1 , r ""lsrB OBsw BBS) MM far Alt. - i Hp1"-' l)t!5Nor!l) 0fdtf SALISimUV, KttlDAV, APR. 16, '69. I THE LEGISLATURE. Last wsek we conveyed to nar readers th .1 newt that the legislature had agreed to adjourn on Monday. Tliia week wear able to communicate the better utl that it did ndjourn oa that day. We liar tan unable to give our readers the proceedings' of that very remarkable lady, promising to inform t!it -I, if what it did aa soon aa we were able. We. therefore, to the exclusion of much other Interesting matter, publith the law, passed during the last days of the sees ion, tn relatiou to the homestead. An examination ot this law win reveal the tact tbat every man's homestead la to be exempt from execu tion whetlter he makes application to have tame sot apart or not. If lie duaataot attaod to the matter himself the law makes it the duty of the Sheriff to have it atteudrd to for him. This ia. no doubt, what the constitu tion contemplates. It also provides that where a jnau dica aeised of lands hie widow or children may avail themselves of the home stead. We also publish aa many of the captions of the acta of the Legislature, aa we eon con veniently make moan, res sr viag the remain - ,lu until ,.ri " W I Wll Will r"t in (be first column so that they may Ve found I the State to subscribe stock (V Railroad Companies- An act concerning Townships, Au act concerning estates of insolvent debt- posed Me Ardle wonld be discharged on the ground that certain parts of the recon struction acta, which were not strictly po litical, were unconstitutional while con ending tbat any cast involving thu un constitutionality of the political parti of the act wonld be dismissed for waul of ju risdiction. Tjke Supreme dpurt km just dismissed tm Ale Ardle case itself for tcant ofhuisdietum: v - ' - AN ANCHOVY FOR THE "CAR. PKT-RAO ORGANS. J nat after the war there- were a num ber of journals established in the South upon Government patronage alone. They warred upon the southern people, slander ed and reviled them, and were detested by TL : i i j i ' 111 lo o, journals cmsieu 111 outrage of the republican principle that the Gov ernment ilaelf is founded on public opin ion, loose newspapers, whose enTsuto- ry ia equal to their mendacity, and both without parallel, have just received some uaia Mis from the persons whose judg ment they hero never impugned. Oa Wednesday hut, in the Senate, while the deficiency appropriation bill was under consideration, Mr. Abbott, of North Carolina, carpet-bagger, sougbMo lack on an amendment to pension certain pa- flnra L Li. W . I... - ' - - .1 .1... " I . ..All ..( f"' Last week we published the revenue law next week we will publish a supplemental net providing for the collection of too revenue and, perhaps, make aome comments there- yexlieflMtflT-ir aij paper hica coujd iulawfei the Govt RECONSTRUCTION. I'uesioent Grant, who waa all aloag understood to favor the Stuart-Baldwin more inent In Virginia naa proven mat tne conn denee ce posed In him by the authors of that movement was not misplaced. Ou last weak, but a few days before the close of the sea- . . , am . -an sion, he sent in nis nrsi message w uuugress. It was a very brief and practical document. and urged upon Congress the duty of ot pi -ting the work of reconstruction at once He recommended the passage by that body before its adjournment, of a law authorising the Executive to submit to a vote of the peo pie of those States the Constitutions recent ly framed by the conventions of Virginia, Miseisgippi and Texas, with power toaubmit those suctions of said coustitutiona seperate ly which are supposed to be particularly objectionable. Although much surprise a manifested at the reception of the message th- House of Representatives immediately paased the law recommended, which concedes all that waa demanded by the Virginia move ment. A clause waa inserted in the bill, in the Senate, providing for a new registration of voters in the said States. This clause, it is aaid, will let ia at leaat 150,000 white vo ters iu Virginia and exclude many enloi enters who were fraudulently registered be am. It will also aflect the vote oonsidera- ronger any doubt that those States will be enabled to get rid of the proecriptive fea tures of their constitutions aad defeat the worthless aud corrupt "Carpet-Bag" party tar the State offices. Wei la & Co., in Vir ginia, no doubt read their doom ia this law Another clause was also added by the Sen ate which cannot be defended, and which sa vors too much of the vindicative feelinga which governed tne xnu ana win uoDgress- es towards th Southern people the clause requiring, the legislatures of those States to ratify