QMnsjssv " rjr ' ' " iHk ... . - ... -...- a. .w4..".M.- '.wV4x - j I CtjcODld Nbrth State Kf LaaaalE BSHM " I - I I ElSBURY, FRIDAY, JAN. 29, '69. II 5oa nuu. AbtbHUBM Ml. J. 8. Mender Lud Sale W. Fraley, aigucc. Texaa Lands, &c, for sale. M. L Holme, assignee. Five Cms Reward. okn A. Brad haw. Vick's Floral fluide.-J antes Vick, Rocket ter, N. Y. GtKt Notice. From Yadkin County Grime. Raw Bod Phosphate.- 0. P Mcrryman A Co, Baltimore, Md. Smith Fetter Y Co.. arc the arents for the aale of thia invaluable fertiliser in Salisbury . Vm AA.ii day night Uf w aroused vB parsonage ....MR. AM yeuur men desirious of becoming members of a Hook and Ladder Com pany, will Call at Frank Brown 8c Co' Store and enroll themselves. t nine o'clock o:a Wed ties good people f Salisbury by an alarm of Are. It that the kitchen attached of the Pres. Church flame. TheBre had made to much headway, when discovered; that it was found impossible to save the kitchen. Bat, by the almost superhuman efforts of the colored fire company, the parson age itself, new occupied by Rer. J. Bute pie, waa saved. Tet it it doubtsi if the ire company would have succeeded in saving the building but for the efforts of several young men of the tewu, who ran very great haaaards in their efforts to pie went the spread of the flames. Fire is believed to have been acciden talto have been communicated to the building by means of a stove pipe which through the roof. Thin circumstance d serve as a warning to all persons ing stoves to secure their buildings from danger of taking fire iu a similar mao- Tn We sie infortne Ml Ml ll-Al. ed that a communication recently appeared In the Standard it es caped our attention claiming the result of the late municipal election in this place as a Radical triumph. Such is not under stood to be the case here. The election turned wholly upon questions of a local character, and not upon the political sen timents of the candidates. There were three tickets In the field upon all of which there were men of both political parties. Five of the Aldermen elected are Conser vatives, while the Mayor and two, or at furthest three, of the A Idermeu are Radi- Ft am m v ' MeAden waa to-elected President ; W, it. Myers, Vice rresweni j m. r. regress, Cashier, and A, O. Breniaer, Tsllert C&nWoffs Democrat. Dbownsd. We lean from the Charlotte Times that Mr. Z. M. Johnson, of Meck lenburg County, was drowned in Rooky River on Friday evening last. In at tempting to ford the river, which wss swollen, he was swept from his horse and taken by the current about seventy-five yards below, where he caught a limb which he held on to for about to hours. A man en the bank attempted to save him by throwing him a rope, but failed. Ho was about 32 years old and a graduate of the University. DasTBicTiyK Fibs at Smitavii i.e. We learn from our Wilmington exchan ges that a very destructive fire occurred at Smithvillc, Brunswick county, which destroyed five dwellings and three stores. A portion of the furniture and a quantity of goods were saved, bat the aggregate losses were considerable, amounting to $13,000 or more. There was ne insur ance except in a single instance to the amount of about ? 1,000. Cotton. The great advance In the pi Ice of this article caused considerable activity in this market latt week, and a good deal was sold the highest price was 27J.-A The tendency is upward. lb. Labor. Complaint still reaches as of a want of disposition on the part of the freed men to make contracts rer the pre ent year, although in some section the formers nave hired at prices ranging from five to tea dollars according to capacity some fifteen or twenty per cent higher than last rear's once. We hear of but few farmer willing to work on shares. It la now time that the labor was engaged in preparing the lands for the coming crops, and we hope to see the evil correct ed at once. Weldon Noun. Start! kn immense business was done in different portions of this county during the past year la the procuring of staves, giving employment to a ber of freednien and doubtless munerative to those engaged in ne. We learn with pleasure busiuess will be continued this J efeeaiatfeu la Ibis aostlon a eal of doner that would otherwise reach us. lb. ware nam-1 proving re- ear-it not HIM r 'S sni die around, can be ft tie earv keek aranite ding purposes, beiwg case from one to t leaving a surface rt building purpose, elf could be built by saving to the 8 of other material, a rreat source of the rock makes the window-sills, step, in North Carolina, s from this point to Rail Road and ot! the land any tailing creek abundance of State ean boost as they do or hill, afford excellent water. first rate, and 1 rears will be