masaaawasanaasntataj a -' A ' anussssssslrf yd' Lassf i 1 I Tmssl m si ey KlV rrom thjJPqW4 country. luiU of them the na.ty fruit One old woman Hardily rsReed to Ktogaf the Hellenes, wndrim from lid iVOUt. XUQIC RYPP R.I EHTf iTnrfinmValiaikAliiMf ' NfeaiaOuiLuaU Mirth and air, ho .hip, being JJm to hresm by toenrrectfe. to 186.- PW IflDMlll m 9 MB -EL. board of tWJtHAflf by fesfr, nfcahmmi ecau.ahj.nty of Bnass.i i. 1, I860 bW v., .v. ,ZT-r. u-u I 4 JriMc.w'liyapri .creamed loiarWi A-4rif 7 awswsn xuaa, FV""-'-" -T"' .;', 7, ' i' .UtorGMfMlMifrM lb Booth: iWUll" Hi " " mm Brssewiex, and I vantage HrJSrli " ' ' " " 1SJ0 JZ ZT tothV T AU Mor carnestneso to to,WBl wd fW to El.n and MaximUlian fell to ill I I 1" I '1 ansa 1 nf . . . , f ... TW eaaatordcrcd lirhia ta to torn. ar to 8. i . where tho rone dvnastT oeaiutaaee with MhuUlsitMM ahshi ibmilfTTtin itlll HonuVV thM tb above ratal. fiz.if theeeah order, 410 If it doasoot. ovarsix llase, charged wishing to advertise Car a lon oa saontte Um boh libaral tow. T . . .. rEL OF PATIENCE. KtoBrrb-Iooibo fcr iiuiet angel gently coaioa ; ITgfre as back ear torn again ; etad yet to tenesfoat tort oar dear, or Hrerente Father otods him here. NlWtftfffl jk'ngei'i glance, hare reabjafl eoonteoanoe ; Bomoolfl Wkk idle cheer, Mar nans' Will fiord. Bsmsj T V Whatl WU wot pOkHMtotoHM I the mourner's i ha may not ear i at to endure. FAaxel of tHtfeneet aont to calm Mar feverish brawa with ooolinj balm ; Hfe lay tha storms of hopa and fear, i life t smile and tear ; throtaofuMnankfe to still, r own our Father's will who mouroeat on tby way, the dose of day, that aagol kind, , "Boreaigoed; I teH, i alt tbiags i ImmmHm to a none Trade. recently a hoaineaa man who i Tory learnedly, and who tott well informed on the , awapped null cream-colored "horse, by "boot" at ha thought rare mtta." 8hortly afterward M Mot a Ml with a beautiful, glossy, Bona) htoak bona, who was willing to swap for the cream, for no amount of boot nam ai. Our baaiaees man accepted the offer hwerr readily, ttaid the required boot, and took poaaoaaion of the glossy coal black. the coal b!ack began apite of great care and washing, the oatiness, when, up- examination," the Mnd to hare been lion of the re- aovntry ia making hair-dyeing, ana eape T1m Braailian gorarnment had pied gad itaelf to transport emUrraats from thai country to any part of Braail whore thay mia-ht wish to settle. The experience af Mr. Selby. of Um manner in which that pledre waa kept, was anything bat gratifying . After great trouble and naaaeroaa dataya ha ticket and weal on board UM days he waa nifht and ddyla the air, and afforded no sheltor from rain offerina, sin set of the There were about one hundred and ifty of these, ncgroaa, Indiana and half braada of Ha waa furnished two meals a day ia, which van serred in a huge bo om apon the deck tor Um aooom election oath can Make these gaajtomcn of Und baggaga real M. W When makes his apoaaranoo on the I! not look fcanh alhju to two ooumtomaAAa wm m without audible smiles that are indecor ous. If tka giaUoMaa would only to dolgo to a HUM disguise to help on the dalasion, aomethtog Might bo gained, but wot aajy ia m WM of the ene my, but the look, manner, diesa.aud abore alL tha Tola If Um rota of tha alien. Tha antaconiaM betwaeu New Enatond laodciriliaatioaandihatof Um South, pre rloue to the war, waa not Mora deadly thaa b) tha aautonlam af interest now JtokiyVIlaw wTSiJSul the time against the intoreata of tl filthy, all fad together, halpiag thaaaaalraa by the handrul at a time. The paaaaca from Para to Um Haaliaga colony, occupying three days, waa of the same nature