fapropoaed 15th amendment as aeon dition of their admission. Practically this way not amount to much but the feelinga and motives which prompted it are very rep rehensible. Colored suffrage having tan ar bitrarily forced upon the Southern States we hope they will all ratify the proposed amend ment so aa to force it upon the Northern States or compel Mesa to defeat the measure. But we wish to see them left to act in the matter as free and untrammelled as the North ern States. This ia the first piece of practical legisla tion which the President has aaked at the hands of Congress, and he has been success ful. Those Democratic journals which have denonnced him for hia coarse in other things will have the consolation of knowing that that coarse, coupled with their strong disappro bation of it, has enabled the President to ac complish this much in the cause of oouesrta turn and good government. Till: tfcARDLE CASE. It will be remembered that daring the last snmmer the Old North Slate took the ground that the now State governments of the Southern States were fixed facta -that it would be impossible to get rid of them exeept by another revolution. It took the grouud that the question of the validity of said governments, being whol ly a political question, would hare to he determined by the political and not by the judicial department of the government. To sustain its podtlon it cited various au thorities which oultt to have settled the question, but which satisfied do one, scarcely, but him who quoted them Among the authorities cited was (he great speech of Chief Justice Marshall on the Jonathan Robbins case, the opinions of the Supreme Court in the cases of Wil liams vs. Armroyd, Varbury rs. Madison, Luther vs. Borden, Mississippi and Gcor gta,x parte, also the opinions of George Ticknor aud Benjamin R. Curtis. Ia the face of all these eminent authorities it was contended that the reconstruction acts wonld be deeided to be unconstitutional whenever the Mc Ardle case was disposed of, and that these governments would fol low such decision. How sensible men could ever entertain each opinions wsi a hat they did. We sup- i ueis was 01 no use to iTrrnmrnt or any aas eiae ; aim tue amendment waa rejected. The New York Inoune, upon these jaat remarks of the senator from Ubode Island, makes the following equally just and pungent commentary : " Mr. Senator Anthony has generally been praised to draw nice distinctions rather for gallantry than for bravery ; bu. be did a brave thing Weduesday, as well as one highly creditable to his common sense, in bis resistance to tne scheme lor pensioning a lot of starveling newspapers upon the Government Treasuiy. Cer tainly loyal newspapers at the South de serve whatever incidental encouragement can be given tbcm ; but tbe senator a general proposition is palpably just. Newspapers that can't support themselves are not likely to deserve Qovernment support, or to be of much use either to tbe Government or any body else. Ktullv. this is another " Daniel come to judgment." Matters are getting around considerably on tne awe ot justice, and we are nromnted to hope fur something better still. Richmond Dispatch. The above comments by Senator An thony, the Dispatch and the Tribune, are well merited. Every body is familiar with the manner in which a certain jour nal ia this State baa been, not only kept alive, but allowed to swindle au unfortu nate class of owe people, because of the manner in which a political Judge con strued Um appropriation act of 1867. And every fair minded man knows that the paper tall pampered has been a stirer up of strife ia our State ever since tbe election of Gov. Worth, and that it key j i a i by the manner in which it has tradnced, and is atlll traducing Um people of this State and the South. In saying this wa no not wish to be understood as defending the course and tone of all the Democratic and Conservative papers in the Stat' by any means they arc not all as pacific iu their tone aad disposition as they shonld be. We presume the selection of papers will be left with the Secretary of Stat hereafter, as was formerly the An act making valid all municipal e'eo-J ttona In this Mate elnee January tbe IfcVM. An act to amend ehaptor 3. aeetton 5, au set eutirled "an act eoneeraiug the gov eminent ,J the eountiea." ratified the lltfc of August. IcKH. M Aa act to authorise the formation of cor poration fcr manufacturing, mining, ine- enanicai ana other purposes. An art to amend the 21st section of the 34th chapter of the Revised Code. An act to prevent the takinsrof i Metal under title J7 of the Code of Civil Troee dure, and to extern! the time allowed in sec lion 400 of aaid