(il)c(fli)Xor(l) Stale 8ALISUUUY, FRIDAY, MAY, 14, '69. THE KIGJIT SPIRIT. 1'nder tkU caption, th Standard of the Cili. has an article, in response tir-u which appeared lu the (lo.dboro' Messenger n few day before, which tc read wiib UJsJph pitas "Ore. Tii Meenger piopnsea, hereafter, to "iHartiM the politic of the country, mid th p..!icf lb Government. Str- au-i Nation k nrJ (air. candid and dignified (pirit to 1. 1 cur different opinion be expressed in language anl tola becoming wen, and dis miss a unworthy of discussion, every sub ject that will not "bear logical diacuasioii. ' The Meiieng'r siiys. that llie ' pre of thi eom.ry ha descended into low, personal abue. until its influence at hotur i materially weakened, while it but excite the pity and contempt of strangers abroad." A tho ed itor of the Meutngcr hits reeeutly been "afavelliiig in other State, a an agent of th North Carolina press, v suppose be ha learnt what iu character abroad really is, aua feul humiliated at the fact, that it com- infodV Bift little, if any respect rait of the- Htate. And the Mtmnger propose to re f rm the ton and spirit of the N. C. press, if rite oppoaltkm; wilt meet the Cw&sermtr pres half way. To this proposition the MB wa. with all his abilities, a lo From th above xtruct. it will, be seen that th comparison which we Instituted was between Washington, the Conservative, who. with Hamilton, Jar, Marehall and Cotoe wurth Ptookaey. favored a balanced repub lic, aud Jefferson, th Hat Lai. who favored a pur democracy between Washington th bigti-BouW. high-toned and digniBed gen tleman, and Jefferson the low demagogue, and not between Jefferson the democrat, and Washington the gentleman. And we now repoat, that th political principle of Wash ington aud Jefferson, can no more be recon cile.! than tlo principles ,,f the must atub bom Conservative and the most dltra Rad ical of t'..e present day. And i '. that repeat, that the Standard did, by epreal- lug to the old-Hue Democrat to join its party a fae true Democrat! party as the Jefl'ersoniau democracy to which they onee professed to belong iu effect, say. that no old Whig oould jisie its party iihut sac- city than the city of Charlotte now la. Reaide it enable us to reach water commu nication with the ocean twenty-five miles nearer than by any other possible route, Cheraw being situated at the head of steam boat navigation on the IVdee Kiver. It will pass over nun of the finest mineral portions of the State through the counties of liowan. Caberru. and Stanly. A gentleman iu min ing pursuits has assured us that if this road is bnilt a hundred tons of ore per week will be shipped over It. . I What we have said will, we hope, con vince all of th very (real importance of build ing this road, as wall a the road lo Fayette villa). With both of the road completed Salisbury will, beyond all question, soon be tme the most prosperous city in North Car- e. mi!., t lie single exception of Wilming i Q He nation Is most eligible, and she is sustained by the finest back country in the entire State. Manufacturers of Various kinds will then spring up here an dtlie pres ent lethargy will speedily give place to ac tivity and enterprise. Ileal estate in the A n Tmnartant Que it ion in Banktuvtru Opinion Judge Scott Yesterday, in the citr court. Judge- Boott filed an opinion in the esse of Lewis Cassard and ' tr other ffffwi t ourad JB.rorr, wuicn in volves mi importaut point in bankruptcy. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. i i (icing or abandoning 't principles, unless he acts upon the hypothesis that tfley have Ui rounding coontry. indeed In all the West- become obsolete, and it uttered the truth. Urn part of the State, will rapidly advunra To conclude any thing else from the Stand- until it reaches five to ten time its present orrf'sertieWjato co bjd that it never sup- value. We hope then that Do effort will hi posed the old Whig and Democratic parties spared to secure the construction of the road to be divided In principle. j from Cheraw to thi place. Tlie company is Whether the announcement" of our working under the charter of the Cheraw speculative opinions "will endear us to our and Coalfields road, granted oin time pre Demnccatic friends'' or not,' 1 IsiaUev viou to toe Uu-war. and aule it the road ..!..,. .Jb t - .11 ..j. -. . , . , - - 1 . .Wi. n. . ,. -St Jkn4urf M'ifau'sarM Wb" haf bThe legislature, at Its la'e session, so ameud V88BWsBBPwelfTro.matiOT through our whole political life are well Ld the charter a to allow th tnnahv to known, and w shall not deny them now make Salisbury, inatead of the Coalfields, the for the sake of popularity. We ma cease terminus of th road. A the road was char to act upon them, because they may be no tered aud commenced before the ratification longer applicable to theexistiug condition of the present State Constitution there will of things, but deny them we never will, be no difficulty in securing an appropria te rer. Nor are they so nupopnlar with all I tLin hw the Wislnture. ..