4 At J I .'W-.v - An act (o authorise tlm commissioners t'. Tnmsy Ivaiiia and Henderson counties to ' vy a special tax. Not to exceed $!.".) In pny ciiiiiitgr debt. An art lo authorise tin- cmigy commis sion, i s ill Fr etiklm county to levy a spc- I in . Nut In exceed ? 7,000 lo nit ct exi i see, anil to pay n portion of the c mill v drlit. An Wl to b'vrntiilfil an art to regulate )! i- .:!. v and Id S i.f llli ('Ink All iw a salary ol 51,000 in ud I'iti 1 1 In fi-OH. An art to prevent the felling of trees in i 'iilrntiiea 1'rcek. Offeudcrs t be li i-t! $!i fur each tree, and alo to bo con-Mui'ti-il guilty of ft inisilenu anoa, to be fined not less than 10 nor ore tlian $100, or to be imprisoned a.i tlio Judge towy deem proper gtl)e(g)lDNprtlpWatc SA I.ISHUKV, KUillAY. APUHsJpPlHl I -i CF W ' see from th Henderson ImUs th.u mime persons liave been taking that papar tit task I t ita recent coiirtm. We are not at all surprised at this. Kadicaliani ia'not confined Supreme Court j to ouly one of the political partica that now divide the country by any meant. Thcronrae of (lie Index, without any sacrifice of princi ple, has been iu the interett of conservatism, of peace, oflaw and order. It has favored t'ie Virginia movement to rid the people of tliut ancient and reuowned commonwealth of tint proscriptivo feature of a constitution I which tlwy cannot ho to defeat entirely A:i act lo authorize and require the , one m tlie wisest movemenis mane uy south J. I . A ttT commissioner ol the county oi armi to levy a special tat for t lie porpoise of rebuilding n " poor house" in said coun ty. A tax of one tenth of one per ccut on all taxibic property An act to incorporate the Pino Forest Cemetery Company in tho city of Wil mington. An act to incorporate the towu of Clay ton in the county of Johnston. An act to alier the boundary between the counties of 'Wilkes and Watanga. An net to authorize the commissioners of tbe count v of 1'asqnotank to levy an for certain purposes, ftot lo eiv- HIIH I III! 11UR UA U- ,.r,vU" 7 I - 7--. and farmers Association. An ju t concerning tW powers and' du ties of Stite officers. An act to provide for levying a special tax for the county of Beaufort. Not to exited $10,000, to pay county debt, and lo meet other expetwes. An act authorizing the commissioners of Jones county to levy a special tax. Of 35,000, to build bridges, support the em stateameil since the war. It has favored efiviug the administration of Gen. Orant a fair trial. For this, it seem, it has been de nounced. It aan well alTord to be denounced lor a course so conservative, sa patriotic , so much iu the interests of peace, harmony and prosperity. The Intler, with whoso editor w are un- anqnaiuted. has taken, in tho main, the same (course with the (Ud Xorth Stale. It has ta ken a practical view of the situation, dis carding dead issoaa, obsolete principles aud mere abstractions. This is the only and restore pence to tbe country we Sew bo our, A:c. An act to amend ihc net to incorporate the Clieoah Turnpike Company. An act to incorporate the llubeson Ag ricultural Society reason, ho t.ir, ! d.iilt hi earnest intention to do so. Some of his appointments seem to ns to be verv bad, bat this mav not be whol ly his fault, lie may have been imposed up on, or he may have found it absolutely ne i .iry to conciliate the Republican party in this regard iu order to retain suftieieut inllu- eiice with it to enable him to tueeeed in oth er measures ol peace upon which he had set his heart' In other respects his course da serves praise. His intlnenco certainly de feated an attempt to reconstruct Georgi thinl time. Cougress never showed tha except in so far as they reeogulie the ex istence of a Mate government already organ ised. It was deeided, in effect, that "there may be a State without a government' "that a State is none the less a State though anar chy may prevail and all government be sus pended ""that the association of in.lividn. als remains under the social compact, though without organised power exercising and di recting its political force" that " State neither loses any of its rights nor is disohar- ged from any of its obligations by a change in the form of its civil ffoverosjeut" that the goverumeiit which was the aetutd govern ment of the State, and which was ttcogni:td as such by the political departments of the government "was the representative of the State to the extent of being entitled to bring this suit " that the States lately in rebellion have aurvived that rebellion, aud survive with all the righu that have ever pertained to them as independent and self governing communities under the federal constitution, sohjeet only to sneh changes aa have been made in that instrument. The importance of this decision cannot be over estimated it will become