abundant a provisions as things together, plans has oeen o self point oat a the Bute for the leutiarr. irface State foMI- i.rtdilyancrViib in lenrth. il on the S the t foot tly trahoth for establishment i:- matsrial, there- transportation !d also be made to the State, a mill-stones, posts, tunt ean be found sents being made ts on the N. C. ces. There is on r. A nover jlrit, uBordlng an He niece In the springs, bursting or the mountain it supply of I foeilitiei are in a few in as Una for taking all that a it-lin Peui NtW YORK. JAN. IK, IMS. TorfHe People of the Southern State. When the pur medicinal restorative, now o widely know ii aa Voile's Schiedam deboapps, waa introduced to the world onder tbe endorse ment of four thoaaand leading member of th medioal profession some HO years asm, it pro prietor we well aware that It eoald not wholly nape the penalty attached to all new and use ful prep u-attnna. He, therefore, endeavored to Invest It with strongest poibl safeguard amintoouiiterfMtsr,and to render all attempt to plmte it difficult and dangerous. It waa sub mitted to dlatiniruiahud chemist for aualyrU, and pruuseuesd br them the unrest spirit ever n properties nav- Srwr. SHfno la Cfclf to to., nu. I Bartnixteetita rem. LhWlfl A. H Villi M 11. I . ucnr.MVM. I ' . flu. fi ni-mwwaj. JtrSKI'H WOHSTKII. M . P.. No. UtJNitSxI. tree. KBLHO.f ISTKKI.K, M. P., Ko. SI Bleeckef sSSMt. JU0KPH O'KKIM.Y. M..O.. Ka. SWFmrUi St U. I. RAPIUCI.. U. V.. Prufcsmrslllic "ncli ml IVaetire of Hirrnry, New Terk Medical let- He tl Ninth 1 l. Th proprietor she oBen tat sal bottled wnrn aid uavott, ipurtod sad touted by blasealt expressly Sat dm- llclaal mm. mamifaetiirsd. It purity am1 ing been the snsartsiasd. samptss of the arti cle, were forwarded to ten thousand physicians. Including all the leading practitioner la the TTuited States, for purpose of experiment. X circular, requesting u trial of the preparation and a report of the result, accompanied eaeh specimen. Kmir thousand of the most eminent medical men in the Union promptly renxmded. Their opinions of the article were unanimously fnvorabl. Such a preparation, they said, had OUC been wanted by the pndeaalea, a no reli ance c mill be pi ierd on the ordinary liquors of commerce, all of which w ere more or lea adul terated, aud therefore unlit for medical purposes The peculiar excellence and strength of the oil of juniper, which formed one of the principle In- irreiiieuts oi the Srhnapna. togethw wim an aa- a'loyed character of th alcoholic element, give it. In the estimation of the larnlty, a marked very other diffusive stimulant ana reeumn . credentials from profos- lach bottle ks bis certmeM f Ms vvovrm wTiLy. i thai i TO THE CITIZENS OF SALIS- BURY. Tht hanks of myself and family are due. and are hereby tendered to the citi- aeus of Salisbury without distinction, for their generous and well direnfad assis tance iu the preservaliou ofi Bkopcrty during the fire last night, WHHonsum ed the kitchen attached to tWllanse iu this town. The colored fire company is deserving of all praise feJSsdbeir energy end efficiency, aud any ttsnm may well be proud of such a faithful and well-or-gantsed oompsny of firemen. And to. the citizens, who so carefully temoved onr furniture that but little damage has been sustained, and who to-day mk generously replacing it, I desire to tender my sincere thanks. Nor would I forget to remember that the escape of the Manse from total destruction is almost miraculous, and owing to a special Provideneororking in and through the efforts ol our fellow uii- aens. Thanks be to God for this deliver ance. It may not be improper to add that the lire Was accidental, as tar as Known. J. RUMPLE. Salssbur Jan. 21st, 1868. Enlargkd. The Charlotte 'limes comes to us mueh enlarged and improved. We note this evidence of its prosperity with pleasure. The North Carolina Presbyterian has also been enlarged and improved. It is an excellent paper aud well deserves the patronage aud support of the very respect able denomination of Christians of which it is the organ. Price only $2 per annum. The Griswold House, Goldsboro', N. C, ho been leased by Messrs. T A. Granger dc Co. The connection with the house of Mai. Hearnc, late editor of the North Carolinian ill still continue. Hon. Jesse G. Shepherd died at his residence iu Payettcviilc, on Wednesday the 13th of consumption. Ho was in his 48th year and had filled with marked ability the office of Judge of the Superior twnri. and waa several times a membei of the legislature. He was a man of un blemished character and of great piety. FlB 8PKCIltT OF Cotto. Wo ware shown to-day. by Capt. xraukli i"!mim. of Williams oort. Maury County, Tennessee, one of the