-.M m, amwn- - - I -J "O "II priation be necessary to the completion of as will give to the press of the State an el vatedi manly and dignified ton, that will exert a healthful influence upon the manners and morale ef the people, and make it re spected both at home and abroad. The Me trapilrtan press has, fertbe most part, given tone to, and governed the press iu other portions of the State. Consequently more responsibility rests with the leading papers of Raleigh than any where else. Let i hen set the proper example, as one expressed a willingness exert a powerful influence for good State. The course proposed is the one which marked out for out-self when we engaged in journalism, and which w have endeavored to pursue as far a the spirit of the times aud the course of our contemporaries would permit. Our object has bee a to give tone to, and elevate the character of the secular rets of North Carolina, bnt so far we are Va , - . I ... . nave met witb much , a one of tin m bal to do, and they wli race for good in tho uiJkble to say that we sulr.-. We have he at the aranttif dignity, been greatly disgusted the low scurrility and the personal vituperation and abuse which has characterized some of the leading jour nals o North Carotin. To pander to ths depraved and vitiated tastes engendered by the war, or resulting from the demoralisation of the times, may possibly make a paper popular, aud enable it proprietor to make money out of it. but it makes it an engine of mischief that goes very far to perpetuate the vils under which the community is suffering, ihich it ought to be its chief aim to remove. .Nor can anything be expected by way of irancingparty interests by such a ' 19"- iut bittopvtwiw;itdr jwuse work no other result than to keep the party of your opponents closely united in rid phalaiut against you. The blows in fiictetliu such warfare, usually irritate men to suoA an extent a to determine them to land ly their party right or wrong. We have said that the course proposed by Bro.' 1 1 earn, of the Meuengtr, is the one which wmarked out for ourself when we commenced journalism, and which we have eudeavored to pursitu as far as we could under the circumstances. We have certaiD- tne old UeinocraU as the standard seems to suppose. Rut a few days since, a life long, and leading Democrat distinguished throughout the Statewho has worthily worn me judicial ermine, the son of a Democratic sire more distinguished still, if not the most distinguished man that errer .... -1 1 1 ! T ' I t upon uie oeocn iu .ion!: ( an. una. sai.i ns, in the presence of other old and lend- j Democrats: "I am now thoroughly the road. THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD SWINDLE. We have received the report of C. H 8uow. Govfriimerit Director of the Union Pacini' Railroad, upon the location ol the construction of that road, now about com ulctcd. a cm -11 nerusal ot w hich will sat- convinced tl at the ystem of Waihhigton jgfy tK, mogt sheptien) that those under and' Hamilton was the only one epon which J whose mam cement it has been construct- a republican Government coald have been cd have not built the road for traffic, but established and permanently maintained in I secure the bonds and lands granted by thi.-, country." FAYETIEVILLE AND WESTERN R. ROAD THE CHERAW ROAD. We learn that at the meeting of the Stock holders of the Western Railroad, held at one of the most 'stupendous i. . ' r - I. . . T the Gorernmrnt Tbu road, such as it is, has been built by subsidies of money and litids which havi Leen donated by the Government with a profligate liberality unequalled iu the history of this or any, other country, and as it etanda to-day i without doubt The suit was brow uury, 1869, to to be due by the tiff on open acco summoned and that ho waa d court of Haiti 1Mb of May, I him at the lime Maryland, which ary, 1868. To t ruui rer, and the It The opinion, afW tacts, says " 1 he qncstion : Does the ed 2d of March, bankrupt law, then f ate insolvent law1 admitted that the were nil ciluvus of prcme Court ot the. these points : "As same State, a disci the laws of that S: posterior contracts ciliseus of other U all contra!." " That the pow States to pa bau c!u-;ve ()d(jen r ou, atu C j'ete CIS. Iii the recent traud is. Can- and others, determined by