historical, and will be referred to in all future time as the one settling the most important constitution al questions that have everanjaan. or ever ean arise, iu ih historic JmLmMtitrrfa great fundamental An act authorizing the Appointment by slightest disposition to relax the severity of its course towards the people of the 8outh until after the reception of the President's message urging the passage of the bill in re lation to reconstruction in Virginia. Missis sippi and Texas. The passage of that law insures the defeat of the Wells, "Carpet Bag," faction in Virginia and gives the con trol to the virtue and intelligence of the Stake This much President Grant has one questionably accomplished in the interestsof peace. We hope to be able to approve of many more, if not all, of the acts of his ad miuistration, With the Judex we are for giving him a fair trial. We will not de nounce his administration Hsv a few faults or errors committed at the outset, but intend to the Governor! of municipal officers for town of llocky Mount, in Edgecembe county. An act to authorize the couutv commis sioners of Johnston county to levy a special tax to pay for the building of a bridge across Keuse River. Not to ex ceed 20 cents on the 6100 worth of mon eys, credits, Szc. An act to authorize, empower and di rect the County Commissioners of Hali fax lo force collection of arrears in taxes. My preparing a list of all delinquent hinds, to do which ihey have power to send for persons and papers, and the sheriff to col lect taxes on said lands. Au act to provide for the levying a spe cial tax for county cf Pciqiiitnaiis. Not to exceed $5,000 to nav count v debt, lo I iudire of it fairK as a whole. We shall be I I J ' t i J CD build and repair bridges, !cc. much mistaken if lis does uot show hiniself An act to authorize the county commis- t oe the leader of the conservative men of sioiiera of Macon COUnly levy Special ! k;. nmrtm u-kn tha. nmnr time arrives for . . .i. i i i - rt . l j i istees of oJLw him to assume the leadi-rshtp. Of this1 we are the more hopeful since reading the speech of Senator Spragne ou the occasion of the sere- i I Ita I j ' '11 ' ' taxes Tor special purposes. An act to incorporate the Halifax Manu facturing Company. An ait to incorporate the Tro r . . . ii net to authorize the Jan Itivcr speech he savs that the movement in behalf UoaJnekls Company to construct aud ex-1 of the people for the establisainent oAn low tend their road. I rate (lf interest will be "led on by the brfl- An act. to amend an act entitled an act J liant 8tar of pre,iJent Grant which Uii n. to e.-taniieii special courts in the cities ot t aa legi ti ny set af , as State. I established const is governed by the rinciide, affirmed in the celebrated case of Lather vs. Uordea sometimes known M the "Dorr case," and sometimes "tl toe "Rhode Island ease" that the question of the validity, or legitimacy, of a State govern ii lent is not judicial, bat a jmlitical ques tion, and, that when the political power Aa reeogaiaed a State government the curt will recognise such decision and follow it. The governments existing in the Southern States daring the rebellion, not being feci g nised by the federal government aa legiti mate, were not competeut to do any fecting the righta of those States, The governments of those States by President Johnson, being recognized by the politic! power, though-only as provis ional governments, were, therefore, the rep resentatives of those States to the extent of enabling them to bring suits in the sanies of such States In the U. 8. Supreme Cocrt. The distinction between constitutional ques tions purely political, and "OMM in hue and egnsiiy arising under the constitution and the laws and treaties of the United States made in pursuance thereof." taken by Chief Justice Marshall in his famous speech on the Jonathan liobbint ease, and affirmed, a we have before stated, in the ease of Lather vs. Borden, has been strictly observed by the court throughout. Many of the comments of the pret. upon this important decision most have been man it seems to us, without having first thorough ly studied the opinion. , THE REVENUE LAWS. We surrender a verv large part of onr oa- tropical saga' crops Man destined to fail almost en tin ', is a perfect substitute winch onght ot onlv to AM the vacuum and prevent i ny serious deficiency in the sugar eopplN and a corresponding rise in price, but it ught largely to Increase the supply ami d ininish the price of this Sta ple article of .od. Oar attention baa been recalled to tl s subject by an article in the Richmond 1' patch, from which we quote the following : "There is ow a mmpgfev In Louisville. Ky., engage ! is the manlactuie of sugar and sirup from sorghum. The Democrat of that city dates that tho articles manu