finest specimens of cotton we have ever seen. It was raised bv the Misses Peeler of said county, aud was part of a premium bail sent by them to Nashville. We learn from Capt. Craige that the cotton crop in that section was unusually fine the past year. Some unknown person shot a fine milch cow belonging to Hon. Burton Craige, on Sunday night last. She was found the next morning, in a back street, near Mr. C's premises, where she had fa! IsjEy On examination it was found that jkohad been shot with nails and small of pot metal. roTHxa Cxaccs Coming. We hare received a circular from Mr. Jamca Bob- i niton in which he anuouuees that, being "actuated by a desire to visit tbe scenes of his boyhood, and meet those who knew him as a child," he has determined to cose South with his "Champion Circus," and that he expects to be in Salisbury some time soon. He has recently returned from a tour through tbe principle conn tries of Europe where he seems to have created a sensation as "the American Champion Equestrian." Major Win. U. Baglev, of Raleigh, was on Saturday last, electedJL'lerk of the Su preme Court of North Carolina a good appointment. A New Post Office has been establish ed at Nebo, MrDowell comity, N. C. ' David M. Galliard, Post Master. Carried to the Guard House. George West (col.) and his wife were last evening carried to the guard house, there to settle 'family The police were attract ed by the cry of murder, and upon enter ing the house, on Third between Hanoyer and Brunswick streets, discovered West in the act of beating bis wife, who is said to be a much worthier person than her husband. We presume tbe case will to day be tried before the Special Court. . tar ci i 1 rrM. oiar. SrWrrabr 5Aafhe first shad ef i season were yesterday caught below techy. A Mr. Eli Herring wits tl.e lucky ficherman who drew forth the nice pair much to bis own satisfaction aiid much, we imagine, to the envy of his un successful fellow fishermen. The pair sold for $3.- a. The friends of Mr. W. F. Atkinson will be pleased to hear that ho has arrived at Havre, after a rongh and disagreeable voyage, on t lie 28th or Uecember last. He writes that any number of reliable emigrants can be obtained, but they need some assistance to defray the expenses to this country. Mr. A. thinks he will be successful in his mission. Goldsboro' Messenger. W - Elegant Sleeping Cars. Two rery handsome sleeping cars, manufactured iu Wilmington, Delaware, have been placed on the route from Wilmington to Weldon. These cars, we learn, cost $6,000 a piece, and will accommodate comfortably twenty-eight passengers each. One of them is named "Weldon," and the other "Wilmington.'- To. Templeton Troupe. This troupe last evening attempted to perform a play en- tilled the "Hidden Hand, and never be fore was failure more ludicrous, more pit iable, more disgusting. We witnessed ouly a portion of the performance, and that portion was sufficient to move tho laughter ot a plough boy, or to excite the sympathy of the "Freedom's Bureau." Chatham Bailroad. We are pleased to learn that tbe work on this read is pro gressing tineiy. seven miles ot iron have been laid, and it is thought the road will be completed to Haw River by the first of March Iron ts being laid down at the rate of half a mile per day, and twenty- two car loads of sills left this city on yes terday for the road. Standard. Election in Chowan,. We are gratified to learn that Col. Win. A . Moore has been elected by a handsome majority to fill the vacancy in the House ot Representatives, caused by the resignation of Rich. Clay ton, Esq. Ib. We learn that at a meeting of the North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company ..in this city a day or two ago, Maj. Seatnn Gales was elected Secretary and Dr. W. II. Mnrdock appointed General Agent.- We learn that the necessary amount of stock has been subscribed and that the Company will commence operations at ouce Ib. - , A, Pork. We learn butc 'nnantivsjaaVP tie pork was raised by the farmer thresh oat this section durini the year fist cud cd, in consequence of the impossibility oi keeping the bogs out of the bands of the rogues who swarm the country. A heavy expenditure is thus entailed upon our peo ple, as pork must bo obtained for the pre sent year at prices ranging from twelve to fourteen dollars. We hear of only one neighborhood where a sufficient supply was raised, and there are no idlers to be found, either among the blacks or whites. This is a commentary upon the times. A Consniraen to Break JaiL A bold conspiracy among the prisoners to brcsk jail was discovered ana frustrated by tbe County Jailor at a late hour Saturday af ternoon. The conspirators had carried their plan