title. An act to amend certain sections of th. Code of Civil Procedure and to repeal ear' tain sections of the Iterised Code. An set to provide a trial by jury for the sod term or the Superior Courts. An act to amend Chapter 40 of the Ke vised Code. An act to re-establish burned records. An act to establish the days and nlaeas ...n: I i : .. "'(i ipm M'irnv uiioer eieruTlon. o real ptSSBSMy to lie sold unless advertised .) .lavs at ran CViurt House and at three Oth er public places in the county. An act in relrtion to proceedings in crim al caaea. An act to amend title 20 of the CuU ,,f i ml fmocdure, and to ratify stava ol exa ofthf Peace in certain cases. ararVjaat SSBPPBV,,SsFP Company ao act to fe P. T. Coorlfaf J ho Aa act to citv nfKWilm An act to inc No. K08, A. Y. I Auactmaki Deaf and Dum Appropriate pern, for tb An act to LodgeA. Y son eotfuty. Au act to am town nj datory acta" An act to inc No ui, at A An act to in rion ia the coi An act to au mcr sheriff of er sheriffs, to the years 18043-' An act to ii No. 207. of A. Au act for th Neose river in t Au act to t Lodge, No. 267 in the county An act an act for the relief clerk of the Bnpotior the charter of the ratined van. iff, tc Mt. Olive Lodge, ; Wayne county, ppropriation for the ,ho Blind Asylum. Au act for Je relief of K. m ' T?T . a v- man, oi tue county oi inoir, nsoi to defray tbe cx fiscal year. tie tbe Kilwinning Wadaaboro', in An- .he charter of the ky and certain amen- ate Carolina Lodge, a, Anson county ite the town ot Jta-Mcdowell. W. P. Justice, for- an county ana oin- ears of taxes for ate Lebanon Lodge, Liter of a ferry across anty of Craven. grate Dunn HOCK Y. M., at Brevard rlvania. From the Standard CAPTIONS Of acts and resolutions passed hv the General AsseMh of North Carolina at its session of ISOS-'GO. , ACTS. An act to add another .section , to be mark ed section 460. to chapter VII, title XI X of the Code of Civil Procedure. Amendments to the Code of Civil Proce dure. An act in relation to proceedings in con tempt. An act to define and punish hrtoery. An act concerning Uuardian ami V ard. An act in relation to special procedure in sea of mills. An act to provide for a Board of Public charities and prescribing the duties thereof. To consist "of five members, one of whom to hold office for one year, one for two years. one for three years, one for four years and one for five years. The whole systeni of charitable and peual institutions of the State to be under the control or the Hoard, who are to perform their duties gratuitously, their traveling expenses only to be paid. An act in relation to punishment. I AW act entitled proceedings of impeach ment. - ' An act to provide forms in civil proceed ings before justices of the Peace. An act to regulate proceedings in the par tition and sale of real and personal estate. An act in regard to proceedings before Magistrates. An act to make certain amendments to lite Code of Civil Procedure. An act entitled an act to raise revenue. An act to authorize the Public Treasurer to supply temporary deficiencies in the Treas ury, To pay interest on the publie debt falling due Jan. the 1st I860 and April a.nd July the 1st 1869. An act to authorise the Board of Educa tion to sell tbe stock owned by the Publie School Fund in the Cape Fear Navigation Company. An act to create a mechanics' and labor ers' lein law. An act to amend section 6, chapter .15, of an act concerning the liegister of Deeds, An act to amend section 3. chapter 'JU, of the Revised Code in regard toobtaiuingdi vorees. An act concerning the settlement of the estates of deceased persons. Aa act entitled proceedings ' Habeas Corpus. "' Ad aet to provide a salerv for the Gover nor and Treasurer of tbe State. Governor 15,000; Treasurer, $3,000. An act to lay off the homestead and per sonal property exemptions. An act respecting County Treasurers. Aa act anpplemental to au act, entitled an aet to raise iwenne. Aa aet to authorise the several muirtW , Ab aet to require the Teartstratlorr of deeds: - A n net to provide for holding special terms of the Superior Courts. An aet to punish person injuring or kill ing live stock. Misdemeanors, liable to pun ishment. . i An aet to make the act of going masked, disguised or painted, a felon, . Ofittudera tn be imprisoned not less thau one year nor more than ten years. An act to amend an act entitled the Code of Civil Procedure. An act iu relation to certain mortgage deeds. An act to protect married women from tbe wilful abandonment or neiilect of their hus bands. An aet in regard to obtaining license to practice law in thu State. Allows all those who have license from the Supreme Court to practice in the