factured by!! company are excellent. The sirup briigs rcaMr eighty cents per gallon in the ssarkel. The sugar, 'in ev ery respett-4h color, brightness, and sweetneafe-is equal to the best refined A sugar ever made,' says that paper. It adds that it ean be made for seveu cents per pound about oiie-t hiid of tho cost of im ported sugar. "In speaking of llio yield of sorghum per acre, the Democrat climates that MS acre will produce 900 pounds of sugar, or loO gallons oTjlrup, which, it contends, will pay bettflhan com or other graiu." MISVKL lANEOUS 1TKMS. 1 "The man t the wheel" Tho Veloc pedist. The N. d Medical Society meeU in Salisbury on tbe 20th of May nex. .. ... A Cuban roudeavout aid drill-room has been opened in New York. Hon. T. L. Clingmau is at the Kbbitt House, Washington. A Jer.eymvrTH bo inventtd an India rubber carriage hs sold his patent right for fc00,000. The autre aweman's waist i shaped like an hour glnss, the more it shows that her sands of life are running out. Manufacturers are leoking up at the South. The Augusta (Ga.) Factory Company recently declared a quarterly divdend of I ve per cent, on its capital stock. A Baltimore gas-fitter did his repairing net badly that tbe gas escaped, and, can dle being carried into the room, ruined tbe house. Ex President Johnson had a most en thusiastic reception, at Knoxville, Tenn., on Friday the 3d inat. - n. w4si4 iM(S', itfill. t,",7 The Princess Mettemieh decide that dresses shall be lower In tho neck and and longer in the train. The Duke of Argyle has pnt his MARRIED': In Salem, on Monday evening, the 13th inst., by J. P. Vest, Kq., Mr. Henry Alley to Miss Alice W inkier. On the 8th feat, in Wanghtown, by Elder Wm Turner, Mr J W McKaughan aud Mies Marlb A Pitts. liv Rev J C Patterson, at his residence, March 28tb, Mr. Spruce M Suider to Miss Lliaa Parka, all of Forsyth county. By ReV J C Patterson, at hit residence, on the laih, Mr David Robertsou and Miss RosifM Carolina, second daughter of Vm BWalm, all ol l'oisytli. In Polk Couutv, ou the 10th ult, by Geo W Rhodes, Esq, Mr Coleman Brad ley to Miss I . nil, i Kdwards. Iu Charlotte on the 13tb, inst, at the residence of Mr Harvey McAlister, bv the Rev E J Mevnardie, Mr W M 11. n dcison, to Miss N J Normeut In Ne hern on April 11, 1868, at the residence of Geo Lamb, Esq, by Rev R A Willis, James E Taylor to Miss Mary Lamb. In the 7th Mlv, Tn Warrcnton, N C, by Rev M M Marshall, Capt Wm J White and Miss Sue B Cawthornc. In HendttUon, on the tilh inst, by Bel li UOibboTC, Dr Bcuuett B Pcrr to i- .Misi Naecissa J Maun. ilmiiiglon aud New Rem Aii act to enable John L Ranks of the county of Johuston to collect arrears of taxes. An act providing for certain returns from Railroad Companies. An act for the relief of 8. A. Kelley, sheriff of Davie county. Authorizes him to collect arrears of tuxes for the years 18o6-'67. An act to authorize the commissioners of the twou of Salisbury to issue coupon IxMids. To pay the town debt, tho bonds' not to exceed inatnount the sum of $20, 000 to run not longer than 20 years, 8 per cent interest, tho proposition to be first submit ted to tbe qualitied voters of the town. An act to incorporate the McLean Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, of the town of Fayetteville. An oct to incorporate the central N. C. Railroad Co. An act authorising the Superintendent of Puhlic-WorkB to select two laborers to assist in locating ft turnpike rood in Car teret connty N. Jf. An aet to amend the act to incorporate tlie trusrecu of North Carolina College, ratified ?lst day of January, 1869. An act to incrporatc town of Madison in JCocJtingham county. An Set authoriqing the commissioners of Jackson county to issue bonds. Ali net to amend and consolidate the sev-ral acts relating to the incoiporatien of tho town of Salisbury. An act to incorporate line Forest 18(3. A. Y. M. 1 memliered, always paled at the outset only the better to illuminate and render bright J the clear light of bis uniform victories." I The people demand relief they yearn for ; the restoration of peace, of qwlet, of law. o order and prosperity, and they are indifferent as to the source from which these blessings may come. If Qen. Grant ean bring about this bleated state of things, as we sincerely hope he will, he will lie hailed by the people as their deliverer, notwithstanding the wall of a few ante-deluvian politicians, and of that class of meu who can never see anythingbut ruiu in changes and who, if they were j tronomers, would advocate the abandonment of the system of Copernicus and a return to that of Ptolouiey. THE TEXAS CASE. Ivodge No "An act to authorise the commissioners Of Edenton to sell foi r comiuo. a and other propel ly. An aet to incorporate the lown of Lex ington tn the county ef Davidson. 