partially into operation and in all probability would havo effected the escape of all the prisoners that night. By their experiments to secure its success they were detected. Wil. Journal. Another Pebberu. Some hungry thief coolly wslked upon the piasxa of the res idence occupied by Mr. R. B. Houston and Capt. J as. I: Metts, on Marret, be tween Sixth and Seventh streets, Sunday night last, and, ripping open the safe, ap propriated all the provisions he f jond therein. This wasafier the occupants had retired, and an attempt was arst made to open the safe with a key which cot fast ened in the lock. It was then that force was used. Ib. A Workhouse Turnkey Waylaid and Shot The Would-be Assa mn escapes u recognised. One of the most daring and open attempts nt assassination was perpe trated in this vicinity yesterday afternoon. As a Mr. Strode, turnkey at the County Workhouse, was riding along tbe high way to this institution at a point just abreast of Mr. Arthur Hill's plantation, a negro sprang up from a lock of the fence where be lay concealed and, before Mr. Strode could recover from his surprise, leveled a gun and fired. The assailant was about ten paces off, and, scarcely waiting to discover the effects of his shot, lurneuana nea. ar. oiroae anemptea , tracts. The only remedy is to Comoro to draw his pistol and shoot tbe scoundrel, j raigo them, or force the debtor to go into bankruptcy, it the creditor class 'liWtWssjBHgsjrftota, E Ol,D DEBTS. We publish tWpnerniiiga rcry sensi ble and well ihsWiirticle on this sub ject. Whethef tbeSlay LiW is contin ued or not, equity and fairness indicate that a compromise ought to be effected. It is not for debtors to hold back, nor is is just in creditors to demand "the pound of flesh." The balk of the property, up on the faith aod creak of which these credits were given, hai been swept away in one common caiaawyr and it is but right and proper that all should suffer alike. We say, then, to caed iters, offer a fair and liberal compromise . and to debtors, close in with them at once. Ton have had a year of good crops ; avail yonrselres of tho opportunity to make payment. Jn sound law, as well as morals, there is no distillation between old and new debts. But a spirit of liberality should be exhib ited by creditors, many of whom we know are disposed to be so. If these old mat ters could be settled satisfactorily, a new era of prosperity would dawn upon the country. OLD DEBT. Hie probabilities now are that the pres ent Stay Law will not be interfered with, and that in a short while the tenth of sll debts and liabilities contracted prior to May' 1865, will have to ho met. Will this result in making times more easy amongst us. or will it rather tend to make them tighter I Wc incline to the former opinion. Anything that serves to put the and tile creditor is to compromise all M debts and get of them. There can he no real prosperi ty, no eoiifidcnce, no energy, no enter- sniiani itjaa i m . RsWnv-n m i ITT U jbbbbW fft 1 1 A . - AMMMmmZ - At .1 mlheHssa, e highest sank warn published form, and nhctneed wltl rnssnuum. ssoni edi hi nrivate seal. in tins country eu wn Mayo by vei ftattl frJEc! tends to rid prise, while the vast indebtedness of the past tits as an incubus upon the country. Tbe Stay Law will perpetuate through four years the ruinous confusion new per vading all oar business affairs. The costs and charges of collecting old debts will consume uearly half tbe estates in the country, possibly in the end involving all in one common ruin. There can be no such thing as repudiation of private con tn eao one of th euarantcre also adopted i a patent was obtain - infest was oopyrurntea. ii 1 1 c tor s autocra;li sinua te rack label and cover, ins the oreftirafion worn emboss- aud tbe corks were sealed with No article had over been sukl under the name of Schnapps prior to the introduction or Wolfe s Hcbledam Aromatic Schnapps, iu IsUil; and the tabid waa deposited, as his trade mark, in tbe Unites! States District Court lor the Soutbern District of Aew Vork during, th.it war ft might be supposed by persons unacquaint ed WILD lite dannr character ut tbe pirates wn upon thercputationol honorable merchant vendtne deleterious trash under their name tbe protections so carefully thrown around Schnapp'i would have pwTOdedtim intro duction and side of counterfeit -e They seem however, only to have stimulated tbe rapacity of imposter. Tho trade mark of tbe proprietor has- been stolen; tin' uiilor.