as that from Kio to the firat mentioned place 8a much for the trana- portaUon. The colonists who want out with Hast ings were promised supplies for six UMUtba or their equiralent in money with which to purchase supplies where thay astoht deem proper. How that p mmise was kapt may be appreciated from Um follow ing: The official charred with furaiehiac Um aettlcra with supplies is named Pinto. Ha M Vice-Preaident of the prorince of Para, . . ... . . ana proprietor or a harem which turn, him out annually a fair crop of half-breed In dian and necro offVprinr. With the moaOT that Pinto had ad from the and .to . ma a an .as mew rrrua. aii ana am a las anawer was returned from Hone. Mr. Cocks, of Ban ad the following si si i auto er on Tuesday, UMfnM stormy, and a high Recuperation and Manufacturers the South At recent Rhode Island, ia reported that Um beat managed eotton feetory to was in Aasrasln, Ueorrto. Ha is also said to bare referred to tbeobrioas Met that Um South possesses many ad orer tha North for Um tare of eotton, and advised the capitalists af Um section to spin the eotton into I yarn, instead of . atato. CAPTIONS dinner in Char-1 Of Tjuat) and Ttoaafiiatmn maA V. Am Sprague, off gmwml AuemNw of the Stat, at Um extra to all srloasy coal btj snssolr anolfcearwawaaMita .jaarkabla progreia the la the Una art or lly horse-hair dyeing. Our business idI new coal-black horse turned out to i hia original white one, which be had ra peed for the aream-eotor. n . w x -v trormence journal. .-Kinglake, la his (Crimean Inrasion," gives htMstJMptHMtlgraphic description of iMtba purpoo. of tba rirer, filled it with the cheap eat gru cartas, be could obtain, and forcett Um settlers to boy from bim at the high eat cash priee, or starve. Tbe settlement is distant from the rirer HPt eTgbt miles ; a sandy desert without abade Intervening: ; and once there the act da bad to trudge under a tropical sun ueasing on their backs the poor bat cost ly groceries supplied by the entrrprisine I'm to. Delicate women from Alabama bad often to perform that fearful took. The land in the Haatinga settlement, and the valley of the Amaaon generally, ta inferior ia quality to that of our coun try, and whaterer ia planted ia apeedUy devoured by tho myriads of inseeta that swarm in those tropical regions. And not only do these pests attack vegetable life, but man and beast as well. An insect called by Bailors "the iigger." lies to wait at erery turn ready to Make lodgment in the foot of the pedestrian, ami form a ony of young "jiggers never get Tba extent to which a charger can an I V . a m a n arehond Um parila ol a battle held may be aaaily andorrated by one who confines I hia ohaerraiiou to horses still carrying their riders j for aa long aa a troop bone eels tee weight and band or a h!s deep trust in man keapa him I y free from treat terror, and bo lames throajth tha fiarbt, u a leas wounded La UMUgb it were a field day at home; but I the that death or a Um of hia rider, he fa nuis in wta lot war while air. for aa often I to him the ne Ireundahotbe etilldooa in. Hia instinct with tha being, and to be agoniaed ef the tote he may incur for iiM. UaretoM no. bo shows more or less knows il need by missiles Mir way through the Bounds disclose of a ballet a and cringes. Hia WBd with fright, he gallop home into ems rather to tell If any, there ia for the ranks ; and he he can find, ur- riolenee, that he horse that he too ut not to be left be- bet, end h will "talUa," w nose through4 ulnM-fiesb freshly spaded renh, sects that Um animals than an ordinary lathe. fccorpions, cenUpedea. tarantulaa. aula an inch and a half tone:, and