the Court of Appeals of Maryland at Octobei term, lt08, that court saya that when the legitlatioo of Congree upon the subject has been exercised, it in para mount and ei' lueive, and upends the the operations of the insolvent laws of a Statu and the iurisduttion of the State courta over ca.xs ""iff tciUin the pur view and operation of lite tunkrupt law. "In the cute uow bdfore me, inaemuch as all the parties are eltixeni of the same State, I inuat consider jlhis ease does not fall within the purview and kperation ot the bankrupt law, and that Me discharge of the ill lend. int undei the insolvent laws of Maryland is a bar this action, and 1 i!l direct the clerk o ent judgement on the demurrer for tin defetulant." An appeal to the Court of, Ippeafe waa taken by the counsel for thai plainsfls. Bait. Hun, 2tk Jr.B -i a . . . w on tnc zist ot .i... the amount stated andant to the plain . . , i uedeieudant was) .red, and pleaded . by the circuit y, upon the i all debt due by e insolvent laws of on the Hth of Jan- lea there waa a de- ant joined therein. relating the above mnrrer raiaea this t ol ' ongrcss pasa- 7, known a the V Ml perse llo Ill- this case? It was iff and defetulant aryland. The Su- Jt. bus establuhed ween cilixena of the ge of a bankrupt by is valid aa it affects against credit, i r , it is invalid as to given . to iba Uuited t law is not ex- aunders, 12 Wheat te luroer, Peters, case of Van Noa- Hog cholera la raging in soma portlona of Maury county, Tenn. ! Baltimore has bnilt a home for emi grants paaaing through th city. Oincianatti brewed nearly 60,000 bar rels of beer in March. Mississippi expects to realise forty million dollars from her cotton crop of thia year. England contains 88,000,000 inbabi tanu , iu laud ia owned by 60,000. The cattle trade of Chicago aggregates 50,000,000 a year. Spain receive from Onbn tip-wards ol thirty-two million ani.uaily iu taxes. A project i i n foot in "Europe to build arailioa lf. u Eui r i. hiot China Tno oldest man in the world baa just died in Paiai d, nr. J 139. A greut Angld-American boat race will take place at Patney, upon Thames, in August nest. corn producing States, having produced 134, 463,000 bnahels in 18CS. President Grant returns an income of $660. This ia independently of his sal ary, from which the tax is deducted be fore payment. Horatio Seymour, according to a Wes tern paper, has been buying extensive tracts of laud iu Iowa. MARRIED : In the Metbodiat Church In Charlotte, on the 6th inst, by Rev E J Meynardie, Mr wo r, Boaw to Mis Mollie K i'res aon, daughter of Mr H M 1'reeeon. In Mecklenburg county, on th 29th It., by Rev Mr McDonald, Mr J P Groan to Mis Margaret W ilson. In Lfncolnton, on the dih inst., by Rev R N Davis, 1 r I J Polk, of Denver City, Colorado, to Miaa S J Reiuhardt ot Ltncolnton, N 0 At Si Paula Church, Edcnton, on the Qtb inst, by the Rev Francia W Milliard, Col D M Carter, of Waahiarton. to Mm Uarrtet A Henbury. In Cabarrus county, on the Slat nit, Mr Uoydon A R Miller to Miaa Auuie u Boat. In Stanlv coontv. on the SSd alt. Mr J. .'... .. . .. . . Ueorge U Wilhelm to Miss Julia A Kitch 7- DIED: Ia Iredell county, on tbe 28th April of consumption, Mr John Steele, aged about 46 years. In Scotland Neck. Halifax countr. on tbe 19th Marsh, 1869, Mrs. Louisa Spru ill, aged 67 years. of all the Far tke Old AVAj Stale. A i. it km ah i.e. N. 0., May 11,1869. A meeting waa held in the CouVvbouse to day for the purpose of appoinlkig dele gates to the meetings in Fayettevllle and Cheraw with regard to the proposed Rail Roads from those places to Salisbury. L ! Green, Esq., was elected Chairman and vor. W. H. Lilly, Secretory. On motion the Chairman appointed a committee of six, via: Col. I). A. G. Palmer, E. Hurley, J. D. llearne, Daniel Freeman, Dr. R. Anderson, and J. M. Redwine to draft resolutions expressive of the object of the meeting". J he tommittee alter re tiring a few minutes, introduced the fol- we recommend tin . oune. Fnyettevilte on the 5th iast.. the town of (frauds that has been perpetrated upon the 8 tlisbury was chosen as the terminus of the American people by the rotten Radical road. A stoek vote wa taken on this ones- P"' - tion. and the vote" of the State being cast in . Mr" 8"ow 8 teP0Tt " PVer a"acK fjlVfir ttf MxtlieVtlirv A tho r,!i,l iu Alio ' I'"1" 1U I !!. tw , 'PI. i ..Hr is r nrnimn , I tav ItiJ ! r i niinin tinlnnf mnA Thi Intelligence Will he reeeived with jy General Snnerioleodent Snvder i.se'rnned and satisfaction by the people of Salisbury, Lf corruption jv beinar etiiraeed with , wing resolutions : aftdin the intermediate aud eurrounding Omaha firms in manipulatiuir frviglit to