'r An 'act to incorporate Trinity Lodge, No. -'!, in the county of Raudolph. An act to incorporate' the town of Trinity in Raudolph county. An act to amend the charter of the town of Bath in the county of Beaufort An act to empower Atthur Oaskins to re-open his ferry from Wiggins' Creek to Newbern. ' An act to incorporate the Tluckhorn Mining and Manufacturing Company. An act ta allow the commissioners of Yadkin county to levy a special tax. (To build bridges, mid to pay tho county debt. . V ' An act to authorizing the commission cis of Granville county to levy a special tax for the mamtaihance ot the pour. Not to exceed $10,000.1 An act authorizing the consolidation of the Charlotte and South Caroliua R. R. Co. end the C lumWa and Augusta Rail iad Co.,aiid amending the charter thereof. An act to authorise the county commis eioncis of Mitchell aud Yancey counties Ui levy a e pecial taxi An act concerning Fisheries in Carter et couuty. An a t to authorise the county eom sisatoejejs of Columbus country to levy a spooled tax, This great case, involving many points of constitutional law which were awaiting aa authoritative announcement from the Su preme Court of the United States, has just been decided by that tribunal. It is unques tionably one of the moat important decisions ever made in thia country. We have not room for the opinion of the Court, which is acknowledged to be one of the ablest and most exhaustive and conclusive that ever em anated from the Supreme bench. The most important point was that of the jurisdiction of the Court. The Supreme Court has juris diction of suits brought by a State of the Union against auy other Stats or eithtens of any ether State. . This suit was instituted by the State of Texaa while under the control of the State government established therein in pursuance of President Johnson's reeonstrue tion policy. That government was, by the act of March tin- "ml, 187, pronounced "il legal." And Texas was, by a subsequent act of July the 10th, 1807, declared tn be one of those states which "had not legal govern incuts."' The suit was instituted in 1867 as uu original suit in the United-States Supreme Court, and the decision is uot only that the Court had jurisdiction, but that, notwith standing all the acts of Congress, Texas was at that time actually and legally a State, and odc of the States of the Union. We cannot, with our limited space, enter into the details pf the case or of the points decided. It decided, among other things, that Texas has never ceased to be1 a State of theUuion; that the acts of secession were void, and that no State has at any time taken itself out of the Uuion. The authority of the Federal Government was suspended while the State was in rebellion, but the State did not lose its status as one of the States of the Union, nor its citizens as citi zens of the United States. The establish ment of the provisional governments organ ized by Presidents Liucoln and Johnson is justified as a necessity for the restoratiogWef law and order aud legitimate Stale govmB ments in the lately rebellions States. Any opinion upon the constitutionality of the va rious reconstruction acts of Congress is avoid- v r f . ' to the Revenue. Tbe suhjeaa of thtmui one in which all the people are so rnnch 'fiV terested that we know (psOOr leaders WTO approve of what we have me. The law la relation to the collection of the taxes, which will be found ou our first pace, should be resd with care by all. especially that part of it re lating to the assessment efffedits for taxa tion. Before lifting their old notes and ac counts it will be necessary for creditors to determine upon what terms they are willing to compromise with their debtors. . . , . l iu... u,huk ,,iuin.. y. -icjest son into I London mercantile - Tbiuh. 48 DIED: In Thomasville N C, on the 19th inst, Mrs Ann Reid, wife of Rev Dr N F Ueid, in the 46th year oi her age. At A -In: i v, N C, on .he J9th March, Alsey Eastman, Esq, In tho CGth year of his age. At his residence, near Greensboro, on I cb 2G, Lorenxo Dow Orrel, aged 58 years. At Cooks Hotel on the 5th inat, Rich ard I Wynne, Esq, Senator from Erauk lin county ; by professou a Lawyer, and aged about 50 years. In Raleigh, on Friday eveninr,- 9th inat. Miss Rosa G Hill youngest daughter ot Dr Wm U II ill, cf that city. In Polk county, on the 22d ult, Mi Jon Dies, aged 45 years. Iu Charlotte, at the residence of Mr A I tea .uncauiav, on me ism inst, Jir George Stenhoase, of consuuiptioo, aged 44 years. In Anson couniy, on the 30tb ult, after a protracted illness, Miss Lallie J, second daughter of Henry W. D ft-rry. Esq. SALISBURY "MARKETS APRIL 23, 1869. HFroRTzD by t. a. aceNSAcaasr, okocbs. Bacoa, prpouud CoSes, per pound, To Jobbers A Country Merchants OpodoldOC Solid and Liquid. Godfrey's Cordial. Bateman's