ia like the combined faced hornete, ticka adMfergelea a Man's thumb nail, that go like a mole through are some amour many of the blessings that endow a man with the pew. er ot despising soon trtoee aa UM atones of musqaitoei and sandflies that there. Comparatircly speaking, the is the mosquito of tKo Araaton Whether the vampire is really a sacker U qnosUou that baa grewa rtoato i dtspnution amoug-aatM aHul. We mber reading, several years age, a article. Um treat South A the serious charge that was JtoVad to be founded to fact. sets that matter at rest. He provided that hU aaa ahouhJ bare M aauually until attaiatog the age of t ty-eue; the sum of W,000 at that to. I had a lont talk wiih one of icntatirea aw tntentn, last nirlit. tried to convince him that it weald be well, just for Um appearance of the thing, to east a rote aew and thee for the rettoa be claimed to reprceeni. But no! I found My friend bad intense contempt for one-half of his people, and a deadly ha tred for the outer half. It waa a Connec ticut Congressman elected to the South. ami The Richett Bern fa Ansa. The son of JoehiM Sears, of Boston, who died ten years age, ia popularly euppesed to he the richest boy to Um United Stales. He fourteen yean of age. The father) whose property waa rutord at 91,090,000 after bequeathing small sums to hia rekUrea M.500 of twen- T . . . .. . . . rraa ; i,vw aunuauy untN be baa pese ed the age of fweuty-feuri fs.000 annual )y until he bad paaaed Um age of thirty ; and M,000 per anuuua after that time, fount Sean ia wed prorided for. to any taejleost, but bate not, perhaps, Um rich csjireung Man in America, aa ia oammon Ijatoppoaed. "Thus much Money shaft Ofou bare, and ne maan.M aaams to been Um totoution of tba rich father, knew the Tales of Money, aad felt content nreata Um yseag man sufficient to 1m a good aduenttou, aad funds mugh to commence business with in good shape seven years hence. The pro petty remains to the hands ot three Iras tee, and the simple interest on the oriel nal amount added to Um nribcipsl, baa reached the um of $3,300,000, while the value oT the reel estate bringing this turn w valued at The trustee have a ealery of fft,000 each, and MM COM let IM Mini ffCunVOv aTOMB IwJ COlltC Uon of reuto aaaount to a aum equal to the a A .a srs. st . a aa salary o um rresment or the L nited When it was found that there hope of saving Um vessel, five launched, aad filled with Um under the Starofjlwitsnml; toUMUastod Francisco, farnteb-laepttoa of tba The westh MM I Dana, very Bin. The military Pi uaur : Mtore to Sosth iheeYthan r. Jof-tof --s.2iiLt5e I"' touee 1. An act ta regard to obtain inr to practice law in thU State. (Provktoa that all persons who bare heretofore at tained license from the 'inranM flassst aj ractice to the County Courts shall be al- i. t - " j xjannwsnu.- er to practice in Um Su hth. wZ I ISmumW il waUsto tbal and Die- States have sent adrift, each and opportuuiueo of personal ohasrvatlon tne Bonlbern B tales, is better able to intelligent advice on Una subject SenatorJSprague. The water-power Um South is almost illimitable. There ia not n aingle Sonrbern State, unless it be Lcntoisiis, which ia deficient in water- What an immense aavtot it bin est fnrniab the captain, who, Usreaghssat, dlxpuyed er whM draw from it the c Um grratoit nils su and liilnjlity. Tbe , ia sneet agi 1 1 sill to Ma n whole of the nssiingiM felt folly per- reyaltot or HHsv. af the euaded that had it not been for tbe eeei-1 Te swpswnsb aba tottor, to bravery of the Um tost to hare aba al bawa tout UmW fives. The fire only left the ship about when she went stern fit the captain s