-cuicnt wlueu hi Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps alone received from the medical profession has been claimed by mendacious humbugs ; his labels aud battles bare been imitated, his advertisements para nhrased, his circulurs copied, aud worse thau All, dishonorable retailers, after disposing of the genuine contents ol hi liottles. have tilled tlieiu UP with common pin, the most deleterious of all liquors, and tiius inudu uis uume una urauu Cover (or poison. The public , the medical profes-ion and the sick, for whom t lie Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps is arcstrilM'd as a remedy, an; equally interest ed with th proprietor iu the detection and sup pression or these pefaltdOS practices. The gen nine article-, manufactured at the establishment of the undcniirned. in Schiedam, Holland, it dii-tilled from a barlci- of tbe finest quality, a id flavored with an essential extract of the berry of tho Italian Juniper, of unequalled uamy. By a process unknown in the preparation of any other liquor, H is freed from every acrimonious ana corrosive element. Complaints have been received from the lead ing physicians and families in the knit turn A'tofe of the sal of cheap imitation of the Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps in those markets; and tr . vcllers, who are in the habit of using it a aa autidote to tbe baneful influence of un wholesome river water, testify that cheap gin, put tip in Schiedam liotllet. Is frequently pal ed off upon Um nawair. Thaamnt of th un- dsrsrsned have hen reovusassl to Ins lira aV nines on the subject, and to lornurd to I names or socb parties ss they may ascertain to lie encaged in the atrocious system of decep tion. In conclusion, the undersigned would say a proofs unanswerable of the parity i at excellence of the Schiedam Schnapps ; aud dollars iu surrounding but his fight arm was benumbed and life less. Fortunately the gun was loaded with small shot, which inflicted flesh wounds only in the arm and face of the turnkey without causing serious damage. He was brought to the city in a buggy and had his wounds examined and dress ed by Dr. Thos. F. Wood. It was im possible to extract the shot, but no serious damage will result from the injury. JO. The Atlantic and .North Carolina rail road is in splendid condition since so many new tics have been laid, and it is scldem we ride over a smoother road. The train, yesterday, went to Goldtboro heavily loaded. We are glad to know that the business of the above road has more than doubled under the present able management. Jsewbern Times. The furious storm of wind that passed over this city early Saturday rooming, did not confine itself particularly t this section, but extended over a largo of country. I a Uoldsboro it was) larl v severe, tearinsr uu trees br the that hare stood a quarter of a century. xmo great damage was done to hail far as we hare been able to learn Sad Death. TMu Saddler, place, Was killed .Saturday by tree upon himself. He only hours. Greensboro l'atrioiand Times. From the Raleiph Standard. SALISBURY OFFERS A SITE FOR THE PENITENTIARY FREE. Idtngsso Wthls moir a Ban a ' few- would all agree to concede something of their de mands, debtors would bu more willing to pay. This would ho tho first step towards n return of general confidence in money matters. The money paid to A, he would again lend, or invest In property or some useful enterprise ; or, mere probably, pay to H. 0, and D, in discharging his old debts to them, They, in turn, would pay ont to a bait a doxeii others : and in this way a thousand dollars would soon dis charge ten thousand bf debts. The effect would be magical. All would feel the better of it.' InduMy would be revived, labor, skill and tfRnt, encouraged and seconded, property would appreciate, aud the country be enabled in a few month to pay one half more of the old debts than it is now. or will be at the end of its four yean Stay Law. Creditors would thus really save a fair proportion of their old demands. Rot if they nil go in their present blind policy of exacting too much, they uiay loose aJfi. LaHHthel Matoo's Office, Salisbury, N. 0., Jan. 18, 1869 At a meeting of tbe Mayor and Com missioners of the cky of Salisbury, held at the Mayor's office on Saturday the 16th Inst., on motion, it was unanimously Resolved, That tho .Mayor, in behalf of the city, tender to the State of North Car olina through its Legislature a tract of land of any size required, m sight of and near the eity, for tbe purpose of a location for tbe Mate Penitentiary. In obedience to said resolution I deem Raleigh Standard. On PSBrsAPcopIo isMtanssling their brains for some way to jjsree bard hearted creditor to compromise their old debts -to M QfJBuch jfcrty as debtor could afford to pay. so at T relieve the country nt.nfcejflaV iitcahos that is par- aliziiij; its energiettjand hurrying lhou--j and to their grave 1 propose