Besot ced, I hat tnntry, aud wtH, we presume, be scarcely Ins financial ad vantage Snow claims that ' 11 wu1 " yV" 6 ro app iru ten tiisumc-ient mi- worn out; that the grade lo col"r wtm eacn otin r as to the moat on the Black Hills i nil wrong; I hut there praeUenkle route for the proposed road nro but two arched culverts between Mrom Fnyclteville to Salisbury. Omaha and Cheyenne, and that from Bcsohvd, That the resident be also Rawlinga to the Washita monntuiiia the recommended to appoint leu other dele- track was I iid on frozen alkali. He charge Su' 10 I!1"'t dek-gatios at Chera S the regular commissioner wiili Imving ap proved of a woithlvss road throiieb Echo thev nasded in thc The noblest thing on i h ;- a nun talking reason aud hi wife listontag to him. Gen Lane, who ran for tljp Vice Presi dency in 1860 ou the ticket with Geueral Breckinridge, ha become a Roman Catholic. Emigration to the United States this year wil probably exceed that of any previous year. erection of the X. C. Railroad, a verv larir part of the trade of this section of the State went to Fayetteville. Te building of that road was, for the time, a severe blow to the business and prosperity of Fayetteville, once by far the most prosperous of the inland town of the State. The Western road was projected with a view to restore to that old j Canon, over which Memphis is shipping oil cake to Liver pool by way of New Orleans at the rate of 100 toua a week. They still have sleighing at Bethel, Me., and have enjoyed it continuously for the last five months aud twenty days. A bachelor editor, who had a pretty unmarried sister, lately wrote to another editor similarly circumstanced, "Please exchange 1" r The Arisona Cotton Factory, estah- aud euterprising city the trade which it lost by the building of the N. C. Road, and there light time. WU. Journal. b not a generous man in the Slate who does HON. FAYETTE McMlJLLEX-THE not wisti to see it succeed in the ac I FKACK NEGOTIATIONS OF '64-' mint of that object. bitu6ted at. ; Kt .M ARKA15LE REVELATION steamboat navigation oa the CapeFear H few Jy avoided all the slaug phrases of the day, a.i(jl trim i''tiniai'jliiu .i i .1 1 V, . L - l,:i.li ...... 2 " 'nva i.uvTio wuiui UM1 IU . . . ! n J ; 1 r q e ich common u.e. And we think we have "uM be able to cuuiuiand . " """" ""' con"lT. a larue part ol the trade o W estern f!rnli- .-".""" "" i'"--ii" "i sevemi .. ..,. urn i ICJIUCIH house, in Washington, conversing with Hon. F. Blair, .r. Mr. Blair told him general y ireaieu oppoueuts, wiio were men "'V - v"' lenL'tbir ebats with lln,. vi r i of eharieter. wi,l, L,mn. ,m.,,k. beu thia road is completed, and the . ..V lion- ' v ttu McMnl rua.ww.;s7- r:-m "r' , ... . . . .. . A r. mciuuiiiii says Unit since In we have intended to do ju.tice to them hud I "'auK"rr '"B' eooner o later spring out w he WM .v in PreshlcnC .i m .' I f r - i r 1 1 fllf in i in f ril vi lr eli.. ,,. .............. .1 1 . . tne motive wuicn actuated them. And we vuimuauu u. also think that we have shewn a nrooer re- Lrgeniats of merchandise that are now spect for those in authority when we have "yT l"w vanous otner roads or the mat soon after .McMullmV "peace rosolit hadoccasion to refer to them or their eon- Stat toWelni Carolina will then be shipp- tiona" had tetn introduced into the Con dact. And we hail with delight, the ex- 11 .I' Water traneportathm IW derate Coiigre.s,, Mr. Liucoiu, being ex posed willingness of two leading papers of heHVy' inded for al1, ""moditiea i vastly tremy auxion. to brtng abour a peace opposite partfeaiu the State, to jl us. in fl-than railroad tran.p,,,tat.on. and a, J" bolh 'f, of addition E the Charlotte DeJerat and. . -"te will greatly reduce the amount of Zl'Jntne perhaps ooe or two other p.pers. which lSSST H ban, always been ith.us, in the course which f 7 the dlvers",n of ''g mount of him (Mr. Blair) to Richmond to confer we have eudeawored to pursue as the con- fr" the other roads. with Mr. Davis and learn what arrange duciorof a public journal. We shall con- Brt tm wUl certainly be 'the ease ment of Ui difficnltiea couid be made tiuue to pursue 'thateourse. though -.. uli !t b? no m"" follows that the other roads was passed through the lines of thacon- kuow that we could have increased our cir- of th" 8t8te wi" b l"iged by the building tending armies and conducted to Mr. Pa pulation very much by pursuing a diiferent of his roa,, 0n th'-y we think tliy vi' bu' in Rhmdnd. After a long win oeifrewiiy oenentieu ny it in conseiiieiicei aim oiuer I .. . . u . a I nrnmifipnf o-..n f o.,-,..,, .. .... II- I . w i ;n- , . oi uie vast increase ot Ireii'hts reso t i, f,-.., i ... ....... .... -, .mU nr. un v ii. wui iv.iui.rs win paruou us iort the etrotiam in whieh tre hare thouirht cue. . i - L- rki , . . . . the increased energy and prosneritv of th I i. - ? . , ra 11 "'.r tnqmre.l, 1 I rVttinir V. Iin r,o am t .