn. will b. further uinnUf arith arlwlnal Mn. Ubudoai hy a '" """" '""k,--.. .--..';,,. , SPLENDID LIST OP CONTRIBUTORS AH th depart of th. paper will be fill.d. as Car as psmlM. wHk ORIOINAL MATtEB. The eld friend. I THE POST MBlecf wtMB ba. Ito'd bell dnrlnw th. sanshlao and storm, of fort years will thai sm that we are de errolnul;. b. J DNSCRrA!VED BT ANT COMPETITOR ! aad Is view of thsM fresh sad eoetiy etorta aad brtinant Inducement w trutt to hT their warm .xertlnn. In oar kehair. aDd tee UBERAl, SCPPORT OP A 6KNER0CB PbBUC. V ' - AlRWINGntCHIt'PREniCW. Or W. will (It-, on -f WREKLa WlheO.V'f Celeb' ed SEWINO MACHINE-Uie regalar price of wblrh ta Piny-Rre Oa ton M Ik tollowlaB torsi. . 1. Twenty eoples,na Par, and th. Macolaa, f 70.00 1. 1. Thirty '. o. year. and Machine, ; .nd S. Port eojdes, on. year, sua Mscnln., luu.m) TKnnaV-Caeklai Aivaae. ' ; On. eupr, one year, 1 .1 Two eopln, oa. year,' 4. no P or copies, am year. Sue Senil 1 year and te re W ap of ekib,1.ue 0 oop e, I yif, a.4 eae to atuc ay f . ah, S6.no ' The .r. lor a Club Blf k. Mat to different po.i-offl- Sh-rttw' In BrlUM W.rth Aaterka anu -wiaM) twwaty eau in aneiuoa te in. anaaai mbampuaa, as e bar. to ani ay the !. a. pw ag oa their papr . Bemhiane. .howM b aiad la Poet Office Ordere when P"0t0lw I taut, la UnltrdSlato- nitea o Draf'a, pay. ttm m rmr rTf , a-. r.w- IS. nw,j; IW Speab awrt of THE POST Ml fratla. aeiyaaa HtHtlY TMiJO-l MSO s., set waorar e t-Miaa. arextOEk from little xeorn Orow' - Tlie worst dieeaee known to the huuuui race spring from cavsrs so small as to al most defy detection. 'Hie Volumes of ecien tifie lore tlint 611 the table and shflw of tho medical fnieemity oulr go to prove and t'ktlsirate those Ltcts. Then gturd yourselves wbile-yon nut v. Tlie smiillest pimple on thr skin is a tell tale and indicator of disease.. It mar fide and die) away from the Surface of the body, but it will reach the vitals, perhaps, at last, and death be ' tlie result and final close. Maggicl' liillioue, Dyspetitie and Diarrltca l'ills cure where all other faiL While For Httrns, PeaUls, Cbilblain. Cats, and all abrasions if the skin, Maggiel's Halve is infallible. Hold brj, MagQICL, 43 Ful ton street, New Yotrkj and all DlgicU, st 25 efits pr Uos, . - . - poa dlj. lSIsIUBt JL4TrtlBmntR. . rnOSPECTCS OF THE , RUTHEEF0ED STiMl . ' TbL Undersigned propose to publish, in the rUbife of Kutherfordum, a weekly Newspaper toNoalied "The Butherford Star." , .. .... It is our desire to maka The Star a wel come visitor to all those who feel an interest in the ttntsperity and welfare of iui country as a Mitile, and the perpetuity or oar lnstitu tions.lts handed down to as by our noble an estv.a Federal Republican Government. Our people have but lately emerged from a giguutr civil war, waged by and between tfectiois of one gloiou Uuton, and more desolating to our jMirticular section, than any thing mat has ever happened on this eon tin ent, aid it Is to be hoiied, than ever will again Wljile there Is life there is hope, and not withstanding the great change wrought by the la' civil war, we shall enooarage the peo ple t honesty, industry and economy, we shall hike special pains to keep them posted with ill beneficial improvements of the age, so thii they may once more enjoy bountiful stored proxpontr and happiness. Wt shall from time to time publish snch laws, (xith State and National, as our people are d ectly concerned in, and shall likewise use r influence to establish a sound circula ting i nrreucy, so much needed at the present time. V shall be governed by principles and not men, tor accordiug to our honest conviction, the preseut condition of our country is owiug to th abandonment of principles, we meau the abandonment of those fundjiiuental prin ciple! upon which the'Government of the Uni ted Stntes tvas reared. We shall favor