Drop Laudanum nnd Ptragorie, Kasoncu Cianninun, " Peppermint, w Lemon, Ac, Ac. lrUIN'0 the years of themihsesiber for mer resilience here, he nmnlifaetiteeif niol iut Up. large quantities of the above named, as veil as other articles, solil by country mer chants, of stauiturd quality and superior Style; all lhe-e he sold at Xmtlirrn iti pri ces, barely ahliug the eost of transportation und for all these years, the Jobbers here, as well as their rimtoiners, found it to their ad vantage to purchase them from the subseri ber. iusteud o Kcudin North. They may be now sgaiu had, at similar rates, ouly at E. SI I.I.'8rru,r Store, spril 16 It ISlitiiry. N . C. PECTORAL BALM! An' approved am) effectual Remedy for Chronic Bronchitis Anth rn f tlic waatiiiK Coughs in Advanced age : BUedinn from the Luna, ttc.. and loiplion, tlian nil the LxBeetorRHt-.. on tlic 84th, Mr W J Ueverly to Uiss N A Tfel, daughter of Thomas Teel. Grand Sale of It P I r n nr a r ntAL lj I A I t AND Personal Property by tKti 'North Car olina Real oml J'rsonal EtaU Ay' iu-ij, Hi.il, itfh, sXi V. 100,000 Capital Stock. Chartered ly the lqilitnr or A'orth C'iriU' so, !, 20, l- . JOSEPH O. MESTKIt, Prtsulent JOSKI'H DIXON, Vice l'ruidtnt. jbiINO UKSTBR, Srcu and Treas. lioUV. (i. t-K v IS. Legal CoHHtsUor. 3 0H0 Vul't ilil' 'i'ts of'Yoxrty 6s flO- a , of. d'vrlh 140,(1941 Chance ! IBAb BSTA1 hnnsc tord shocked Uritish aristocracy immeasurably. copperiw. A team. r, triih afm othr riakrf war, left Nctv Vork fe (IBasj pr ponuil, i'saitlsa, TsHo w, Aaaauiolias. Cotton, per pound, " Ysi. per tiuut Ii. Btrs, psr doxsii tnate- ,1.,-a Fur the Old Korth .State. Mr. Editot : The continuance of the political disturbances in the principal Su gar producing regions, (the island of Grist ha,) especially, leaves no doubt, whatever, that the supplies hitherto derived from tnose pans, win oe to a great extent cut off. And although it has been stated perhaps correctly, that the amount of su gar produced iu Louisiana, Tezaa uni Florida, will considerably exceed the amount made for the past K w years ; vet. alter ail, the supply to be expected from all these sources, will bej must be, very much below tbe demand, increasing as it does, daily. Tbe consequence will be, a continued advance in the price of sugar until it shall reach a point, which will preclude its use by many, unless our people shall, in time, avail themselves of the production of Sorrhum, which rery bnppily, all may now do. In confirmation of these views, I bee to commend to your attention tho accom naiivinsr article, which tuesents the sub ject in a, very plain and conclusive man ner. E. S. A lock of huraai hair was found by a Maine wood cho: irr recently buried four inches deep in a bitjek tree. It has been there fully 80 yeai Tho list pensioirof the revolutionary War hits die agaii. This lime lie was Daniel BakaweliJ of New York, State, aged 111. Tho late Colon T. BizclowtLawrencc. of llnston, w ho lahly died la Washing ton, bequeathed Wti.OOO to Ins com in. Timothy Bigelowi aud iSO.000 to his uncle, Rev. Dr. Andrew Digelow. A man in Milfml. Mass.. is making a velocipede mjth jvheels eiglit leet high. It is intended to -make thirty miles an nour. th'au Couch Mixtures, fie, extant It isscicnts9eally compounded of ingredients well known for their virtue and sdnptation to the diseased nsuied ; and '9 the resui of IffPt nnl extensive exerieii.'e and patient investi irslton o the laws of tlic animul ecrvooaiy ; l-lM-ther with an intimate knowl"hre of remedvit Sfrenta, in ttieir physiolii.'itl and tiierapenlic i lie I on llihumii sytlem. It i quite unlike the iNimberlesi Tixiieclor ann, I'ltotsL" iic., so recklesly and ruTsist ently palmed upon the suffering and confiding people; in the fact, that il i not an Bxpectoc. ant. per te ; nor is it loaded with Opium or Morpoine. ic o.'Jer to lull the poor sufferer with its delusive influences. Msny a vnlua Ue lii.- has been sacrificed and expectorated in to a premature grave. On tlie contrary, dtli calculated to cheek excessive expectoration which of itself m exceedingly exhaustive, and by itn general and sfiecilic action, to heal and soothe ihe weak, inflame I and irritated orgnrs. Of the several ingredients which compose thia valuable Balm, there : no one, which is not eonstaiitly used, hy the best Physicians, in the diseases above enumerated, and of many eminent inciln;al genileinen, lo whom it corn position has been made fciinwn, tliere iia1" not. heen one, wi:ohsnot ii-.'li!v aiimovcl il; and. St 0c E'i JtiJii'ni-'F'oe in the Oity tt Jlateiffk 13 ' One resideucu in Raleigh, N. C describe I beW, ' ' One do do do 8.O1K) One do do do (tJAM One do do do &.000 One do Varrenton, do o,000 One do Chapel Hilt, do 2,000 Ouo Holei iu Ta lorsville, N 0., do 2,000 Lid of Per tonal Properly. Samples on exhibition at Hester Bros St Co., No. 26 Kayeltevdl Bt, Raleigh, N. C, at the 10-l uu! 1'Utiioiis, fftflO each, mads Ij H. 0. SchutHll, Utdliinors, Ml. $0,000 10 Jmims Tofi Bhct-m. ftoOeaeik, saede'by ll.D. k-hraidt. lialuiaore, Md, 8,500 . 