this : Let the bar and Jlf collecting agents re solve, that, In all tch debts as they may havo to hold through the four venrof the Stay law, they (acco; that be has produced, from under the hand of Uw most distinguished men of science la Amer ind raedici- Aromatic thet he has expended many thonr It with guarantees and safeguards, which he designed should pro tect the public and himself against fraudulent imitations : that he bus shown it to be the only honor in the world that can be uniformly depen ded upon as unadulterated ; that he ha chal lenged Investigation, analysis, comparison, and experiment in an it forms; and from every or deal the preparation which bears his name, seal and trade mark, has come off triumphant. lis therefore feels it a duty be owe to his fcllow eitisens genorallv, to the medical profession and the sick, to denounce and expose the charlatan who cnuntcrtcll these evidences or identity, and he calls upon the press and the public toaid him in his efforts to remedy so' great an evil. The following latter and oertifioats from the leading physicians and chemists of this city will prove to the reader tbat all goods aoJd by tho undersigned arc all they are represented to ha. I I mi 1.1 'HO WOLFK. Kew York. 53 Ckh.vr Strrkt, November 26, 1867. UttOLPno ITpLre. Esq.. Promt : Di: Ait Sib : 1 i haee submittod to chemical analysis two bottles of ''Schiedam Schnapps," which I took from a fresh package in your bonded warohouse, and find, as before, that the spirituous liiiur is free from injurious ingredi ents or falsification ; that it ha the marks ol being aged and not recently prepared by me cbamcol admixture of alcohol aud aromatic. Koepeetfully, k'llliD. F. HATER, Chemist MARRIED: In New hem, on the 14th i nst., at Christ Church ,0. W. McWEsa, to Mb. Nannie Davos. In Iredell county, on the 30th nit., Mr. John T. Lent of Stanlr, to Miss Ellen 0. Earnhardt of Iredell. Also, on the 31st, Mr. II. T. Arthur, to Miss Mary O Slavetv ' AtM.v In States villi-, on the 6 th Inst., by tho Ber. Walter W. Pbarr, Mr. Hiram Sum mers to Mrs. Margaret C. Lasenby. In Barka oounty. en the "A Nor.. Wm.B. Arerrte Mrs. L. C. Also, on the 17th ok., Samual H Alex, anderlo Miss Elisabeth Moore, daughter of tbe late Thomas Moore. In Terk District, en tbe 22d ult, Mr. Mr. Wra Neely to Mist 0. A. Slmril, Al so, on the 7th fast., Rev. J- R. Bailey to Miss Linaie, daughter of the late Ber. K. T. Bnsscfl. In New York city, on the 12th instant, Wm. H. Moore of Wilmington to Anntt M. Travis. W ll.i. I tern to in oi u.r tvoin 10 tor. who lan wy rot me uu fl f I' . i warn all person afainat WoOrfbg udgki f0VH ABRADSDAW, Salisbury, Jan. S3, 1819. Vick'i Floral Guide Tiu Hf ' m ... .il 1 He first dittoa of one Horxrm of Vick's Illustrated Catsloarea of Guide in th. Viewer Oartoe m mow pattshsd. It make, a wart ef 10 w, beauiiioUr ilw trsied, with about 1M Vine Wood Knsaaviagt of Flowers and Vegetable, and an 'ELEGANT OOLORBD PIUTE, A Bonnet of flowtr. It to tbe aa oat beautiful, aa well as th moat instructive floral Quid, smbhshod, ajvingptoui ud tboroogb dweeuonslor the Culture tf Flowers and Vegetahlel' The Floral Guide to published tor ike beer. ' fit of my oustsmirs, to whom It is sent without application, but will be forward II who may apply by ssaiL for Tan which is not half the cost Address JAMK8 VICK, i jsu. 22-tf nntnair, &. y. DIAD : In this county on the trfilli ult , Mrs, Mary M. McCorkle, widow ef tho late W. B. McCorkle, Esq., in the sixty sixth year of ber age. la Mecklenburg county, on the 8th inst., Mr. Samuel Berryhill, sged about 74 rears. In (iaston conntv. on the 13th ult.. Mr. . r , John Cordon, sged 82 years. In Caston count v, on the 9th itst., Mrs. Emma, wife of Cnpt. J. wonts Wilson, and rWhtcr of II. W. ltuinu.lt, aged about 10 yenrff. SALISBURY MARKETS JANUARY 22, 1869. BirOBTIW V 3. A. MccuNKAl'UUKr. OROCIR. Bseop, ( 'oflee. per pound, per poaud, 18 to S3 to m 20 no its t'oru. psr bssti, of Ml mitt Meal, bub. 4(1 " Copperas,' per oa ad, Caudles, Tallow, Adaraaatine, Cotton, per iound. Yara, per buucb. KCX. Per dozen. Featliera, per pound r.our. prcK. Pish, Mselreral, ft. 1. " i. rVnft, dried, apples pealed. m imp 1.1. " Paaclies, psaWd, V oanealed. Leather, npier,er pound, ,, 69 t. ft sole, X" .......... at to at Iron, br, f Sgto f ------ .......... 