-4 . -t I . . r 7--- proper to lauaige. as we indulge in it but f :T """""" m make.- Mr. Bh.ir then pmpujed that Gen- .. j "C suc n exrent eral J-e's army be mMrchr ov me net i iii ,io eiiMDis aa lo lurniKlT prof, itable efnployinent fo them all. and redur- rohiuius re nave never pumisaeU in onr iy bf the many complimentary things which our conteinpoTaTrrahave said o( us, neither have we altered complaint when we saw some of our best editorial in the columns of our exchanges without credit being given us tor them. Into .Mexico gitnl tho French r that General Grant would follow and suppiiit the movement : tion of the present rates of travel and tians- that the nniicd armies wauld drive out portations will add still more to their profits. MaxlmSiaii ; and rbtn the Southern Stake Ofthe importance of this road to Salisbury "''imld name their own terms of recon- we need not speak it is apparent to all. """"''"W; everything short of indepen- Bv ita connection with th- W-.--. V c. ue,it(' '"B guaranteed. At Mr. Davis s Bro. Ilancs, of the Xorth St i'r. announces his tow opiuioii of Democrats in the follow ing word . "Jefferson wu a radical Demo crat, and Wa.-liington was a high-toned gen- rtsmnik '" !' :itiimnnium.iil n-ill n J . ...... . . . . ....... i i,, v u , ,,i ruiinu hi. ii to ilia Deuiocralie fjieuda of wnr Standard. We da not. idaaxgfihat it wa intentional, but th Standard has not June ns jtistie m road at this place it will bring most of the freights and travel of the West iivei the en tire length of that road to thia place, where but for thia road, or the one projected f mm this place to Cheraw, to connect with the W C. & R. Road at Wadebffro. much of the freighto rnutkLha been diverted by mads projected aud iu cour ol erection,, uniting the above quolation. We did not eontraat th- "eatern JI.C. road and the W. C. dc R Washington and Jefferson exactly in the at points west of this place. iiauner which the above quotation would I While we have always been eonvioced of aeem to indicate, nor ia there exactly such the importance of tflia road to onr town, and a eatence to be found in our article oar Prt th" State, it is kcown to our Neither are the words" euiphasiaed by the '" we attached still greater impor Standard, the wwds which were empba- tanee 10 th s"sbry and CI.er.iw road, and Uedjn our article, a will be seen from itbat if wff crtn'" gpt but one weferred the ttte following extract frym it. which contains JUer- Tn advantages of this latter route tbe entire sentence from which tbe Stand- re very great independent of the cheapness arttt quotation purports to be taken : wb which it may be constructed. By nui- ' Washington was a sincere Christian, whb tb W. C it R. road at VVTadea. Jefferson was an open scoffer; Washing- boxo, it places us in connection rith the port ton, say Chjef Jaetiee Mar.h.11. wa. a re- of Wilmington by a mute as short as that of nnh!itan: - tint ha war a j d r..,.ki;..-. ..f it. . old Euglirh type; his thwwaTThW of a - " ,UUo' h ballanced republic, Jefferson wa a radical ll,e North Eastern road, places ns in dmtrai ; Wahmgwm was a high-oald. eoaneetbjn with Charleston, and brings us high-toned and dignified gentleman. Jefcr- sere hour. B.rr to that great commercial rcquestthia propositiotj was made in wri ling, and, after some consultation and re ftrvuon, was signed and accepted by him. .Mr. Blair returned to Washington, and Mr. Lincoln waa highly delighted with the success of tbe negotiation. It wa." in the hopoNof cOtiBuiuma'ing this urrwnge ntent that Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Seward met the "peace commissioners," Hon, flterifiens, Hunter and Campbell, at For tress Monroe ; but there, to Mr. Lincoln's chagrin, the committee declared that they bad been instructed by Mr. I .i vis to insist upon the independence of the South, and would liaten to no other proposal. And tkus the whole affair came loa "moat lame and impotent conclusion." Such is the substance of the .icenuM re latcd to Governor McMullen by Mr. Blair. Mr. McMullen say that he asked and ob tained Mr. Blair 'a permission to make the s-aU ment public, but he bad refrained from giving it publicity pending Mr. Da vis trial, tearing lest it might in some wav nreiudice his case. Tetter i' I !'