late county courts, to practice ia ell the courts of the Stata.j An set to provide for the holding of municipal elections in North Carolina. An act in favor of tbe builders of pub lic mills. Center upon the county com missioners the same powers tbat vested ia the late, county courts as per chapter 71 of tbe Revised Code. J An act in relation to municipal elec tions. (Directs the commissioners of tbe several towns to appoint three persons to hold their municipal elections, and to make a return to the Register of Deeds of their cuuty and to the clerk of the town.) An act to amend an act concerning the government of counties. An act to prohbit hunting on the Sab bath. I Subjects the offender to a hue not to exceed 50. two-thirds of which to go for free school dor poses in the county where the offence is committed. An act to repeal aa act M provide for the employment of convicts and theeree- tne power and du ty of the Governor in respect to fugitives from justicei Rewards not to exceed 9500 to be offered in accordance with the nature of tbe case, no port of which shall go to any sheriff or peace officer, whose duty it ia to arrest felons, dec An actajo amend title 6, section 68, of the code of civil procedure. An act to ameud chapter 2, title 19, of tbe code of civil procedure. An act to amend an act entitled au aet to make hank bills a set-off. Au act. to amend an act entitled an aet concerning tbe Register of Deeds ratified August Slat, 1868. An act suspending the code of civil procedure in certain cases. An act to allow causes to to be reheard in certain cases. " .-in act to cure certain irregularities in the mode of commencing certain actions, and to amend certain sections of the Code of Civil Procedure. An act to provide for the collection of taxes iu Carterect county for the year 1868. Au act ta incorporate the North Caro lina Mutual Home Insurance Company. An act to provide for the registration of voters iu all special elections in this State. An act to incorporate tbe Laud and Lumber Company of North Carolina. Incorporates Won. Underwood, Chas. W. Smith, Joseph underwood and others. the Capital stock consisting of personal property, not to exceed one million dol lars, for the purpose. of erecting saw mills, planing mills, and machinery for the manufacture ot wood into material for houses, barrels, agricultural imple ments, &C.J s An act for the relief of James r . White, former sheriff of Gaston connty. Authorises him UHt 1 July lot. I860, to collect arrears of taxes for for 186-'67, with certain limitations. An act to amend the charter of the t 'In iaw aud Coalfields Railroads Com pany. An act for the relief of P. T. Massey and . G. Hill, of the county of John ston. Remits judgment of $1,000 grant ed against each of them for tbe non-pay -men t of taxes in due time. An aet for the relief of James Rum ley lute Clerk - of the County Court of Carteret county. Releases him from judgment entered on account of his fail-. ure in dae time to maae an abstract re I urn of taxes due foom his county. An ac: to amend the charter of the city of Wilmington. An act to amend the charter of the town of Washington. An act to re-enact and confirm certain acts of the General Assembly suthoriz ing the issue ' of State bonds to and for certain Railroad Companies. An aet to authorize the Public Treas urer to supply temporary deficiencies in in the Treasury. An aet for holding special terms 'of Su perior Court in Craven county. An act to incorporate Silver Hill rail road company. An act to incorporate tbe Contentnea manufacturing company. An act to incorporate the Salem Fire of itures incurred on account of failure to ny and account for taxes in due time far the year 18C8.J An act amendatory of tbe act to incor porate the Western N. C. Roilroad Com pany, ratified the 15th day of February, 1855, and of all other acts amendatory thereof. An aet to amend the charter of the Wilmington, Charlotte tc Rutherford Railroad Company, to provide for tbe completion of said road, and to secure to the State represents' ion ii the company. An act to authorise aid empower R. W. Hardie, late sheriff of Cumberland county, to collect arrears f taxes for the years 186(3 -"67, An act amendatory of,', and supple mental to, on act smendatery of the act to incorporate tbe Western N. C Rail road Company ratified the' 15th day of February. 