76 to into W to SB to ante 2.00 to 3.1 It to It 464 to o.76 to 6. SO to tm 7 to 8 00 to 00 15 to II t to M State of N(th Carolina, NAPKIN CUUM1. Superior Ofuri of LmutfkM . reriTKMt to tVn Jairir Dickemm, Adm'r, of John ttckerson, assist Orison IMctnerson, TgttntNM Dioksr son. Boroulus Y. Dickersun, I sanrlsr P. Viukwsoa, Osoar Diclrerson, baseh M. ttbk. eou,aud Laura P. J. Dmlceraon. IT appearing to the ml if notion of the Oourt thai iIm defendant reside beyond tbe limits of the State. It is therefore ordered by tbe Court tbat publication be made for sur. week, soccessi rely, in the Old North State, a paper published in the town of Bslunmrj , eotifvniK the said defendanu to be and appear at tb nut Term of this Court to be brld for the County of Yadkin, at tbe Court Beass dn Yadkin ville, on the 10th Monday sfter tfj Id loudy in April next, then and there to plead. answer or demur; otherwise judgment pro confesso will.be taken ssto them. Witnm J. A. Martin, clerk of our aidCour at c.fKoe, th. 101b Monday aftar the 3d Mou" day in September A. D. 1808, and in the nine ty-ibud year ot our independence. . ff J. A. SIAKTIN, C. 8. C. 3-Cw-prf $10 fit I mmWf- Tm J tsna, satf1 lames, ssrahsm, sr gel wesriaauv, 8vrup. ' Onions, prhuhel. rors. pcrpoua ?etaloa, wish, par aeshsl owe, Brown, per pound, CbsrtsVaV " .......... Crushed Palrvrixed Slt,roat. mm Ooewe S a donee e a Table. Tobacco, l.e f. per ponnd, naa.rerarM, Smoking. tote 1.00 to 1. to to at tote it 40 to 60 00 to 70 14 t. M ia to if 90to 20 3.60 to 9. 7 0.00 to 9.90 6.50 to 6.00 00 to Ot SO to 1.60 Otto 1.00 NEW AD VERTlHEMJiNTiL ASSIGNEE'S SALE. UI virtne of an order of sale ont of the Court of Bankruptcy, I wi'l sell at tbe Court House in Salisbury, tbe 10th of February next, ait (tie note and account in my hands as As signee of the estate of Janus B. Heard, a Bank rapt Terms Cash. JOHNS. HENDERSON, Auignee. Salisbury, Jan. 18, 18C9. 3 St LAND SALE. 0i il'nnirao ofaflfl as. ': I km I or your traeof the plriMi. i -inn 10 nt- per cent the claim) on ne vb will find ia worth fully t claims. Let compromise will all sen the he. r them any charge from 10 to .00 to the character of a realized. At tor- end that it will be s to manage such so, and the work of ALawtkjt. the ann i il meeting of the Stockholders of this Battle; held en the 12th inst., tbe fol? lowing Board of Directed were erected for tbe ensuing year; R. Y. Me Aden, W. R. Myers, R. M. Oates, John Wilkes, S. A. Cohen, T. II. Brem and Wm. Johnston. At a meeting of the Directors, R. Y. mission mei chants,, Have just made sale of twenty thoosantfscres of swamp laud in North Carolina b .parties in Philadel phia, who will eutnTtt ence udou devel It l or n inlt,ii i ii i win n i e In ren near flu nl linn v nniniv ,m Charlotte. Ai L aDDoiuf a committee, if in their wisdom t ezamfne city for the the they see proper, that will property tendered by this State State Penitentiary. It is the opinion of many gentlemen that no place in the State, presents a many inducements for said establishment as this does. On the land offered , and for Large Suit oj ' 0pip Lauds i North Carolina Our enterprising friends, Mes srs. J. It. Hunter & CO , general com Hidden raveenrees. 1... :Aall! Ii t'a Cn,irif.r man I -y--- Mr. James C. Scttlmll, forroerally of the Charlottes vile Chronicle, has become associated with Mr. Coleman in the 'edi torial conduct of the Jtichmond Enquirer and Examiner. Mr. Soulhall is one of t he moot accomplished niters ia the country. 95 Pins Sranr, ftmr Yoax. Nov. 81, 1867. rt, km.. Present- msd a ebemiral exaniiaatfon cHihicdam Hobasnpii. n itli the determining if any foreign or injiiriousaub m oeen auuea is me minnie aisti ci suir Etkx. Th exxmini tion ka reunited la ta snnnlaahie sainpl cnstxined no poisoBaas or harmral i nan oaen unaoie u aiseover ay dtleUriuui substonces which are em- tb adultrratieo of liquors, t would not mneuorio re, omineril to ollii Mrs, tK Sehiediiin Hrhnnpiw n excellent and ttaotvjpetinniible vartt ty of tn , Very respectfully yourx, (Signed.) CIIA8. A. SKt'LV, Clierniat. I feel bound to nay, tint I regard yoar Scbaapps a,being in every reapect ,., eiuineutly iiiire, aud tc .thil! or oie.lieai iintrmiitire. At all erenta. I is the purest pMibl artiele ol Holland Qia bere- t.tfore nnobtania'.l. and aa aucu may he safely UltMIIVSU II) M,. III,!-. I) AVID T.. MOTT. M. n.. Pharmaceutical Chemist, New Ysrk. Naw Voax.Tueaday, May I Unowao Wolfe, Esq,., llearSir: The ent ufpnr Winea and T.iqnara for meuiciasl parpbet-s haa keen loBfrtelt bjtae pro feanlon, snd'thouxunUH of lives have teen imcritircd by tbe use oi aauiierateil articles. Iellrlum tr,-. mens, and otlier diaeataa of the brain and nerves, ac rlfh in tWs country, are very rsre in Kompe, owing. in a great oegrrc, to tlie ditterenre in the imritv of .i 1 3 1 J ,IK- SlilMnw.. We have tented the several articles imported and sold by yon, inc luding your f Jin, whirh you sell un der the name ol Aromatic Sehiedatn Schnapps, which we ronaider joatly entitled to tbe high repn- tatiou it has acquired in this country ; and from your