.,, -f r J - ' ing Register from Brnnoke county, Fa. Uj on the JXib met., to tfnisult aa to the moat practicable unite of proposed road Irom-Cheraw, S. C, to Salisbury, N. C. Besotted, That we, estifens of Stanly, symiathize with both projxtedioadsaud pledge our hearty supportof the. same. Jiesuiwd, l tiat we are fully convinced tliat through Stanly Cosiuy mill be the most advantageous route torn tkher ter minus, if the iutei seciioj shall be at Salisbury. Sesolied, Thjt if eltr or -r I ol oaid mads should pass iroupi Stanly eounty o pledge the right oi way. Col. Palmer and F. t&xrley then ad dressed the meeting in a'w sensible and appropriate remarks iu support of tin ii. solution, atid they wre then utiai.i j monsly udnnitedf The r Chairman then appointed the following delegations, viz : Dr. W. 11. Lilly, Coi. A Q Palir.' r, ('apt J D Hearne, Dauii Freeman, Dr. R Anderson, Klu.-s ilurkw, Lbon 11 , n. , and J Marshall. W T6 Cheraw, Cot D AvQ Pafmei; Valpn tine Mauney, Col E W Davin, John A 1 routman, W II Waikine, Dr M T Wad dill W II Handle, C C Freeman. J D Hearne, J T Ramsey, and A C Free man. - On motion the Chairman and Secrctarv of the meeting were added to the list of delegate to both meetings. It was then moved and, carried that these proceeding be published iu the Fayetteville Eagle, via XNortb Mate and Wadesboro Argus. The meeting then adjojfriied tine die. L. GREEN, Cbmn. W. U. LiLLr, Sec'y. . General Grant Virginia The Amer d ment. Fayette McMuliiu it iu Washing ton. Senator Morton, of Indiana,, said to him that he mtghf, rely on it that General Grant feels disposed to deal most liberally towards the people of the South, and to wards Virginia especially. The Senato, was desirous, however, VorGovernor Mc MulHn to understand that he thought Cor gress would immovably insist upon the adoption, first, of universal suffrage in Virginia, and second, upon the ratification of the fitieenth nfiie.nuwi aa a conduiun precedent to Virginia'a adeninsion ; and that, these done, thera would be little trouble in removing all the disabilities imposed by the fourteenth amendment so soon as i vie general pacsScation sets in. Lfnchburgliews. since the war, is uow paying a net profit of twenty-four per cent, per annum. Episcopal Council The seventy-fourth I annual Council of the Protestant Episco pal Church in tbe Diocese, of Virginia will be held in St. George 'a Church Fred ericksburg, on Wednesday, May 26. Gov. Holden baa appointed W. R. Rtchardaon, Esq., of Raleigh, Private Secretary, vice Col. Robert N. Douglas, resigned. - Mr. C. W. Horner, book-keeper In the Treasury, In? l uen appoint! d C bieTCIerk in the Executive Depart m. i t. vice W. R. Bicbardson. Florida Sporls All jtnr racing. No alligator oytu tout f 't-tong ia admited on Uio track. Th'? Jacksonville Union thinks tl will become popular, provided the alligator tamers are not eat en up by their crusty pets. An Irishman being in one of our city !; inches, where the collecting apparatus ii in hies an election box. ou its beiner . passed to him, w hi.-p - . in the carrier's ear that he waa not naturalized, and could not rote, bnt he waa read v to make a speech. At her residence in Slrth ntttnTo; Mrr. Rt4wew lrkr, vHdrrw of tho lata Major E D Drake, ngd 7N years. ' . At his residence in Davie county, at 10 o'clock, P. M., May 10th. it:i-t.Mi. Wil- Uamsli.v Ha hi. i p, aacd 80 j-eai, V months and 9 d ive. Tho di-ceaseii spent the strength of his manhood in ibis. cuauly. Row an, ot which he sj for ni,;tir rears nn active and ef- i inspi'M'ri'ii ar.d citiaeL. Blessed with n good eonsr.tnt'on and hralfh, thty were xt 'end t in the us fu! pursuits of life 1'ieti d native relet-ed the spir 'i - U;n who gave it. He died in the toj aa-mance of acceptance with God through faith in 1 hrist Jesus, leaving to hi family and fiiciids, kindly messagtsof loTe, and adioouitiou to be found watch ing when the cryahall le made, "Behold the bridegroom comeih, go ye out to meet him'.'! Tbe deceased waa the last remaining sen out or eight, or Col Wst Harris, of Moiiiromery county, one of the her roes of the revolution, who died in July, 186, of w hom honorable notice waa ta ken at the time. He has left an aged consort and a uiimbur of children to cherish the tni-ranry of one who baa, at least, left them the heritage of a good name. SWEET QUININE I J AKKS the place of common hitUr Quinine ; ii s asset, and i palatable to Infanta, and per sona of delicate tomach JNO. H 19 3t KKNIS8, SVAPNIA ! . HI new preparation of Opium, containing all ita deairable properties. Acta like a charm without leaving any unpleasant cuVtls. Only at 10 3t ENNISS' Irng Store. Worm CONFECTIONS .PlRASA NT aa Candy, safe, and a sure euro for Worm. On.j 15 Gl a Bom. Only at JNO. H. ENNISS' 10 St Drag Btore. Celebrate d Vermont Water I ClJRES Oaoosr. Scroua, Rheumatism and mil blood and Mn dutatm. A God mad to suf fering humanity. Sold only t JNU. M.JfiWKlSlS' 19-3t DruirBtorwr NO CURE ! NO PAY!! Enniab' Diarrboee Cordial, W VV ATXAnrn toCure,T)imiThe, Sunfmer Flux, S: Sic. Prepared aod sold JNo. H. KNNISS' Dinggiit ooly by j D-8t SALISBURY MARKETS MAY 14, 1669. aaroBTBD sr i. a. MccoitiueaaaT, aaocaa. Otcoa, per pound, I'oitee, per pound. I'orn, per busli, of 66 lbs., Meal, bu.ii. 46 Coptieraii. per HXind, Caudle. Tallow, " Adamantine, l.'otton. per bound, Vara, per bunch. r.jfg. per duatn. ) t Kiour, per sack. . . .... 