1865, and of alt other acts M Pitt for over asseaament of taxes for the year I860. (Relieves him of the payment of t2 An aet to art vent toe icinng oi tbe Catawba River. " Aa act to incorporate Lea Lodge, No. 253, A. T. M , in the town of Taylors ville, Aloiander connty. An act to authorise the commissioners of Duplin couuty to levy a special tax for building aad repairing public bridges in said county. (Authorises toe levying and collectinar of a ui ot one tenth of one percent on all taxable property.) An act to transfer mcuoweu coumy, now iu the 10th Judicial District, to the 11th Judicial District, and to tranafer Al legbany county, now in the 11th Diatrict, to the 10th Judicial Diatrict, aud to change the time of holding the terms of the court In said Districts snd others. An aet to Incorporate the Jonesville Lode No. J77, in the county of Yadkin. Aa aet to authorise the sheriff of Crlumbus county to collect arrears of taxes. (For the years 1866-67 -'68, the time to so collect to cease after Nov. let, 186- An act for the relief of Wm. H. Gen try, Sheriff of Stokes county. Anthor izes him to collect arrears of taxes for the year 1866-67, the time to ao collect to ceaae ou Nov. lat, 1869. An ScrUj'''IBl..'d''siiiKtir Lml Green Swamp company. Ao act to incorporate Rnaufort Harbm Steam Ferry Company of North Caro lina. An art to amend the charter of the Judson Female College located at Hen derson villa. (Prevents the establishment of any tiplinir house otherwise than those months imprisonment ( or both, as the court msy alrect. Aa set to amend the charter of the town of Lenoir, Caldwell county. An ac'. to amend the charter of the town of James ville. an act to authorise and empower John M. Usteman, aheriffof Wnebiugton conn, ty to collect arreara ol Uses for the year Ifl7 A v ' au act to nrovide for the collection of Uses by the Slate, and by the several counties of the State, on property, polls and inc ome s ' an act to incorporate looaaco iug of Masons. an aet relative to the Western Toro oike Road lead inir from Aaheville woel- 1 . t . ward to Murphy, ana incnce or rP.- routes to the Ueorgia ana ince. . . An act to confirm certain land grants is sued to Lewis W Bryan and others in the oounties of Ashes and Alleghany. I.. nmviMit the sale oi spima- All f ' - " 1 ons liquors within two miles or ies m Bingham Hcuooi. an net to authorise Jonathan Man, late sheriff of Stanley county, to collect arrears of taxes for the years 186-"67. an set in relation to property belong ing to the Board of Education. (For hiita antes safswamn lands, stocks Jrc , held for educational purpose, except by act of 1lflMiiLIlltA er ins kului.u i. tjoreiMiK holde.i General Hardware ! Shatter CUTLERY. KOGEK'H Wl8 teobolm'a and other Pea and Fuck -, et Knives. Barber's .Cloth and TallorV I Shears. Isie- aud f Ueut' laSPaasu, Put tv Kuives, Boteber Knives. Wade and llutt-ber'a Kaaors . wi- r. n.irtln Walls. Wire Kend n.,Am Ktula. Out SUeka, h-, I-Aii. ToImicco Cutera, r crews. c. for Olaas Doors. BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, Bellows 88 to 40 inches. I A..IU. Vises. ffHea. rUeps, ' " Horse Shoeing Tools ia Hammers an Punch riV I 'Mi! flliialr and Dies. Emery and Sana roper. Horse Slues and Naila. Screw Plates, Twier Irons. Butteries, Borax. Machinists' Tools, Of all kinds in Stunk, or will he furnished at short notice. es, imue, rijvn, Screw Wrenches, 'I IS EICULE BBmA HBatUAS, It la provided by section a f lath of "Au Art amendatory of the Aet to iucoriorate the Western North Caro lina Kailroud Company, ratined the 15th dav of February. 1855. and of all ..tin-met- amen datory thereof," ratified by the General As- ""! : V- iL i: .. .l no.L j i . . , , nw.ii. , vt .mull varum uu lur uav in chartered in the town within one-half i v,,.,,' lasm . ,u 'a - i r 1 , II v I a tic aiiiruu mile of the College.) ' mwit. uroposed herein to the charter of the aii act to cuange tne time oi noiuing . Western .V C. K. K. Compauy shall be ac the courts in the counties of Hyde and Martin. An act to proieet pers or other infections diseases. An aet to grant a town lot in the city of Raleigh to trustees to be used for tbe education of children. An act to incorpoi ate the N. C. Pur chase and Trust Company. An aet to repeal section second of the set passed by this Oenerrl Assembly rati eepted by the stockholders, as hereinbefore provided, it shall be the duty of the Presi- cattlo from diatem-! dents of the Eastern and Westers Divisions amendatory thereof paased at tbe present fied the 15th dsy of Kebmary, 1809, en- session of the General Assembly and rat ihed on the 29th day of Janaary, 1889. An set to prevent the felling of timber or otherwise obstructing Kocknsn fjreek, the boundary line between New Hanover and Duplin counties. Offenders to be fined not less thin $27, or be Imprisoned not less than three mouths, or both, at the discretion of the Court, a An aet to amend an act to Incorporate the Pitt County Female Institute. An act to incorporate the