and encourage the.develop mentof all our resources, Agncultural, Min eral dec, and likewise such internal improve menu as will nioet likely be beneficial to the Country, and especially the extension of the Wilmington, Charlottee and Butherford lUil lload West. As to Politics we are True Consen-atives, believing neither in the Fire Eaters of the South, northe Ratlicals of the North, but in the CensVittitibn, the Union, and the enforce ment of all Constitutional laws, whether State or Federal, and a ready and willing obedience to the. same.. The Star will be published every Wednes day at the following rates, (strictly in ad vaneA.) payable la currency or produce at inarkoi prteew.-- -.... -m j.....-.-. One copy 12 months, f2.00 6 " 1.00 J. B. CARPENTER, R. W. LOGAN. dtf. April lfliCe. ;YdkiirCollege, NEAR TIIK TADKIW RITBR-RIIfB MILES VKOM LfXlNOTOrJ. . C This Institution, under ito charter aa a College, was revived oa the loth of January 1 806, and supplied, by a romlaUon or the Trustees, withaeorpaoi expense?, red Teachers ; so that now, with Its chesp boarding arrkagcnienta, ft offers to male pupils every educa tional facility, from the primary oVpertmeat te a foil college eouraa, npoa more ravorable tenas perhaps, than any academy or colleire In the State. . H ay a yiLLS wst .ra si,b w wi i.i n m n w Ttn nuartcra ut mihi4aiJ"41t8; teitBv ml niimlw arnarato from it. Low offers, in its boarding t 1 o - t? 5 e 1 b ii--5 JteL .tt.. i atbaTT'rrSiiipt-llti.lll UlfLlmJ efjlte JTJj,.y ' ?,,fr' end In its acteBtiBc anil literary aerwrunenia,Bnaaai' attractions to young ladies wlio Ueure to acquire a :taftsrd edTiti. mbac4ng 'Vlc. 0d Blfat fcB: jaineacrotnpltshnicBts. " " f ehhef the College or the Swiiiitiary. ddrc,tlte For Is-W circulars giving parwewiar tu- maim, tu n.J. M. NEW.SIIX. 4 Yatlkia College, via Lexington. X. C. March ' wXTEBSOB..TA HAf EXTERKU Bpen its BfteeuU rear, in an sn tarred form, with new type, BB.Icr anspi c highly attrriBg. It Ma a Urge and daily Increasing cir evlathm. aad eflera to Bierehaato aad others deainag to eommuBicate wiU U tothera pnbUc, advaiaU Ml SOT ABB ' ' ,Twe week". (iw iiac montK W 00 10 04 Three uoatLs. 18 00 t4 00 One Year, u UU TWO SQCABM f 10 ti toe month. f T3 00 IS OO ThTce montta, IHitJ BR ew ism Ver, U BO Two BWHiins, Su aaontlaa, - Te wveka, Te wtoatua," cmx bsobUsv SfBSCBIPriOX JtATta : we copy, . - ets. w -r , - v r. TV wiaa, T-t. m e . Ad-we-i A. r-JCHUUHKirLU 1 1.. , - sawjw ' ' Jhrrtartvla. Xlf2wrBtil AdvertisenicBti. NEW FIRM IN SALISBURY! J. IV. Gray & Co. HATE Just received and opeued at X a 8, Afar phy's flnuiite build ing ft new aud Splendid Stock of Staple and " '----a FANCY DRY GOODS, which they will sell for path or barter, only, as iouows, a large ana beautiful assortment or LADIES DRESS GOODS, embracing the newest and leading stylet of the season. A large assortment of Gootlemen's,-VouthV and Doy's Ooous Ladies Summer Wrappings, LauW If isses, and Childroa's Trimmed Hats, now shajies, . - Ladies, Misses and Children, IIoop Skirts, Ladies, Misses and Children a, Halmorul Shoos, " aud Gaiters, Donui-tn, Itibbtms, Glov't,(Honier)-, tc, 4c. Gents and Boys Shoes of every Description, Geiitk, Boys and ChiJdrens Hats, of every variety for summer wear, Crockery and Gla.'wware, Wood and willow wore. Also, Drugs, Medicines Paints, , and Dve Stuffs, of all kinds. They are prepared to fill all orders. ofThvsi- cians, for Drugs and Medicines, at the shortest notice. The Drug department will be under the charge of a regular Physician. Tbey also Have a branch of their business at County Line, Davie County, where all of the above named articles, may like wise be obtained on the same terms. :. The above stock of Good, having been fur chased sine the lata beery decline of prices in the Northern Cities, will bo sold aa LOW as they y fijbdir tm Ii yh in eJbis tmrUm - - P. K. MuJtin. invites his old friends of Davie County especially, to give him call when visiting this market. J.W.GRAY, P. R. MARTIN' J. McGCIRE, -.Salisbury. N. C, ApriJ 2. 