60 1st Premium, 7 uctata Piaimsvsnada bat Tiemaine Bros., N. V., fM0 eaeh, 32,500 5 Parlor or Church Ofsn.- stops, 2G0 made hv TVemaine Bros., N. V., 1 250 aUO .Sowing Machines, Wiox St Gibbi or Qrover A: Bker's, $O0 eaeh, . 30,000 ou 1 S.,k Dresstw, best article, 0 vanls. ' each, 40, 20,000 11 Wlocipedea. $"5, 400 2V ldl Hi unlets Carpet, 45 yards, each 135, 3,24.0 C Salamander Safes, VYilrjer's patent, best in I he WOrM, VM TbGO .1 Cash i'risv, I,0O0 gold, 1,334 In -.-..-li prises, $!n0each, 1,000 2i") do do 10 do 2.000 672 do do 5 do 3.390 l(M)i),Jo do 2 do 2,000 000 Pnxes. Value of the total amt, $U(j,G&ft TotaT number of Tickets, ' 73(347 x All of the above is put in the drawing at tbe reunfar cash selhnjr prices and will be dis- !' 1 ot hv u recnlar imsle it Drawmg, and -n outer to lu.-coinplish this, tiieCompariy wifeeil o.jli liuKots at 2 eacn : lor linihei intoreaa- for their patients, but have used it iu their own ca?es, with marked advantage. Prepared and sold onlv, at 1.. h! LL'S Pros rs. s- ril 33-16 tf 8Uhbury, X. f. RtVES & PROCTOR. - WII0t. At. MI XKTAIfi DRUGGISTS, PKAtKHS IX 3. 3. JfEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE SlJeAS QtMCSTIOX. From tha Msoob (Oa.) Te'egraph. Sngar has gone up in consequence of the civil disturbances in Cuba and the practical abolition of slavery in that island, and the newspapers have been agitating me question 01 me sources 01 tnc supply. Two or three months ago we had the oc casion to acknowledge the ieceipt of a sample of sugar made from sorghum, by a company in Louisville, Ky., which was equal in quality to the best New Orleans raw sugar. It was stated that a product hi 900 to 1,200 pou mis of sngar to the acre of sorghum cane was the ordinary yield in Kentucky ; and if this be true, it is quite et i dent the suga&problcm is solv ed at once. Sorghum can be raised without any dif ficulty in any part of the United States south of Central Illinois, but attains a more perfect development in the cotton Stati s. Maturing earlier than sugarcane the grinding season is sufficiently long iu most of these States to admit of working up the crop as leisurely as the. cane of Louisiana, and ti e product is sufficiently remunerative to justify the most perfect apparatus for that purpose. Alkthe obstacles to as perfect a crys talisation of the syrup of sorghum aa that of tbe sirup of sugar cane are removed by tbe simple expedient of defecating the juice before it is boiled. Tin- sugar then granulates beautifully, and both sugar and sirup are aas free from the peculiar flavor ot the sorghum aa could be desired. Madi id, April 14". It reported thai General Trim will go out to Cubafas Captain-General, acohnpanied by large Vein forcemetiU for suppression of the insur rection. On the morninp of Easter Sunday fifty Spaniards receivtd the commuuiou ac cording to the rile of the Protestant re ligion : and this h the first time that ancli a ceremony has feen witnessed in Mad rid since the cruel days of Philip II. The increasing number of ontrages upon Aim ricau citizens by Spanish ofii- cials in Cuba, is attracting serious atten- Fmlt, dried, apples pealed " fc ! niip'M " Peaches, pealsd, " " unpealed Leather, upper, per poim J " sots, " Iros. bar, " castings, " N'aHs, cut, " Molasses, aorghnm. per r wsninjis, " , " Syrup, " Onions, perl i-'.fl. , Pork. pr ponn.l Potatoes, TrlslhsierbiiL,lii I, Sweet. Sngar, Brown, psrseend " CIsrlBed. " (.'rushed Pntverized , Bait, roast, per sack, " Liverpool, , " Table, , Tobacco, Leaf, per pnnnd, ' 'Msnnractursd " Hmokinc. 17 lo 9U '.'-' to On .80 U 8n ho to VO IU to tie f J A to 20 J v Soto uu DRUOSX A 0 J? Slim k Toilrt IrUrltsV m7 taints, OilsV imporieu cv uoinesiic Window M Sk. Glass, Putty, J? SPICES, 6 lie Id in 7a S6 H n 7 SI 1 60 to Til 1.1)0 to 1.20 60 to 60 10 to 13 60 to 75 Ma) to Oil U to 16 IN to 21 1 90 to 90 2.76 laS. 76 0.00 to 3.91) 6.60 to 6.00 OOto (Ml 30(0 1. 6(1 40 ti 1.00 ATTENTION LADIES I TffK nndersipu'd respectfully invites the L11. lie of Salisbury and vicinity to call and see their Lite Sired Trimmed Patterns of the latest and most fashionable styles for Spring and Sum mer. Ladies', Misses and Children's dresses made on short notice and in the most fashiona ble styles, and on tbe most reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed as to perfect tits, styles and prices t their dress-nuking rooms on tbe corner of Muin and Council streets, near the Court House- M IIS. LLLKN SILL. April KUlffctt MKS. M. H. SPEAKS. Would respectfully call the attention of Iter cheats. Physicians, Planters, and others, to their extensive stock and -alienor inducements. 