University Railroad Company. . An act to enable the County Commis sioners of the New Hanover county the better to carry out the provisions of the !3lh section of Article 7 of the Constitu tion of tbe State. ( Authorizes the connty commissioners to examine the books, doe- ty officers, who nave led' a x Boom i A mer tax collector of Buncombe county, to collect arreara of taxes for the years 18C6-7. An act to aasend on act to amend tbe charter of the Western Railroad Com pany' ratified 21st of August, 1868. An aet to amend the charter of the ox ford Branch of the Rileigh and Gaston Railroad. An act to amend the charter of the At lantic, Tenueaaaana Ohio Railroad Com pany in North Carolina. Aa aet to asnendi the charter of the Williamatou SAuLTaiboro Railroad Com ments, etc.. of eon act to provide for an assignment of in the Capitol and Kxecetthro Man- a4siothslsVdosa tajsghawrfcrova B. Jones. titled ac act to change the time of hold ing the courts in the 9th, 10: b, 1 lib aud 12th Judicial districts. An act rooms in the Capitol aion to State executive officers. An act providing for an official (Mira tion of the results In the late Congress ional election. An act to renew the charter of the Richmond Manufacturing Company. An act in favor of Win. A. Pbilpot, late aheriff of Granville connty, and Joba Harris of Person county. An sol to incorporate tbe Raleigb Cemetery Association. An act to ineniporute the Wilmington Life Insurance Company. An aet to incorporate the North Caro lina Real aad Personal Estate Agency. A act for the relief of J. HaiV i v . JwttD! r tin- y of said Bond to notify the Governor of the State of said acceptance forthwith; . and tbe Governor ahall then immediately make pro clamation thereof in three newspapers with in the Stale, whereupon this aet shall be in fall force and effect :" And Whkbeas, James J. Mott, Presl idtnt of the Eastern Division of the Western North Carolina Railroad Company, and Geo. W. Swepaon. Fresideutof tbe Western Divi sion of said Company, have certified to me that at a joint meeting of the Stockholders of both Divisions of said Company, held in tbe tow n of Morganton, Burke county. North Carolina, on the 7th day of April 1809, a ma jority of the stock being represented either in person or by proxy, the question of the ac eejii.t no-of the amendments to the origiual charter of the Western North Carolina ltail road Company, and of the acta amendatory thereof and a'pplemental thereto, was sub mitted to the Stockholders in ioint meetine assembled, and that they v..te.l unanimously I s.,uth tor tne acceptance ol the same: CASH flow tneremre.i. v m. w. moldes, uov ernor of the'State of North Carolina, do here by proclaim aud declare thnt the aforesaid "Act amendatory of the Act to incorporate the Western Noitb Carolina Kailroad Com pany, ratihed thu 15th day of February, 1865, aud of all other sets amendatory thereof, is IX I I I.I. FOU0E AM. KTFECT. I)..ne at our city of IUleljrh. this the 8th dsy of April, one thoi Sam a. i i i i ' Cast Steel. Blister Steel, . G eriiian Spring and Plow Steel, Rod Ires Oval and Half Oval Iron. Wide ic Narrow Swedes Iron, Hoop Iron, Band Iron, Square Iron, Scroll Tire Iron, Cut and Wrought Naila, Canldrons. Horae Ac Mule Shoes Horse Shoe Nails, Cart Body Nails, Door Bar Staples, Log Chain, Jack Chains. Hatch Dour Screw Kings, Hitching Hooka and Riuga, Lop or Chain Links, Box Scrapers, Box Ch:sels, Cotfe Pot aud iron Stands. Brass, Porcelain and Japanned Wardrobe Hooka, - r Braas and Iron Jamb Hooka. -vrr fi SAD IRONS. Goto ood Door Springs. Scales, Beams, Steel Yards. pooy An act to repeal aa aet entitled on act to amend an ordinance of tbe Convention entitled an rtrdinan to incorporate the North Western N. U Ii. U. Company. An act to be entitad an act to' consoli pate the Atlantic & jn'orth Carolina Rail road Company and the N. C. Railroad Company. An act to incorporate the James ville and Washington Railroad and Lumber Company. An act to author t Pitt connty to raise a special tax for ceskin purposes. Au thorizes tbe levyinefand collecting ota special tux of $7,001 to rebuild aud re pair bridgea and sclAol bouses. An act to autbtnfe the commissioners of the town of Toavro' to convey tbe right of way the ifiliiamston and Tar boro' Railroad Comslay. An act to establialf a Turnpiks Road from Marion, in the County of Mcdowell, to Ashevtlle in the 4uut An act entitled an act the Madren Mining Com An act to amenat an ratified the 16th iy ef to regulate' the San of s in the town f AsjajsMs. An act to incorporate IBeaver Dum Lodge, No. 276, F. A. M.In . the county of Union. An act to legalbjaj eertaii official acts of chairmen of tbe late count, courts of this State An set to incorporate Gaston Lodge, No. 263, F. A. M., is the bounty of Gas ton. An set incorporate I'n iku Lodge, No. 264, F. A. M , in tLt town of Webster, Jackson county. .