hast, to a as . M ail intrty in tee persona. Uy attar the shit aaw Um chief mates boat fever, with s lip, they won Id xToraa Steele. fifteen nunsMre. A QMICUL1 URAL. emosL I wee to which there were FORKJXG BARNYARD OVER. would be to tho tete grown, employment to multitudes, nourishin Southern States if tbe ould be given X nHHHHHHHHHHn (towns bait up, y the increased of tbe sail. Tbe ana agneniiare prosper laiiare to airerany ner Mstastry waa meriy the grant misuke of the Tbe production of ihe tonaattost wbtob to hU fisah. Tho feet of hogs are so infested by these in- States. Tonug Seara te now in Kurope, fatter wuere as m tnung aunsett rot uie active deuce of hfo Marrtofctre Tttyraph. LOSS OF A STEAMER AT SEA. TBMLLUm eCCXKS AXO lXCIPXTTS. vampires in the act of luntuwialait Mr. 8eVhj as a firat aim, must be found tn anabee at thdMy-anailron r"; risssrVertea A tody bam lliat bottle. on a ig aeeraentiy broken a bar husband who waa i said to her: l declare, mj dear, everything that to you la more or less broken. reuMM urn May, Tor area you SPl i J m - - M nr.. in tho far greatly from these blood and have to he kept wan . a s- s . toem at night. Ot the families tings only four remain st the rest having tone to Para atop toward getting biab hoi Those that remain are Um Vaughn, Mendenhall Steel The health of the country te par with our samp lands. While tbe Hastings colony baa bean re duced to a remnant, all Um American col onies have been utterly broken up; colonists corainr iu aa best they eonhf the nearest seaports, generally in an lately destitute condition. - -Tueeeulrer tlw Bruxfl "forec," aa it has proved to those who V issued its attaek, will stand aa a warning to Um Southern people atatoet the hasty donment of their native land. Eves Um greatest curse that can fall Um foal womb of radtonl af mengrsliam aannat be avoided by go Our Kngfhtb files aontaiu a full ac? nut of lbs fees of the steamer lliberuia aeven bandret Mites frsm the inah coast. Certato paaiengaw who tacapod to tbe captain 'a beat any that at two o'clock oh Um Morning of Tuesday, Um th ult, they were a wakened ay a ernes. Basse wont to Um captain, whs Met thousand assured them there waa te danger. Har- siae but could net render h. e an our dosi waa tn a Mating esse overloaded at tbe time. It was aa awfej i sight to see some of those who bad been j to the Mates boat struggling in the wntor and others clinging te the boat a keel, and yet be unable to tender nay arete tones. I think that after a time the burnt was righted, aad a few of Um sisssnjasa succeded in getting in, bat I could not see bow many. We parted company with too ot ner boate, and sJtor aifantag fourteen hours, a heavy sea tbe time, tbe seamen oanstai we were picked ap by the Star of Hope fUree t . m a as a n . i ne aiar ot 1 1 nope also lease ap boatswain s boat in nineteen prsoengcre, total saved of fifty-ti Tassia aO trod d vs firsaly d the airia of ani mate UM wto- cfiectemDy at- there for a year or i M a Si ea np so taat tne air can oresiare aaaong it, tbe emiire aaass will decay to a tew weeks Jubat te will be easy to natch and r, were it to ic If it to of it with e . 