'flfi. . . tfjol. 4 The Wide World. AN ESTERTAIXINO, INSTltt'CTIVE ANI SPICY FAMTLV- NEWSPAPER..' It is the design of 'he Publishers to make the Wide World iicc.'i taMo to nil classes of readers. Its columns will contain Original I ales from some of U' alilext writers in Am erica. Also. Amusing und Oaugerous Ad ventures, Trauslatioiiii. Historical liemini- sceiices. Sketches of all kinds. Poetry, Wit, Humor, etc., etc., combining a vast amount of luforuiation on thousands of gubject3.thati.which igfo control its editorial conduct. Tl aieui 11111:101. yimti niiu nitiuot-iiieiiv tu uie general reader. Editorials and News, touch ing all the leading and important occurrences of the day, will be found in its columns. Terms of Publication in Advauce. $3.00 Per Anuum. Single copies-may bo had of all newsdeal ersjpriee Seven cents. . "ErT All ''eoinmu''nifc)nll, intended for the columns of the . Wide World, or containing Subscriptions, should b addressed j J. II. BRlGHAM & FERNALD, Publishers of the Wide World, 2a Mate .Street, Boston, Mass. State of iorlli Carolina, rolina, ) rifBNT, 31, 1SGC. ) TREAsURi DEPAirrMLN Raleigh, .March To Holders of Coupons of Nortlt-Carolina Homls. BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEM- bly of North-Carolina, ratified Mar. 10, 1 WG, I am directed to prepare and sell for not less than par bonds of the State ruuhing thirty four years, with Coupons bearing six per cent. interest, payable semi-aunually, of thedenom. hiatiou of $100, f jOO, and $1,000, principal and interest untaxable, for the purpose of pay ing coupons now due and to become due 114 184X1, hud bonds due and tofall due in 18(i6. Bv authority vested in th Public Treasurer, I designate Nfw York s.theplace of payhient. Parties eutitleXosuialof cfleftijf tft MP f-rH aotlirisMliu said Act, will please cnn-1 ntuuicau- iu uitMii uuoe iito ttiiiffMcu, uuu ciini- acterof the securities which they wish to be ttiitded, fit order that Iftfiy-kjt4V th niitiiln-r ml denomkiation of the lumtls wlniTl Wtl tm PMpitrexiv After thiipiigravur shall furnish the blanks, the bonds will be prepared for issue with little delay. Under advice of the Attorney General, Cou pons of bonds issued since, but under acts passed In-fore Mav 20th, IfMil, will beftrn-led nnder th act of March 10th, IHtifJ. provided their Identity is established, by being cut from tlie bonds in my presence, a provlsiun neres aryon aceount-of the BiinTbtrity toother Cou pon, issued since M;iv 20th, IHtil. - hUIl t . HA 11 IJ-, Bu13dlr. 'hWic Trreumrrr. Of all iVb tuntlit exectifft ot tU CUd NORTH. STATE OFFICE. JOB PRINTING NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED .TTUId OFFICE. GET THE BEST ; IXYEKTORS, MECHAK1CR, BAXUrACTTXEEC.. lies i lteei lteei The best paper in the United 8tateo sor Mechanics, Inventors and MachinisU, Is the , Scientillc American. 11 is the largest in sixe, and ha by far the wi. dest circulation of any other paper of" it cuts in the eonntrr. It la Dubludted .weekly. Each I number eoutains sixteen pages, with numer- , ous illustrations. The number Trr year make two volume. 