107 Sycavwre, St., J'l UinOuro. S. F. R1VKS. M. I). W.B..FRO0TOK. uprt;i liiitim Iavill 850 REWARD. par tho above reward of 50 for the return ol a dray Mare, and the arrest ol, tin iwn in ew lorfc city und UShlugton. thief who stole her from uiy stable on the night . . of the Jolli iiir-taut. I Will cive $'.'.") for the A strong expedition, in aid of the Cu hun has Bi'ileqfuem a Southern port un der command 0? I' distinguished Ameri can officer. In Madison, Georgia, a destructive fire occurred a fewdajra ago, which destroyed twenty-five or thirty stores and several dwellings' The 'loss sustained is esti mated at $200,0(10. Tho Allies are preparing 1o send an ex pedition of twelve theusaud men from Assunslou into the interior of Paraguay in search of Lopez. Horace Greeley says the darkest day in any man's earthly career is that were iu he fancies that there is some easier way of gaining a dollar thau by squarely A mecanich in Ilurrfslug, Pa , has invented a frying machine with wings fifteen feet in letigth. and presenting to the air a surfnee of 900 square feet. mare and ir for the thief. Said mare is about nine years old; large, iu good condition and very valuable. She is a very, fast I rotter, and is slightly spliutcd just below hqr Iefr fore knee No other marks rcioemliered. 1 have some reason to believe that tbe mate was stolen by a young white man by the nitinu of John Perry, and that he is gonu in the direetiou of Johnson cfiunty, Tennessee. Address nto at Smith Giwe, Davie co., HI, C- April sa- -i6nt . jony bailet. WALTER A. WOOD'S PRIZE Mowers aud Reapers, Used in all countries, and universally Commended :n 'I'll IC BEST 1.1 I . i: ! Awarded mom first premiums than any other Machine manulactuie I, both in th;3 AMD FOREIGN COUNTRIES, Among which is THE HIGHEST PRIZE ! Two Grand TloM f od.ils and Crags of the Legion of lloitor, At Paris Exposition, 1867. NOTICE. A Span of Bay Horses, Six Years old, a PHAETON and Harness for Sale. Apply to H. H. DELPi;R. Salisbury, JT C., AprilW, 1869. IfVtf U. S. 3nt. HcuM i Assessor's Office, 6th Dist. . N. C. Y ' Salisbury, Aprrt.19, 1809. NOTICE i hereby civen in accordance with tho provisions of Sec. lUth fit Act of June 30, looe-amlaubaetjuenlAL-tsol the Internal I.er enueLaws, that I, VV F, Heinlerson, Assessor 0th District of Norih Carolina, will sit at my office, in Salisbury on tbe 20. h ami .?0th days of this month, between the hours of 8 A. Si. and 4 P. SI., to bear and determine any appeals relative to any erroneous or excessive vslua National Museum. In elioit, here, at the moment when? canvass. Mr. TV. D. YaUach, late editor ef the Washington Star, announce iu the Alex; andria Gazette that be is a candidate for Coucreas in the Alexandria. Va.. district 1 and be will at once eater upou au active annual list. ppe Notice is further given e that no Tk rti: f v i tious, assessments or enumerations by the As Thq fow of Napks announces that at v AaertB reVmU in ti., uuijin lucre n.ive juai ueru uiscovcreu two marble busts one of Pompey and one of Britus. They are both of fine execution, and hare been placed in the 1 will be allowed to an v iwrtv alh-r lie ! St ml for . ( 10 fjtxi-i intit'f f?.Vi " i,...L .JTi ' ..' . -n.i.i nae oeen amy a--. -eu ai.o ii,e uiieu.u !.-t containing the.ssse--:ii. nt l.as bu n tians- nntted to tbe Cdlleetor ol the Di.-met. All appeak to said Assessor, as aforesaid, mutt be made in writing and ; :y tiie par ticular cause, matter or thing, respecting whu b a utcision is reqnesieu, alio must siaie tlie ground or priociole of error comphuued at W. F.'HKNDERSON, Assessor, Cih Dist. N. C. April 23 l&lt in some Instsnces, have not only prescribed it i r , i (in y 1 1 of tlt Dy-Lawe-of tlie L iiiipai.y : ; nT-LAW9. S'-c. 10. The plan of drawing shall he follows : there shall be two wheels, ope a prize w!ie- ..mil one a number wheel, arranj(ea in some public place in the city, where any One tioldmp a : iel-ei may be present on the day ot ihawiog. lo Ibe number wheel there shall be uu inutkir 1 .!. ivn rJanuulina -im. ., ,. , h in ,.- ....... , . vnv uvi,vkui.I4 . . J UUWinfl 1 ...... ,v- ... i Ii... II B..1.I an II... nvfv wheel there shall be as many tickets as them are prise, these tickets shall be deposited in the wheels by a board of supervisors, whorl, ill be appointed by the Director sfer whhll tiie wheel shall be sealed np ami placed tn liny bank in the city, the Directors may direoty un til the time of urawin?, when the 'Supervisors :i.i i bring lie wheels lo tlie place ot drav break the seals and the i'-auinf slWl be U poseo or ry tiTviiiir a lleaet ItxiiA u,-h -r at the sairte limn and the prise ticket taken from the prize wheel shall designate the prize drawffby-rhe ticket corresponding in nunib.r to the one taken I 'em the number wheel at the same time. The wheel shall be wed shaken alter each ticket is drawn. Sec. 1 1. Tlie Directors .