1 w Hsw!?yV JMUf -ia-- aW sm U ska matfhfT I iffinnV t two persons. FALLEN SOVEREIGN4. in btot they west to bed. feat, however, auspiefea waa awakened, ad shortly afoMwarus he tohl them to get ready to gs into tha life-boats. Tbe crew meanwhile were working al Um nttuMlhst- Tk awmlnb W girth a mt aMsa ai as J UMwntortoUMUTreS 't IfavfensMul Oaf iiM duster in ''K ssMasR 5T??jlsJk a a bvHedttXCWL I mst paetaVV -bfed. nspeai all hades dewtotthe Tber dte-lto wa. AU were perfectly qaiet that and one er two ores slept. They saalaavd He freuuentlr came into :h cabii apekes cheerhng word to everybody. About 4 oVteck n Wednesday morsing it waa di tmminid that Um boats should be launched. OowisuT to tbe hmb sea . I .a me . dMcelty, but ferrnnatsly they were all get dewa at feet. Pasvtona to 1 uMUmI The er a the snkfe deep to ths aalton. AM tbe lady csbto paseengere wont to Um snpiaitny net iriersj and alas da PKgnse anl 01er4al taction. mvk sh itiuin tsaii waa nre- Dele nstof to tbe! uneM it had Tba TV At tbe moment when tha Queen af Spain, who might to easily hare retained her throne, te compelled to seek aa asy lum abroad, it cannot he unintereatfat to troo the names of Um prme, ithln the last half century, by stance foreseen or uuforseen, by their own fault or in consequence of unwise residence, by fates eel relatione prises which could noi possfpiy have fallen from power, er toot m . s Mans oi ineir aninoriir. i ne great conqi of the century, hit who trunsnmto! Use French Republic fats a sort eg asd vernal monarchy, Napoleon I, was thrown down definitely in 1815. His brothers. Um Kings Jerome and Joseph, had already succumbed. Mural, King of Nples. die appeared soon after. Issssedtetely apon being restored the Bourbon monarchy ia Spain began to totter. It hat all its American colonies, which became repub- ics, and Ferdinand VII. war kept on tbe throne only by the F resell expedi tion in 183. Iu the foHowfni rear took place the fell of Itnrbide, Hsperor of Mexico. The Sultan of TarhVv shortlv alter want depnred of Ureeee, procialaw an Maapaoacni the 3rd or f ebruary, IS30. year teU the Key of Al Charles X, led on by M. the Ultra Legitimist and The Kin- of Holland that te to say, one half of August, and of the House of Orange N. ototomies Brussels The of Brunswick wns, on tbe tember, 1830, driven from by Mf lasrerrection. The aame epoch, feat Poland for 1833, the too famous Don Miabnt, King of Portugal, waa compelled Meade Use crown to Dsns Maria, daughter of Pedro, who retains Um aft. Lento Philippe faalts and obstinacy of M. tie tbe 1st. itecember, 1848. nsnd, of Auatr to amid beinr epoch riua I A was and has ainee been a MF by time, tost possession of flangiry. The King of Prussia, Frederick William IV all alour from 1848, forced, on the 6th February. 1850. to take an oath to preserve Um Press charter. In 1845, Niehobs I died of - - . j a . .m . vcxauou ana wouuaea sou-lore, oeennse he was stopped en Um road to Constan ta WS, tea Itoss sf Hales, the Duchess of Parma, ami Um Grand Duke of Tnacaay were struck out from be list of reigning princes. Soalaamuc, After it baa rotted, If I Sooth, ataplaa res or tbe world, which made Mediae wealthy except herself, the energies of almost her whole The mannfacturinr an dma- chanie arts by wbtob aba might hare evade herself practically independent were neglected or held in disrepute. This Mtetake ansae Um war, te no longer pre valent. W hi Is t s larte cotton eras baa a e a .a Dcen raised the past year, snore attention baa been paid than usual to other agricul tural products, and it only needs to add to them tbe movement in manufactories todtea'ed by Gov. Sprague to make the South n wealthier sceiion than it ever was tbe war. If her exclusion from Um field of politics shall have the effect of concentrating her great energies upon her material development, deprivation will not be without compensating bene fits. Bat in ardor, to have manufactories there aiast be skilled labor, end this to extfept eon only be Tift aKjoa rente . ooo. x ne lax fists Um Sheriff, aad to ty te without means of su and for Um county i a . i w a autftonxes tbe Commissioners to the Itot aai the Sheriff to collect taxes.) 