-jp - An act making sn appropriation for securing the Insane Any in Ui agaiust fixe. Appropriates 11,00 1. 1 Au act to ha enlitlst an act to incor porate ti'e North ( , -oliua Laud Com pauy. (Of Raleial. I , An act to repeal ,n act providing for furnishing the Uxecuife Mansion. An act ta incornq-tle the North Caro lina Maaufacturm'. Loon and Trust Company. An act to protae aertaia eiUaens of North Carolina, wh sated lauds of the United States Teuty agents during the late war. , An act to Jnoorfr.te B arreara of taxes for the year 1868.) An abt to incorporate Waynesville rodge No. 259, A. Y. M . in tbe town of Waynesville. county of Haywood. An act to be entitled an act lo enable the city of Raleigh to borrow money for certain purposes. An act lor the relief of J W Shenck, the sheriff of New Hanover county. ( Re lieves bin from tbooavmcnt of of a fine r- a af 81,000 for uon-payment of arrears of taxes.) Ao act to incorporate, tbe Wilmington Steam Fire Oonanany. An act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the town of Newton in the county of Catawba, ratified tn 1855, and acts otnendatory thereof An net to incorporate Rchoboth Lodge, No. 879, A, Y. M. at Teacher's in the eonnty of Duplin. j.. An act to extend the corporate, limits of the towu of Tbomaavilie. day of A ffit year or ne indenenolence of United States th. !i:td. W. W. HOLDEN, Governor, Hy Ihe (,overnor :. W. K. ltiLiiAUuaoN, Act. Priv. april 10 NKI'lt ALGIA, Tic lo .mix, Nervous Iiuad-ncfie, l l..:.. at Sec'y. 15 3t rruj Neuralgic Aliections, mlou- and geflorally. Cotton. Flour. Cheese and Butter Triers. To merchants who deal in mixed Stocks we will sell at as low rates as they can sap- ply themselves in any market. North or Our t toe It is Urge, and low for ' ."!. 17, CRAWFORD A, HEILIQ Sai.isiu:ky, N. C. April 18.-153m. J re fJ THE NATIONAL c Insurance (lo'p'y PLRFEt TLY relwved in7 half an honr atrongly recom mended by tKe bibest medical authority. Prepare.! and Sold, only At K. SfLL'3 Drug Store. Salifbury, N. C. I2t-1B I of Buncombe incorporate iny. :t, passed and February, 1859, Intuous liquors No. 192, in the An act to incog rale Company. Ao est to town of urnaville Lodge, a i Cf: ty oi xaricer . the Union Land the charter of tbe ng Company In the ! No. 262, in Lenoir, Caldwell county An act to incorporate atlantie Lodge, No. 236, of a. y Masons at Indian Ridge iu tbe county of Currituck. An act to incorporate Lefferaon Lodge, -No. 219, r iV A M. in tbe town of Mt Airy in the connty of Sorry. Au act to authorize elections in certain towns in this State. An act lo incorporate the Aew II, mover Agricultural society;: An act to prevent tbe felling of trees into the waters of Mitchel River, Surry county and tbe throwing of other ob structions therein. (Make such acts misdemeanors, to be punished al the die ersotionrof the courts.) An act to authorise the sheriff of Ashe county to collect arrears of taxes for the years 1867 -'68 of the sheriff ol Alleghany county I Authorises hin to collect arrearages 6f taxes for the years 1807-88. I sn act authorizing the Governor to ap point a Mayo and Commissioners for the town ot Henderson ville. An act to incorporate the Littleton Manufacturing Company. A further supplement to an act entitled an act id incorporate the Green Swamp comp act to incorporate tbe Central North Carolina Railroad company. act to authorise tbe couuty commis sioners of the county of Camden to levy a special tax of $1500 to repair public 'buildings and to pay a part of tbe county debt. An act iu relation to the Lunatic Asy lum ' ' ,. an act to amend the charter of the Caldwell and Watauga Turnpike com pany. an aet to incorporate the Currituck Club Steamboat company. an act to remove obstructions in the Pee Dee, Yadkin, and Uwbarrie Rivt f r the purpose of allowing shad and other fish free passage an said riven. Author ises the commissioners of tbe counties through which the rivers ran to remove, within 30 days, or sooner, all obstruc tions therein ; the penalty on those ob structing tbe river is $250, or twelve Sale of Valuable Notes and V2counts. TITE andendgned, by virtue of an order from the Court of Uukfiintcv, will expose to Dublic sale at ttlelturt House in KatUbury, on the 30th day olTApril, to the niphest bidder a large amount r not est and a. counts belonging toltc iieely 4Voung, Haiiknints. Tbe said notea An act to incorporate Hibriton Lodge, Ond accnnt will lie. H..I.1 iu lots. Terms Cash. A.Nii.tKw Mi i::miv. Assiirnon in Ap