17 to 33 to HO to 86 to 10 to 90 to 36 to 25 ta State lof North Carolina, COUNTY OF ROWAN -Supm Court. Jacob Riegel, Josiab 1; HyeVlj, Win. E. Albright, Salol. 0. Scott and 8tqiheii Reisfel, Plaintiff Jartners under the Qrm name uf acob Kiegel A Co J AOAINTCr James R Moorbead, tradins; nmler I n , ,,, the Arm name of Moot head A Co. f W,eM To James R. Moorhead, itading under thaf firm name f Moorhead A Co., the above nam ed defe ndant a non resident : Yon are here hy not.Ged, that a summon in the above enti ( ed case ha been issued egainet you, wherein yon ar. sniumoued to apja-ar befure the Judge of our Superior Couit, lo be held for the coun ty of ii .v. . n at the Court House in Salisbury, on the third Monday iu 3epv nber nextj and answer ihecomplainl of thtOtiaiutilfs. ihich t filed wiKh tiieC.erk of said Court on this Fifth, Uarkeral, . 1. 1. 3. 3. Fruit, dried, apples pealed, . " " unp'ld, . " " Pearhea. peaied, .. " " " uu-jaleil, .. Leather, upper, per pound, . HVit, " .. Iron, har, " " caatlag, " Sail, cut, Molasses, sorphum, per tra .. " West India, - ., " Syrup, Oniona, per basbal, Pork, per pound, ?oUtoes, Irish, per bushel, .. " Sweet. Surar, Brown, per pound, .. t-iarraeii, " rntebed Pulverized .. 8a!t. coast. per sack Liverpool, " lab e. Tobacco, Leaf, per pound,' , siaaaractnred, Smokina. 8 0U to 9,3ft . IV Ml O.-JO 31.00 30 to S3 to 7 to 00 to 16 to to 63 to S3 to 6,to 8 to 6 to 8 00 16 10 Vu 3'. 8 10 7 60 80 to TO 1 .00 to 1.90 B0 to 00 1 0 to 13 60 to 76 1.00 to 00 14 to 16 Ifito 90 30 to W 9.78 to 9.75 0.C0 to 9.90 6.50 to 6.00 8 to 16 80 to 1.60 40 to 1 .00 the llth daj- .ol May, 18( 0. wherein it is al ihatflbiare indebted to the plaintiff, in t,he sum dHpthoutand dollars, with interest from tbe nmdav of February, 1809, duo to said plairrtrtfs as fedoi set s of a bill ot exchange, BatJiiOl ve.becn dtawn by James R. looil". I & On., npori afid accepted by the defenoatit, for the paj'n.i nt of one thousand dollare, to the order o J. AUen Brown and P. M. Bernhardt, partners undei the fim imne of Brown k Uerahardt, and by them maVsed to Jno. M. Knoi, Tho E Biowneud A. J. Mock partners under the firm name of J. M. Knox A Co., and by them endorsed to the nUiniib'-: and that no part it reel ha beeu paid : a eooy of which said complaint, and of the summon were deposited in the post office on the said llth day of May 1869, directed to yea at Phil- Yuu are ,. wotiSed, that upoarpreper pro ceedings bad hi i tbeuseaXsat of At- t H rla.ty-"T'-f awlaal 3tUf9ftj9tBhWfffmtmmmmmm turnable to iheBafWior Court of Row. n a,an. ty, to be held at the Court House in Siiishary, on the third Monday in September! next when and where you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint, inld. fault whereof the plaintiffs will takejudgmentagainat yoa u therein demanded. itnesa, A. Judson Masop, Clerk of our couri, at otnee, this I lib da v ot My, 18 A. JUDSON MASON, da 1 Cw (prf. $1 , ,i. ji - It. 0. 3nt. Ren., NEW AD VE&TlSEMkNTS. Circassian Milk of Roses itf I1 OR remorine Freckle. Tan P!1,. any Actions of the face, neck and bands; and leaving them, aa every lady desires them to be, beautifully soft, clear and white. Old 25 cents for a large bottle. The eery thing for the approaching warm weather, ami fci su e at )u SILL'S I?rn Stor,. May 14 It . Salisbmv, N. M DANCING SCHOOL I Collector s Office. 6th Hist. N. C. Salisbury, May 1, 1869. THE ANNUAL LIST for I860 baa been placed in my hands for collect ion, and; the Taxes assessed thereon have become dne and payanie. All persons having Taxes asset, ed against them on that List, or due and r maining unpaid on any other Liat, are bere- ov uouueu lo meet I r in v UeDUties at timna 1 1 and places mentioned below and par the said IT..,.. 