3. An act to incorporate the H. O.Mnv taal Home Insurance Company. fCrcatea certain parties a body corporate under thia name, to inaore agsinat loss by fire, light ning or tornado Requires the deposit of S0.000 with Public Treasurer and a sub. scribed stock of filOO.OOO before any beB cy is issaeo, ana saiborixes tne issue of policies on both the Mutual nasi Stock plana.) 4. An art to proride for tha regirtm. tion of voters in all special elections In ths State. (Allow, all persons hereloox . I A k . . ,. . , . .. KJreo so voie in an I whs, ahouldbe with that the I Boa I esttheeragsa w ould pay, be lt ia esay for any winch xrilso pabto af I te try tha satssfy mM i subject. North British PROTECTION FROM VINE BUGS. past the bags Rave destroy or dollars "Fee ed worth at pumpkia Tines, and have had -t " m. has been dsscosmd that avcrv test has tot agxiceJtarist of a to whose totegrity I have tarn re, to giving ana the m that fee sevessi years saset ha tost to aU hi diuerent vines. in Uv-field, with ihe. thefieJd wbcssUm nny consatorable extent can looked for In emigration ftr om Kuropo and Um North. This .u.irrattaa aWaMl. bdi till society in the 8ogal hTre-t e a condition which will giro "i on an end to which the combined enrr. nf win sonnern ana ooutbern statesmen aheedd he directed. Each of the sweat sections te alike in te reeled in tba nroaneri. iof the other. It te said that the Pres et elect, General Grant, is earnest to hia solicitude for economy in government expenditures, n moat important and ne aaaary thing for the restoration of the credit of Um gorarnment. But to con nection withat, and for its acccompligh autat indeed, there must be such n rener- al policy pursued as will restore the pros perity of the people, giving them true peace; tuns encouraging all their ladus rrto aad inspiring them with that hope ana interest in tne future or their coun . e n . . - - rj vsici becomes American citizens requires all other persons to register be fore Toting, subject to aJl tbe requirements of Um general registration of tbe State.) 6. An act to incorporate the Land and Lumber Company of North Carolina. (Antborises a capital stock, not exceed ing $ 1,000,000, and requires ,000 to be subscribed before tho Company can en ganixe. rurpose or tbe Uom lag aaw mills, plaining mills of machinery. For the doors, sash, blinds. agricultural implements.) 6. An act for tha relief former Sheriff of Ghstoo county., fifiuthas ! .1 .. I m izei me collection ot arrearaejas oo for 1SC8- 67, prorided that collect from any person wbt vit thst he htoafcaaiw auAR ccasea July i, iww.) 7. An act to amend the atnurtor F at andCoal&ld aU binds of ansf ItotefcrVordV - - Charles 7 of CaX at to a time. In Defend the Weak OmtOe. Some far Mere are net aa careful aa their true inter eats require them to be in separating weak Mack from the strong and atrresa- aad bad 1' n of storms snd feed "VTT 1 bat anarer round. Inmost herds, embrac- rw inranr aawsasWahia nnmK..r .,11 K- ad aatoe animate diminutive in size I timid in proportion ta their physical tbe tar-1 j -m . in Um feed aapplted. They are hooked nvi - - j i I .1 . .1 . of vtoss te which be ap- tTlwTT rLT T 'lTD' j I wm ma cars ana sympeia 1 iiums Aws-ansnsa yield, while forth! JJJJJt' fit to he UtolZ it with earth. md tb. It will pay wall to provide . - inclosure I t such r er. uw esey are of in some other wa If left to shirk for 1 be likely to go under before or should they winter through win be in a eonditmn so exhausted XI to valulcas for that r i ttoKmper- axpnlsl At that keeajM haefeja, I a ' si l. u the