416 pages each, K also contains a full account or all th principal In- i ventions ahd discoveries of the day. Also, valuable illustrated articles upon tools and ma chinery used in workshop manufactories, steam and mechanical engineering, woolen, cotton, chemical, petroleum, aud all other mauitfitcturiog and producing in. terosts. Also, Firearms, War Implements, Ordnance, Wr Vessels, Railway, Machinery, Electric, Chem ical aud Mathematical apparatus. Wood and ( T.iiinlier Nfucliiherv. Hydraulics. Oil and Wa- ter Pumps, Water Wheels, etc., Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements this lat- ter department beiug very full and of great value to fanners and Uanleners. Articles eiiibraciiiK every department of Popular Science, which every body can under stand and which every body like to read. Also, K'portsof Scientinc Societies, at home and abroad ; 1'atcut Law Decisions and Dis cussions, Practical Recipe, etc. It also con tain an official li.t of all the Patent Claims, a special leatujre ot great value to inventors . aud ow ners of Patent. The- Publishers also act as Agents for pro curing Patents fur new inventions. A new volume of the Scientific American commenced January 1. I LK.MS filter year ; yl 50 for six months. Ten copies for one year, $25. Canada sub scriptions 2. cents extra. SPECIMEN COMES SENT FREE. Address MUXN & CO., Xo. 37, Park Row, New York. "The Sanday School Banner." A NEW ENTERPRISE! The Undersigned, Themselves Members of the Sabbath School, propose to commence iu the city of Raleigh, on or about the 1st or next May, "THE SUNDAY SCHOOL BANNER." "And in the- commencement of this little- W01X of loei"TMij Xrvjaf OMmjriVni" luhf r" not appeal to every Sunday School boy, and girl in North Carolina to come up promptly to aid the undertaking. In our own State, here are very many Sabbath Schools, and from the best, information we have, the scholarship is large and increasing,, and it is from them we look for that patronage which is necessary to improve, and keep floating, this native stan dard which we propose for their benefit. 1. It is not for pecuniary gain that the "Banner," is established ; it has for 'its aim higher ob jects, and if we succeed in our enterprise, it will lie to us in after life a source of great sat isfaction to know that, in our boyhood days, we gave a helping hand to Sunday Sob. Mils, the preparatory Schools for places- of high trust and position, in the work of our Heaven- -ly Father. 11s name sumcieniiy inaicates tne object ouiroi us eujiormi conquer.. 1 hero is necessity however for the remark that it will not be denominational, but alike open to ' all the Sabbath Schools of this State for con tributions, in which there is no spice of secta rianism. v -.-iia. : . .... The "Banker" will be issued monthly on handsome type, clear white paper and wjll -contain fourteen columns reading matter, quar to length. "' ' " We trust sufficient encouragement may be . offered to justify the undertaking. TERMS IN ADVANCE : ' 1 copy twelve months, ........'30 9 " " n -...,,..-5 " ........ 100 10 " , 200 20 " " 350v Any" person sending hb a club of 20 for three dollars and a half will receive one copy gratis, W. J. EDWARDS, T. BR0UGHT0N, Publisher. nolCdtf The IVew York Timea. Enlargement of the Daily, Semi-Weekly and irediif Times. The largest and Cheapest Paper --iii-th-llBiteiLStat A larged to the sixe of the London Timm. Kd B nnmlier contains eight pagss of seven king it 1 11a largest newspftperm tne t lilted Suites. Full. Cottprrssumal- licports ; Reports of ... the legislature f Messages and PuUic. Documents ; Reports of Courts and I'ufJic Meetings ; European News, in Full ; Foreign and Domestic Correspon tJeuee News from all parts of the uorM; ' Political and General Editorials; Lit erary Neict, Selections and Miscellany. Everything possible will be done to make the TlMRS the most valuable and interesting Familr iewspflper in the United States. Its, price wiU remain uncranpvd. iu spite of the fact that its, site snd contents have been increased wiMourQil" The following bps the price of the sereral cdV Uoix. parable in all case iu advance, Tiicr once, ain iqvarisliJe. Club rate tn dla'i enntinned. We have lio travelling Agent. Ka. . nut in Checks or 10.4 OiEce Mnev (.trders if po- aible. Address U. i RATMOXD CU. apyj-dlm J Titues lrfl.e,Ktw Vork - :- , w.

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