-hall designate the time and place of drawing, at which time and place the supervisors shall be required to be pu s,. ih anu see uni me drawing is couiiAtsst . entirely eciintahle. A i. .-.tioor, t mm .... I... ....... ... . ' i . . . Wwmm no wm nave exclusive control amf mans ment ol tbe drawing They will conduct i.ln .nl ..I, .... ..... . ,. . I . invested with the property be mav draw. iriheate reiris'rv of the tickets sold u ill I....... , ; ,) .r 1 .! I. I lie ai.cident may lie remedied and no niislal ran occur. The Drawing will take place in TUCKER HALL, in thceity ot Ituleioh, immediately id ler sale of tickets, of which due notice will, be given. Tne company is working under the provi sions ol a special charter granted by the Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina, which corn- pe's the company to comply laillifully with jjjl contracts. Copies can be had on application teffM com pany. . All the above mentioned property will' cer tainly be disposed of as above staled, and those drawing it will be invested with the title in fee simple. No member of the company is allowed to purchase any lickets. A II money s sent by mail, at the owner's risk ; that sent by Express, Registered' Letters, Checks or Drsfts, mx the risk of the company. No .i -i t will be listed unless the title is uulispnjjdikw. ...... .... The Treasurer has bwen required to give a bond of five thouseiid dollars tor the lattbhil Performance of his duties, lie is required to deposit, dai'v, in the hunk, all monies received where it will remain until nil the tickets' are sold and all the property will be positively drawn and delivered to tbe parties drau.np, or I he money returned; Send two Collars by ex!-" press, post cilice order, rcuOered U-r.vr, or draft, at our 1 1-k, oi by mail a y our own, and lake a chance at the U,000 valuable piizes pl-letctt-.i r. 1 Tickets will be sent any where in the United .ates at the company's risk; Description of Real Estate. One fine icsidence built of brick, in the best improved style, in the city of Raleigh, wltK' 8 seres of ground, and all neebssary out-buildinpy, with ni iiiy fine ofnnmenfals about the yard. Value $10,000 One hiroe and' convenient house ib tbe city of liileigji, ou Newbern street, 3 large rooms, double parlors, wuh ail necessary out-bsHdjncs 1 J aeies of ground und a beautiful oak groxe. Value i..-.. .foiktft... une laree nousi? on pewoern hna BRoif4 . . . I. , ...,.: .. n. .. ...l.i.. i . . .i , ii -in , iiiiii.i k i", in :i o.urei .. 1. I 1. I " . - with a h.-niititiil oak grove in the yard and O,, b. i. li! i foil )).rirp niil. IU. .n VU,n lr.l .1. r.'uli:- !nH h;e" llirllt. rUr uut.bnll.tfTur .1) -I ll'lf1. rT lln. In .rr.nlnn V C 1. . .... . .. - v.. mm a. ,, .1, n 1,1 Wfm in pvr.cn uo:-r. .1 e -.r in.- h, -t l.m.i l.i. la I . St pfihi.itnmg s .,rf rnnaa, duublc piu4n ami iwiiraa. uf the ma.t ! in iii'tiiii; and wiilinil tetUldtct lai lil i-.'. wllh a crm iff gr. m,.l, sae orsljairt, b-aulltul c- i In llie y:od, ar.j alt nerrssarj aut-tiUIMinsK Tl.r r.,ierl.r ! Tl .r-t lie ia irtl allrarli. r. aim. an.l i-huii. n la a It I.I at the oiinlr Mai f aoo.l " T" wicill,r.f a U1.1da1.11d Br n.orr i.ubUati an. I -flu.. I.-.I .. .,i,i m-p fri.n,! ..J M .. . .1. i mAW . I- Hf .anUmd j'f l ItrY k-railc, rlrlit on Hm Hue . f USt- lanne tohm Railroad, aud tiD ultoalrd in Oi tiln rinn. the K'nny h i ,ey dtiThtSil a- ! fa near Mtrre Hum 120,000 note in Use I 20)000 luaniifactiired and sold in 18CS and tu o dot t ia nd u iieup j ii J . Iiici t aiii Dt'ittiind, i Incl-eascd Faciliiies AiiditiuDal lmprof'('iuea(fur 1S69. Wood's 1rize Mowers, (1 and 2 Horse.) belt Kakm lieaper, nh " New Mowing Attachment. " Hand Kake Reaper. Haines Illinois Harvester. Manufactured by the Walter A. Wood Mow ing and Reaping Machine Company, Ueneial Office and Manulactoiy, Hooick . Jb.'jlli(,. .licui selaer county, N. Y. Branch OJleesand $ihs Roams 41 Cort landt sm et, New York city. P. O. box, ISOo. 2i'6 Lake .Street. Chicago, III. Alexandria. Va. Mam- m. U'w. 77 Upper Thames, S( London. and Pi ice Lilt. Applications from the South, Souih of Vir ginia, should be addrt.v'ed to tbe New York Bi snt-h OlTdce, as above. UKLIABLE AtiEXTS WANTED. , lixtra Itidncoments Offered I McCubbins, Sullivan U Co., are Agents fir the above Reapers in Salisbury. apri!23 10.10m Ci iiUiua Miaaj i ooi, and ina SuUsHnga are I Oat ii Chaprl Hilt, cilalnmf 4 mass, wilh Sr-I u una : t,-. , ...i. .... i A!m. wt;ul.n. ul I and fnt and i ' . .crni bf lal.d. V slut 1 ersons d.siiitig any fonlR-r iiiloruial Will please add less Apul 23 siu . Siccu r

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