Emperorof Hsyti, waa buried from hia throne on Um lath January 1839. In the following year, Francis 1 1, Naples, saw en Um 7tl of tal Garibaldi ptontyr to be Mameaaftea I nsi ihi , wheto Mary do SMtdestrey Uae plant, add to iu vigor and I mrd the Cow. One would think that bo wiUtog to spend i of a for the ahaeJdhe with thia operation ia to n cow, would ta spend a tew momenta daily It asya aa well to clean aw aaa bene. All who have fairly si it find great benefit frees Um opera- i. Aad yet act one farmer ta n hun d aaakas it a practice to use the card curry-comb in tho cow-stable. We Mr atupid men whs laugh at the id as a asere notion of some fancy farmer. Bat, to point of feet, no cow can giro tbe heat results at the pan anlesa this matter is ai tended to, especially iu winter. Am. Itfei to tho h rid of whet as. Msw.thfefel IJrrncirJru he "Mr. Timothy." said a young lady, who bad been showing off her wit at the expense of n dangler, "yon remind me of a bars Meter that ia filled with nothing in Um upper aiory." "Divine Ahaira," aseeklv replied tbe adorer, "in thanking I you for the compliment tot me remind you That yea occupy the upper story entire- line as Wilmlagton, Charlotte Uailroad at or near W; privilege of extending tbe iraek ot aaid road to the North Kail road at or near Salisbury ... vwpauy nro years to ceanptot and changes name to Cberaav and oury uaiiroaa lomnanv PmmJm discrimination m favor of ember N, 8. C. Railroad.) 8. An act for tbe relief of . T, ey and IS. U. H I. a mt . . - W (fames had been amerced to e 1,000 for non payment of act remito the judgment aad) allow tees.) 9. An net to proride for the holding of ' municipal elections in North Carolina. (Prohibits non-residents from rutins; ha uuuicipai eiecnons, ana MB days ueuce con s u uues a qualified voter ) 1P. Aa act for the relief of Jas. Ron, ley, late clerk of tbe county court of Car teret. (Releases him from iudnment for failing to return to State Auditor ahatraet of taxablea.) If. An act to re-enact and confirm cer tain acts of tho General asaanahto mmtkA. r .L i r a. . . i ne isBue oi state bonds L and fnr in. . arwntrv' a . i . . : . n ... w.w anu 1 1 Ml in Company, and tbe Chatham puny. ,A o atoaad the charter of the city of Newbern. u rsaAlassusaW mW . axsdLtrrioxt. I. Reaoluti for making electron " -avstonsWuaaianussssI the Few. .- 'ill."" assssmnTii l)waMmstwMm to members banned hr teenm Amendment. S. Reaolutios for recess bom SI. 1868 to Jaanarv 4. 1869- 4. Resolultoaprovidinr a Committee ( investigation. 6. Resolution on Tobacco tat. (Re quests Senators and Representatives in Congress to endeavor to I doced to 10 cents per pound.) 6. Kesolution tor relief of Jas. Mam ia Clerk af Sheriff of Macon county. (I from penalty for non-par aset I Um time prescribed by Uw.) 7. Kesolution in faror of the Haywood coun ty Court. ( xi judgment of 11,000 I Make due return of abstract the Public Audits.) 8. Kesoluuoa to ratee a Jetot tee to investigate the management of ths Bank of North Carolina and Bank of Cups Fear. Empowers the Committee to ex amine hooka, employ counsel, aad send for persons and papers, and report wbat legis lation is necessary or practicable to secure the best interest of the 8tste in these in stitutions.) 9. Resolution providing for tbe appoint ment of a Committee to inquire into all the facta attending Um purchase of tha site for the Penitentiory and other property, with power to send for persons, sweat witnesses, and report en or befjre ' 1 Carolina,. Allows - MssNl l nan ii It fe BB 5- 1 uMht -yikthah I it ie ry in, lwa. f 4 ing to ttsesuer smy to gire .tare to tho next beat. Otbe, wm - LsssbVaw