l(j:15;3t Bankruptcy of McXeely .t Young. IEW AND SPLENDID STOCK L0 F GOODS! AT J.M. KJMOX c C - No. j.. Granite Hons A LARGE LOT OK DOMESTICS 10-4 Sheetings, 4-4 sheetings, Bleached and Hi own shirtings ; 4-4 Bleached shirting at 162-3 eeuU AtJ.M. Knox fb Co1. A Superb Lot Plaids, Prints, Muslius Goods At J. M. Knox tfc Cos. of Tickings and aud all kinds of white LINENS, Cassi meres, and all kinds orGeuOemeu's wear a splendid variety At J. M. Knox dh Co's. v LKNO (i REN AD1NES a very large and beautiful assortment ; the most beau tiful assortment iu the place; going off rapidly. Call soon, if you want any, At J. M. Knox i& Co's. LADIES' HATS Trimmed and on trimmed ; tbe finest lot in this market, lf J. JU. Knox db (jo's. READY-MADE CLOTHING The finest and chcanuct assortment iu the uily At J. M. Knox it- Cos. WASHINGTON, D. G. ChartereJbyvxcial aet of Congress, July 86, W. Cash Capital paidJrTfmll $1,000,000. It is no longer s question with any tain, who tenderly loves his wife and children. k aidera how helpless would be their condition in ease of his death, as to the duty of taking vet a LI FK POLICY, but as to which ComJU k. shall pay his money. If he reflects a moment he will conclude to patronise the Company which shows the crest est degree of vitality, which extends its busi ness over the largest area, which in a Hume Company in every locality; which furnishes iu surauce at the least cost ; which issues no poli eies that are forfeitable Bhould he be unable neat year, or any subsequent year Vapsy Bis re newal ; aud which ia undoubtedly able tc meet all its iron Uses. With these feelinga and views, he looks oyer tbe nowspa ners. and. bvthe time bw. ti,r....i. reading the advertisements of Mutual or Mixed Companies, he finds hia mind so fuddled that be ia at a loss where to go or what to do He can not comprehend one-half that is written, and concludes that none but Aiietuaries. who are fa. miliar with the principles upon which Lrfc In surance, is based, can comprehend or explain anything about dividends sad hia liability tor notes given in part payment of nremiuma. Iu his dilemma, he looks into the plan adopted by the National Life Insurance Company of tbe United States of America, and finds just what be wants: AN ALL CA8H PLAN, reduced to the low est minimum rate, like any commodity in mar ket, so ranch insurance for so much Money. No notes to give ; no interest to pay ; no anxie tv about Assessments; no apprehension of his rplicy being forfeited next year if be does not pay his annual Renewal ; and the Kates so mueh I Lower than other Companies, that he realises a larger umuenu, in advance, than other compa nies can pay him in the future. He finds that, instead of this uncertain prom ise, at present high rs e, thst the National preA sents a certain and definite snm for a much lower rate and puts ap its paid up Capitol of si,ooo,ooo As a guarantee fund, that its contracts v fulfilled, and, like thousands of others, cheerful ii calla on their Agent taV make hia application for a Policy. Henoe the unprecedented aad most wouuonui success of tne .National as con trasted with tbe older and Mutual Companies. The Company issued its first policy on the 1st of August, imiH, and up to March lat. HMD. it htd issued 3J82 policies. Amount insured, $ MyMJH 00 Total premiums, 350,117 03 The whole number issued by the Connecticut Mutual in tbe first year of its existence was 60B By the Mutual Benefit of New Jersey, 083 New IJuglaiid Mutual, i 343 ' rinenix Mutual, 333 Massachusetts Mutual. 312 " Equitable of New Turk, . 277 The Mutual Life.of New York, in'the first rear of its existence, only issued 470 policies. in it win rear. ixw " And in its 20th rear, S.stsJ " this latter being fi&O less than was issued by the Nation al iu its first seven months. JAY. COOK 4 CO., Agents for the Southern States, P. F. PE8CTJD. General Agent tor Norm Carolina. April 19. I -r.'.t 154sa GLOVES, Hosiery, Collars, Em brniderin. and Dress Trimmings of all kinds aud styles At J. M. Knox d& dfs. Ladies' Kid and Cloth Shoes, and Gaiters I a handsome lot and of superior excel lence 15-6 w At J. M. Knee dt I've. j he Stockholders of tbe Eastern and Western 1 Divisions of the Western North Carolina Railroad Company are hereby noti fied to meet in joiut meetiug iu tbe town of Morgautou iu the county of Burko. on t he 4t h i day of May. A. !., 18ti), to consider of. such matters as may be property brought before tbem, and matters of import anee. W. J. MOTT, President. , Eastern Division 'W. N. C B. K.Co. GKO. W. SWEPSOX, Pres't. ie Wept em Divisinu N . C. it. R- Co. Raleigh, K. C, April i&BK 1 i 7

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