h.i:. , -ue.ne a-, a i-.cign importer, vour Mottled w ine- sii'i We would recommend yon to appoint some of the reoprelable apothecaries ro different parts ot tbe dry as agents fur th aale of your ilrandies aad Wines, where the pro tension can obtain the same when need ed for medjrinal purposes. Wishing yoa aaeceaa ia year new enterprise, We remain your obedient servants, VALENTINE MOTT. M. 0., Professor f Sargsry. fnlveraitv Medical (olleee. Kew York.. hf- M . CAILNtX HAS, M. I)., I'rofeaaor of OisJcal M Tlmrsday, the 4th day of Februarv next at the residence of Wm. T. Martin, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder 270i sere, of land, the property of Wm. IVMarlin, a Bank rupt Paid land lies on the Willtesboro road, miles IN. W. ol Salisbury, adioinir the lands of Jesse Tliomitson, John G. Benson and oth era, Temis cash. l at 1 atjiVjnck, M. , , W. IV f tiAubii, Aangnce. Jan. 15, 1WB. . i;:, ,i , .33. . Texas Lands, Notes and ft Accounts for Sale ! T virtne of an order of the Court of Bank ruptcy, I win sell at the Court Hons, door in Sslrsbiiry, en Tucntay, the tth.Ii dajrof Febru ary neat, all the interest which Julius D. Mc Ncelv, Bankrupt, hai in a latc number pt aot? mid accounts due J. 'it Jolmsiou, J. V. MoNcelyandJ. W. Clemmons, nllul said claims beindimfronrxutisensid tbe Slate of Tela. At the same thee and plane I will sell one hundred and loi ty seven ki.-rcs of land belonging- to the said MulSeeJy sTliialed i-i Gauda kiiif Conrity, Texas, and knov. n in (he olat of saw county at survey Mot e7. Terms cash. M L HOLMES, Assignee. January 1G, 18a ' S 3 3i O t KNOW AND BBLIETB That DR.6.B. POUL- Drug Store it Cheapest in Salis- arter ail. He keeps alwavs on band the beat of Drug, Vlediciue and every thing reliable in quality asually kept fo a First Okas ' Drugstore. He buys bis Good from the best houses in tbe United State ouly for Oath. and by so doing tie can attorn: to -sell Uall on him at Wyatto and got kit prices betora purcliaaltVg ' eisewiiere. gdff rreoenphona oaro fully compounded day or night at a price low enough to suit every one. - in announcing to tbe citisens of Letineton. VL I C, Davidson and the surrounding cbun tie tbat be baa opened A NEW DRUG STORE IN THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON, If. Ce where all their sostearv wants hr sW Drr line can be supplied af S low ftvur. Svery article is new, fresh, pare, and reliable fo qual- iij. a iwawxyjxaaaas Msuipouuoeu at any BOBr Ol the day or night. T ' o. a POULSON, Jsnoaryio,! Law Notice-Removal f w E HAVE REMOVED our office to ifut second door in the Brick Row, opposite tbe side of tbe Court House, on Council Street. we are compelled to adopt office hoars a follows : From 9 A. It. to 1 o'clock P. M F. It. to 5 1'. if. HOYDEN k BAILEY, . an. o, i;u r toroevsu.- Horeefor gftji; ml Ii UDrovul aaviatae of the Old 7 IMPORTANT Farmer's and Planters. GRIMES' PATENT RAWBONE PHOSPHATE Tuff past two yeArs have fully realised thi Kaw-Bone Phosphate, to be (he Cheapest and H.-ct in the Market, and unsurpassed by tbe highest priced Uuanoe. it adaptation to " 1 - il l iimn lkl n. MI. l i- f jaxxgaif. jsMprtia1 m w rmai, a oeeeCStFsaeg den Truck, fjrase, ic, baa been fully and most raUskciorify taatted. i irwly ground and suitoble for dril'i z, put up in Bags of 167 Iba each. 0. P. MEHHYUAN & CO- Sole Manufacturer?, Warehonse 54 8. Oav St., between Lombard A Pratt, Baltimore, hid. For sale by 8MITH, FOSTER .dt CO., Jan. 23 33m Salisbury, N. Q A INU. 1 ' Horse, exce ent die or in harness, gentle, round lauit or bieimsii, can be had on short lime with note and ai by early application to the editor JvbrM Aula ri21 n State of North Carolina. ALEXANDER t70Wrttf?,if Superior Court, tall Ttrm, 186& tar air. n. i. aiiLSaPS; You are heieby nolified that I will take I deposition of James Bnrcbam and other ' the Zt.ili day oT February at the Court in me town in oaiein. oiunty ot Wasnfl anJ state ot lnJiaua to be n-ad in i ne case wnereiu i am plan, tin and you defendant, when and where you may be t ent'knd cross examine if you see proper. ii...- urn uay oi jsnuary, jMtju. MARGARET K MILSAPd. 2 5w p.f.16. 1 ..VP ia ll.e HdtW 8 O H O O Ia IHE NEXT SB.S810X of Jjf. 1 a ner s Classical and Matkai... leal chool, oxford, N.Cwill bejrintb. first Monday iu January. i4t rf i"l1MraCx.rai S aw - i - --- Ii F F I CK on t he corner Aatlie above is sasaetiwaa omt at eSlna- IW ealiiaf m his aasence, by learis tkeir aaaaaa nt'e V. B. Maria- oaed Aaaerfketiaa for ft) acara. Do aae seed be deterred by (ear of Fa. a, aad (r trsat of raaaaa wko vaioe Wax. aaT 'bLZit Z Ef ProJucr taken for PenUl n I I I jW'.. i im.'M x&itr-V V.

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