1 ..rc V1 yuan vi me jjcr ceui, ana in terest at the rate of one per eent ner month. will be exacted from those who may neglect to pay for ten days after the appointment for the eounty in which they reaide. Any person who shall exercise or carry on any business or profession, for the doing of w u seciai i ax is nnposeo oy law. with out payment thereof as required, is subject to a fine of not leas than ton nor more than five iinnir-.l dollars. v. Ilfit), May 13, 14 fc 15. laihinville. do 18. M'iffcf rifle", ifo . CoBeTTnT," ISS ROSA CARNOROfS has ;.,. , r Dancin School at the Boydee Hons Bj; the wise policy of Iowa a large part of that State which was covered with hazel shrubs and prairie graes fiftoo years ago ia now clothed with forest. PSnstlnp forest trees exempts a - cr'tattEaaionri. .t. valuation for ten yem's. The North baa 6441 cotton mills, and the South 5G. Cotton and Wheat We have beard a great deal of complaint recently about the blighting effect of the late Iroato on wheat and cotton cotton particularly has b -en seriously injured, and some fields of wheat which were far advanced ingrowth have been nearly rained. We learn that the farmers of Anson county are plowing up their wheat fields, the crop having been destroyed by hail on Wednesday nieht last Western Democrat. The "nursery busineu" is eaid ti b- the oldest in the rorId. An editor thus distinguishes between different sorls of pnfWwrtsm : "Some ce teem it sweet to die tor one country ; others regaid it sweeter to live for one 'a country ; but most o ou. patriota-hohj it sweeter to live upon one's country." i Walter Brown has inst built, iu Boston, the lightest wood wherry ever construct ed. It is 30 feet long, 10 inches wide, and it weighs only I'M pounds. A Georgia paper asaerts that a much greater quantity of tobacco can be grown per acre in northeastern Georgia than oa the best tobacco lands of Virginia. MARKETS. ed a where she eof.-.l . iMtronsn otnalisriurya.no Kovva G Tourtf Lftdiea, Mias and Ma-tors' clasase op Tuesdays, Thursday and Sardayo a 4h e l th'T. n " !'. II. '. i he eitiser s Wednesdays, m for ixtcn a. -, ,- every ' ue ';. Tts SH" Cents" -yoi.. in rfraDC -;k:- sstyii tick-19-3t New York, May 12, M. Stock weak, unsettled. Mouey easy at 7. Sterling 9- Gold 384. N. C's 60L New A5i. Flour leas active. Wheat dull, two to three cento lower- Corn dull, drooping. Pork steady 31,18$. Lard steady, ateam 18L Cotton ouiet 28. Rosin 9,65. Liverpool, May 12 ,M. Cotton irreeu- hu flnWda 111 Orieanalti K.U. 1,o iu.tiu o. d C'onlraviari. i Mt.ir.n.i.M.ir.,ii,.i;.ijLIM R. It, 1- " DROPOSALS W! L this ": I5ee ui.'illhe fliatol June i.ext MnurSe. Wilkes boto'. Tayloreville, h'.ateviile, Newton. i Lincoluton, Dalht, Charlotte "Tftt i do do V W do do 20. 2-r&23. SO 14. 15. 17 St IS. tfl 6c 2f). i 4ir 2. '-'i 24, 2T, tc 26. 18-2t SAMUEL U. VVlLKr. mm DIARRHEA CORDIAL. AsdivvVto .Ma 6h. l.. WILL BK RkCEIVEL ki 'I Wie. fist ot June i.et. n tue QjruHivn. Masom-y, Briupe , , ra tore and BaBaMmg ot one Bototred mi as ot this Hoad, includiaj (45; miiei ol the Lrauch BjOad down the Fieneh Rtoad river. Tins the Western Division of tbe Road, extends from Asherllle westward toward Cnattaooo A PROM PTAND INFALLIBLE Remedy for ZKarrhea. Ihtsenterv. and .11 . ' fl IS UIIll TlA,MAlaaa . al.w.H- .f j " n.i, v .1,'Utl VI f i tlie Howel. of which Liver derangement, so . iu uiw ciimate, especially at thia seas, m, is the fruitful source. ' It is a faet very well known to the older ii.iml itot.t here, and perhap U some of the P i.si iaii. an wel ; that t.n.erous enees of the most mveteinfe and violent Bowel Affec tions, have been promptly reli- 't tiia tuedieiur. after the best ordiua -at ment u.i . signany ra:iea. ture, ,!l-;-i.is ot t.ii.i ilhng and other rock extavaiionsi. croaping seveaal monntain ianges. 6e. lea a large aniuunt ol biirfg maaonry. Adi of whii h is uccessibie lo the oenu actor, being or me hkwi pan near trie turnpike roads lead I. c irons Asbeville Maps, nlaiis. orofilen mmA ajiecifieations will be ready after the 20 of Mav tor iusiiection. All neoeasarv information in reward tn ik. wora may oe OOtaiceU at Ibis office nn.ii. plicatwa JAMES C. TURNER, Chief Eng., West Div W. N. C. R. R. May 14. 3;. ' ) 1 1 .... J and tbirtv-lye mile. Tc ' 11 R':Mfnly pronin-ly checks the disease. c i.:t ,- '. " w-k p-e-ents attractive Tea-'01 vetrnMNta-tneeaaee uf n jrzZp NOTICE. ASpaTi Six Tears old. a PBAETOX and Harness for Sale. Apply to R. H HELPER Salisbury , V. C . April 23, 1MD M-tf prepared mud s i nbnly at i.L S Drujj 8tore. Si ay i 2t Salwbury, N. C, Raleigh National Hank of JS. Carolina. THB DIRE5TOR3 save msofvaf t lnrr th 5XuiKkrxiLiU.SKpto HUKDhtl THOUSAND DOLL Rs. Pinons vr-ndiiac toaub acnb to th aaata willpleaa mm saiesu witk 1 nawsv .NOTICE. Chas. B tion with our House as Tnrveltmg Agent and" ,,, j w euuect money due us, ceases from this date DARBT ACO Wbc4aeale Frwtevwc and Coofrctoers. BaHiomre, April iU, 180ft " 17 2 4

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